Attached is a print screen. I'm struggling with using the min function in vba. I want it to find the minimum cumulative cost in week 0 out of the first three, and the copy the permutations of it (1,0 or 1, 1 , e.t.c.) to Week one column C & D of the model.
I have had a lot of luck finding what I need from the search areas, and I even found some information on the formula I am trying to build. The problem is I don't understand it and I need some help. First let me set it up for you. (I do not know the formula)
If cell L125 is has a value >0.00, I need to locate the smallest value the range of cells C125:F125, I then need to subtract L125 from that number, otherwise enter nothing.
This really has me baffled. I tried and I tried but it will not find the smallest value then subtract L125.
If Average GMV (Cell A1) is less than 75% of Average BP (Cell B1), use Average GMV, however the Average GMV or Average BP can't be less than $600 million. Multiply the result by .01*1/3. Below are two equations I've created, however each of them only solves one part of the problem.
Essentially Average BP would be used, unless Average BP was something like $900,000,000 and Average GMV was around $650,000,000. At this point Average GMV is 72% of Average BP and above the $600,000,000 minimum.
I have a table populated with equations. I need to write a function to find the smallest value in that table. However, I want to ignore the zero values.
From a dataset containing 8, 5, 0, 7 I want to find 5, not zero.
I am looking to create a formula to determine the minimum value within the top 80% of a range, but relative to certain values in other columns. e.g. Column A Country Column B New Customer Column C Revenue
I need to determine what the minimum value is for the top 80% of revenue in column C, but only including Country=UK in column A and New Customer=Yes in column B. This will tell me that the top 80% generate at least £x in revenue
I am calculating several cells which in certian circumstances I want the amount to be limited to a max amount. I have a cell that will be used to indicate whether or not to limited the amount, but I am not able to come up with a viable formula. Here is my SUM Formula info:
My current calculation =SUM(S16:S18,S21,E22:R22) The cell that will drive the restricted amount I7(H or S). If S is used in this cell the amount should be limited to 80. If H is used then the calculation should be exact.
I searched and found a couple things dealing with zeroes or other errors, but not the #N/A errors.
I have a range of numbers in A1:a100. To make this range linegraph-friendly, I have all blank or zero entries defaulted to appear as #N/A. Now the problem is that I would like to find the minimum number in the range, but the #N/A entries are messing things up.
has any of you happened to make a function that finds the minimum NONZERO value in a data range? (i.e. all data are numbers, all of them are positive, but some of them are zero. The function should take the excel range as input, and return the minimum value above zero).
I have created a worksheet with headers on each column each has different and used the =MIN function to find the lowest value. All good so far.... Now instead of returning the value I would like it to return the header text.
For Example.
Four columns Tom Paul Harry Bob
Tom has a value of 10 in the cell below.
Paul has a value of 5 in the cell below. and so on with Harry and Bob
Using the =MIN(A3:D3) I get the lowest value (in this case)5. I want to the returned value as Paul instead of 5.
I have 3 columns 1st one has numbers that reference a wellbore.
2nd have a depth
3rd has a number value (a mud weight) volume
Well API example Depth Weight 42050102600000 10000 10.2 42050102600000 9500 9.2 42050102600000 6500 8.5 42050105000000 12000 11.0 42050105000000 7500 6.0 42050105000000 10200 9.5 42050110100000 8000 8.0 42050110100000 9500 9.2
I want the formula to give me based on the well API number the max depth and the weight associated to that max depth. And the minimum depth and the weight associated to that minimum depth. I'm not sure how to say it in a formula. I don't want to use VBA.
I am trying choose the nearest date, from todays date out of a small array of numbers, and then also find the number of days between them. Additional to that, i would like it to ignore a date if that is in the past i.e. <now(). So I have a list of dates in column a, and i would like it to show me the number of days till the next closest 1, considering it hasnt passed already. I have tried many different ways and itteration of IF statement to solve this 1 but just cannot do it.
I want to know the minimum distance between customers that I visited in each day.
If i visit customer 1, 2 and 5 in one day, which distance is smaller? 1-2, 2-5 ou 1-5 and what is the corresponding value?
I have in columns DATE, CUSTOMER 1, CUSTOMER 2, ..., CUSTOMER 5 and in each row I put the Day and 1 or blank for each customer (visited / not visited). I also have a mileage chart for each customer in another sheet which is the source for my distance data.
I tried INDEX and MATCH but all I get is ZERO... I think it is comparing the same CUSTOMER.
To highlight largest and smallest values in a worksheet I have used large and small function to calculate and then and index to highlight name attached
I am trying to find the minimum date in column B based on the value in column A and the Maximum date in Column C. I already have a calculation for column C that ignores certain values, i am fine using that date....
On the first sheet, I have....
the "summary of data"
The date in column C is the Maximum value ignoring 3 certain dates (10/10/2030, 11/11/2011, 12/12/2012) I used this formula to find that value.
Now, based on that I need to find in column B the Minimum value based on both the value in Column A (item) and the maximum date already found in colum C (Max)
I have a range named "rngOrders" on an Excel 2003 worksheet. I'm looking for a VBA macro that will set the row heights of the range to autofit (for rows/cells with wrapped text) and also set a minimum row height of 19.5 points for all rows.
I have two columns: column C has job functions, say engineer, cook, driver, etc; column D has salaries.
I want to analyse the salaries: what's the min/max,median, mode, average values for each of the job functions. (e.g., if data in column C = "driver", then corresponding salary to be included in the data to be analysed.)
I need a function like a sumif, but rather than adding together numbers, I want it to pick the minimum. For example, if I had a list of prices for various products, I want the formula to go and find the lowest price for a particular product.