I have been presented with a rather odd thing with Excel. We have a wookbook with six worksheets in it. When the first of worksheets is displayed, all the other tabs "disappear". The whole bottom tool/navigation bar is no longer displayed. How can I get it back?
I am unable to view my tabs in excel - the tabs are there, they just can't be clicked on per say. I have double-check the tools option and verified the correct box is check to view tabs, however, I can't view the tabs. I tried to color a tab and it colored it red, but I can't really view the tab. I can see a red line underneath the directional arrows when I am working on that particular worksheet, but again, I can't view/click on the tab.
I have a simple macro that cycles through the sheets in a workbook, and if the sheet's codename matches one of a defined list, some of its data is added to a summary sheet.
The macro works exactly as intended, but a strange thing happened yesterday: some data was missing from the summary sheet because one of the sheets was being ignored. This sheet is named 'MCP' on its tab, and has codename Sheet8.
Here's the strange part: on stepping through the code, cycling the sheets, I noticed that the sheet icon, name and codename had disappeared from the Microsoft Excel Objects folder in the Project Explorer. When the loop got to the sheet in question
Code: For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets Debug.Print ws.Name Debug.Print ws.Codename
The above code displayed its name (correctly) as 'MCP', but its codename was blank; the sheet was therefore skipped by the code because the codename had to match against a defined list.
While I was pondering this, and doing some web searches, the sheet then re-appeared in the Project Explorer and everything worked again.
My question is this: is it likely to be due to the workbook being shared? I know that workbook sharing in Excel is often discouraged, but this is a simple workbook only used by a maximum of three users (two of these had the workbook open at the time the issue was reported)
I've changed the code so that the sheet name is inspected in the event that the codename is blank, which should guard against the issue provided sheets are not deleted/renamed.
I can only view one worksheet at a time with a particular spreadsheet. There are no tabs to click at the bottom of the screen to view the other worksheets. In excel 2007, if I click on View, then Full Screen, I get the tabs (so I can view the different worksheets) but then I lose the menu and formula bar (so when I click on a cell I can only see its contents and not the formula). I need to see the formula that is applied. This has not happened with other S/Sheets, just this particular one. what else I can do to view the worksheet tabs without full screen view?
i got a question for anyone to help me with. i need help in figuring out how to type in a cell (A1) making it changing the worksheet tab as well. I watched Episode 452 of mrexcel's podcasts, but i cant see the text that he typed in. Can anyone help me with this problem or link me to another post where this same problem has already been answered.
I have a vb code that merges all the tabs(sheets) in my work book. however i need to know how i can change my code so it only mergers certain tabs.
here is the code i have: Sub Merge() Dim ws As Worksheet ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Offset(0).Clear For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets If ws.Name ActiveSheet.Name Then ws.UsedRange.Copy Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Offset(1, 0).Select Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _ False, Transpose:=False Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlFormats, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks:= _ False, Transpose:=False End If Next End Sub
I've received a workbook that contains maybe 60+ worksheets. To navigate the workbook, a person must use the hyperlinks on each sheet. However the worksheet tabs do not appear at the bottom of the sheet. I've checked Tools / Options / View / Sheet Tabs and the checkbox is checked. II've also tried unchecking and rechecking the box.) There are no custom views created.
I found the following "sort worksheet tabs" code by searching through the threads.
Sub SortSheets() Dim lCount As Long, lCounted As Long Dim lShtLast As Long Dim lReply As Long
lReply = MsgBox("To sort Worksheets ascending, select 'Yes'. " _ & "To sort Worksheets descending select 'No'", vbYesNoCancel, "Ozgrid Sheet Sort") If lReply = vbCancel Then Exit Sub
lShtLast = Sheets.Count
This code works fine but I need to adjust it a little. I have over 70 worksheets that will need to be sorted. At the same time, there are about 6 worksheets that I dont want to sort and want to keep right infront all the time.
I've done a search for this but cant find the complete answer for what I'm looking for. Basically I've got a "Home Sheet" set-up where the user can only navigate to worksheets via the buttons on the home page (with a short- cut to go back to the home page). It works ok (very basic though) but the user can still use the worksheet tabs at the bottom of the screen to navigate (making this system void). how I can, either, hide the worksheet tabs at the bottom of excel, or, a better way of navigating these worksheets (there is only about 6 of them).
knew if there was a way to hide the available tabs in an excel worksheet.
I know you may be thinking just right click and hide, however what I am looking for is a little different.
Basically I have a Macro Enabled work sheet which works on a "one click" system. The work sheet is full of buttons with assigned macros and data validation drop down boxes which link to many different tabs. The entire sheet is for information only so I will be locking the sheets to avoid data manipulation. The problem with right clicking and hiding the tabs is that it interfears with the macros.
All I really want to do is make these tabs not visible. I have set the sheet to open in full screen mode and they obviously are still there, but this is basically what I am looking to do. Not so much hide them in terms of sending them into the background, more so make them "drop off" the bottom of the screen to they are still active but not visible.
I don't know VBA code but i am familiar enough to know that a code can be written to separate out information into different tabs on a worksheet.
For example, I have a standard worksheet with say 20 columns going across and 20,000 rows going down. At each "name" change in row 1, I would like a macro to copy into a new tab. Basically the end result will have a tab for each name and the corresponding columns that go with the name.
I need to create a Worksheet within a macro that has 10 tabs. I had something running, then I made some changes and I got Application-defined or object defined error.
Sheets.Add after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
I was looping thru this up to 10 now its not working. This isn't too complicated,
I am trying to do is populate one worksheet (in the same workbook) with data from many (ie 500) separate tabs. An example is as follows:
On the summary data worksheet, we will call Price Highs, I am trying to return one column of data from each of the 500 worksheets (aka their Price Highs). This is so that I can have each tabs (symbols) data next to one another for easy formula dragging and analyzing. Up to this point I have been using the Find/Replace function, but with this many worksheets I would obviously have to do it 500 times!
I would like to create a macro that would bring up an input box or preferably a list box that will allow me to input information for a sheet/tab name where where "TBL NPL NGRPL" appears in the code at the end of this message. The macro needs to be available to any new file created
This macro helps me create a blank worksheet and automatically names it from the list in column A. Unfortunately, it adds the worksheets to the left of my 'master' sheet called "Tab Names". When I try adding "after" when it adds a new sheet, I keep getting a "compile error: Expected: end of statement". I am positive you will know what steps I'm missing.
' Vendor List Subroutine to ' Open New Worksheet called Tab Names worksheet ' With data from Tab Names ' Rename sheet to name from list and start again ' For all names in list Sub NewTabsFromList() Dim cCell As Object, i As Integer 'Two variables cCell (current Cell) object and i (standard counting integer) Cells(1, "A").Select 'Ensure that we start each time at the top of the worksheet Application. ScreenUpdating = False 'Turn of screen updates whilst macro is running For Each cCell In Range(Cells(1, "A"), Cells(1, "A").End(xlDown)) 'Will run our code through each cell with text Set NewSheet = Sheets.Add(Type:=xlWorksheet) 'Add new worksheet NewSheet.Name = "Tab Names Worksheet" 'rename worksheet Sheets("Tab Names worksheet").Name = cCell.Value Next cCell End Sub
I have an excel spreadsheet with various worksheets, each worksheet is named different according to tests that must be performed. Each test is different and inputed by rows, there is one column from each test in which we populate "passed", "failed", "pending", "N/A", or "user issue".
The problem is searching for all the "failed", and "user issue's" throughout all the tabs. I want to create a tab which will identify and display all the "failed", and "user issues" on one tab, and sort it according to its tabbed test name. Now, not to be picky, I would like to copy only a few cells along with the failed message, if not, the entire row would be fine. Could anyone assist? to sum it up, I want to create a sheet that'll identify all the issues existing throughout tabs.
I have a workbook with 37 sheets in it. 36 of them are three per month (e.g JanCash, JanWeekly, JanMCR, etc) Since we make updates/ changes to the file throughout the year I cannot reuse the files. Also since we have accounts on different fiscal years, I need a way to rename the sheet tabs from a list. Does anyone know how I can do this with VBA code?
I have an Excel 2007 workbook that's been used for 5 months or so now. Recently, people I email it to say they can only see one worksheet in the workbook when they open it, and are unable to switch to any other worksheets in the workbook (they can't even see the tabs). They are in the "normal" view, and I have no idea what else could be wrong. Did I mess something up with the protection? Any other ideas to check?
I use a workbook where new worksheet tabs are added and removed daily. Every day I use the second-to-last tab (2nd from the right) and the last tab (far right). What code would enable me to activate and reference both of these tabs individually? I believe it would be something like the code below but I can't figure it out...
is it possible to Copy Rows to a multiple tabs on a New Worksheet using a start date and end date as reference?
I have a button (named Draw Report) on the Raw Data xls. should copy tickets uniquely on a new workbook, by uniquely - no duplicates on the new workbook on a given date range.
Will it be possible to separate them into tabs according to values under Assigned to (Transaction 1, 2, 3)?
Could we also copy the exact 2nd worksheet (Report) on the Raw Data xls on the Output.xls?
The Output would contain 4 tabs: Report, Transaction 1, Transaction 2, Transaction 3)
I was wondering if there was a way to arrange the sheet tabs in a workbook to appear in multiple rows, thus negating the need to scroll. I have a workbook with a large amount of sheets and wanted all the sheets to be easily accessible.
If that is not possible is there a way to truncate the visible sheet names so that only the first four or five characters are shown, without actually changing the sheet names themselves?