How To Copy Rows To Multiple Tabs On New Worksheet

Jul 21, 2013

is it possible to Copy Rows to a multiple tabs on a New Worksheet using a start date and end date as reference?

I have a button (named Draw Report) on the Raw Data xls. should copy tickets uniquely on a new workbook, by uniquely - no duplicates on the new workbook on a given date range.

Will it be possible to separate them into tabs according to values under Assigned to (Transaction 1, 2, 3)?

Could we also copy the exact 2nd worksheet (Report) on the Raw Data xls on the Output.xls?

The Output would contain 4 tabs: Report, Transaction 1, Transaction 2, Transaction 3)

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Arrange Worksheet Tabs In Multiple Rows

Mar 29, 2004

I was wondering if there was a way to arrange the sheet tabs in a workbook to appear in multiple rows, thus negating the need to scroll. I have a workbook with a large amount of sheets and wanted all the sheets to be easily accessible.

If that is not possible is there a way to truncate the visible sheet names so that only the first four or five characters are shown, without actually changing the sheet names themselves?

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Copy Rows From Multiple Tabs Into One Sheet

Jun 11, 2008

I am looking to write a macro that will take 5 sheets and paste the rows into 1 summary tab. The names of the sheets are, CMH, ORD, JFK, LAX, and MIA. There are other sheets in the book but I don’t want any information from them. The five sheets have the same columns. I want to paste only the rows of the last entry for Origin and Forwarder. I have enclosed an example. So in rows 2 & 3 we have the same Origin-Forwarder combo but I only want the most current which would be row 3. Some Origin-Forwarder just has one entry so of course I would want that one.

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Copy Rows To Another Worksheet Based Upon Multiple Criteria

Apr 8, 2009

I have seen all kinds of copying routines, but haven't been able to get what I want.

1. Copy Row contents from activeworksheet

2. The activeworksheet will have various row counts

3. The activeworksheet has row 1 as header.

4. The criteria to use is in the current worksheet columns P through Z

5. The criteria to look for is the word inspect. only the word inspect, not words that contain inspect (i.e. "inspection") should not be found.

6. The word could be in column P and in S, but needs to be only copied once, becuase it has meet the criteria, but it also could only be in c

7. Copying the row into a Sheet named "Inspection"

As a bonus would be cool to be able to copy certain cells or the entire row.

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Macro To Copy Rows From Multiple Worksheets Into One Worksheet With Only One Headings

Jul 3, 2013

I worked on a workbook which has multiple worksheets( mine has 6). The data doesn't start from A1. I want to copy the data from each worksheet into a sheet called summary. I want to create the macro that would only copy the heading row once.

WB test.xlsxWB test.xlsx

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Copy Worksheet To End Or Far Right Of Sheet Tabs

Feb 27, 2009

This macro helps me create a blank worksheet and automatically names it from the list in column A. Unfortunately, it adds the worksheets to the left of my 'master' sheet called "Tab Names". When I try adding "after" when it adds a new sheet, I keep getting a "compile error: Expected: end of statement". I am positive you will know what steps I'm missing.

' Vendor List Subroutine to
' Open New Worksheet called Tab Names worksheet
' With data from Tab Names
' Rename sheet to name from list and start again
' For all names in list
Sub NewTabsFromList()
Dim cCell As Object, i As Integer 'Two variables cCell (current Cell) object and i (standard counting integer)
Cells(1, "A").Select 'Ensure that we start each time at the top of the worksheet
Application. ScreenUpdating = False 'Turn of screen updates whilst macro is running
For Each cCell In Range(Cells(1, "A"), Cells(1, "A").End(xlDown)) 'Will run our code through each cell with text
Set NewSheet = Sheets.Add(Type:=xlWorksheet) 'Add new worksheet
NewSheet.Name = "Tab Names Worksheet" 'rename worksheet
Sheets("Tab Names worksheet").Name = cCell.Value
Next cCell
End Sub

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Function/formula To Copy/past Multiple Data Rows In Excel Worksheet

May 19, 2009

I am trying to find a way to copy and paste multiple non concurrent rows of data from one spreadsheet to another.

Ex: I have a large worksheet with approx 20,000 rows of data. I need to copy
and paste every 100th row to a new worksheet.

I think this might be possible by setting up a formula and linking worksheets,
but I'm not exactly sure how to do it.

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Summarize From Multiple Worksheet Tabs

Jan 24, 2007

I have an excel spreadsheet with various worksheets, each worksheet is named different according to tests that must be performed. Each test is different and inputed by rows, there is one column from each test in which we populate "passed", "failed", "pending", "N/A", or "user issue".

The problem is searching for all the "failed", and "user issue's" throughout all the tabs. I want to create a tab which will identify and display all the "failed", and "user issues" on one tab, and sort it according to its tabbed test name. Now, not to be picky, I would like to copy only a few cells along with the failed message, if not, the entire row would be fine. Could anyone assist? to sum it up, I want to create a sheet that'll identify all the issues existing throughout tabs.

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Macro To Copy Rows From Many Tabs To Summary Tab?

Jun 11, 2014

I have a macro that takes data in rows 1 through 500 from many tabs and collects them in the summary tab.

I would like to write a macro that only selects rows that have data in Column A. Therefore, reducing the number of rows copied from all tabs from 500 to only a few that contain data that I really need.

This is what i currently have:

[Code] .........

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Multiple Rows Of Sheet Tabs?

Aug 15, 2013

I have a lot of sheets, in my workbook. It keeps expanding, as I add them. How do I make multiple rows of sheet tabs, to keep from having to scroll across all the time?

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Sorting Multiple Worksheet Tabs In Alphabetical Order

Nov 24, 2008

I have a spreadsheet saved with one worksheet with all the results on it and 130 worksheets with calculations on them, each with its' own named tab along the bar at the bottom of the page. What I'd like to know is if it is possible to sort the tabs into alphabetical order so I don't have to roam through up to 130 to find the tab (and it's corresponding worksheet) I'm looking for.

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Any Way To Stack Sheet Tabs In Multiple Rows?

Apr 30, 2013

I have a spreadhseet with lots of sheets. Instead of scrolling across to see ones out of view, it would be really neat if the view of the sheets could be stacked to show them on multiple rows.

Can this be done?

VBA is an option if I need to go down that route.

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Macro To Insert Rows In Multiple Tabs

Feb 19, 2010

I'm trying to figure out how to create a macro for a project at work. Basically, think of a spreadsheet with 5 tabs, but the information in Tab 1-Column D is the same in Tab-4 Column D and Tab-5 Column D. When I insert a row, though, I have to go to each tab, insert the row, and copy down the formulas from the row above to ensure the flow-through stays true. This can get very tedious.

Does anyone have a template or tips on a macro that would, in essence, work like this:

a) Highlight the row above which a row should be inserted
b) Trigger the macro
c) A row is inserted above the highlighted row in Tabs #1, #4 and #5
d) The information from the row above the inserted row is copied down to the new row in each of the three tabs.

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Copy Cells From Multiple Tabs To One Sheet?

Feb 20, 2012

I need to have cells from sheets to automatically transfer to a separate total sheet...

So in other words for every tab/sheet I have...I need cell B10, once populated, to automatically transfer to a designated cell on a separate Total tab/sheet...

I tried =Sheet2!B10...but when I copy it into the next cell it reads...=Sheet2!c10...what I need is for the sheet to change...but the cell to stay the same...

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Referencing Multiple Tabs To Rows Within One Master Sheet

Jan 15, 2014

I am creating a spreadsheet to track customer data and need to reference certain cells in individual customer tabs to a master sheet that contains every customer. Each customer will have his own tab, each tab having the same layout, and each client will also have their own row on one master sheet within the same workbook.

My question is, is it possible to reference the specific cells in the clients individual tab to the master list once, and then everytime I copy a new client tab, the referenced cells in that tab are immediately referenced to the corresponding client (new) row in my master sheet within the same workbook?

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Macro To Select 2 Rows From One Workbook To Another With Multiple Tabs On Each

Feb 21, 2014

I have 2 workbooks. The workbooks have 36 tabs for each department. Workbook 1 are current charges for the departments and workbook 2 is the revenue for each department. I would like to take the top 2 rows from workbook 2 and add them to workbook 1 at the bottom of each tab. I was able to get it to work to a specific row but the workbook 1 has variable rows for each tab.

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Copy Column Data From Multiple Tabs Onto Specified Tab / Transpose / Repeat

Mar 25, 2014

1. The idea is that the macro will start on sheet1, look at column "Jon", copy the values down to the last active cell as well as the dates and paste special values and transpose them onto the "Jon" tab starting in B8 and B9. Each day all of the dates and values on the "Jon" tab should be overwritten with the data on sheets1 and 2, instead of it being cumulative.

2. The macro will then go to sheet2, look at column "Jon", copy the values to the last active as well as the dates and paste special values and transpose them onto the "Jon" tab starting in B18 and B19. Each day all of the dates and values on the "Jon" tab should be overwritten with the data on sheets1 and 2, instead of it being cumulative.

3. The macro would then save the "Jon" tab as a separate pdf in a specified location.

4. The process would then repeat for "Mike" and "Paul". Each day the number of columns can fluctuate, so it may be 3 one day (Jon, Mike, Paul) and 8 the next. The number of rows also may vary from day to day, and column to column.

I have attached a workbook that contains the data for the scenario above as well as the output (Jon, Mike, Paul tabs). Ideally there will not be new tabs that remain for Jon, Mike, Paul, just a default tab (e.g. "output" tab) that would receive the transposed data from the columns for Jon, Mike, Paul. I put all 3 in the workbook so you could see how each of them would output.

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VBA To Copy Selected Rows In One Worksheet To The End Of A Table In Another Worksheet

Jun 22, 2006

I would like to be able to select several non-sequential rows in a worksheet called "Data" (using a check box or just entering a value in Column A) and then be able to press a Command button to copy the selected rows to another worksheet called "Estimate" at the bottom of a table, and delete the designators in Column A (i.e. deletes the value, or unchecks the boxes) so I can repeat the process again if needed.

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Combining/merging Multiple Rows From One Worksheet Into One Cell In Another Worksheet

Jan 28, 2010

I'm trying to create a macro to merge multiple rows into one cell and display in a new worksheet.

This seems really simple but I've tried to re-work some other examples I've found online but none seem to do exactly what I need. I'm also pretty new to VBA , so it's highly possible i've missed something.

I need to display each set of Notes for each DonorNo in one row - with each note separated by a space.

I've attached a sample of the data and what I need for the output. In the actually file I have around 70,000 records so the prospect manually merging the rows is horrifying.

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Copy Multiple Columns In Multiple Workbooks Into Separate Worksheet?

Feb 27, 2014

The following code won't let me copy from the first workbook. I get a run time 1004 error stating "That command cannot be used on multiple selections".

I would rather not have to copy this by column for each of the 4 workbooks


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VBA Code To Copy Selected Multiple Columns To Multiple Rows In Excel

Mar 13, 2014

I want to to copy selected columns of sales data into rows organized by salesperson. I have just started out with VBA and find that I cannot do it myself.

My original data are in the form of the following:


[Code] .....

I want to display the data in another sheet in the following format:


[Code] ...........

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Copy Rows Meeting Multiple Criteria On Multiple Columns

Dec 18, 2006

1. Copy data from original file (I do not want to do anything in the original file) into the spreadsheet (Target worksheet)where the code should run.
2. In sheet 1 of Target Worksheet, there are 2 columns which I need to set criterias on namely Column D and Column L
3. In Column D, I want to specify 3 criterias namely A, B and C
4. In Column L, I want to specify 5 criterias namely London, Frankfurt, New York, Sydney and Tokyo
5. If Criterias in 3 and 4 are met, copy all rows into Sheet 2 of Target Worksheet

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Copy The Rows From One Worksheet To Another

May 10, 2009

This is a simple macro that copies the rows from one worksheet to another, but how do I get it to copy the values only and not the formulas?

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Copy Rows To Another Worksheet

Apr 8, 2009


I need a macro that will search column R for a date, and search column E for a value (Signature, Revised Signature or Custom Finals). When those conditions are met, certain cells (C,D,E,F & M) need to copy over to another sheet. Also certain cells in that row have formulas (I,J,Q & U) that need to be copied over. Both sheets have the same column headings, A5-U. Everytime the macro is run I need it to look at column C to see if the project # (ex. 0901234) is the same, I don't want duplicate project numbers in sheet 2.

Post 2:

Sheet 1 is (Assignment List), Sheet 2 is (Cut Sheet). The dates are in this format m/d/yy. The column heading is in the same order. Column R is the completed date in the "Assignment List" sheet. In column E, if it reads Approval and column R has a completed date i don't want it to copy over, but if it reads Signature, Revised Signature or Custom Finals and it has a completed date i want it to copy into the (Cut Sheet) sheet starting at row A6.

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Copy 1st X Rows To Another Worksheet

Mar 17, 2008

There is a sales sheet which basically produces a sales receipt and a report sheet which should keep track of all the items sold. so i was wondering how a simple do loop or equivalent command could be used to copy about 15 rows (6 cells from each row) from the sales sheet to the report sheet (technically starting from the first available empty row in the report sheet) each time a sales receipt is produced.

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Find And Copy Rows To New Worksheet

Sep 2, 2008

1. Find a text "State" in column 5 of a active sheet and copy that particular row to a new worksheet "Summary" including the header row.

2. Loop through other worksheets and add results to "Summary worksheet" without the header row.

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Copy Rows To Worksheet IF Exists

Jun 17, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with columns set up like this: RowName, Date, Value1, Value2, Value3 etc. The date is in format YYYYMMDD. What I am trying to do follows, in some sort of pseduo fashion.

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Copy From One Worksheet Into Rows On Second Spreadsheet.

Oct 13, 2009

Worksheet (Daily Sales) - daily input, copy to the worksheet (Weekly Sales), Monday through Saturday. The ranges copied are not consecutive. I am using If...then...else.

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Copy Rows To New Worksheet On Condition

Mar 12, 2002

I haven't mucked about with Excel in quite a while now and have been asked to do a module in Excel 2000.

When given a workbook (tej-exit.xls) which has one worksheet of thousands of rows with columns from A to AS, i would like to copy all rows which have a zero in column N to a new worksheet.

Is this difficult?

Would i have to have one workbook with the code module in, load up the tej-exit.xls file ?

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Copy & Update Rows To Another Worksheet

Feb 2, 2007

I have 2 worksheets in a workbook: "Orders" and "History". Both sheets contain the exact same columns. The "Orders" page data gets wiped clean at the start of each month. What I'm looking for is a macro solution that will copy any new rows and update any old ones that have changed on the "Orders" page to the "History" page, so we can keep a running history of sales. Ideally, I'd like the macro to fire only when performing a Workbook Save or Workbook Save As.

"History" is in date order, so adding new entries from "Orders" should be easy, just by adding rows to the bottom. Updating existing rows will be harder, because I want it to update if the row has changed but not be deleted or changed when the "Orders" sheet is wiped clean the 1st of the month.


The columns in both sheets are:

Order Date
Ship Date
Order Number

Because each item gets a seperate line, there will be rows that have identical Order Date, Ship Date, Order Number, and Customer entries, so I suspect I will need to compare multiple columns when deciding if one has changed (the only column that *should* change after initial entry on the orders page is the Ship Date, which would initially be left blank when the order is first entered).

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