Advance Filter With Dynamic Criteria & Range

Dec 4, 2008

I bring in data with these same columns A thru J. I do not know how many rows will be comming in. I have create a macro that uses the advanced filter. I have a criteria range set up on sheet 2 with 6 variables, the main data is on sheet 1. This works fine if I use all 6 variables. I wish I could select from a list box which of the 6 or all variables I need(I might select 2,3 or more variables), & have that information populate the criteria range. I only filter in place(no copying), there is only filtering on column B, the label for the criteria range will always be "Name" it will be located on sheet 2 D:1. Is this possible or should I be trying some other function? Here is the macro that uses all 6 criteria. I have searched and could not find what I was looking for.

'add criteria range
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Name"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "e11*"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "e12*"

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Advance Filter For Multiple Criteria In One Column

Sep 25, 2008

I'm trying to use the advance filter for multiple criteria in one column. It works fine if the criteria is ="*10*" (ie where the cell in the range has 10 in the string) plus other = criteria. What I cannot get to work is where the range doesn't equal 10 in the string. I've tried ="<>*10*" and other variations to no joy.

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Advance Filter Criteria - Blank Cells

Dec 1, 2008

This is a sort-of bizarre query I have.

I have a large array of data which I'm filtering out and copying to a new spreadsheet using an advanced filter. I have 2 filter criteria, one works... the other doesn't.

The second criteria is supposed to filter out rows that have blank cells in column C or D. I tried various things:

a. at first I tried following:
Column header: Name |Surname
Criteria: <>"" |<>""

b. since it didn't work I tried that
Column header: Name |Surname
Criteria: =<>""""" |=<>"""""

I also tried <>0 and <>null with absolutely no joy.

c. once I figured out that doesn't work either, I tried:
Column header: (empty)

now, the last one did have some effect, most of the empty-celled rows have been filtered out. However the filter persistently picks up ONE row that has blanks in column C2 and D2. I checked the data to check if the cell is really blank and it's as blank as it gets.

Obviously, I need help. It's been 3 days and I still can't figure out what's wrong with my filter. Is there a way of fool proofing the criteria, so that it will filter out all cells that are or appear to blank?

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Ques: Advance Filter, Multiple Criteria

Sep 15, 2008

I need to filter out data which displays only a few categories of information at the same time in the same column. For example, column A: David, Susan and William. After filtering the data, it will show David, Susan and william information. I have tried custom filter, but it only allows 2 conditions. I need to show more than 2 conditions of data. I have tried working out using office assistant guide on Multiple Criteria in one column to no avail. Only shows a single cell.

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Add Advance Filter Criteria For Unique Records

Aug 22, 2006

I have a folder which has 200 files. I have extracted data from these files based on autofilter criteria. But there are many duplicate records extracted for the criteria. I need only unique records . Below are the codes. Where to I add the criteria for search records:

Sub ExampleSearch()
'Note: This example use the function LastRow
Dim basebook As Workbook
Dim mybook As Workbook
Dim rng As Range
Dim rnum As Long
Dim mnum As Range
Dim FNames As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim SaveDriveDir As String

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Advance Filter For Not Equal To Zero

Oct 16, 2009

Here is a copy of my code and I am Having a problem trying to get it to filter zero balances out. There are positive and negative numbers and I need to post them to a seperate sheet and exclude all zeros.

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Advance Filter Duplicate Headings

Jan 4, 2007

I just came across an error in one of my workbooks where I had duplicate headers on a few columns

So When I used AdvancedFilter to " cut" the data into several workbooks for end users, the data in the first column was pasted 2x and the second columns was ignored altogether.

Headers since changed and that fixed the problem.

I'm just curious why the second column was ignored altogether

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Advance Filter Dates Seen As Text

Jun 15, 2007

I have a excel sheet auto generated by a process in which there are 4 columns and 150 Rows. One column has dates data in DD-MMM-YYYY (15-May-2007) format..but the datatype of that cell is not Date. When I click on any date let say I selected 24-Mar-2007 in formula bar instead of displaying 3/24/2007 it displays as it is 24-Mar-2007.

But when i double click on this cell it shift to right alignment and display date format 3/24/2007 in formula bar. I have to create a formula using which I can see only some rows of define date range. Means if i define range in two cells 01-Jan-2007 and 01-Jun-2007. The sheet will display only rows having this criteria. But due to this datatype problem before putting the criteria I have to double click each of the row to convert it to Date. RightClick Format cells option is also not help full in this.

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Dynamic Columns - Filter Based On Criteria?

Feb 19, 2013

I have a 6000+ row database with 5 columns across. The 5 columns have the following headings: Hair Color, Eye Color, Age, Location, and Salary.

I have created macros that will filter each column based on criteria - for example:


As you can see, at cell J10 and K10, I list the filter that is used for a particular search. Some searches, will only have 2 search criteria, some may have all 5, etc.

On a separate worksheet (in the workbook), I have a "Report Tab", my question (after a long build up) is how do I dynamically change the columns and values on the "Report" tab depending on the search that I perform? For example, if I did a two variable filter (Hair and Salary), those would be the only two columns on the report - if I did all five variables for the search, all columns would be on the report, and so on.

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Advanced Filter Dynamic Rows Of Criteria

Mar 27, 2007

attached is a spreadsheet effectively replicating a criteria box I’m using to do an advanced filter on a large amount of data (5000+ lines). The criteria can be anywhere from 1 to 7 different lines. What I’m trying to achieve is code that will look at the specified criteria box, determine how many rows of criteria actually exist, and then use that code to perform the advanced filter function on the data.

Below is the code I’ve put together so far. The problem is that this code can only determine that there are 7 total rows of criteria to use, and not the exact number of rows of criteria. For instance, say I only wanted to use 2 rows of criteria, I’m hoping the macro would only use those 2 rows instead of picking up all 7 rows.

See criteria box on spreadsheet for example. In this particular example, I’m wanting the macro to only use B49:I51 as criteria. The ideal solution would be for the macro to look at the criteria box and determine the last row used that is not filled with “1”s. Does anybody have any thoughts on ways to tweak my code to get it to achieve this?

Sub RunDynamicSelection_Click()
Dim wsSheetDS As Worksheet
Dim wsSheetRS
Set wsSheetDS = Worksheets("DataSheet")
Set wsSheetRS = Worksheets("ReportSelection")
With wsSheetDS
.AutoFilterMode = False
With wsSheetDS. Range(("A4:N4"), wsSheetDS.UsedRange.Rows(Worksheets("DataSheet") _
.UsedRange.Rows.Count)).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:= _....................

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Advance Filter Isn't Working - To Remove Duplicates

Dec 6, 2006

I'm having an issue where advnace filter isnt working and I need to get all of the unique entries.

I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I got some erros saying the numbers were being pu as text so I changed the cell tpe to a custom with 00000000 because the unique number I need to filter is 10 digits long.

As another alternative I would paypal some one a few bux if they can help me just compare two lists and make a report with the number of netries that show up in one list and not the other and vice versa.

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Advance Filter Statistical Array Formula

Apr 13, 2008

I have many large arrays of climate data. I am trying to find an array criteria formula that would filter out those years from a variation around a given year. Like this example, to filter out those years B10 (47.8) plus or minus B12 (3.339).

21870 44.78

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Copy Advance Filter Results To Another Sheet

Aug 29, 2007

I recorded a macro to perform an Advanced Filter. I then adapted the range to & LastRow. My question is, can this now be adapted to remove the Select so the sheets are not selected when this is run.

Sheets("CIT Results").Select
Sheets("Open Calls").Range("A1:I" & LastRow).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
CriteriaRange:=Sheets("Open Calls").Range("N5:V8"), CopyToRange:=Range("Q50"), Unique:=False

Moderators, can you please edit the Thread title. It should be "Advance Filter From and To Non Active Sheet"

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Advance Filter - Filtering Blank Cells

Feb 11, 2008

Is it possible to use an advance filter to detect blank cells? Or can the criteria be set to detect all cells that don't contain a letter e.g. "Y"?

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Advance Filter Check Unique Column Entries

Jul 7, 2009

How do you remove entries from a column such that only unique entires are left?

Say the spreadsheet contains only a single column:


I tried an "advanced filter" with "unique records only" checked. It gets rid of one david, but not 2 (there are originally 3 of them, and we want to leave 1)

This is the result.

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Advanced Filter Code - Criteria Range More Than 1 Row Breaks Filter

May 1, 2014

I found a great bit of Advanced Filter code that works great, and fixed a problem of clearing a cell breaking the filter.

But if I want to increase the criteria from 1 row to 2, so you can start to include And , Or operations, it breaks the filter. Even an attempt at a manual one fails, until you put the criteria range back down to one row, then it's fine again.

I've tried changing the Target Row to >2 but that didn't work. how to make the criteria range bigger, and no problems of breakage if you clear the cells? It makes for a very useful automated Advanced Filter.

Here's the code :

[Code] .....

Database = the named area of raw data.
DATA is the name of the raw data worksheet
The criteria range should be AZ1:BC3, but of course royally breaks it...

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VBA To Filter And Format A Dynamic Range?

Jul 3, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with columns A to X.

There are about five variables which, when entered, should format the row their on. For example, if I select "Waiting List" from a dropdown in column A, the row is formatted to have a blue fill.

I'm currently using this code:

Sub waiting()
Dim sh As Worksheet
Set sh = Sheets("Applications")
sh.Range("A1:X1").AutoFilter Field:=2, Criteria1:="Waiting List"
sh.Range("A2:X2" & sh.Cells(sh.Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row).Interior.ColorIndex = 37
End Sub

I have five such macros.

The problem I am having is that when there is no entry for the macro to work on, it just formats rows 2-21 anyway, and overwrites any other formatting.

I have attached my workbook so you can take a look and see what I mean. Firstly, select "Waiting List" in cell B2, then run the macro "waiting". It should work fine.

Then, delete the content of B2, and run the macro again.

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VBA To Update Dynamic Range In Filter

Mar 10, 2014

I have below VBA code which I recorded in order to do the selection of filter value.

[Code] ......

But how can I make range in above code to be dynamic? Because every time data would be different so range would vary..

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Dynamic Range For Advanced Filter

Jul 28, 2006

I am writing a VBA code to make an advanced filter. Instead of a fixed criteriarange, I would like it to be dynamic. As each time the number of criteria is different.

Range("A1:G30").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("L1:L18"), Unique:=False

I want the criteriarange to change. e.g. It include all the data if I put in 20 data in col L.

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Sort And Filter Dynamic Range On Different Sheet

Apr 4, 2014

We have 2 dynamic ranges (input, output) on different sheets (sample data below).

Sheet1> Input
Dynamic range 5 columns

Sheet 2>Output
Dynamic range 4 columns
- Include only rows IN=1
- Sorted by LEVEL (BIG to SMALL) and BUY (SMALL to BIG)
- Keep duplicates

What formulas should I place on Sheet2 avoiding Pivot tables or VBA?

Sheet1> Input (16 data rows)
Level Buy Sell Firm IN
16620 4.00 null F1 OUT
16610 5.10 0.80 F1 OUT
16600 11.40 6.60 F1 1
16590 24.50 18.60 F1 1
16580 44.90 37.10 F1 1
16570 66.90 59.60 F1 1
16560 84.40 78.70 F1 1
16550 95.00 90.30 F1 1
16540 99.80 95.60 F1 OUT
16530 100.00 98.00 F1 OUT
16611 6.66 0.497 F2 OUT
16600 9.09 1.96 F2 OUT
16589.1 20 12.5 F2 1
16578.2 41.66 33.33 F2 1
16567.3 73.33 65.21 F2 1
16556.4 90.9 84.61 F2 1
16545 98.5 91.66 F2 OUT

Sheet2> output (10 data rows)
Level Buy Sell Firm
16600 11.4 6.6 F1
16590 24.5 18.6 F1
16589.1 20 12.5 F2
16580 44.9 37.1 F1
16578.2 41.66 33.33 F2
16570 66.9 59.6 F1
16567.3 73.33 65.21 F2
16560 84.4 78.7 F1
16556.4 90.9 84.61 F2
16550 95 90.3 F1

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Filter By Criteria To Another Range

Jun 1, 2008

i want to display the results of one criteria using VBA codes instead of just filtering one by one to display the result and collate it. I have attached the sample. I want to find the "subcodes" of name "kathy". to be able to do that, i filter "kathy" to display all the "codes" then filter all the "codes" to find the "subcodes". is there vba code for this one so that when i input the name, all the subcodes will be displayed?

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SUMIF Criteria Across Dynamic Range?

Mar 3, 2014

I'm looking for a way to write this:


as this :

[Code] .....

Where the criteria runs across a range (G to BG) that can sometimes have columns deleted, but the range must remain fixed.

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VBA Advanced Filter Criteria Range

Jun 12, 2008

When doing advanced filter in VBA, is there a way to set the criteriarange, without having actual cells on a worksheet with the criteria in?

I've tried criteriarange:=Array("Currency", ws.Name), but it didn't like it.

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Build Dynamic Named Range From Criteria

Jan 14, 2013

I have some raw data, and in that data are 2 columns. They are Manager and Role. I am trying to create 2 lists, that correspond to their role. I can create a dynamic named range from the column no problem using this formula:


[Code] .....

Now, what I need to be able to do is, add a criteria option to the formula. So build the list off of column B, but only if their role (in column C) is Perm, or Temp.

See the attached spreadsheet : dynamic range criteria.xlsx‎

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Advanced Filter With Function As Criteria Range

Feb 27, 2008

I have a worksheet with 6000 rows (W1), and another with 2500 rows (W2).
I need to check whether the values of W2 are found in the second column of W1. As in if(iserror(search(valuex,worksheet2!B2)),"",A2) ---> resulting in something like:
If the value is found in the cell B2 of column B on W1, then return its reference which you find in A2, otherwise leave a blank.

I need to check all 2500 values in all 6000 rows.

I know for sure that I will have limited hits (max of 200) so I would like to create a list on W2 (the values) where I check if they are found in W1 and return only the 'hits'. I would like to filter out the blanks.

YOu can filter the blanks, I know, but you need to have a 'full' version (I thought) with all the blanks and the hits and then and only then you can filter.
But is there a way how I can use the advanced filter, with a criteria range using a function. Something like: criteria range --> if(iserror(search(valuex,worksheet2!B2)),"",A2) is not equal to "".

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Advanced Filter For Data Not In Criteria Range

Aug 12, 2006

I m Playing around with AdvancedFilters. Using the code below I can filter for data in the CriteriaRange, but I want to filter for data not in the CriteriaRange. I can't seem to find out to do this. I'm wanting to execute this sub from a button on a userform.

Sub Filter1()
Range("Data").AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:=Range("CRng"), Unique:=False
End Sub

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Provide Filter With A List Of Criteria But When It Doesn't Match All Of The Criteria?

Apr 1, 2014

Is there a way to provide filter with a list of criteria but when it doesnt match all of the criteria it still uses the filter on the criteria that it does match?

E.g i have this code

ActiveSheet.Range("$A$7:$N$31997").AutoFilter Field:=1, Criteria1:=Array( _
"A", "B", "D", "E", "H", "I", "R"), Operator:=xlFilterValues

However sometimes for example B will be missing, or H or B H I will be missing etc... is there a way to provide all of the criteria and it will not error if the criteria is not all there?

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How To Name A Dynamic Range & Make A Validation List (of 2 Dynamic Ranges)

Dec 22, 2009

I have a range which will change in size & in content, & I want this to be a Named Range at whatever size it is.

Reason I want to is because I want to make a Validation List with this dynamic range. I also want a Validation list which lists the content of 2 or more dynamic ranges which may or may not be on the same worksheet - is this possible?

First dynamic range: called "Milestones" at A11
Second dynamic range: called "Activities" at A25
& make a Validation list that will list content of both

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Dynamic Advanced Filter

Jun 21, 2006

I am trying to create a function using vba and the advanced filter function.

The spreadsheet I am using changes from week to week so it can have different amounts of columns and also rows.

This is my code.

Sub FilterCGML()

Dim rngToFilter As Range
Dim rngFilterCriteria As Range
Dim LastRow As Long, LastCol As Integer

With Sheets("Main FTE")

Range("b2000").Value = "Cost Code"
Range("b2001").Value = "5*"

It works ok if I have values in columns A:X but if for example I only have information in A:S I get a runtime error.

I know how to find the last column and last row by using

LastRow = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
LastCol = Range("IV1").End(xlToLeft).Column

But I don't know how to modify my code to use these.

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Filter With Formula: FILTER A Range And Display The Unique Items, One Below The Other, WITHOUT Blank Cells

Feb 10, 2008

How can I FILTER a range and display the unique items, one below the other, WITHOUT blank cells - with only a FORMULA. What I came up with is shown in the attached WB. I would like to present the countries like in C11:C15.

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