Dynamic Columns - Filter Based On Criteria?

Feb 19, 2013

I have a 6000+ row database with 5 columns across. The 5 columns have the following headings: Hair Color, Eye Color, Age, Location, and Salary.

I have created macros that will filter each column based on criteria - for example:


As you can see, at cell J10 and K10, I list the filter that is used for a particular search. Some searches, will only have 2 search criteria, some may have all 5, etc.

On a separate worksheet (in the workbook), I have a "Report Tab", my question (after a long build up) is how do I dynamically change the columns and values on the "Report" tab depending on the search that I perform? For example, if I did a two variable filter (Hair and Salary), those would be the only two columns on the report - if I did all five variables for the search, all columns would be on the report, and so on.

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VBA To Hide / Show Columns Based On Filter And Multiple Criteria

Mar 8, 2014

I have a very large table and i need to be able to Hide/show specific ranges based on:

Filter +and+ specific cell values in columns

brief example of the table : tablee.png

1. Filter Column "B" (in this case we select "HELPING")
2. Auto hide/show collumns. - IF "C1" = "Required" THAN Show "C:E", IF "C1" ="N/A" , HIDE "C:E" and so on for every column like above.

There are over 80 columns like the "C:E" range. and I only need to show those that are "Required".

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Advance Filter With Dynamic Criteria & Range

Dec 4, 2008

I bring in data with these same columns A thru J. I do not know how many rows will be comming in. I have create a macro that uses the advanced filter. I have a criteria range set up on sheet 2 with 6 variables, the main data is on sheet 1. This works fine if I use all 6 variables. I wish I could select from a list box which of the 6 or all variables I need(I might select 2,3 or more variables), & have that information populate the criteria range. I only filter in place(no copying), there is only filtering on column B, the label for the criteria range will always be "Name" it will be located on sheet 2 D:1. Is this possible or should I be trying some other function? Here is the macro that uses all 6 criteria. I have searched and could not find what I was looking for.

'add criteria range
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Name"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "e11*"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "e12*"

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Advanced Filter Dynamic Rows Of Criteria

Mar 27, 2007

attached is a spreadsheet effectively replicating a criteria box I’m using to do an advanced filter on a large amount of data (5000+ lines). The criteria can be anywhere from 1 to 7 different lines. What I’m trying to achieve is code that will look at the specified criteria box, determine how many rows of criteria actually exist, and then use that code to perform the advanced filter function on the data.

Below is the code I’ve put together so far. The problem is that this code can only determine that there are 7 total rows of criteria to use, and not the exact number of rows of criteria. For instance, say I only wanted to use 2 rows of criteria, I’m hoping the macro would only use those 2 rows instead of picking up all 7 rows.

See criteria box on spreadsheet for example. In this particular example, I’m wanting the macro to only use B49:I51 as criteria. The ideal solution would be for the macro to look at the criteria box and determine the last row used that is not filled with “1”s. Does anybody have any thoughts on ways to tweak my code to get it to achieve this?

Sub RunDynamicSelection_Click()
Dim wsSheetDS As Worksheet
Dim wsSheetRS
Set wsSheetDS = Worksheets("DataSheet")
Set wsSheetRS = Worksheets("ReportSelection")
With wsSheetDS
.AutoFilterMode = False
With wsSheetDS. Range(("A4:N4"), wsSheetDS.UsedRange.Rows(Worksheets("DataSheet") _
.UsedRange.Rows.Count)).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterInPlace, CriteriaRange:= _....................

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Dynamic Dropdown List Based On Column Filter?

Jun 9, 2014

I have a spread sheet that has three sheets, PROJECTS - TIMES - LISTS Time sheet.xlsx PROJECTS contains a list of 'In Progress' and 'completed' projects for work, with relevant other data, I.e. PROJECT No. / STATUS etc This will grow to 1,000's of rows TIMES will contain the amount of time a person spends on a PROJECT on a daily basis. This will grow to 10,000's of rows LISTS contain basic validation list for the first 2 sheets.

Part A
I would like to have a validation drop down list for the PROJECT NO column in the TIMES sheet that only lists the PROJECT NO from the PROJECTS sheet where STATUS <> COMPLETED. I.e. I only want to display the PROJECT NO's for current projects.

Part B
Even though I only want the PROJECT NO used, can the drop down list also contain other column's data for reference information only before one is selected.

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Search Dynamic Columns With Criteria

May 12, 2014

Trying to create a dynamic vba code that searches the second last active column for a particular criteria. In this case it is the value "901".

If the criteria is met it will search the row to see if value is >=0 then change to zero where applicable.

In the example, I have a loop which searches Column 6 for the matching criteria. I want to change from Column 6 to "second last column" which is Dynamic to allow for more column to search through.

The two codes below search through column "A" and Column "B". Is there anyway to make this Dynamic also so it searches from Column "A" to the 4th Last Active Column.

So the Column to check for Matching Criteria is "Second Last Column" The Data to Loop through will be from Column A to the "Fourth Last Active Column".

Public Sub ChangeCellValue_TwoConditions_ColA()
Dim Last_Row As Long
Dim iLoop As Long
Last_Row = ActiveSheet.Range("A65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
For iLoop = Last_Row To 1 Step -1
If (trim(ActiveSheet.Cells(iLoop, 1).Value) >= 0) And (trim(ActiveSheet.Cells(iLoop, 6).Value) = "901") Then
ActiveSheet.Cells(iLoop, 1).Value = "0"


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Filter & Sort Multiple Columns With Single Criteria

Sep 27, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with multiple columns. The first column defines a "route", and the next two list "start" and "end" cities for that route. The fourth column lists the length of each route. There are only a limited number of cities, so the same entries appear in both "start" and "end" several times. I would like to use Autofilter to sort the list for every appearance of a given entry in either "start" or "end". Is there a way to make Autofilter sort mutiple columns simultaneously?

I could achieve the desired end result with Advanced Filter, but I want something with the ease-of-use and immediate update/response of Autofilter. Advanced Filter requires explanation (as well as lots of clicking and typing) whereas Autofilter is self-evident. I also want to avoid VBA Macros as they are not well-understood by the users who will use this spreadsheet (and any VBA Macro will require very specific input to work properly.) Is it possible to do what I want? Or is Advanced Filter / VBA the only way to do it?

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Filter Based On 2 Criteria

Oct 29, 2013

In the advanced filter, I am given two criteria one is filter by unit price by less than 1000 and order no atleast 100 .

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How To Filter Information Based On Two Criteria

Apr 29, 2014

I have been struggling hard to pull information out of a table using vlookup and match & Index functions. It does not seem to be working. Below is my criteria:

I have a data of call centre agents with names , dates and calls offered answered details. On another sheet i have given a list of names of agents in a drop down list and all the dates of the week. Now i want that when a user selects a particular agent name from the drop down list, the data fetched under '07042014' date column is against the number of calls answered by the selected agent on this date. I have 5 columns of title '07042014' , '08042014', '09042014', '10042014' and '11042014' Capture.PNG. Attach is the file how it looks like.

How to use match and index function or any other function to fetch information against this date as per the agent selected.

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Dynamic Lookup Based On Specific Criteria?

Dec 21, 2011

I am getting an error i have list (sheet4) i want to lookup the data from different table (Name range) based on the location in column A i am using the small function copy down, in cell C6 i want the range ROWS($A$2:B6) go back to ROWS($A$2:B2) since the criteria in column A has changed from China (A5) to US (A6)


Array FormulasCellFormulaB2 =INDEX(INDIRECT(A2),SMALL(ROW(INDIRECT("2:10"))-ROW($A$2)+2,ROWS($A$2:A2)),1)C2 =INDEX(INDIRECT(A2),SMALL(ROW(INDIRECT("2:10"))-ROW($A$2)+2,ROWS($A$2:B2)),2)B3


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Concatenate Cells Based On Dynamic Criteria

Jul 22, 2014

I am looking to write a formula that can concatenate cell A$1$ (absolute) & B1: B245 (dynamic)and then A$2$- B1:B245 and then so on.

So for example, I need to concatenate cell A$1$ & B1, and then A$1$ & B2, all the way up until B245, and then I need to restart the sequence with A2 and B1.

Formula to preform this concatenation, or will this need to be done with VBA?

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Filter Rows Based On Multiple Criteria

Mar 19, 2007

Example attached. I need to filter rows based on a start date and stop date, columns C and D. So for example the filter date is 01Mar07 (located in A5). As this date in this cell is changed the rows are filtered accordingly. I need to filter rows so that any row with a start date which includes Mar 07 is shown and I need to include all rows that have an end date in Mar 07. This would result in the inclusion of an event that started in Feb and Ends in march being displayed.
Additionally, I would need to clear the filter. I'm just starting out, I'm sure this is easy for you all the excel experts., and you may probably have a better method to approach this.

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VBA Auto Filter To Select Field Based On Certain Criteria?

Feb 5, 2014

I'm currently using the following:

[Code] .........

However, i'd like it select the field ie 2-17 based on a year in a cell on another sheet "x" in cell E3.

At the moment i have a row of numbers 1-17 above the corresponding field cell so for example the number 15 is attached to the year 2013 (although this is dynamic).

I just cant work out how to get the autofilter to select the number that matches the cell in "x" E3 with the same value in T2:AJ2 on filter sheet and then filter the column that matches.

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Excel Sort / Filter Function Based On Set Criteria?

Sep 9, 2012

I have following data to sort/filter

Flt no


Is this possible with excel functions?

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Show (Filter) Rows Based On Multiple Criteria

Jan 29, 2009

I'm trying to create a formula (used in sheet 2 column B) that would generate the results in sheet2.B based on the contents of sheet 1. sheet2.B2 would contain a formula searching for the both "Y" in sheet1.C and the text in sheet2.A2 (in this case "E&P"). When each match is found, the contents of sheet1.A should be returned to sheet2.B, as shown in the mockup. There will be multiple matches (at least 15-20) for each search criteria, and I don't know how many there will be ahead of time.

I've tried various formulas, and they either have incorrect syntax and return every row in a range, or only return the first match correct match each time instead of all correct matches. I found some UDFs posted online that claim to do this, but I've gotten them into the spreadsheet and they generate # NUM errors. I would prefer to work with Excel-native formulas if possible, because I'm going to eventually hand this off to someone else to maintain and they may not have the level of expertise to deal with UDFs.

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VBA - Advanced Filter / Find Row Items To Remove Based On Multiple Criteria

Jun 28, 2014

I'm working with many rows of data (500,000+) and many columns. To simplify my question, I'm going to provide a simple example using made up numbers and only the columns I'm concerned with.

BillT Doc.ItemQty

I am trying to remove the docs that have two Bill types that cancel each other out, where the qtys match and highlight the rows where the qtys don't match. The macro needs to have the positive and negative bill types programatically entered, where for example F1 and F2 are positive and S1 and RE are negative. Keep in mind the data may not necessarily be in order as it is above.

So for example with data above, the rows for doc 777 would be removed completely because the item numbers are the same, the qty is the same, and the bill types oppose each other. Doc 123 and Item 10 lines should be highlighted since their bill types are opposed bu their qtys don't match.

I hope this makes sense. I tired to achieve this using multiple loops and arrays, but ran out of memory when working with the entire set of data. I'm assuming their must be a better way to do this, I'm hoping some of the intelligent individuals here will be able to point in the right direction.

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Excel 2007 :: Create Dynamic And Unique Sublist Based On Multiple Criteria

Aug 26, 2012

Excel 2007, Windows 7.

Most details are shown in the spreadsheet below. I would like it to be dynamic because the quarterly and annual data dumps I'm working with are are hundreds to thousands of lines.

Have the list be sorted, which is a part of the first attempt, would be nice but is not necessary. At this point, just being able to generate the dynamic list would be fantastic.

Excel 2007ABCDE1product lines:consist of these product subtypes2Widget series:Widget.type1Widget.type23Fidget series:Fidget.type4Gidget series:Gidget.type1Gidget.type2Gidget.type356data dump of parts sold or used in repairs7product subtype repairedpart number


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Count Occurrences Based Condition In 2 Dynamic Columns

May 9, 2008

I have been trying the whole day to create a formula to solve this but I just can't get it. To make it simple, let's say I have column A filled with different people names, column B filled with Level of Complexity and column C with the Activity (work task) title. This table is fed dynamically, so the number of rows can vary from 2 to 2000.

What I want to do is count how many times a single name appears related to the same complexity, so I can tell how many "simple, medium or complex" tasks each person has in their work queue.

A simple table example would be:
colA colB colC
Dan Complex Build House
Dan Complex Build Shopping center
Dan Simple Take dog to walk
Jose Simple Clean desk
Maria Medium Paint office roof

Then, on another cell I'd like to have a formula automatically telling me that Dan has 2 Complex tasks and 1 Simple, and so on - considering number rows is not a fixed number. What I have so far is this: =SUMPRODUCT((Data!$I$2:$I$457="Dan")*(Data!$L$2:$L$457="Complex"))
But I need to tell a specific last row, and if the data worksheet gets updated with less data (say 450 rows) the formula breaks...

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Filter A Table With An OR Logic Based On Columns Values

Feb 10, 2010

i have a table and have some columns.

i want to filter the table so that i just see the records which have "text1" in ther column "F" OR they have "text2" in ther column "H", for example.

How can i implement an OR filter ?

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Trying To Build A Macro Filter Based On Data In Either Of Two Columns

Jul 31, 2008

I created a contact list that incorporates buttons at the top of the page to sort the data based on two customer type columns (thanks to Richard for help getting this far!).

I am attaching the file so that it will be easier to take a look. Four of the five macros are working fine but the second one ("All Clients") filters on the premise that "yes" is answered in either of the two customer type columns. In other words I am trying to show the records that have "yes" entered in either of these two columns, not necessarily both columns.

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Advanced Filter Code - Criteria Range More Than 1 Row Breaks Filter

May 1, 2014

I found a great bit of Advanced Filter code that works great, and fixed a problem of clearing a cell breaking the filter.

But if I want to increase the criteria from 1 row to 2, so you can start to include And , Or operations, it breaks the filter. Even an attempt at a manual one fails, until you put the criteria range back down to one row, then it's fine again.

I've tried changing the Target Row to >2 but that didn't work. how to make the criteria range bigger, and no problems of breakage if you clear the cells? It makes for a very useful automated Advanced Filter.

Here's the code :

[Code] .....

Database = the named area of raw data.
DATA is the name of the raw data worksheet
The criteria range should be AZ1:BC3, but of course royally breaks it...

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Summing 1 Or 2 Columns Based On Criteria?

Apr 30, 2012

I'm making a spreadsheet that tracks instances when something goes above or below a threshold. Anytime it goes below, a column populates with the number 1, and if it happens to go below a threshold on a Friday, a separate column populates with the number 2. If its doesnt go below, the column with 1 does not populate, however, every Friday populates with a two.

I need a column that adds the 1 and the 2 when the threshold is broken on a Friday, but only shows the 1 when the threshold is broken on a non friday and shows 0 when the threshold isn't broken, but happens to be a Friday.

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Sum Column Based On Two Criteria From Two Columns

Nov 7, 2012

I'm not sure if this is the correct way to display my sample data, but here it is (how to change it. I looked in the guidelines, but I can't download anything onto this computer, so I can't get the HTML maker)


Total Vaue
Invetory Type

Total Incomplete Inventory Value

[Code] .......

Here is what I would like in:

The sum of the total value of half finished and unfinished inventory for each group.

So, for group one, it would be 145. For group two if would be 38, and group three would be 316. (displayed in column I)

I think an array formula would do this, but I'm not really sure how this would work.

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Deleting Columns Based On Certain Criteria

Jul 6, 2014

I am having trouble coming up with an algorithm for deleting columns, based on a certain set of criteria. Heres the issue, all the columns have a "1" the top of column . If that column has a cell number that's greater than or equal to 0.90 or less than or equal to -0.90 then that column gets deleted, if it just has a "1" then the row doesn't get deleted. Very complicated set of criteria.

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Hiding Columns Based On Criteria

Dec 7, 2006

I need to run this funtion from the starting column (N) to the last column ( dynamic).

Sub HideUnits()
Dim rngData As Range, rngHide As Range
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
With Sheet1
.Range("B1").Value = "Temp"
Set rngData = .Range("N1:N" & .Cells(Rows.Count, "N").End(xlUp).Row)
rngData. AutoFilter field:=1, Criteria1:="*Units"
Set rngHide = rngData.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible)
rngHide.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

As you might be able to tell I need to hide all the columns with a specific word in the heading. I'm pretty sure I'd need to loop this somehow, but I'm not good with VBA.

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Find A Value Based On Criteria In Columns And Rows

Dec 5, 2008

I have a workbook in which I have two sheets. One sheet is a report and the other is a data dump. The data dump has headers in in column A starting in cell A6 and headers in row 5 starting in cell B5. There is then data going from B6:J20.

In my report I then I have same setup with headers in column A and row 5. The difference is that the headers are not in the same order as the dump. What formula could I use that would look for the two headers in my report sheet and then match it with the value in the data dump that uses the same two headers?

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Insert One Or Two Rows Based On Two Columns Criteria

Feb 3, 2009

I need to insert one or two rows depending on the criteria of two different columns.
We have two shops (A and B)...and the sales are expresed like this: ....

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Replace Text In X Columns Based On X Criteria

Oct 17, 2007

I've attatched the workbook here with some dummy values in place of financial figures (We don't base our profit on RAND() formula's )

Essentially, I would like to search for CAN in A and SER in B and if they're found, to alter them to SYD (A) and CAN (2). It's essentially an automatic find and replace, but based on 2 criterias rather than one.

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Auto Populating Columns In One Sheet From Another Based On Criteria

Jul 28, 2009

I've been trying for some time now to figure out how to have one sheet automatically fill in another based on a larger data sheet. I'm trying to find a way to take a monthly calendar which contains a row for each employee and column for each day and use that to create smaller lists on another sheet. Basically if someone puts in for a day off, or has a medical appointment etc, that person has a coded single letter for that day for tracking and planning purposes. I want to have a second sheet that references those codes and makes individual lists (the following people are on vacation, these people have a medical appointment etc.)

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Extract Values From One Column Based On Two Criteria From Two Other Columns?

Feb 14, 2013

In the attached, sheet 2 has a formula that pulls the Item (column B) from Sheet 1 based on Instocks (column F) being less than the value in N2. Would it be possible to add a second criteria to the formula in sheet 2? In short, can I pull the item from column B of sheet 1 into sheet 2, where in sheet 1, column F values are less than N2 AND where column G values are greater than O2?

I'd love to just vlookup the fill rate value and then filter it down, I know at some point I will be asked to weed it down a bit via a formula instead.

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