Copy Advance Filter Results To Another Sheet
Aug 29, 2007
I recorded a macro to perform an Advanced Filter. I then adapted the range to & LastRow. My question is, can this now be adapted to remove the Select so the sheets are not selected when this is run.
Sheets("CIT Results").Select
Sheets("Open Calls").Range("A1:I" & LastRow).AdvancedFilter Action:=xlFilterCopy, _
CriteriaRange:=Sheets("Open Calls").Range("N5:V8"), CopyToRange:=Range("Q50"), Unique:=False
Moderators, can you please edit the Thread title. It should be "Advance Filter From and To Non Active Sheet"
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May 20, 2014
I have a worksheet that contains 3 columns, A, B, C, that I need to run through auto-filter and copy the results from a cell, F2, into another sheet each time the filter criteria changes.
Although the worksheet will contain over 11,000 rows (the attached sample file is trimmed down to around 1000 rows),
Col A will only have 8 different possible criteria for autofilter: 1,2,3,4,5,6,9,10
Col B has around 70 criteria, and Col C has around 700 criteria.
The number of rows in the sheet and consequently the auto-filter criteria will likely change each time (but will usually hover around these quantities).
As an example, here is how I would envision this working for Col C:
1. Starting on the 1st Sheet (named "FW15"), I auto-filter Col C on criteria/value 1
2. I copy the resulting value from Cell F2 of sheet FW15 and paste it into the first empty cell of Col C in Sheet 2 (named "CopiedResults")
3. I return to my first sheet, FW15, turn off the enabled filter for criteria/value, and turn on the next autofilter Criteria/Value of 2
4. Repeat Step 2
Keep looping through Col C to make sure that all auto-filter values have been applied, and all resulting values contained in Cell F2 are copied over to the second sheet.
Likewise, I would need to run through the auto-filter criteria in Col A and Col B, and copy their resulting values (from cell F2) into Sheet2 Col A and Col B.
Attached workbook : autofiltercriteria3.xlsx
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Oct 16, 2009
Here is a copy of my code and I am Having a problem trying to get it to filter zero balances out. There are positive and negative numbers and I need to post them to a seperate sheet and exclude all zeros.
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Jan 4, 2007
I just came across an error in one of my workbooks where I had duplicate headers on a few columns
So When I used AdvancedFilter to " cut" the data into several workbooks for end users, the data in the first column was pasted 2x and the second columns was ignored altogether.
Headers since changed and that fixed the problem.
I'm just curious why the second column was ignored altogether
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Jun 15, 2007
I have a excel sheet auto generated by a process in which there are 4 columns and 150 Rows. One column has dates data in DD-MMM-YYYY (15-May-2007) format..but the datatype of that cell is not Date. When I click on any date let say I selected 24-Mar-2007 in formula bar instead of displaying 3/24/2007 it displays as it is 24-Mar-2007.
But when i double click on this cell it shift to right alignment and display date format 3/24/2007 in formula bar. I have to create a formula using which I can see only some rows of define date range. Means if i define range in two cells 01-Jan-2007 and 01-Jun-2007. The sheet will display only rows having this criteria. But due to this datatype problem before putting the criteria I have to double click each of the row to convert it to Date. RightClick Format cells option is also not help full in this.
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Sep 25, 2008
I'm trying to use the advance filter for multiple criteria in one column. It works fine if the criteria is ="*10*" (ie where the cell in the range has 10 in the string) plus other = criteria. What I cannot get to work is where the range doesn't equal 10 in the string. I've tried ="<>*10*" and other variations to no joy.
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Dec 1, 2008
This is a sort-of bizarre query I have.
I have a large array of data which I'm filtering out and copying to a new spreadsheet using an advanced filter. I have 2 filter criteria, one works... the other doesn't.
The second criteria is supposed to filter out rows that have blank cells in column C or D. I tried various things:
a. at first I tried following:
Column header: Name |Surname
Criteria: <>"" |<>""
b. since it didn't work I tried that
Column header: Name |Surname
Criteria: =<>""""" |=<>"""""
I also tried <>0 and <>null with absolutely no joy.
c. once I figured out that doesn't work either, I tried:
Column header: (empty)
now, the last one did have some effect, most of the empty-celled rows have been filtered out. However the filter persistently picks up ONE row that has blanks in column C2 and D2. I checked the data to check if the cell is really blank and it's as blank as it gets.
Obviously, I need help. It's been 3 days and I still can't figure out what's wrong with my filter. Is there a way of fool proofing the criteria, so that it will filter out all cells that are or appear to blank?
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Dec 6, 2006
I'm having an issue where advnace filter isnt working and I need to get all of the unique entries.
I don't know if this has anything to do with it but I got some erros saying the numbers were being pu as text so I changed the cell tpe to a custom with 00000000 because the unique number I need to filter is 10 digits long.
As another alternative I would paypal some one a few bux if they can help me just compare two lists and make a report with the number of netries that show up in one list and not the other and vice versa.
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Apr 13, 2008
I have many large arrays of climate data. I am trying to find an array criteria formula that would filter out those years from a variation around a given year. Like this example, to filter out those years B10 (47.8) plus or minus B12 (3.339).
21870 44.78
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Sep 15, 2008
I need to filter out data which displays only a few categories of information at the same time in the same column. For example, column A: David, Susan and William. After filtering the data, it will show David, Susan and william information. I have tried custom filter, but it only allows 2 conditions. I need to show more than 2 conditions of data. I have tried working out using office assistant guide on Multiple Criteria in one column to no avail. Only shows a single cell.
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Dec 4, 2008
I bring in data with these same columns A thru J. I do not know how many rows will be comming in. I have create a macro that uses the advanced filter. I have a criteria range set up on sheet 2 with 6 variables, the main data is on sheet 1. This works fine if I use all 6 variables. I wish I could select from a list box which of the 6 or all variables I need(I might select 2,3 or more variables), & have that information populate the criteria range. I only filter in place(no copying), there is only filtering on column B, the label for the criteria range will always be "Name" it will be located on sheet 2 D:1. Is this possible or should I be trying some other function? Here is the macro that uses all 6 criteria. I have searched and could not find what I was looking for.
'add criteria range
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "Name"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "e11*"
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "e12*"
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Aug 22, 2006
I have a folder which has 200 files. I have extracted data from these files based on autofilter criteria. But there are many duplicate records extracted for the criteria. I need only unique records . Below are the codes. Where to I add the criteria for search records:
Sub ExampleSearch()
'Note: This example use the function LastRow
Dim basebook As Workbook
Dim mybook As Workbook
Dim rng As Range
Dim rnum As Long
Dim mnum As Range
Dim FNames As String
Dim MyPath As String
Dim SaveDriveDir As String
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Feb 11, 2008
Is it possible to use an advance filter to detect blank cells? Or can the criteria be set to detect all cells that don't contain a letter e.g. "Y"?
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Jun 27, 2014
I have a workbook with multiple sheets , final sheet has a data of all sheets , in the first sheet i want to select what results to be shown in that final sheet ,, specially the week and the LDM
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Feb 25, 2009
how to return data to a second sheet if data selected via a filter.
i have attached spreadsheet i am working on and looking to make this as easy as possible
on sheet "data" cell f2 im looking to return all goals scored by hull
on sheet "data" cell f3 im looking to return all goals conceded by hull
on sheet "data" cell f5 im looking to return all goals scored by hull at home this i will need to do by selecting hull in "home team" filter hull
on sheet "data" cell f6 im looking to return all goals conceded by hull at home this i will need to do by selecting hull in "home team" filter hull
on sheet "data" cell f8 im looking to return hulls last 6 games as over and under which in this example will return the last 6 rows 27-32 and will read 4 under 2 over
on sheet "data" cell f9 im looking to return hulls last 6 games at home as over and under which in this example will return the last 6 rows 22/23/26/27/29/32 and will read 3 under 3 over
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Jul 7, 2009
How do you remove entries from a column such that only unique entires are left?
Say the spreadsheet contains only a single column:
I tried an "advanced filter" with "unique records only" checked. It gets rid of one david, but not 2 (there are originally 3 of them, and we want to leave 1)
This is the result.
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Jan 17, 2007
now i have filtered data in a table, i want to use the results by printing off a table showing just these and the appropriate rows from other tables on worksheets. these all have a specific ID which is how they are traceable to each other. like a related field in an access database. two tables/worksheets are like so:
Reg No | Rank | Name | Initials | Troop | etc
table 2:
Reg No | JCLM1 | JCLM2 | SCLM1 | SCLM2 | etc
If i were to filter the second table by JCLM1 = YES then i want to create a printable list of all those but also to include the related records from table 1. is this possible?
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Apr 5, 2013
I got the following code from Use AutoFilter to filter and copy the results to a existing worksheet and would like to incorporate this into my VBA project. The problem however is that this code were written to perform on one workbook and this is where my problem is. My project is between two different workbooks and cannot seem to get this code modified to do what it is supposed to do between these two workbooks. Everything I have tried so far failed. In short what this code would do is to check the existing data on the one sheet (the source) and extract only the data which is meeting my set criteria, and copy this data to the destination sheet. This is what I would like to do between two workbooks. With this the sample code as provided by Ron de Bruin. The sample workbook could be accessed trough the following link [URL]..... With this the code for matching and copying on one workbook.
Option Explicit
'This example will copy the filter results below the existing data on the destination sheet.
'Note the sheet "RecordsOfTheNetherlands" must exist in your workbook.
'This example will not copy the header row each time so when you manual add the worksheet
'"RecordsOfTheNetherlands" to your workbook you must add the headers yourself on the first row.
[Code] ............
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May 21, 2014
I need to filter a large database using multiple OR criterias.
Database is CUSTOMER NAMES in each row with CONSUMED PRODUCTS following in each cell.
I want to filter two or more products and list customer names in sheet2. Like listing customers using salt or pepper Filter criterias will be entered into cells in sheet2 with results shown below and I want search to be active and alive just like vlookup function.
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Sep 3, 2007
I wonder if someone has a clever solution for the following, I have a spreadsheet where I have done subtotal on some of the figures, does anyone know how I can copy (and paste into a new sheet)only the rows where I have a subtotal?
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Mar 19, 2008
I've got a bizarre problem here. I've been working on a piece of code and one line has started behaving erratically: Sheets("BLANK SCORE").Copy after:=Worksheets(Worksheets.Count)
I want to do is create a copy of the sheet called "BLANK SCORE" and copy it after the last sheet in the workbook. This code is part of a loop that runs a maximum of 10 times (potentially creating 10 copies) and I've had inconsistant results such as:
*) Code works and copied sheet is created (desired result)
*) Code is ignored and no copied sheet is created (shouldn't do that)
*) Sheet is copied to a new blank Workbook (...huh ?)
I've also tried changing:.........
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Feb 11, 2008
I am in the process of making a database more efficient and am running into a problem with sorting data. I currently am trying to use AutoFilter to sort the data. When I want to then narrow the results further using the same column as the critical and there is nothing that matches the critical, I get everything from the entire database that matches that critical rather than what I want to see, which, in this case, would be nothing.
I have attached a sample file. In it, when All AF 1000 is run and then Selected MAC 2000 Wash is run, I want to see no results instead of seeing all MAC 2000 Washes from the original data set. I can do it using IF/THEN but I am looking for a faster way to do it.
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Jul 1, 2013
I have a sheet that I need to routinely filter for a specific code then paste it into a different sheet in the same workbook. I would love to set up a simple macro that would do this for me, but I can't seem to figure it out.
In the results I would like the header row if at all possible, but I can always just make it part of the macro.
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Feb 22, 2014
I am having trouble copying and pasting the results of a calculation on one sheet to another sheet. I believe my problem is that my destination cell is actually two cells merged so the destination is obviously not the same size as the source. Here is the section of code I am working on:
Sub CalculateDeviceFailureTimes()
' Used to manipulate the UEM data file to find the outage times of different devices in the Astro System
Dim Output As Integer
[Code] .......
Like I said the section after the initial 'If' works and 0:00:00 is entered into the cell D15 with no issue. My problem comes when I try to copy the result of the formula in 'G3' to 'D15'. Like I said I believe my problem is that 'G3' is a single cell and 'D15' is two cells merged..
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May 19, 2014
When I synthesize the mark of the class, I'm trying to build a macro to copy the top 5 highest marks in each class into a new sheet (sheet: Total) to compare the mark of the class results (like the file I attach).
I finding the way like that:
Step1. the macro run filter with data sheets. then sort by largest to smallest
Step2. the macro copy 5 top of data sheets to the result sheet.
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Jun 13, 2014
I have a workbook with 50+ sheets. Within each sheet are rows of data in column A that I'd like to search for specific text.
I'd like to search each row from every sheet for specific words (e.g. "7 days" AND "Monday" AND "Tuesday" etc.) then copy the entire row containing all my search text in a new sheet on column A along with the name of the sheet it was found in in column B and the row number it came from in column C.
What I am trying to accomplish is to search through all the sheets and post results in new sheets for each search string.
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Feb 7, 2014
I have a report that is run weekly that shows items that have been returned over the last 3 months. The report shows the original date of purchase and the return date, but not the number of days since the purchase and the return. I need to have any items that were returned over 15 days go to a new sheet and display just those rows of information.
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May 19, 2014
I want to copy the value equal 1 from sheet 1 to sheet 2 on the column name.
I attach the example: ask.xlsx
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Jul 24, 2012
i have attached a book with a column of data in it.
This column can change from month to month, i.e. it can contain more or less data.
I need to filter the column "Prog Provider" for "SIN" and copy all of the data to a new sheet.
This is a tiny sample as this usually contains over 25000 lines and I need to grab everything in col G related to SIN.
I attempted to record a macro, but as different data was put in it missed parts out!
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Jul 27, 2006
Is there a way to easily filter the data according to the products' "index %" of a given month and then copying all data (including name, price, index%, and index value for the whole year) of those deviating from 100,0% to a new sheet?
I tried this myself with auto filters but the layout presented some problems. The sheet is created automatically by another programme, so the layout is what it is.
I really hope someone might have a solution for this since I need to sort through these sheets, with thousands of products, every month by hand!
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