Change A Worksheet Tab Colour Dependant On The Contents On A Range Of Cells?
Mar 24, 2014
I have a worksheey of data and i would like the tab to be a certain colour dependant on the the contents of a range of cells within that worksheet is that possible. i know i need to use VBA and it cna be done based ont he contents of one cell.
So for example i have a sheet of people i am awaiting payment from, based on the last column " bill paid" i want the tab to be Red if there are any blanks in this column/ range and go green when all the cells in the column/ range are filled with "y"
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Jul 20, 2006
how hard would it be to chane the background colour of a cell when a certain word is entered into it? so someone would type 'james' and press enter then the cell would turn red....would only be in a set cell range..
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Jan 10, 2007
Run-Time error '1004':
Method 'Range' of object'_worksheet' failed
The Function basically takes any cell in range with a formula and has it blue. If the formula is overwritten by the user it turns the cells colour Red.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'change Colour of cells from blue if formula based to red if data typed by user
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("AS63,BA5:BP66,BT7:CI55,BU60:BU64,BX60:BX64,CA60:CA64,CD60:CD64,BT55:CI66,BT59:CI59,CF7:CF55,CF65:CF66,DJ19:DJ21,DJ24,DL5:DM36,DJ41,DJ45,DJ48,DL41:DM48,DH50:DH51,DJ50:DJ51,DL50:DM53,DH63,DJ63,DL55:DM58,DL60:DM66,DU5:DV33,DU37:DV58,DZ8:EB8,ED5:EE27,ED31:EE66,EM5:EN12,EM16:EN29,EM33:EN38,DH63,AL5:AM26,AL30:AM49,AL53:AM66,AV5:AW16,AV20:AW29,AV33:AW53,AV55:AW63,CO5:CO66,CQ5:CR66,CY5:CY66,DA5:DB66,DJ5:DJ7,DJ14:DJ15,DJ17")) Is Nothing Then
If Target.HasFormula Then
Target.Font.ColorIndex = 11
Target.Font.ColorIndex = 3
End If
End If
End Sub
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Jul 14, 2012
I need to change the backcolour of some textboxes on a userform that is populated with percentage figures from a sheet, ie:
10% (a positive percentage) textbox backcolour = red
-10% (a negative percentage) textbox backcolour = green
Below is some code showing my attempts up to now, but obviously I can't make it work.
Private Sub Textbox1_Change()
If Me.Textbox1.Value < 0 Then
Me.Textbox1.BackColor = vbGreen
Me.Textbox1.BackColor = vbRed
End If
End Sub
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Jun 13, 2014
I am working on a spreadsheet for work, and have managed to do everything I need to so far but I need to colour specific letter strings, certain colours within a range of cells (each letter string will only appear once on each sheet)
The strings I will be looking for vary depending on data entered so I will need to cell reference them
The strings that need colouring are in cells with other strings that must stay black (They cannot be separated from other strings due to the nature of the grid)
I need some strings red, some green, and some blue.
These changes should also apply to the whole workbook not just one sheet.
Is there a way to do this with the VBA code.
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Jan 12, 2010
I'm trying to make a spreadsheet more secure to prevent unintentional changes.
What i'm looking to do is to lock all cells so no changescan be made unless the user clicks column A.
Column A should remain unlocked and when the user clicks it i would like the entire row unlocked for editing (but only after column A is clicked)
I will run a macro to lock the entire sheet again once the sheet closes.
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Jul 20, 2009
On the attached sheet I am trying to indicate that enough data has been entered by highlighting the entire column. Any 3 cells in Rows 7-13 and 18-36 will be filled in with any of the values from cells O6-O11 (hidden). When the total = 6 i would like to highlight the entire column to indicate it has been completed.
The aim is two fold: to ensure that the correct number of points is allocated in each race, and secondly to indicate which column is the next to be filled in (as human error sometimes misses the column and adds the points to either the previous or next columns). You could call it idiot proofing the sheet. At present i have the cells in Row 37 conditional formatted to show this, but would much prefer the entire column to highlight.
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May 21, 2009
On attachment, I am trying to highlight values in column AA dependant on any values appearing in range AF4: AQ8 less 15 minutes. eg at present the value in AA29 is 13:22. I would like this cell to highlight as it is greater than 15 minutes before AH4 at 13:25.
The purpose of the sheet is to highlight any times in column AA that fall within 15 minutes of the start of a major meeting. These major meetings are pulled from another sheet, and a drop down box is used on that other sheet that then transposes the major meeting times to this sheet. I have tried an "Or' statement in a conditional format, however an error message appears around not using a range in a conditional format.
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Feb 15, 2014
I have the following code that I would like to trigger when cells B26:U26 change to something other then 0 due to a formula? How was I make this happen?
[Code] .....
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Mar 28, 2007
I have the following code that 'sort of' works.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) ...
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Mar 5, 2013
Locking text in cells but not the ability to change colour of cells
******** width="234" height="60" frameborder="0" marginwidth="0"
marginheight="0" vspace="0" hspace="0" allowtransparency="true" scrolling="no" id="aswift_0" name="aswift_0" style="left: 0px; position: absolute; top: 0px;">*********>
I have a spreadsheet where I can change the colour of a cell by clicking the mouse, I also have text in many of the cells.
What I need to do is protect (lock) the text so that no one can change the text in any of the cells, but I still want to be able to change the colour of the cells by clicking the mouse in that cell.
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Oct 23, 2008
I have developed a profit loss sheet for the office I work for. What i need is to have either cells change colour or the numbers in the cell change colour depening on the value in the cell.
What I was thinking is if the number is over 15% of the sale price the cell or number should be green, if the number is under 15% it should be black, and if its below 0% it will be red.
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Jul 31, 2014
I am using the following code to amend the colour of a cell when a name is entered in ROW J however, i need it to colour the row from A to O on the line the name is entered on.
So for example Dave is in j2 (j1 is a header) the line from A2 to o2 goes green.
I have tried a few things with interesting results but not get desired result.
[Code] ......
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Oct 22, 2009
How to a change a cell colour to say red in B6 if cell b12 = 1 and if e6 = 1 to change to green. I thought I might be able to use conditional formatiing but no. I had set the spread sheet to do a cell just for a condition representing a sum from another worksheet and it was working fine but i have to incorporate the two together and am stock.
I have attached a spread sheet.
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May 20, 2009
i need to change the colour of 4 cells depending on the one cell.
i have found some vba codes on the net but they are all based on numbers and i need it on text.
so if a1 ="alert" make A1 to A4 red
if a1="passed" make a1 to a4 green... and so on
i cant used conitional formatting as i need more than 3 colours
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Feb 9, 2014
I have a very basic understanding of excel, I mean BASIC, for my work I have multiple dates for vehicles to go in for inspections. I would like the cells to change colours when within 30 days, 10 days and 5 days. I'm on a work excel 2003.
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Sep 26, 2012
I need to compare 2 worksheets, one containing a list of IP adresses that need to be checked (interfaces), and another containing a list of IP addresses that have been checked (Scanned hosts), there are over 100000 scanned host entries.
I need to search the "Scanned hosts" worksheet to ensure that all of the IP addresses listed in the "Interfaces" worksheet have been scanned. I then need to place an entry next to the IP address on the "interfaces" worksheet to indicate the check date and the name of the person who checked it. It also needs to change the colour of the cells to indicate if it has been found or not found.
The code I have written so far (from piecing together different threads from MrExcel), at first glance, seems to work perfectly. However, if I replace an ip address in the "interfaces" worksheet, with one that I know does not exist - it still marks it as found.
IP Address
Date Checked
Checked By
fred bloggs
fred bloggs
[Code] .....
Scanned hosts is just a list of IP addresses and text (168000 rows) in a single column. Format is xx.xx.xx.xx ^IP^^^^Jul 29 2012 08:01:29:000PM
Sub Compare()
Dim X As Long, CurrentRow As Long, FindRow As Long, WS1 As Worksheet, WS2 As Worksheet
Set WS1 = Worksheets("Interfaces")
Set WS2 = Worksheets("Scanned Hosts")
CurrentRow = 1
[Code] .....
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Mar 25, 2008
I have a column in my .XLS whose contents I want to change depending on what the contents of the cells of a different column are. However, I only want two cells from the same row to be dependent on each other. So, for example, if $A$1 reads "1" then $B$1 should read "apple" and if $A$2 reads "1" then $B$2 should read "apple"; if $A$12 reads "3" then $B$12 should read "pavement" etc.
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Aug 21, 2012
I'm using the formula =SUMIF(F18:F18,"LY",G18:G18), =SUMIF(F18:F18,"KT",G18:G18), and so on.
I want to change the range to: =SUMIF(F7:F18,"LY",G7:G18), =SUMIF(F7:F18,"KT",G7:G18), and so on.
I can do it manually, but it's 20 rows.
Is there a way where i can change the formula range on the first and copy it down, without also copying the initials, (etc. "LY") ?
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Sep 8, 2013
How to colour cells depending on text in other cells, for example,
I would like cells D26:AA26 to turn light red if the letters 'FSM' are in cell 'E26' even if other text appears in it, eg 'SA+/FSM'
I have been playing about with conditional formatting but can seem to solve the mixed text issue?
I have included an example below,
Do you use a "*FSM*" around the formula?
[URL] ...........
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Apr 3, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with several freeforms. I would like them to change backgroundcolour, if the content in a cell is equal to another cell.
Basically I would like my shape "Freeform1" to change backgroundcolour to RGB (0, 180, 0) if Sheet1.Range ("A1") = Sheet2.Range("D3").
If it's not the same content in both cells, I would like the freeform to remain unchanged, that's RGB (79, 129, 189).
This should happend automaticly, so I don't have to click the shape to make it happen.
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Feb 24, 2012
(Using Excel 2007)
What would be the quickest and most efficient way of doing the following:
Sheet 1: clicking once, twice, three times in the following cells to change the fill to Red, Yellow, Green respectively (in Row 22, COLUMNS E H K N Q T W Z AD AG) and mirrorring this format/fill on:
Sheet 2: , mirror the selected fill on sheet1 in E22, H22 , K22 in in E3:N3 respectively example E22 (sheet1) is mirrored now in E3 (sheet 2); H22 (sheet 1) is mirrored in F3 (sheet2) etc etc.
I have 35 tabs formatted in the same way - each tab, as with Sheet 1 is linked to a different row on sheet 2 in the same range as is sheet 1 and would need to replicate the mirorring on Sheet 1 to each of the other 34 tabs.
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Jan 8, 2009
what i need is to affect the contents of cell c3.
if i select cell e15 i would like cell c3 to read 123
if i select cell e17 i would like cell c3 to read 234
i believe this could be done using an cell formula if statment but due to teh number of cells i wish to have affect c3 a vba based solution would be required.
i've built an if satement to do this under worksheet activate but not sure how to use the worksheet change way
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Nov 3, 2006
how to clear contents and change colour index of cells.
This is for a booking system. The current VB codes allows bookings to be made by entering a reference number, dates of bookings and room type and bed type. When the VB codes are executed, the cells corresponding to the details entered earlier, would fill the booking table with the reference number and change the colour fill (e.g. yellow) to indicate that the slots are booked. Please refer to attached sample.
However, I do not know how to delete the booking. I would like to assign a cell for user to enter the reference number that needs to be deleted. So when the reference number is entered into that cell, user could execute a function which will clear the contents and change the colour index to none for that particular booking with that reference number(s).
Attached is a sample of the problem.
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Jul 7, 2006
I have a workbook with lets say 10 sheets. 9 of the 10 sheets are identical as far as layout, they just hold different information for different employees. I need to get a range of cells that are NOT empty and copy that data to the 1 different sheet (summary page). A6 through A25 is where the data is going to be, but all those cells may not be filled up, so I want to drop the empty cells from the range. So If only A6-A15 are filled, then those are the only ones that get copied.
ALSO (dont you love that) I need to take that number range and have columns A, F and I as well. So if I have A6-A15, I will need the data out of F6-F15 as well.
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Sep 3, 2013
I want the user of my excel sheet to define a certain area For example range 1:
In cell A1 he enters = 5
In cell B1 he enters 10
Beginning with C1 excel should colour the cells C1, D1,...,H1, because the area has the lenght of 6. Colour could be yellow.
For range 2:
The same in the cells A2, B2, ...
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Dec 8, 2008
I’m working on a macro to clear the contents of all the cells in a certain area of the worksheet that are not locked and do not contain a hyperlink.
(C7 is the first data-entry cell; EndPage1 is a specific cell near the bottom right of the sheet that sets the outside range of the cells to be cleared. This is the code so far:
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Sep 27, 2009
I am trying to get spreadsheet cells to change colour relating to arrival and departure dates. I also need the cells to be assigned value so I can use them to calculate cost based on number of nights, eg arrive Sept 10 dept Sept 15 = 5 nights. I can then use this 5 to multiply out costs.
I have attached an example of what I am trying to achieve.
I have searched the forum and saw similar questions but I couldnt apply them.
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Feb 6, 2013
Trying to run a VBA to colour a range of cells based on the input of a name. I can write the basic level VBA to colour one cell by numerical input but struggling to see how this can be adapted to colour a range of cells and if instead of 1,2,3,4 etc the case could be replaced as text: eg Joe, John, Jason etc.
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Dec 5, 2013
ActiveSheet.Range("A1:G40").Interior.ColourIndex = 6299648
I am trying to fill the above range of cells with a colour, but keep getting an error message.
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