Changing Dates To Years

Dec 15, 2008

I have list of dates:

e.g: D/M/Y


I want a new list that just shows the year and is formatted as a number



Is there a way of doing this without doing it manually, I have 20,000 observations.

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Years And Months Between Two Dates

Aug 7, 2009

The issue is i want years and months between two dates which are not in computer language. Date like 2008/12 and 2010/01. File is attached for you reference

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Dates, Number Of Years

Dec 15, 2008

I have two dates, one is a start date the other is todays date, I want to subtract the start date from todays date and show the number of years. But a small twist is I only want to take the years away from each other, ignore day/month. Start 01/05/2000 todays date 01/10/2008 years = 8. Start 10/10/2000 todays date 01/10/2008 years = 7, want it to still show 8 years and ignore the start day/month.

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Years & Months Between Two Dates

Apr 12, 2007

Which formula should I use to return years and months between two dates.

4/1/05 7/30/25

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Calculating Days,Dates And Years

Feb 4, 2010

I recently manage to create a spreadsheet. On the spreadsheet what I am looking to do is once I change the year in cell U1 from 2010 to 2011 to automatically change the days and the date number, and where Sat and Sun preferably to auto-fill in yellow the whole column within the table as you can see in the spreadsheet.if not then just do not display Sat/Sun columns at all..

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Counting Number Of Years Between To Dates

Nov 19, 2008

I have a list of people with birthdays that needs to be checked against TODAY to determine how old people are. If I subtract the two fields from one another, I get number of days. But is there a way to convert into years? In my attached example, I'd like column C to display 3 (age for person).

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Calculate Day, Months & Years Between Dates

Dec 20, 2006

I have two columns with dates (and times) in that I am trying to define how many days, hrs and mins have elapsed i.e. A1 has 12/12/06 21:00, B1 has 17/12/06 21:00. C1 has B1-A1 and is custom formatted to show as dd"days" hh"hrs" mm"mins". In this case it will therefore show as 5days 0hrs 0mins. Which is correct.

However, if more than 1month has elapsed then the format m"m" d"days" h"hrs" m"mins" does not work. For example 17/03/06 03:00 to 20/12/06 07:00 shows as 10m 4days 4hrs 00min, which it clearly isn't.

I know the reason it does this is because it calculates the difference between the two times and adds that to it's 0 value, which in my format is 01/01/1900 00:00. therefore when it adds 277days (the answer) it becomes 04/10/1900 04:00, so my formatting is just calling the month value ('10') and the day value ('4').

I understand the reason it does this, 277 days on from 01/01/1900 is indeed Oct 4th, but 277 days on from 17/03/06 is not 10months and 4 days as there are different length months in between. It also seems to add a month on, possibly because the format for 'months' is between 1 & 12 and therefore cannot begin at 0?

Does anyone know if it's possible to force excel to work out the correct number of months and days have elapsed between two dates and not apply it to 01/01/1900? Or any other possible solution, maybe with a different custom format?

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Filter By Years In Dates & Other Criteria

Sep 25, 2007

I have mutliple non-contiguous columns that are SUPPOSED to contain dates. If the particular item for that coulmn doesn't require a date then "waived" is typed; others may be blank. I want to apply a filter that will tell me if any one of the columns YEAR is older than "2004". I'm really bad at formulas to bare with me.

I inserted the following formula: =IF(OR(YEAR(N6)<=2004,YEAR(V6)<=2004,YEAR(X6)<=2004,YEAR(AB6)<=2004,YEAR(AD6)<=2004,YEAR(AF6)<=2004,YEAR(AI6)<=2004),"EXPIRED","GOOD")

The problem is that if the cell is blank or if contains "waived" it either produces "#value!" or it reports "True" when it is actually "False". I'm not sharp enough to know how to account for those two conditions in my formula.

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Calculating Years / Months / Days Between Two Dates?

Oct 17, 2009

my spreadsheet is setup with two dates: A date for when someone joins our group A date for when they are released/leave

I want to be able to see exactly how many years/months/days transpired between these two dates. I have tried lots of different formulas with no success.

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Excel 2010 :: Grouping Dates Across 2 Different Years

Apr 7, 2012

I am using 2010 to write some code for a spreadsheet that will be used in 2007, so I know that RepeatLabels is not available.

My question is if you Group a date field by Months and Years and the data spans across 2 or more different years, is there a way to hide months in a specific year? I ask because the Date field has only 12 months in it and if I hide Jan (for example) it hides Jan in both years. (attached pic of filter for Date field below.)

Is there some other way to format it so it can discern between years or do I need to add yet another column to my original data?

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How To Find Number Of Fractional Years Between 2 Dates

Aug 6, 2013

I am trying to capture the number of years/quarters are between two dates - giving credit for one day worked into the quarter.

In the attached png file you can see the formula I used for column J. This is the same formula I need to use for Column R but now using 10/1/11 and the date provided in Column R. The formula should be used in Column S "Part B" so that I can determine the number of years between 10/1/11 and the date in Column S.

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Getting Total Months In Between Dates (disregarding Years)

Dec 1, 2013

ith the example below, i am having a problem with the calculation of Total Month. If i put Dec 31 2012 in A2 the total month is 10 BUT if I change the A2 to Dec 30, 2012 the total month is 11. What i am trying to do is to calculate the number of months only disregarding the years. example August 15, 2010 and January 16, 2013 i need to have total months of 5 months only.


First Month
2nd Month
Total Month



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Countif- Sheet That Contains Dates Going Back A Few Years

Aug 2, 2007

I have a sheet that contains dates going back a few years. I am trying to use the countif function to count the different sites in column B according to date. eg I want to be able to find out how many jobs for PHO1 were created between todays date and 7 days ago, this can go into column C, In column D I need to find out how many jobs were created by PHO1 between 7 and 14 days ago etc etc....

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Excel 2010 :: Time Between Dates In Years And Quarters (.25)

Dec 18, 2013

how to calculate the time between two dates in years and quarters (represented in .25 increments). I would round down on the .25 increments (3 months) if not fully surpassed.

See attachment on what it should look like. C2 is my calculated column.

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Add 65 Years To Column Of Birth Dates And Result Must Be In Yyyy/mm/dd Format?

Jun 8, 2014

I need to add 65 years to a column of birth dates and the result must be in yyyy/mm/dd format. What is the formula?

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Calculating Difference In Months Between Dates / Ignoring Days And Years?

Mar 13, 2012

Cell A1 contains 02/29/2012

Cell B1 contains 12/01/2006

I am looking for a formula that will return the number of months (periods) between two dates, ignoring days and years. Using the above dates, which cannot be changed, the result needs to be 63. The formulas I have tried keep returning 64 because my later date is at the end of a period, and my earlier date is at the beginning.

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Excel 2003 :: Amortization Table - Years Elapsed From Column Of Dates

May 21, 2012

I am working with an amortization table and need to work out the elapsed time to amortize the loan.

Currently the worksheet is working fine and calculates the end date of the loan but the length of the column varies depending on the scenario.

I need a formula to calculate the time that elapses between the first date and last date.

The data starts in cell b13 and the last date could appear in pretty much any cell below that, so the formula will need to look for the last valid entry.

I am using excel 2003.

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Adding Years To A Date (taking Into Account Leap Years)

Aug 28, 2007

I have a date 07/28/2027 and need Excel to calculate a date 65 years in the future taking into account leap years.

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Changing Reference From Current Years File Data To Blank File Data

Feb 19, 2014

I have a blank file and a data file for current year with formulas.

So I am trying to take a couple of tabs from current year data file and pasting them into the blank file.

My question when is do that all the formulas get referenced to the current years file. i want to keep the same formulas but reference the tabs on blank file.

Is there a quicker way to do this rather and going into all the cells and changing reference from current years files data to blank files data.

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Changing Dates Using Userform

Nov 19, 2013

I am trying to query my data, which includes a date field. If the user changes the date, I want to perform certain actions. Once I find the record, I can update all the fields with the userform. However, I can't compare the date in the userform with the date I have found so that it will follow a different course of action. Using the following I get the message whether I change the date or not.

If VisitorForm.txtLastVisit.Value <> FoundCell.Offset(0, -3).Value Then
MsgBox "Dates Don't Match", vbExclamation, "Sorry"
Exit Sub
End If

If I change the "<>" to "=", the routine stops whether I change the date or not. Something's working, but not right.

I did find that the userform sets the format to mm/dd/yyyy although the data is mm/dd/yy. But I've tried changing the data format and it made no difference.

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Dataset To Continuously Changing Dates?

Jul 13, 2014

I am working on making a spreadsheet that will rack which guests are using which membership for a certain client. Here is what I've got so far. My goal is to have the spreadsheet work like a calendar where the dates are changing daily as well as all the information with it. I was able to make the dates change, but I am unable to have the specific data change with them. Is there a way to set a column of information to a specific date?

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VBA Selecting Workbook With Changing Dates In Name

Nov 5, 2013

I am working with two files everyday: today's and yesterday's. Each report has the day's date in the name of the file.

So I'll take today's (11-5) and import it into yesterday's (11-4). Then, tomorrow I'll take 11-6 and import into 11-5. The day after, I'll take 11-7 and import into 11-6. So on and so forth. I'm trying to figure out how I can get VBA to accommodate these changes in names. So that it sees the date in the name of today's report, sees that it is today's, then selects yesterday's (or says "Open yesterday's report!"), and imports the information.

I can figure out everything else, just not the naming issue.

I guess I could always stipulate to the person running it that they should only have these two workbooks open and that they should run the macro starting in yesterday's workbook. Just writing VBA code to select the only other workbook so VLOOKUP can be done from it. But I am trying to make it fool proof.

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Changing Dates Based On Dropdown Selection?

Feb 12, 2014

I am trying to develop a worksheet that will adjust dates based on a selection from a drop down box. I can do basic formulas in excel

I am trying to get the drop down box in "Revisit Type" to include three selections ("Sanitation", "Spark", and "High Five"). Once the dropdown box is created I want to be able to make a selection and enter an initial visit date under "Initial Visit Date" then have the "Earliest Return Visit Date" and the "Latest Return Visit Date" automatically populated based on this information below:

Sanitation or Spark = 10-30 day window
High Five = 10-21 day window

I am at a loss . I have attached a sample of the workbook for reference.

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Prevent Other Cells From Changing Their Dates And Time

Mar 30, 2009

When I enter this : =now(). it gives the local date and time in my PC in that exact cell. assume it is in (A2). when I enter in Any cell in the spreedsheet the sam formula =now(). then the previous formula (A2) is changed to the new date and time.

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VBA - Changing Dates According To A Week Before Today Date

Sep 11, 2013

So I have this sheet template to copy for various other sheets, and on A3-A1000, they contain dates from August 1st 2013 to whenever. Starting with A3 as August 1st. The problem is now, it's September 10th, and I would like A3 to be a week before September 10th. Then A4 would be September 11th. And so on and so forth. The dates also must only consist of weekdays and the dates must be hard coded. Is this possible? I have the simple code for copying over the spreadsheet, but I don't know the rest.

Sub Submit()

Sheets("Client Name").Copy after:=Sheets(Sheets.Count) = Sheets("Control").Range("C19").Value

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Bar Chart Thickness Changing When Dates Entered?

May 20, 2014

When creating bar charts i add the data I need and the bar thickness is as it should be, but when i cange harizontal axis to include the correct dates the lines turn really thin?

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Changing Calendar Start And Stop Dates

Jun 20, 2007

The company I work for does not use the usual calendar dates and uses a modified calendar. As an example, the month of January is Dec 31 thru Jan 27, February is Jan 28 thru Feb 24 and so on. I need to group data using a pivot table and summarize data by month, but as I just described above, calendar months will not work. Is there a way to modify what Excel sees as monthly dates?

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Stop Excel From Changing Numbers To Dates In CSV File?

Jun 6, 2005

When opening a .CSV created from a third party software, one of the columns is converted to date format. The numbers are imported in #/# format. and Excel changes most of the numbers to 2-Jan, 3-Jan etc... This would not be that big of an issue if I could simply set it back. Clearing format or changing to text converts it to a 5 digit number.

The only way I have found to get it to work properly thus far is to open a blank sheet and import data and setting the column to text prior to import.

I would like to find a way of opening the CSV file without all the extra steps. Is there a setting that can be turned off?

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Excel 2010 :: Changing Format Of Dates In A Column?

Oct 19, 2013

I am working with a 2010 Excel spread sheet and need some direction.

One column has dates in it. Some dates are like dd/mm/yyyy (eg 15/03/1974) and others in the same column are in the following format 14th October 1983.

I need all of the dates to be in the first format (dd/mm/yyyy).

Is there a way to do this without manually changing each field? I have already tried highlighting the column, then clicking the 'numbers' arrow and picking 'date' from the number tab but that didn't work. It's never that easy, is it?

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How To Prevent Pivot Tables From Changing Source Data Numbers Into Dates In Field Columns

May 13, 2013

why is pivot table changing numbers to dates. It was fine all along, numbers retained the fromat of source data and now, all numbers in field columns are turning into dates. is there a setting I can change to prevent excel from reformatting numbers to dates?

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