Clear Value From Cell

May 14, 2006

I have written a vb code to import data from notepad to excel.
I have created a command button to clear those data after excecuting certain function.
For eg. if i have data in column A,B & C of excel i want a code which will clear the value in B & C only starting from a specific row of that column.

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Macro That Will Clear Contents Of Cell Based On Format Of Text In Adjacent Cell

Feb 18, 2009

Been racking brain, searching through the forum here, and my Excel 2003 Bible all day trying to figure out this problem to no avail. I would like to clear the contents of any cell in a given range if the cell immediately to the right of is formatted as bold.

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Move Down Column And For Every Blank Cell Clear Contents Of Cell To The Left?

Jun 1, 2014

i need a code that moves down a column and for every empty cell in the column the cell to the left is cleared and then it moves on to the next cell down. the column is not always the same and will start from a selected cell, and the column will contain no more than 5 rows

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VBA To Clear Contents / Change Value Of A Cell Based On If Another Cell Has A Value And Continue L To R

Mar 9, 2013

I am relatively new to VBA. I am creating an attendance calendar that tracks employees calling sick, late etc.. It is a point based system. What I am looking for is, a way to clear the point value that was manually entered in a specific cell (I3), if there is a Value manually entered in (CU3). Each column in my worksheet is for a specific date ie; I3 is the cell where I enter the points (1.00) for that employee by calling in sick on 3/1/2013, (Column "I" is for 3/1/2013). After 90 days, this point accumulated by the employee does not count against them, so I need that point entered in (I3) to either = 0 or the cell contents to be cleared if there is a value entered in cell (CU3) which is 91 days after, so my (A3) cell does not add that point acquired on 3/1/2013.

I need this to run in a range (I3:I450) so if any value is entered into (CU3:CU450) it has the same result and continue to for (J3:J450) so if any value is entered into (CV3:CV450) and so on..

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Clear Contents Of Cell Based On Comparsion Of Cell Values

Mar 7, 2007

I am a financial administrator & every month I have down load 4 bank accts as CSV, import into xl & code (CACode) the amounts for our accountant. I have VBA that formats, adds headings & formula etc but I have a problem/s. In H col I place CAcode & I use a sumif formula in I col to sum all the amounts with that have the same CAcode. For simplicity sake I copy the sumif down & then sort H col ascendindingly (this is done by VBA). Now I am trying write a macro to clear the contents of the cell in I col

if eg h60 = h59
then I60 clearContents, Select h59
Else select H59
Do until H3 is selected

Select table (A2:I Xldown)
Sort Table by CAcode (H Col)
Set Range as H3:Xldown
Select Last cell with CAcode (Xldown) in H col
For every cell in Range (H3:Xldown)
Use If/thenIf Last cell = 2nd Last cell (H Col) then
Clear contents of I col (last row)
select 2nd Last cell (H Col)
Else 2nd Last cell (H Col)Next Cell

I have to use Xldown to select range as the range will be variable each month & for each bank acct. I need to clear contents of cell to verify that all the sub-totals of unique CAcodes of the CAcoded amounts = the totals Because I may have up to 120 rows X 3 bank accts I am slowly using vba to do my work.

Sub sort_And_delete_Sumif_amounts()
Dim r As Range
'Select range to sort
'Sort CAcode in H col ascendingly
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("H2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
'select range for comparisomn of CAcode
Set r = Range("H3", Selection.End(xlDown))................

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Clear Macro NOT Clear Formula?

Aug 15, 2014

I'm having a problem with a macro clearing a formula in a cell. I have the same type of cell that doesn't have the problem but I can't find the difference between the 2 cells or difference in vb that's making it happen. I have to intentionally cause this to happen but don't see why it's happening. Do I need to attach workbook and describe what's happening? I have been copying and pasting from different sources as well as paying to have it created/started but it was expensive(for me) and I make nothing off of it, just use it at work. I am not proficient in Excel or vb but I'm desperately trying to learn as I go so as not to fork out a few hundred dollars again.

here's atleast the vb for the macros:

Sub clearclientinfo() '


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Clear Cell Contents If Another Cell Equals String

Sep 23, 2013

I have a 700 line spreadsheet and would like to delete the cell next to another cell if it contains a certain string. I.e if A1 to A3 equals "Test" then i would like to delete the contents of B1 to B3, But if A2 equals "Completed" then only B1 and B3 should be cleared.

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Input Data Then Clear Cell But Save To Another Cell?

Jan 29, 2014

I want to be able to see the average rating for each employee.. Is there a way to put in the rating from one survey and have it automatically add it another cell and then have it clear the first cell?

Here is an example of what I would like to do: Say we get 2 surveys with one rating of 5 and one rating of 10... If I input the 5 into cell Q4 and have it automatically put into cell R4 and then it gets deleted from Q4 but saved to R4... and then I can add the rating of 10 to Q4 and it automatically ads it to R4 and clears Q4 and totals R4 to an average of 7.5.

This way, with each new survey I can just input each rating to Q4 and have it cleared for the next rating and then have an average rating of all the surveys in R4... we do not need to keep track of how many ratings we are getting, just the average rating.

I have attached the excel sheet if you would like to take a look at what I am trying to do..

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Excel 2010 :: Clear Cell If Certain Word Does NOT Appear In Another Cell

Jan 31, 2014

I'm having issues with some coding to work in excel 2003, 2007 & 2010 which will ensure that if cell E3 is changed to anything except "pool_car", then cell D12 is changed to 0.00.

So if a user originally selects "pool_car" in E3 and then enters a figure in D12 (which they are allowed to do using data validation), if they then choose to change the car type in E3, that D12 is then cleared of the figure they entered for the "pool_car".

I'm already using a similar code to clear other cells if another changes but am uncertain of who to change this coding or write other coding to suit.

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Clear Cell Content Based On Another Cell Calculation

Dec 21, 2012

I have a cell A1 in sheet2 linked cell A1 in sheet1 (simply A1='sheet1'!A1). A1 in sheet1 is a data validation drop down menu.

I want to clear the content of A2 in sheet 2 everytime the content of A1 in sheet2 changes/is updated. That is everytime the value of A1 in sheet1 is changed using the drop down menu.

I tried using a Worksheet_Change event macro (which I do not fully understand) but it won't work with a cell that updates from a calculation. It also doesn't work if triggered from a cell from another worksheet (I tried linking it to cell A1 on sheet1 in this case).

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("A1")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
End Sub

Any simple solution to clear the content of cell A2 in sheet2 when A1 in sheet2 updates?

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VBA To Clear And Lock / Unlock Cell Based On Another Cell

Jan 14, 2013

I'm trying to write a vba code that does the following....

There is a question in column A to which the user chooses yes or no from column B. Based on the response in column B, I'd like the same row column D to be formatted so that if the anser is yes, the cell is white, and unlocked. If the response is no, the cell is cleared, locked and the greyed out. (e.g. if B4 is "Yes", the format in D4 will change) So far I've come up with the following which formats the colour:

Dim response As Range
For Each response In Range("$C$10:$C$73")
If response.Value = "Yes" Then

ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2).Range("A1").Select
With Selection.Interior

[Code] .......

How to add in a .clearcontents function, so that the contents are cleared if the response is not "yes", and also what I would need to add to unlock the cell in column D?

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Clear Cell Value Without Format

Jan 17, 2010

I need help with the vba function that will delete the cell value but leave colors if any ...

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How To Clear Cell Contents

Jan 17, 2012

I have the following code where I want to clear the cells.



When I run this code, where it should select G27:I57, it instead selects G27:N57!!!!

When I manually try to select the G27:I57, the selection jumps to the right to N57.

When I use this piece of code on a different worksheet, it works OK!

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Clear A Formatted Cell

Oct 24, 2006

I have a cell that I've formatted to dd/mmm/yy, It used to work, but now it doesn't. When I type in 1/2/03, the formatted cell shows 0-Jan-00, The formula bar shows =1/1/2. I seem to have a formula in the cell, but I can't get rid of it. I know it's most probably somethinmg I've done , but I don't know what. I've tried everything I know. I can't seem to re format the cell , and I can't delete the formatting in it. I'm stuffed.

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Clear A Cell's Contents

Mar 7, 2007

Is it possible using vba code to clear a specific cell's contents? I have a workbook that has text boxes that need the linked cell cleared when the workbook opens so the user can start fresh with empty text box's.

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If Data Changes In Cell Clear Contents Of Another Cell

Feb 20, 2009

I'm sure this is very easy but I just can't seem to get my head around it

I have data in cells j3 and j4 but when the data changes in j3 I'd like j4 to be cleared of it's contents.

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Clear Contents Of A Cell Of Row A, If Cell In Row I Is Blank

May 6, 2009

I need to clear the contents of the cell in Row "A", if the cell in Row "I" is blank.

The issue, is there are roughly 1200 excel documents in a folder and subfolders. That is a painful amount of opening workbooks, sort ascending and deleting. Not on my top 10 list of things to do.

If someone could create a code to do this, and loop it through a folder (I can move all the files to a single folder manually, not an issue)

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Automatically Clear Cell When Corresponding Cell Is Populated

Aug 14, 2009

I have a 7 (columns) by 2 (rows) grid of cells which I need to perform the following,

If cell a1 is populated, then it will clear the contents of a2, or if cell e2 then it will clear the contents of e1. Basically if any cell is populated it will clear the other corresponding column entry.

I came across this code which works well for one cell


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Clear Cell When Corresonding Cell Is Changed

Aug 6, 2008

I know next to nothing about VBA. I have been reading up on it but can't figure out how to do this. A2 has a dropdown list. D2 has options based on the selection in A2. I need to empty the contents of D2 when the selection has changed in A2. I have the corresponding lists linked up. But still need the cell the void the previous info.

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End Of Month, End Of Year Clear Cell

Feb 14, 2010

I have a worksheet that keeps a year to date and month to date total of overages or underages (end of day cash reconciliation). I need to have a formula that clears the month or year to date total cell at the appropriate time and I want to do this independant of the year as I generate a new sheet every day and enter yesterday's numbers.

I think I have the year figured out by picking the month and day and comparing but the only thing I have come up with for the month is comparing to a list of 13 dates (leap year).

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Cell Protection & Clear Macro

Oct 14, 2008

when i password protect my sheet it doesnt let my clear cells macro work on the cells i need it to clear why is this and what way is there around this completes my complex sheet.

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Clear Cell Content Query

Feb 19, 2010

My Excel Vba shown below inserts time() into a cell on my sheet. Is it possible to clear this cell if time() is already into the cell. My VBA is onky entering the time() once and not insering the current time() if a change cell values after some time i.e.

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Clear Cell Based On Criteria

Apr 18, 2005

I'm trying to write a macro that clears the cell in the range V10:X14 if the value of that cell equals 99.

Sub MyDeleteCell()
For i = 10 To 14 Step 1
For j = 22 To 25 Step 1
If Cells(i, j) = 99 Then Cells(i, j).Clear
Next i
Next j
End Sub

It's giving me a "Invalid Next Control Variable reference" I've tried defining i and j as Integers but that didn't work.

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VBA Clear Cell Contents If Criteria Met?

Feb 7, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with data to row 5000. I have column Y that has an "X" in it. I would like some VBA code to look at each row up to 5000, in column Y for the "X". If it is there, clear the cell contents on the current row in columns T, U, and V.

I've tried modifying some existing code (excluding the Y column range of 5000) but keep getting a "Compile error: Wrong number of arguments or invalid property assignments". How do I set the 5000 limit and get this code back on track?

Sub RemoveBankDelay()
n = WorksheetFunction.CountIf(Range("Y:Y"), "X")
For i = 1 To n


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Clear Content Of Adjacent Cell

Jan 4, 2007

With code I enter text by double clicking in any cell in a range.(column A,B,C are excleded)
What I need is to clear the content of the cell adjacent to the left of the one I choose to dbl click AND the one below that.
Example: I dbl click in E1 and the content of cells D1 and D2 is cleared.

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Clear Cells If Corresponding Cell Empty

Dec 8, 2006

If I have 2 columns A and B, I would want cells in A emptied if cells in column B is empty. Otherwise, ignore.

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Excel 2010 :: Clear Formula From A Cell

Apr 4, 2014

I am using Excel 2010. I am extracting text and data info from a single cell and inserting the info into different cells. Let's say the following formula is entered into cell M28:

=IF(MID(J28, FIND("IM", J28),2)="IM", MID(J28, FIND("IM", J28),10), "")

This tests cell J28 to see if the text string "IM" is present in that cell.

If it is, then the text "IM" plus the following eight characters become the result in cell M28.

If the text string "IM" is not present in cell J28, I want the contents of cell M28, that is the formula itself, to be deleted from cell M28. EG below:

=IF(MID(J28, FIND("IM", J28),2)="IM", MID(J28, FIND("IM", J28),10), function here to delete this formula from this cell)
( logical test ) ( value if true ) ( value if false )

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Automatically Clear Contents Of Cell When Selected

Oct 13, 2009

Is there way to automatically clear the contents of a cell when the user clicks in that cell. Eg, click in "A1" then then "A1" clears automatically.

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Clear Cells When Another Cell Is Edited By Using A Loop

Oct 16, 2009

I am making a workbook where the G column is drop-down menus that are populate a drop down on the H column. Whenever someone changes the selection of the G column I was to erase what is in the corresponding H column. I have this code that works, but I need to do this for 100 lines. Is there any way to put this into a loop instead of writing 100 if statements?

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Clear Cell Contents Based On Defined Name

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying to clear cell contents based on a defined name given to a set of various cells in my worksheet. The cells are not continuous, but since they're given that defined name, I don't think it matters.

The defined name is listed as "CommentsFields".
The worksheet name is listed as "QPRForm_V6"

I found a similar thread, but cannot get it to work with what I'm looking for. I'm relatively new to writing VBA/macros, so I'm not sure what to do.

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