Converting Hh:mm:ss To Simple Numeric Format?
Oct 9, 2011
I need to convert data in HH:MM:SS format to normal numbers
for example if I have a time ( 10 hours 30 mins 30 sec )
10:30:30 then it should reflect as 10.3
I basically am not looking to convert the data to complicated hours format like say 10.9 and all as it complicates the other calculation.
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Jul 13, 2009
I need to be able to locate a date in a spreadsheet bassed uppon a user input date. I am looking for the week that contains the user's date. However it seems even if I initialize the value as Date, it still reads the user's input as a string.
Is there an easy way make sure the system automaticaly recognizes the user's input as a date, or is there a way to quicly convert the string to a date?
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Feb 14, 2009
I, too, am trying to use excel to the fullest. My first issue is, I would like to convert the numberic grade in one cell to a letter grade in another cell. I am not really good with all the vocabulary, but would love to learn it, and can copy a formula pretty well!!!! Not so good with functions and macros but would love to learn. All help appreciated.
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Jan 4, 2014
I need to convert numeric data to proper dates. Example: a cell currently reads 100875 but I need it to display 10/08/1975.
I've already found a VBA script that properly formats new data as you enter it (keying 1298 results in 1/2/1998), and I'm familiar with using =DATE(left,mid,right) to coerce Excel into spitting out a date in a certain format.
The difficulty I'm having is that I need to make existing data display correctly, without adding another column to accommodate reinterpretation of said existing data through a formula. Essentially I'm looking to avoid having to re-key several thousand date entries.
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Jul 9, 2012
I have looked at some threads related to this issue but don't quite fit what I am on about. I access some data online that appears in a grid format which I copy and paste to Excel. I don't have access to the source data/database. I select and set some query variables and run the query and the result appears in the grid. I copy and paste to Excel that is it. When paste to Excel 2010 I have the choice between "Keep source formatting" and "Match destination formatting". OK, I always choose the 2nd option i.e. "Match destination formatting". That is it. It appears to be a simpler format. Where does the problem come in? Can you help me stop Excel from involuntarily converting numerics to dates when not asked?
The data itself can (at least the part that I'm interested in can) come in 2 different ways. 1) WPS or 2) W%P%S. In case you're interested these represent racing statistics where 1) WPS = Number of Wins, Places, Starts given as whole integer format and 2) W%P%S = Percentage of Wins, Percentage of Places and S is still the integer number of starts. Now, when I run the query and copy these statistics over to Excel, particularly in the form of the 1st type of data i.e. WPS they are in the form e.g. "2-6-12" which means 2 wins, 6 places from 12 starts. The stats literally come across in the form "W-P-S" where I fear the delimiter "-" is causing the date conversion consequences that I have outlined at the start. ALSO, as you could have imagined, I have tried importing the data in terms of the 2nd type of data namely "W%-P%-S", which, on the surface of things begins to solve the problem in terms of the initial paste of the data into Excel. That is true, and yes I have found that this has delimited the data correctly mainly. Although there are still occasional problems. When I import the data this way, I still want the data in the % form as well as the integer form. So I do a great deal of data massaging with what I have and yet in re-converting some of the data back to integer form I can still encounter the "convert to date" problem.
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Mar 31, 2014
One of the reports I run provides me information on lengths of time. Such a field displays as |0:09:16| indicating 9 minutes and 16 seconds. However, when the report generates the excel spreadsheet it saves these cells in date/time format ([h]:mm:ss). If I were to convert this field to the number format (so I can manipulate and graph it) it displays as such |0.00643460648148148| Ideally I would be able to have the data in the field stored as |556| (556 seconds, or 9 minutes 16 seconds). I have thousands of fields that I need to manipulate where the data is stored in this format and I can not figure out how to fix it.
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Nov 19, 2013
I have a pivot chart which has one Axis field (Cell Ref2) and one Sum of Values field (which is a table series of percentages calculated from formulas)
I see the graph like I'd expect, but I'm struggling to get it to show percentages rather than basic integer units on the y-axis? Usually I would imagine to just right click on the y-axis : Format Axis, and expect to see something to change the display units, but it is only for hundredths thousands etc rather than a percentage ? The units themselves in the table for that value series are in percentages so I don't see why it isnt showing the percentage units in the first place.
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Sep 15, 2009
On the attached example i have a list of fractions (in the format ?/???). However, i have a problem when the fraction is 6/4 or 4/6 as excel rounds the nominator and de-nominator down to the lowest value so these fractions become 3/2 and 2/3. For these two fractions only i don't want this rounding down to happen.
I am open to any suggestions, but i was thinking of some vba where on pressing a button it would run a macro that went through the cells in the column and if the cell value is 1.5 (3/2) then format the cell as text and enter the value"6/4". For the 2/3 fraction, i think you may need to say if the cell is greater than 0.66 and less than 0.67 because this would possibly be harder to exact as the number of decimal places involved.
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May 14, 2009
I get data in csv format from an external source.
The problem is that it gives me dates in a lousy format of ddmmyy
For example 120706 or 050606.
Excel doesn't recognise them as dates and just displays them as numbers (120706 or 50606)
I want to see them as dates, so I select the column and change the format to date
excel sees my "numbers" as a julian date, and jumps me forward to the dates 24/06/2230 and 20/07/2038 respectively.
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Nov 17, 2009
I am stuck on this one. In the attachment I have values pulling into N3:N7 based on a drop down choice. Some of the numbers are numeric (no decimals), others are currency (no decimals), others are percentages (2 decimals), etc.
Is there a way to pull values I'm currently pulling into column N and have those values match the format of the source? I've tried converting it into TEXT but then I cannot place conditional formatting data bars on the values and have it work.
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Dec 17, 2012
How to use data validation to restrict the input format into a cell. I'm trying to limit a cell to the following format: either ###/###' or ##/##'. NOTE: the apostrophe at the end. Here is what I've been trying to get the thing to work for the 2nd case:
But I'm getting an error when I input a test into the cell, e.g. 12/45'.
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Feb 16, 2010
I thought I had this solved but an inconsistency has shown up. I have a long list of chemical formulas that I want to format (partially) as subscript.
Basically what I need the macro to do is look at each character within a cell and check to see if it is numeric. If it is AND it follows a non-numeric character it should be formatted as subscript.
H2O the 2 should be subscript
H2SO4 the 2 and the 4 should be subscript
2CCl4 only the 4 should be subscript
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Feb 16, 2010
I have a long list of chemical formulas that I want to format (partially) as subscript.
Basically what I need the macro to do is look at each character within a cell and check to see if it is numeric. If it is AND it follows a non-numeric character it should be formatted as subscript.
H2O the 2 should be subscript
H2SO4 the 2 and the 4 should be subscript
2CCl4 only the 4 should be subscript
CuSO4 - 5H2O
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Feb 12, 2012
I want to record the amount of people attending a venue over a given period. The information presents names and did they attend. In column "D' from D5 to D45 the information will be yes or no. I want a formula that calculates the amount of YES and shows the answer in a numeric format
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Aug 22, 2008
I collect data from a data historian and I'm having difficulty with a date format. The collected data is saved in a txt file and imported to Excel 2007.
The date returned by the historian is the following format
9/30/2007 8:45:18.000 PM
This format is not recongnized by Excel as a date format but as a text box.
How can I change this to a date format without having to change all the dates and times manually (over 10 000 dates)?
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Oct 9, 2006
I want to covert XML file to format of a table (excel).
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Nov 28, 2013
I have several numeric values in one cell enetered using the alt return method, can these values be recognised as individual entries and therefore when the cell is formatted as $ it is applied on all entries?
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Aug 24, 2007
I have uploaded a copy of the spreadsheet I am working on and have completed the user forms and coding for march the 1st only, so if you test, please use the options march and then the 1st!
The problems i have is, when I enter a number into a text box and press next page, the numbers fill where i want them to but the cells do not recognise them as numbers, therefore conditional formatting doesnt work! Even if I change the cell properties to numbers, this does not remove the error!
Second problem!! If a user forgetts to enter a value in a box, or they wish to edit just one value, and go back into the user form to change a figure, when they press next page, all the values in the column seem to disappear!
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Oct 21, 2008
I have received a large file of text and numbers arranged (loosely) in columns in a .txt file that I need to get into a usable form in Excel. I'm trying to use the Text Import Wizard but am running into problems geting the column breaks right as there are thousands of rows of data items. As soon I think that I've inserted the break line in the correct place I scroll down a little further to find an item that encroaches into the next column, and when I shift the break line to the right to accommodate this new item I then encroach on the items in this next column.
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Sep 2, 2009
I have this set of time that is in eg. 0800 to 1630. how do i make it in to a 8.5hrs figure
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Dec 12, 2013
how we could convert numbers to 24 hour time format as we key in the numbers?
As we key in 0815, it would automatically convert to 08:00.
As we key in 1345, it would automatically convert to 13:45.
What is the code we could use to put in the code of the sheet?
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Jun 30, 2009
I have an excel file that is used to create a large text file. This is all done manually so I wrote some code to create the file automatically. I have everything working except that I am losing some info. The info is zeros after the decimal point. Almost all of the cells are formatted as numbers with 3 decimal places. It is common to have values of 0.000 that end up just 0 when they are written to the text file. Is there a way to keep the formatting (all decimal places)? Here is an example of code that I am using to write data directly from a cell to the file.
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Jan 15, 2007
I have a spreadsheet which has the date set out like this: 20070101
If there any way i can change this to either 2007/01/01 or 01/01/2007?
I have tried using the date format (in the cells) but it just comes up with ######## i tried expanding the cell but no luck, this is very importand that i do this as its for a customer.
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Jan 26, 2012
I need to use a vlookup, however that's not my query. In order to allow the vlookup to work, I need the reference number field in a different format. I thought I'd add a column next to it for the converted number. The number is presently in the format 99/99999, I need the number to be in the format 99999/99. What formula or function will allow me to do this?
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Oct 4, 2007
I have hit an issue when tranfering a string date from VBA to excel, excel thinks the string is US format and swaps around the days and months even though the system and excel are setup for UK date format:
Simple example of the problem:
Sub test()
Dim testy As String
testy = Now
'testy will equal 04/10/2007 17:20
Range("A1").Value = testy
'A1 will equal 10/04/2007 17:20
End Sub
Now I know in this example that if I used DateValue(testy) it would work, but our situation is a bit more complex as we are running this is a loop testy is not always a date.
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Jan 15, 2014
I have two Columns of 4 digit numbers (24 hour clock format). I need these numbers to be in Time Format. Formatting the Columns or even individual cells seems to do nothing.
1238 as 12:38 etc.
These numbers are acquired using VLOOKUP
I have attached a copy of my file, The numbers in question are on sheet "iCalender" 8th sheet accross.
Columns "start Time" and "End Time"
Time Format is Compulsory so that I can upload to a .ics Web Converter. Of which is currently failing for this reason.
5th January 2014 - Copy.xlsm
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Dec 20, 2012
I've been having a problem lately with Excel automatically converting all of the cells on my spreadsheet from standard number format to dates. I've created several spreadsheets for calculations and all the cells in the number formats that I wanted. It's been saved and actually reopened and used several times. I opened it this morning and now half of numbers are now converted to dates. I've had this happen several times on several different spreadsheets. Why is this happening? Is there a setting somewhere that I need to change?
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Jul 17, 2014
code to convert excel file format into Text.
We are doing this activity on a daily basis to upload into our EPM system , where our system only accepts TXT file.
find enclosed excel input file and output file which should be in TXT format.
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Jan 28, 2009
I am trying to convert the data I have to matrix format. I have attached a sample of the data in the file I have attached. The data is in the worksheet "Original" and the matrix format that I am trying to convert is in the "Transformed" worksheet. Can someone please help me with the VBA code for going from "Original" to "Transformed"?
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Oct 9, 2013
I have a column that contains dates from our system that displays in "mmddyyyy" format (i.e., 10121999 or 8121998). How do I convert this to a 10/12/1999, 8/12/1998 formatted column?
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