Copy The Information On One Cell On A Sheet To Multiple Sheets?
Oct 2, 2013
I have excel from windows 8 and I am trying to copy the information on one cell on a sheet to multiple sheets. I tried the click on one tab hold shift and click on the last tab and type the information or press F2 or paste the information. Well, nothing works.
Currently I have it setup to copy rows to a sheet "Report" based on a single cell value. But now I need the same thing but have it copy the rows based on 2 cells values to sheet "Report". So for example I wanted to copy and paste each row in my workbook that contain values in Columns N:N that contain the value "Test" and in columns AB:AB that contain "1".
Sub copyagain() Application.ScreenUpdating = False Dim sh As Worksheet, findThis As String, fAdr As String, fLoc As Range findThis = "1"
I have a workbook with 26 sheets, labelled A to Z. Column A in all the sheets have names from rows A6:A35.
I need a macro or a code to extract all the names from each of the 26 sheets and paste it to a new sheet 'Names' under column A, such that names starting with 'B' paste under all the names 'A' and so forth till 'Z'.
I have a workbook that updates from external source and creates sheets depending on a cell range.
I have put tab 1 and tab 0 on either end of where the new sheets will be inputted, will never know how many sheets
What i need to happen is if someone fills in "complete" in A7 in my "summary" sheet then the values in row 6 in all the other sheets get hardcoded. This needs to happen from A7 down to A26, so A8 = complete then copy row 7 etc This is what i have so far
I get compile error here ........Sheets(ArrSh(1)).Activate
Also need it to work for all the other rows.
Sub hardcode() ' 'Sheets("Summary"). Select If Range("a7") = "complete" Then ' Sheets(Array("1", "0")).Select Sheets(ArrSh(1)).Activate
This Macro works fine to copy data from multiple sheets into one master sheet, but it is also copying the formula. How can I change this Macro so that it is copying and pasting VALUE only?
Sub Combine() Dim J As Integer On Error Resume Next ' work through sheets For J = 4 To Sheets.Count ' from sheet 3 to last sheet Sheets(J).Activate ' make the sheet active Range("A10").Select Selection.CurrentRegion.Select ' select all cells in this sheets ' select all lines except title Selection.Offset(1, 0).Resize(Selection.Rows.Count - 1).Select ' copy cells selected in the new sheet on last line Selection.Copy Destination:=Sheets("Combined").Range("A65536").End(xlUp)(2) Next End Sub
I have a workbook with 50+ sheets. Within each sheet are rows of data in column A that I'd like to search for specific text.
I'd like to search each row from every sheet for specific words (e.g. "7 days" AND "Monday" AND "Tuesday" etc.) then copy the entire row containing all my search text in a new sheet on column A along with the name of the sheet it was found in in column B and the row number it came from in column C.
What I am trying to accomplish is to search through all the sheets and post results in new sheets for each search string.
trying to copy data from multiple sheets to one single sheet. I am pretty sure this is possible. The problem I am running into is that the number of sheets at any given time is dynamic. The numbering of the sheets is from 000 to 999 (they must be a three-digit code). The other issue I am having is I only want to copy the rows in each sheet that have an "x" in column "A". Also, the row in which the first "x" occurs can differ from sheet to sheet. I have attached a copy of the spreadsheet that indicates how the spreadsheet is layed out.
I have multiple .xls sheets in a folder. C:Documents and Settingsu369875DesktopProject stuffTestin Save_ASCompleted History. And need to copy the data in all of them and paste them into a new sheet (one main sheet) in this folder...........
I recieve a daily spreadsheet with ~25,000 rows of data and is 4 columns wide. Each day I need to break the data equally up into 19 or 20 different sheets within the same workbook. This is very time consuming as I need to copy the first ~1,000 rows and paste it into the first sheet, then I need to take the next ~1,000 rows and paste it into the second sheet, and so on.
I have attached a small example with desired output. In my example, the raw data file contains 19 records. For these 19 records, I need to distribute the records evenly between 5 individual sheets. In this case, each sheet will contain 4 records or less.
the code below was created by: JoeMo I'm trying to adapt, but I need to say which worksheet you were to NOT be copied
Code: Sub MergeSheets()'Author: JoeMo '
A workbook with 40 sheets, each sheet has data in A:B with varying numbers of rows. A and B have headers in each sheet.
What I want to do:
Have a summary sheet in the same workbook of all the sheets in A:B
After some searching and my limited VB skills, I found a way to copy each column into the summary but to the right of the next column. I need it to be continuous in A:B
Sub Create_Summary() Application.DisplayAlerts = False On Error Resume Next Sheets("Summary").Delete Application.DisplayAlerts = True n = Application.Worksheets.Count
Each sheets has data starting row 14 and column B with row 13 being column Headers.
I want to copy data from each sheet, having column headers suppose A, F & G in to a single sheet. The position of column headers I want to copy are different in each sheets
Means macro will go to sheet1 first, he will copy data from column headers A, F & G and paste in new sheet suppose main.
then macro will go to sheet2, he will copy all the data from column headerA, F & G and paste it in main sheet after the last used row and so on.
I have multiple sheets (lets say for example a 100 of them) where I need to copy a Value from a fixed location (Col#,Row#) from each of the 100 sheets and store it in a column in a Master sheet.. in the end the Master sheet has only two columns.. first column A contains file name (of the sheet where I copied).. then adjacent column B has the copied value.. in other words the Master sheet will have 100 rows and two columns..for this example..
I have been trying to make a code that copies all the data in A2:K50 in all the sheets (about 32 of them right now) and paste that information in 1 sheet (Master List). The code does work but for some sheets it only copies the first 2 or 3 records. Also, this code puts the name of the sheet the data came from but for the first 2 records in puts in the Master List its pasting the wrong Sheet name.
Sub SummurizeSheets() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim lastRng As Range
I tried all failed.We have about 160 different workbooks (one for each business unit) stored online. Staff enters information about their weekly revenue and expenses and here at head office I collect that information and consolidate them.What I am trying to do is that;1.) Create a master Workbook with ~160 worksheets (One worksheet for each unit) named exactly the same with other workbooks2.) And macro can pull the information from related files stored in a certain folderIt is very much like another members problem but I am not sure why I cant get that code working for me? [URL]
I have a workbook with many sheets labelled as mmm-yyyy. The constant columns in all the sheets are C,E,R,T, and U.
Is it possible to have a macro do the following: Add a sheet called Summary at the end of the workbook. From the last sheet of mmm-yyyy, copy columns C, E, and R to the Summary sheet. Copy columns T and U from all the other mmm-yyyy sheets to the Summary sheet. All the cells need to be centered.
I am trying to find a way to copy the contents of an entire row to a new sheet in a workbook based on the value of a column, specifically column K with the value of "good". There are 3 sheets that im searching. This is where I run into problems. Im looking to start with sheet1, and copy all rows deemed "good" into entries on sheet 4. Then search sheet2 and copy all relevant entries into the next available row on sheet4, and then repeat on sheet3.
Im trying to compile them all on the same sheet (Main Sheet). But each sheet is NOT the same. I need to choose what Columns needs to be copied (I can use one macro for each tab if needed)
For example I need Sheet1, Columns (A,C,E,G,S) copy that and then go to (Main Sheet) and paste in the next blank line (column A)
I have an attendance file w/least 30 sheets. 29 of the sheets are for each separate group. The other sheet is the main one where I need to collect information like "total participants in attendance" and "total members in group" Then I divide those two and get the percentage of attendance.
The sheets containing the individual groups info are set up like this... (1=they were in attendance)
GROUP 1 Name / January / February / March/ Jess________1________0________1 Ryan_______1________1________0 Joe ________1________0________0 ---------------------------------- total P ____3________1_________1 members___3________3_________3 % _______100_______33________33
I know I can manually go through and link the sums of participation and total group size into the main sheet, but I have a lot of workgroups and need to do this every month, is there an easier way? I am willing to change the set up of the sheets.
Workbook1 has only 1 sheet (Sheet name is Final) with multiple rows Tiger,Lion,Goat etc..
Workbook2 has multiple sheets (Tiger,Lion,Goat .... so on)
Each sheet Tiger, Lion, Goat has different no of rows but same no.of coloums.
I want to copy the data from all the sheets in Workbook2 to one sheet Workbook1
ie., once i execute my macro the final output in Workbook1 should contain Tiger under that all the rows from sheet tiger(Workbook2),Goat under that all the rows from sheet Goat(Workbook2) ,Lion under that all the rows from sheet Lion(Workbook2).
Here rows should be inserted in Workbook1 and in these inserted rows we should copy data from respective sheets of Workbook2
We have a company and need to automating workflow.
The Master sheet contains incoming mail details by customer. Each employee is assigned a set number of customers to respond to. We want the information on the Master sheet to filter to a specific employee assigned sheet. On the employee assigned sheet, once filtered, they are to provide updates in column E
Date Reference no. Name Employee ID 16-Feb-12 S/S/1
[Code] ........
We need a macro that can filter customers' details to the specific employee assigned sheet based on the employee ID in the master sheet. For example, all customers assigned to DW (i.e with the 'DW' employee ID) filters into a sheet called 'DW'. Please note that the Master sheet is a continuous log updated daily. This macro must not duplicate information previously filtered once the employee enters a status update in column E.
I have a workbook that has close to a hundred sheets in it (see attached). I need to know how to get all of the information onto one sheet in separate columns like this: EMPLOYEE NO| HIRE DATE| NAME| VAC AMOUNT|WEEKS|VAC DATES| # OF HOURS|AMOUNT|PPE
If you review the attachment you will see how the sheet is read from left to right, so I would need the have the information in that order.
search sheets by the name of cell , like name would be 17012-23-12-45 i need search by the first 5 letters 17012 , because sheet name 17012 , it would be for a lot of sheets so i need to do it automaticaly , and then that specific sheet has been found i need to copy table from there and some pictures in there
I am writing a macro that organizes data, but also needs to be able to conditionally copy data from other sheets in a workbook.
I have a table with values...column A has the identifiers (strings of letters) and column N has comments related to the data in each row. So, for example, row 3 column A has the value "AAPL," and row 3 column N has the related value "sells electronic goods."
Now, I want to be able to copy column N based on the value of column A into other sheets using my macros. So, say I have another sheet in the workbook and row 6 column A has the value "AAPL," I want row 6 column N to have the related value from the previous sheet. Is it possible to do this?
I will be adding a weekly report to each sheet, which will have varying rows within it, but always the same column headers.
I want a master sheet that will automatically pull all the rows of data through from each sheet, create a new row if needed but merge rows with the same data name and combine the figures.
Is it possible to automatically have columns repeat through all sheets in a workbook? I keep an annual book, broken down by sheets for each month. I always have to add 5 columns to each sheet, and was wondering if there was an easier way..?
So, I'm setting up an accounting book. There's a master sheet that needs to pull from the other sheets that are made. The problem is, with each new sheet that is made, I have to update the formulas on the master. I would like that if I made a new sheet, the master would automatically pull from it.
Master pulls renter fee info from May 3rd, May 7th
I create sheet (May 15th)
Master pulls renter info from May 3rd, May 7th, May 15th
Attached is an example of what I'm trying to do. I've got a master sheet and four sheets, each for a different store. Each store carries the same five items with varying prices. I've set up the master to show the lowest price of each item and have the formula set to display the minimum price. I'd like column D to show the store from which the lowest price came. It can either show the sheet name or display cell A2, as that's the store name on all sheets.