Display Last Modified Username In A Call (of Several External Excel Files Not The Current)
Mar 7, 2014
I am trying to put this in about 25 cells to point at 25 different files. Basically I am trying to keep an eye on when the files have been updated each morning so that I can then pull off some data from them and who saved it.
I solved the first part (see next post) but I still havent been able to get it a function pull off the username.
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Jul 24, 2012
I'm trying to sort all .xls files in a folder by modified date. I want most recent at top because then I will be cycling through and using the most recent version of files that have similar names.
Excel 2007.
The code I have so far is this:
Sub autolink()
Dim folderPath As String
Dim FileName As String
Dim wb As Workbook
But I need something before it sort the folder by the modified (or better creation date) because there are several files with similar names. I know know, I could put a date in the file name and look for that but I don't control the naming of the files.
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May 5, 2014
I have a drawing index in excel sheet as shown below "there are thousands rows but here is only an example":
And in the same folder I have all the drawings in PDF format and all the drawing are exactly named as listed under FILEID column.
I just want to click the drawing number in the excel sheet and get the drawing opened automatically.
Currently what I am doing is searching the index for a particular drawing and then searching the folder for that drawing to open.
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Sep 16, 2009
I have a list that show file names and when the necessary works on these files were completed, but the powers that be want more. I have been asked to add two more columns, one showing when the file was last opened and the other when it was last modified.
Is it possible to do this through VBA without having to open the files that are listed? If so I will run the macro when the workbook is first opened.
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Aug 26, 2013
I have a list of file locations of .pdf files in column A of my spreadsheet. All the path and files have info on Sheet1.
i.e. Column A1 c: estpacking_1.pdf A2 c: estcountry_1.pdf
Can I use VBA to, when I run it, print all of the files in the list in column A1:D20?
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Jun 23, 2014
I trying to create a paperless petty cash system. I have my sheet all setup and calculating how I want. When a user makes an entry they Enter their name in column "W".
I am trying to overcome the problem of accountability. I need to achieve a cell calls for Username and Password and if correct the persons name is entered into cell then Row is locked to prevent figures being altered etc. But also if user made mistake they need to unlock it somehow someway
Sure this achievable from snippets of info I seen online but its way beyond my abilities. I realise a determined user can circumvent this if they wanted to.
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Jul 23, 2013
I have the following code which edits an excel file and saves it in a different format, I think want the code to take this newly saved file and open it in an external application (Softplot) and then save it through this new application.
Sub FormatMacro1a(ws As Worksheet)
Columns("D:E").Cut Destination:=Columns("J:K")
Columns("F:K").Cut Destination:=Columns("D:I")
Range("E1:E201").Value = "0"
[Code] .....
As it stands I have the file saving in a new format and I can open a specific file in softplot through VBA however where I am getting stuck is opening my newly saved file and then saving it.
I have tried the following :
Path = "C:Program FilesSoftPlot-8softplot.exe"
File = "ActiveWorkbook"
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Nov 13, 2009
I wrote an external executable ("graph.exe") which is supposed to save a .xlsm file, close it, read some data from it, do some calculations, and print the results back into the same spreadsheet.
When I double click "graph.exe" everything works. So I created a button in the spreadsheet I mentioned that should call "graph.exe" and therefore initiate the whole process. Here is the
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Mar 11, 2014
I needed a code that would input the current date and time in the cells in column N whenever changes were made to any cells in the row from columns A to M. For example, if I change a name in cell 6D, then cell 6N would automatically change to the current date and time.
I found a useful code on a forum (maybe here, don't know for certain) and modified it to suit my needs (see below). I am however now getting a debugging error suggesting that the second line that reads "Private Sub Worksheet_Calculate()" is causing an error.
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Feb 27, 2009
I am looking to have a macro which will automatically add the username and date to a cell, when the cell above changes (or in this case =x). I have a bit of code from a previous project, but I have changed Target.Row to Target.Column and it is not behaving as I require:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Not Intersect(Range("B2:BZ2"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Range("C" & Target.Column).Value = Format(Date, "dd-mmm") & " " & Format(Time, "hh:mm") & " by " & (Application.UserName)
End If
End Sub
See the attachment for the example. What I need is whenever row 3 ="x" I need the corresponding cell in row "d" to update with the latest date, time and username. Please not the macro is currently not active on the sheet as i've added the ' character.
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Sep 5, 2012
I wish to create a macro that looks in a specific directory "D:Records" . It finds the files which are modified after a date "January 01, 2012" in this directory (pdf files). Then it imports these files names into a worksheet.
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Nov 28, 2006
I currently have a macro working where I can populate the A Column with files from a directory and based on its file extension, however I am having problems trying to populate the second (B) column with that files date modified. I have searched the forum to no avail and I must admit I not the best with vba.
Sub INP_files()
' searches within the file location
' C:Arenium_Projects31-1853012_Barnawartha BOSCADDMX
Dim rngOut As Range
Dim strPath As String
Dim strfile As String
' Sheets("INI_FILES").Select
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Feb 2, 2010
I have bit of code that:
(1) opens another spreadsheet
(2) updates that spreadsheet
(3) saves that spreadsheet
(4) closes that spreadsheet
If the spreadsheet that requires updating is open by another user, I display a message indicating the file is open and no updates occured. There are about 20 persons within the organization that may have this file open? Is there away to display the username of the person who has the file open?.
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Aug 5, 2009
I'm trying to make a macro that will search a folder and move all files from 2008 into another folder. So far it can do this, but what i need is for it to search subfolders also. At this point it moves all files from the main folder, but nothing from the subfolders.
Option Explicit
' Reference site [url]
Sub Copy_and_Rename_To_New_Folder()
Dim objFSO As FileSystemObject
Dim objFolder As Folder
Dim PathExists As Boolean
Dim objFile As File
Dim SrcFolder As String
Dim DestFolder As String
Dim x, Counter As Integer, Overwrite As String, strNewFileName As String
Dim strName As String, strMid As String, strExt As String
Dim LastModYear
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Nov 23, 2013
I have to compare data in first sheet of two excel files and have to create a log file to display the logs of comparisons.
First workbook is placed in folder C:/Input/ with name as Input.xlsx and second workbook is placed in folder C:/Output/ with name as Output.xlsx.
I have to compare below cells between input.xlsx and output.xlsx.
Cell "B1" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C4" in output.xlsxCell "B2" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C5" in output.xlsx.
Cell "B3" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C6" in output.xlsxCell "B4" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C7" in output.xlsx.
Cell "B5" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C10" in output.xlsxCell "B6" in input.xlsx , has to match with Cell "C9" in output.xlsx.
[Code] .......
After Comparing, I would like to log all the comparision in a log.csv, if cell "B1" in input file is matching "C4" in output file , say matching and color it green. If not matching, provide mismatch values from both cells and color it in red.
How we can compare 100's of excel files placed in Input and output folder and create one log file as stated above.
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Nov 1, 2012
add some code to a script like so:
If current time is > 5PM Then Call MyMacro
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Mar 23, 2014
I have Excel Sheet that open with user name and password.
Like if it's open my Admin - he can view all Sheets
If open by any user - it opens only users sheet.
Problem is once file is saved by any users, all hidden files get unhidden and Admin Sheet is open.
Requirement: if User1 saves file other sheets should not get unhidden.
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Oct 30, 2009
if it is possible to have one xls file load all .xls files that are inside a folder or a folder with subfolders and so on?
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Oct 31, 2007
On the first worksheet of my workbook I have a list of file names in cells I11:I27. The filenames have been 'compiled' using the concatenate function, so for example, although cell I11 displays:
Richard 2007-09.xls,
the cell contents are really:
=CONCATENATE(G20," ",L9,"-",J9,".xls")
Using VBA, I want to be able to open each respective file in cells I11:I27, copy the contents into this workbook (sheet=raw), and close it. My problem is that I don't know how to tell excel the filename in VBA, because the cells contents are not really the filename - they are a formula.
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Dec 6, 2006
I want to link data between two files, which are always in the same position relative to each other, but can be copied to other locations. Here is an example:
D:Job 1SourceJob Info.xls
D:Job 1SlaveClient Form.xls
Cell B1 in Client Form.xls refers to Cell A1 in Job Info.xls. This link is created when both files are open. When Job Info.xls is closed, the reference in Client Form changes to 'D:Job 1Source[Job Info.xls]Sheet1'!$A$1.
Then, I copy and save Job 1 as Job 2. Thus, the second set of folders are: ....
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Apr 28, 2003
I have 12 external files (one per month) and need a quick way to pull these into a reporting book. I've used the following code...
Workbooks.Open FileName:= _
"J:ManfinMISNew ReportingMIS2P200301.xls"
Call OpenClipboard(0&): Call EmptyClipboard: Call CloseClipboard
However with 10000++ rows of data in each file, this is very very slow (approx 5 mins to update all 12 months).
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Oct 5, 2007
I have a thousand names on a column, and I have a several worksheet tabs as locations, such as CA, AZ, TX, and NY.
All names goes to main worksheet, show like this
apitchford 10 100 123
bkishpaugh 9 211 123
blee 14 234 111
cbonny 21 125 412
I need to pull a specific name, example, name = blee, move that name with all data on that row into TX.
I will need to set as automatically, becuase the names add and delete on the main worksheet, and will auto update those tab worksheets. (make sense?)
I have tried INDEX and MATCH, but they keep putting one data in, not all data.
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Apr 13, 2009
to fix a .xls file that wasn't created by me.
In order to do that I need to change the path of an External Data that is an access 2003 file (.mdb file).
The only way that I imagine it is possible is to select a cell that is an adress for the query result, than click on properties and change it selecting the new path of file (the path moves depending on the user of the .xls).
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Sep 11, 2009
I'd be very grateful if s.o. help me find solution for the following task:
I want to fill certain worksheet with data from external .tsv files. The .tsv files are with a almost a common name (something_date.tsv), located in folders for each month.
What I'm usually doing and want to automate:
- I'm opening the first .tsv file from the monthly folder;
- Creating AutoFilter on the first row;
- Selecting a custom criteria from the AutoFilter;
- Copying the cells matching this AutoFilter criteria;
- Pasting in a predefined worksheet (with AutoFilter on first row);
*All of the copied cells are not being altered in the predefined worksheet, i.e. the first rows of the .tsv file and the worksheet are the same.
- Doing exactly the same with the next file in the monthly folder (but pasting below the already copied cells in the workbook).
- Etc.;
- Etc.;
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Nov 6, 2006
I am using a procedure to loop through all files in a folder and am encountering an
Invalid procedure call or argument, error on the ChDrive line:
mypath = "\Eo1
ChDrive mypath
Is it something to do with the mypath syntax? Recently our drives have been reorganised. I used to just use "G:Surveys..." which always worked. Does anyone have any thoughts? I hope I've explained properly - you can probably tell I don't know much about this sort of thing.
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Apr 10, 2014
I'm keen to add a field to a spreadsheet that populates a cell with the username of the last person who edited the file, as in the system or logon name, e.g. first.lastname syntax.
I would however like to keep this sheet as an .xlsx and not have it as an .xlsm. I have the code to use VBA, but is there way to grab the username without VBA to keep the .xlsx format?
I'm using Excel 2010.
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Apr 3, 2014
Looking to add automatic date stamp to a column of cells each time their corresponding row or specific cell in that row is modified.
I'm using Excel 2013.
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Feb 14, 2012
What I wanted was to a function, say, "=LastModifiedDateOf(CELL)", where CELL, is a parameter that indicates the cell I want to monitor. If the value of such cell ever gets changed, the cell containing the function has its value updated to the current date.
A1 = "AA"
A2 = "=LastModifiedDateOf(A1)" -> "10/03/2011 10:30:32"
-- Make an update:
A1 = "BB"
A2 = "=LastModifiedDateOf(A1)" -> "14/02/2012 12:15:11"
I'm not quite a super user in Excel, but this function would be very very useful for me.
ps. I'm using Office 2010
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Jul 10, 2012
I need to insert a date modified column to an Excel 2007 workbook I am currently using. The columns range is from A to L, with about a hundred data points. However, I would like to have the date modified cell update only when there are changes to rows F through L, starting with row 3.
I need the code to still function if I add rows, and it would be great if it would also still run if I added columns, but that part is not necessary. I've gotten close by defining a cell name as myCol and using this code:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Target.Row < 3 Then Exit Sub
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Oct 4, 2013
Declare Function GetUserName Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "GetUserNameA" _
(ByVal lpBuffer As String, nSize As Long) As Long
Public Function UserName() As String
Dim Buffer As String * 100
Dim BuffLen As Long
On Error GoTo UNerr
[Code] ......
I found the code online and attempted to call the user name using =username() on the specified cell, but I receive the #NAME? error. I looked around and found several references to check the VB refence box for anything missing and I did not find anything incorrect.
To note, I am attempting this at my job's PC which will be used on other employees PC's as well.
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