Username And Password Form - When File Is Saved By Any Users All Hidden Files Get Unhidden?
Mar 23, 2014
I have Excel Sheet that open with user name and password.
Like if it's open my Admin - he can view all Sheets
If open by any user - it opens only users sheet.
Problem is once file is saved by any users, all hidden files get unhidden and Admin Sheet is open.
Requirement: if User1 saves file other sheets should not get unhidden.
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Jun 18, 2012
Using Excel2010 in Windows7. I have a UserForm
1: TextBox for Input Username (txtUsernameIn)
2: TextBox for Input Password (txtPasswordIn)
3) Submit Button (cmdSubmit1)
I have a Worksheet
ColA: Username
ColB: Password
And this entire Range A:B, I have named "UserRegister"
I have code, attached to the cmdSubmit1 button on my UserForm. The purpose is to allow access to a veryhidden Worksheet "ADMIN".
The code 'works' if I enter in both the correct UserName and Password (ie: the code completes & Admin sheet opens up).
The code 'works' if I enter in the correct UserName and the wrong password (ie: code completes it's run, my msg pops up to say there is wrong input, unloads the form & sheet ADMIN stays veryhidden).
However, if I enter the wrong username (with either right or wrong password) the code breaks and I get a debug error. I know my code is obviously wrong/missing something etc - but I can't work it out! The line of code highlighted on the break, is between the *** below
Private Sub cmdSubmit1_Click()
Dim Username As String
Username = txtUserNameIn.Text
Dim password As String
password = txtPasswordIn.Text
[Code] ......
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Aug 20, 2008
I was able to get some help a while ago and hoping for someone to reply as well. Any one have ideas how to create a userform which will be use for username and password input? I know how to create one but is there anyway that the username and password will be stored as .txt file instead of using worksheet to store the data?
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Jun 30, 2007
im looking for a basic macro for workbook copying, all workbook(all hidden, unhidden, and very hidden) sheets.
i know how to do unhidden sheets of course however the hidden and very hidden are giving me some trouble...i need to also copy over all the macro's, buttons, and drop down box's as well..not just values.
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Aug 12, 2013
I have a master file that generates a new file every time the master user run the macro. The macro is pasted here:
Sub NewWorkbook()
ThisWorkbook.Unprotect ("Password01#")
I want the new file to be opening without asking for any password at all. What am I supposed to include in the code for that?
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Jul 15, 2014
The small attached "Demo2" file indicates my problem. In the "Scorecard" sheet I'm using macros driven from listbox menus to hide or unhide rows on the "Tasks" sheet. It is VITAL that the rows on the "Tasks" sheet not be deleted or have new rows inserted. But, if I Protect them then the list box macros won't function. Is there a macro that will allow these macros to hide or unhide rows without allowing a user to add or delete these rows in the "Tasks" sheet? If possible a simple "global" solution is preferred as I have 100+ If/Then entries to contend with...
Attached File : DEMO2.xlsm
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May 31, 2013
I have below piece of code which I'm not sure how to finish up. What I'm trying to do is have 'Username' and 'password' entered before logging into the workbook. It does not have to be 'UserForm" if it is possible, but it would be useful if we use Ucase...
I'm just not sure how this code works with
"Sub sUserLogon(strStandardID As String, strPassword As String)"
stated in this way..
Sub sUserLogon(strStandardID As String, strPassword As String)
Dim strUserName As String
Dim StrMessage As String
Application.DisplayAlertsAlerts = False
StrMessage = "User Logged In"
[Code] ......
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Feb 7, 2007
I am using the below code to access a website with IE.
My next step (of many) is to Login to this website.
The login screen requires that I enter:
User Name:
How can I tell IE to enter my user name and Password?
Sub Macro2()
'Macro2 Macro
' Macro recorded 2/6/2007 by dsggodwin
Public Sub Goto_ToyotaSupplier_Click()
Set EXP = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.application")
EXP.Visible = True
'put the webpage here
EXP.Navigate ("")
End Sub
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Feb 18, 2010
I'm trying to create a program that will automatically log in to a website that requires a username & password. I am able to enter the username and password in the correct text boxes, but I can not get the form to submit to approve the login. It refreshes and removes the password.
I have attached my code. The web url is inside it.
Sub IE_login()
Dim ie As InternetExplorer
Dim C
Dim ULogin As Boolean, ieForm
Dim MyPass As String, MyLogin As String
Set ie = New InternetExplorer
ie.Visible = True
ie.Navigate ""
'Loop until ie page is fully loaded
Do Until ie.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
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Jan 9, 2007
code below, I need :
1) navigate to a web page
2) submit my userId and password
3) beeing redirected to a different url I have to menage this situation for passing url to
4) quering sub
I am using Excel 2000 with win98
Error 429 Can't create object:which one?
Public Sub First()
Dim obEx As Object
Dim obj As New MSHTML.HTMLBody
Dim strPass As String
Dim elUid As New MSHTML.HTMLInputElement
Dim elPass As New MSHTML.HTMLInputElement
Dim elSubmit As New MSHTML.HTMLInputElement
Dim strUid As String
Dim Desc As String
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Jul 22, 2014
As part of my requirement, i'm trying to update some data into share path. While trying to access the share path, i'm being asked to key-in appropriate username & password. Windows alert will be opened when my code try to access share path, there I have to enter username & password using script.
Is there any way achieve this using VBA?
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Oct 25, 2007
I am trying to log on to an FTP site and post a file through Excel VB. I have managed to open a new Explorer window and direct it to the URL, but I don't know what to do next. After navigation to the URL a Pop-Up Window comes asking for UserName and Password and I don't know how to supply it and click submit.
After I have completed that I will need to give the path of the file, click post, and close the window when it is done.
Here is what I got so far:
The commented out stuff is not working. I got it off a similar application that someone else in my company wrote that accomplishes a similar task.
Sub SConnect()
Dim IE As InternetExplorer
Dim IEURL As String
Dim IEDoc As HTMLDocument
Set IE = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Set IE = New InternetExplorer
IE.Visible = True
IEURL = "" .................
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Nov 21, 2007
I'd like to automatically enter the username and password from a spreadsheet.
Currently, I've got a spreadsheet that has a login id in one cell and a password in an adjacent cell.
I click a button on the spreadsheet to call a hyperlink to a webpage while excell is using the copy function to copy the username to the clipboard.
Once the webpage loads, I just paste the username into the username box.
Then I go back to excel, copy the password, then back to the webpage and pastes the password.
This works good for me, but I'd like to make it a little bit better.
What I'd like to be able to do, if I had the username and password in one cell seperated by a symbol (say, "=" since usually don't use that one) then when I hyperlink to the webpage, I hit paste.
>> this time, when I hit paste, (maybe using some kind of a api code or something), excel pastes into the first box, *automatically* hits the [TAB] key, and paste the password.
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Feb 8, 2009
I have an Excel application (Excel 2003) which is stored in the default Program Files folder by the Installer; for example: c:program fileszxchello.xls. The problem I am running into is this file opens as Read Only in Vista and this is interfering with the running of the application. There is no problem opening the file normally in Windows XP.
I have been able to narrow down the cause of this to the User Account Control system in Vista - if I turn OFF User Account Control, the Excel file opens normally and my application functions normally. Is there another option to open the Excel file without turning OFF User Account Control because some users may find it unacceptable to turn OFF this security feature. Ofcourse, one option is to install the application in another location, outside the Program Folder, and the file would open normally, but the Packaging Wizard that I am using to package the application does not allow me to install the application in any other location and thus, the application installs in the Program Folder and I am running into this problem of the Exel file opening as Read Only. Is there a way out of this situation where I can open the file normally (not as Read Only)?
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Jun 23, 2014
I trying to create a paperless petty cash system. I have my sheet all setup and calculating how I want. When a user makes an entry they Enter their name in column "W".
I am trying to overcome the problem of accountability. I need to achieve a cell calls for Username and Password and if correct the persons name is entered into cell then Row is locked to prevent figures being altered etc. But also if user made mistake they need to unlock it somehow someway
Sure this achievable from snippets of info I seen online but its way beyond my abilities. I realise a determined user can circumvent this if they wanted to.
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Jan 30, 2008
I've been playing around with the API functions (specifically, InternetOpenURL) to retrieve the contents of an HTTP webpage and store the information within a text file, using Excel VBA. It works great for any "normal" webpage not requiring a "Username" and "Password" login. I can't find any examples on how this is done for a webpage requiring such a login? I've heard you can do this via sending the appropriate cookie to the server, but I can't find any documentation on the web? Does anyone have any idea on how this functionality is achieved?
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Aug 8, 2014
I have a spreadsheet (don't we all) that is currently password protected - you double click the file and need to input a password before it will open.
I have some code that will protect a workbook from changes and only unlock for specific usernames, and i wonder if there is some code that will do the following:
-User opens spreadsheet
-VBA looks at the username trying to open the sheet, for this example the username is Paul.Smith
-Paul.Smith is not one of the people who should have regular access to this sheet - so the VBA requests a password from him prior to opening the sheet.
My username opens the same sheet (galvin.paddy), VBA see's that my name is one of the 'Authorised Users', removes the password and opens the sheet for me ready for use.
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Jul 18, 2005
Trying to find a set of code that I can use to open a website that's predetermined, and enter in the users name and password automatically. And if possible, open a new email via the website, addressed to a person, and ready to browse for the file to attach.
The code I have is below.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
storenumber = [$c$3]
If [$iv$2] = True Then
If [$iv$3] 0 Then
MsgBox ("Can't send with No Adjustments Checked & Items to Adjust, Please clear one")
End If
End If..................
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Oct 15, 2008
I have working code to unhide specific worksheets from a large number of hidden worksheets and would like to be able to delete all the hidden sheets when the workbook is saved or maybe have a button to delete all the hidden (un-needed) worksheets beside the selection drop-down menu, so that only the selected sheets are saved.
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Jan 3, 2011
I need a macro ie when a user opens a macro enabled workbook,he should be asked for a username and password to access workbook. Administrator should have right to create users with reset password rights
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May 9, 2007
I was wondering if someone know how to creat multi users in a password protection that I got from RoyUK Password/User Name Attempt Count. this works great but i'm haveing proble with the multi users oh and I was wondering if it was possible to have the user have limited visiblity to certian parts of the workbook.
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Apr 2, 2007
I have about 20 files that all have separate passwords. When I enter the password for six of the files, I receive the "Unable to Read File" error message.
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Jan 8, 2009
I took two weeks perfecting an Excel file and was writing them to disc just now to transport and use on other machines. I opened the file to add instructions and the files are now read only? Propteries show read only on the written files but not on the originals???
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Jan 24, 2009
I have 2000 excel files all saved as different names.
The Names of the the files are all from greyhound racing results, here are some examples.
4th January 2008 7.30
4th January 2008 7.45
So we have the date of the race and the time of the race.
In these 2000 files there is certian information I want to retrieve into 1 excel sheet to run analisis on them.
So cell A1 in every file is always the same and may contain a number I need.There are several numbers I want to retrieve from each file but I want it to display in 1 sheet, now I can do this manually and may have to but lets see.
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Dec 12, 2012
I have numerous spreadsheets that I need to open and unhide a sheet, that has XML data stored in cell A1. What I need to do is copy that data in cell A1 and paste it into a text document and save that as an XML file saved as the XLS workbook name with a date stamp.
I'm running into many issues, the main issue is the saving as current file name, and the formatting of the text/XML file.
Here is my current code, which doesn't reference the current file name and is just very generic. Once I get the saving as file-name correct and the formatting of the xml file correct, I will work on it a bit more.
Sub Test()
Dim Rng As Range
Dim wb As Workbook
Set Rng = Range("A1:A2")
Set wb = Workbooks.Add
With wb
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Feb 8, 2013
I do routine tasks every day which involves opening 3 different files and pasting data into my main file. The data is always in the same format, and the 3 files are saved in the same location (3 different folders through). The 3 files are saved each day and the naming convention is constant, with only the date changing. For example, the files are always saved in C:My Documents and the files are called test_05.02.2013.xls. Tomorrow the file will be called test_06.02.2013.xls and so on.
So each day I will be rolling a file forward and I want to bring in the info from each of these files based on the new day.
How to do 1, and I will do the others (because the concept will be the same).
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Mar 7, 2014
I am trying to put this in about 25 cells to point at 25 different files. Basically I am trying to keep an eye on when the files have been updated each morning so that I can then pull off some data from them and who saved it.
I solved the first part (see next post) but I still havent been able to get it a function pull off the username.
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Nov 22, 2008
I have 5 sheets, 3 of them are hidden, how can i put a 3 different password to unhide the hidden sheets.
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Aug 19, 2009
I was wondering if it was possible to hide cells using protect sheet? I have a worksheet that contains confidential data and would like it so the cells appeared blank unless you had the password. I know you can hide rows and columns but I need everything on the sheet to be hidden.
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Feb 28, 2013
Is it possible to have a hidden sheet password protected, so that only I can unhide the sheet ?
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