Display Workbook Name Not Found In Array Set Without Filepath

Jun 6, 2014

display workbook not found in Array set without Filepath, As for workbooks found we can use Dir function, but it is not work for workbook not found. The Dir() will return Blank.

e.g. in my filepath only has Book1.xlsx.

[Code] ....

MsgBox CountFound = 1
MsgBox CountNotFound = 3
MsgBox FileFound = Book1.xlsx
MsgBox FileNotFound = Blank

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Save File / Workbook As Cell Reference Filepath & Name

Feb 8, 2008

I'm trying to get Mac OS X Excel VBA to understand this code however the ChDir reference and the filepath seem to be causing problems. I would like to specify in the code where the file should be stored but I did try removing the filepath section altogether but to no avail.

Option Explicit
Sub SvMe()
'Saves filename as value of A1 plus the current date
Dim newFile As String, fName As String
' Don't use "/" in date, invalid syntax
fName = Range("A1").Value
'Change the date format to whatever you'd like, but make sure it's in quotes
newFile = fName & " " & Format$(Date, "mm-dd-yyyy")
' Change directory to suit your PC, including USER NAME
ChDir _
"C:Documents and Settings USER NAME Desktop"
ActiveWorkbook. SaveAs Filename:=newFile
End Sub

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Display Not Found Message

Aug 11, 2009

code that would generate the 'Not Found' message

I have a date in HC4, which appears in column 112, so cannot understand why it finds nothing ?

Sub Macro6()

Dim C1 As Range
Application.Goto Reference:="CURRENT"

Set C1 = Range(Cells(4, 8), Cells(4, 200)).Find(Range("HC4").Value)

If Not C1 Is Nothing Then

C1.Offset(1, 0).PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues

MsgBox "Not found"
End If

End Sub

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VBA Find Partial String In Array And Output Found String Array Value?

Mar 31, 2014

I am trying to do a sort of index match thing using VBA. What I am attempting to do is to use the prefix of a long number and try to find that exact prefix in a string array, and output that string array value. So this is what I have so far as a test:


So I can match the text exactly so if I put PREFIXB in cell A1 in this example, i will get the msg box saying "YES", but if I make it PREFIXB1231k4j3jj1kj32cj, it will display "NO". I want to get it so that PREFIXB will be displayed in the cell that I put the formula in. So if A1 = "PREFIX1AAA100CF" and cell B1 = "=ABC(A1)", cell B1 will display "PREFIX1AAA".

Now the thing is that these prefixes can have different lengths, but will never encompass the exact prefix of another. So if I had a prefix of: PRE1AB, I won't have a prefix of PRE1A.

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When No Record Set Found Then Display 0 In The Cell?

Jun 19, 2014

The below code works fine except when there is no recorset found then i want to display 0 in the cell but its not doing it. The code just leaves it blank if no recordset found.


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Display The Message If Findstring Has Been Found More Than Once

Mar 4, 2009

I need it to display the message if findstring has been found more than once (i.e Twice)

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Display Found Cell Address

Aug 29, 2007

I've got a workbook with a sheet for every month containing clients serviced in the specific month. I've found thread to complie a search box, which is great, but it gives me the value of the search. I need the search to take me to the sheet where the adress of the result is. Please see below the code for the search box i used.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet

Dim cl As Range, rng As Range
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets

Set rng = ws.UsedRange
With rng
Set cl = .Find(Me.TextBox1.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)

If Not cl Is Nothing Then
Label1().Caption = (cl.Offset.Value)

End If
End With
Next ws
End Sub

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Formula To Display The Values Not Found Using Vlookup?

Feb 26, 2014

I have two columns containing numbers and have done a vlookup to see if the values exist in each column. Now I need a formula to return the numbers that were NOT found using the vlookup function.

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Display Title For A Match Found In A Table

Nov 29, 2007

I have at the top of a table the titles and then 3 rows under it. the titles are text..whereas the rows filled with number.

What i want in a cell is to display the text(of the title) of a corresponding value in the same column!..[simply 'look for a specific number in a table,and display the title of that column).. i input all info but returns #value error!does it not work with text?

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Worksheet Array Showing The Number Of Sheets Found?

Feb 23, 2010

Working with an existing macro from this forum. How do I create the array showing the number of sheets found? I know from a MsgBox that two sheets are found.

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Change Array To Not Return Errors If Files Are Not Found

Jul 27, 2008

i have this code which looks in a folder and moves all .csv files from folder into workbook. The code uses an Array.

If the code does not find a file in the folder (from the array) it returns an error. How can i modify this so that (if a file is not found from the array) then the code still continues without generating errors?

This is the ....

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Return Text From Left-hand Side Of Ragged Array Where Entry Found

Apr 11, 2012

I've been given a spreadsheet that is poorly constructed but I'm not allowed to alter.

The layout is:
Box Name Box Date ID1 ID2 ID3 ....
Where there is not a fixed number of IDs in each box
(There are five different sheets so I'll have some fun concatenating results)

Given a list of IDs I need to return the box name and box date that the ID's file sits in. The spreadsheet has blanks everywhere and the numbers contained in rows are non-consecutive and smaller values can appear later in a column than larger ones.

I think I need some combination of index, offset and maybe sumproduct? TBH, I avoid sumproducts like the plague, preferring to utilise sumifs and dynamic named ranges since this improves clarity so I'm basically a newb at them.

Any skeleton framework that you think would work to return the text values for the LHS where the number could be anywhere? Once I can see a rough example I should be able to get to grips with the logic and wrangle it into the necessary solution.

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Lookup Value In Array - Where Found Multiple Times Return Closest Prior Date

Mar 13, 2014

I have a list of ID Numbers and Dates. Let's call this "List 1".

I also have a second list "List 2" which also contains a list of ID Numbers and Dates as well as a third column for Rating.

I am trying to extract the Rating for each ID Number from List 2 and display in List 1. The problem is that the Rating can change with time, so List 2 contains several different Date and Rating values for the same ID Number.

What I need to do is lookup the ID Number from List 1 and return from List 2, for that ID Number, the Rating at the closest date prior to the date for that ID Number in List 1. Example below:

List 1
List 2

ID Number


[Code] ..........

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Open Workbook Based On Value Found In Range

Jun 11, 2008

I am trying to open a specific workbook, from several books on a shared drive, based on a value found in a range of cells.

For example, range A3:B3 will contain a number, and cmay also contain some text, but based on the number found in that range, I want to open or activate a particular workbook.

Let me know if further clarification is required.

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Pull Found Data From Multiple Workbook

Jul 5, 2007

I am trying to Loop Through a Folder Of Excel Workbooks and get required Info from one of the workbooks, back to my Master File.

I thought of "VLOOKUP" but I am not shore if it will work over Approx. 60 workbooks? if there is an other or better approach, I am open to all Ideas.

So far I have code to Open my Master and declare the criteria for the VLOOKUP with the help from:

Re: Run A Macro On All Files In A Directory
See also this page on how to loop through a folder
Loop Through Folder Of Excel Workbooks

I am now able to open all Files in the sub directory, now I need to know how to approach my problem of looking for and getting the Info back to my Master File with approx. 5000 entrys to look for?

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Search Workbook & Format Found Results

Oct 18, 2007

I was looking at this VBA code the other day and i was wandering what i meant. I thought if somone could expliane line by line,

Sub CommandButton1_Click()

Dim ThisAddress$, Found, FirstAddress
Dim Lost$, N&, NextSheet&
Dim CurrentArea As Range, SelectedRegion As Range
Dim Reply As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim FirstSheet As Worksheet
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim Wks As Worksheet
Dim Sht As Worksheet

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Display Array In Msgbox

May 28, 2014

I have a named range "Lines" (created using OFFSET fuction) in my worksheet. This named range is dynamic as it is created using OFFSET function and points to a particular region in column A only (so its just a 1 dim array). The named range works fine (it changes automatically as I change a dropdown list).

What I want is to display the contents of the array using MsgBox separating the contents using a newline character.

So suppose if the named range "Lines" points to A1:A4 and the contents of it are A1=A, A2=B, A3=C and A4=C, Then I want a VBA code to show:

I have tried codes like below, but got errors:

MsgBox Join(Lines, ", "), 0, "Debug"

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Use VBA To Search Worksheets - If Value Is Found Copy Only Those Sheets Into New Workbook

Dec 5, 2013

I found some useful code for copying specific worksheets into a new workbook based on the sheet name, which I have not been able to alter to suit my needs.

I have a workbook that has a Master Sheet that contains a summary of each claim (Name, type of claim, dates, dollar amounts, etc.) and a sheet for each specific claim.

I know I can use the filter feature on the master sheet to view all of the physical damage claims (and one column has a hyperlink to the worksheet for that specific claim). But every month I have to create a report that shows each type of claim, dates, and so on.

I would like to create a macro that can copy the worksheets to a new workbook based on the type of claim it is. I'm thinking something like for each ws in wb if range ("F15") = 1 & .range ("B4") < 30 days from today copy that sheet into a new wb.

Below is a generic and far smaller version of my workbook. The name column contains my hyperlinks to the specific sheet. Each sheet is also named based on the text in the name column (so John Doe's sheet would be named 'John Doe') and so forth.

Date of Loss

[Code] ........

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Variable In Filepath Name

Jun 20, 2013

I have defined part of a file path as a string variable so that I don't have to type in it everytime I need it. I then try and use this variable to open a workbook, but I get an error message saying:

Expected: list separator or )

I use the code:


where filepath1 is the string variable

Can't work out why it doesn't work...

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Open Workbook Via Another Workbook And Not Display Userform

Mar 3, 2009

I have a workbook ("Time") that when opened displays a userform. I also have another workbook ("Master") that opens the "Time" workbook to retrieve information. Is there a way to use the Master workbook to open the Time workbook WITHOUT displaying the userform.

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Browse For Filepath From Userform

Aug 7, 2013

Upon clicking a button in a userform, I would like a MsgBox to appear, allowing the user to browse their file directory.

Upon selecting a folder in the file directory, a new excel workbook is created with the filepath chosen and named based on a previous MsgBox (which ive already accomplished), and the filepath is recorded in a cell on Thisworkbook.

Is this possible and if so how?

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Update Filepath In A Cell With VBA

Mar 21, 2014

I have a 4 cells which contain the followng information, To: Email address, Subject: Text, Body: Text, File Path: File path (as Hyperlink).

I need the file path cell to update automatically when the file is saved somewhere new. This filepath is then used in an email that is generated with code so that the person opening the email can click on the link and open the file.

What I cannot seem to do is to get the file path to be something that updates automatically (which is functionality that I must have)but that also remains as a hyperlink for when it goes in the email (I have an additional problem at the moment which is that the hyperlink does not seem to work in the email - it keeps saying file cannot be found. I don't know if this is something to do with our systems and the way I am referring to the file?!?)

The cell with the file path currently loks like this:-

Cell AX Cell AY

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Extracting Filepath From A String

Mar 18, 2008

In A1 I have C:SpreadsheetfolderSubfolderTestSpreadsheetA.xls as a string.

In A2, using VBA I want to extract the string C:SpreadsheetfolderSubfolderTest i.e. take A1 value and exclude the SpreadsheetA.xls.

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Filepath String Is Legitimate?

Jul 11, 2008

i have a userform where a user is able to specify a filepath via textbox. I would like to find a way of determining whether or not the filepath which is given is a legitimate path...

how to determine through vba if a filepath string is legitimate?

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Obtain/Return FilePath/Name In VBA

Sep 4, 2006

Does anyone know the code for obtaining the filepath of the current workbook? Tried a search and can't find anything on this.

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Copy Specific Cells In A Row To An Array And Then Display Them

Jan 22, 2009

I want a macro that if a certain cell on a row in column F on my worksheet is "6" then copy the cell in columns B and H on the same row are to be copied into an array and then when the loop is done, display the copied cells in a msgbox.

Is there a simpler way to do this without fidgeting with an array?

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Display Array In Variable Size Userform

Jan 23, 2008

I am trying to figure out how to make a userform to display the contents of a 2-D array which has a variable number of rows. I want the userform to height of the userform to correspond with the number of rows of data to display.

I don't have much experience with userforms, but here's what I was thinking:
VBA code which would find the # of rows of data and then adjust the height of the userform and the length of the lable (which the data would go in).

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Display All Array Values/Elements In One Msgbox

May 3, 2008

I create a dynamic array. I want to output all the values in my dynamic array in separate rows.

MsgBox ("the values of my dynamic array are: " & vbCr & _
myarray(1) & vbCr & _
myarray(2) & vbCr & _
myarray(3) & vbCr & _

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Export To HTML Filename And Filepath

Jul 24, 2009

I need a macro to export a range of cells to .html. The Save as Web Page works fine for me except a few thing that I need to automate. The macro I use now looks like this (recorded):

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Find And Replace Part Of Filepath

Apr 20, 2012

I'm trying to 'find and replace' part of a filepath which is buried in hundreds of formula, but when I hit 'Replace All' a file navigation window appears. Hitting cancel simply bring up another window, and again and again, each time a replace is executed.

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