Double Lookup (lookup Variable Row And A Variable Column)

Mar 27, 2009

I have a file that I would like to lookup variable row and a variable column. I have tired vlookup and hlookup but these do not work because you have to specify a given column or row versus having that column or row be variable. Is there a way to do this.

Think of a set of times tables. I would like to input 8 and 9 and get 72 as an output. How could I go about doing this?

Or in the attached file, I would like to say A and 15 and get A15.

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Index / Match Lookup With Variable Indexed Column

Jul 23, 2014

I'm trying to perform an index / match lookup that can have a dynamic indexed column.

Sheet1 has the master table and sheet2 is where I'm putting the formula. The table on sheet1 has a RecordID field that uniquely identifies each record and that must be typed into Sheet2 [RecordID] column and then matched to sheet one to identify the record


The column headers on Sheet1 are used as data validation for the column [Field] on sheet2. The value of the Field column on sheet two should determine the the column on sheet1 to index.

This is what I have so far:


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Index Match Lookup, Variable Return Column

Sep 3, 2009

I would imagine that the title of this thread made little sense, so let me try to explain:

Sheet A has columns A-C populated with data. Column D needs to search Sheet B columns A-C for a match. (ie, see if the data on sheet A is also on sheet B) if this is true, then it needs to return the value of the LAST column of the matched row in Sheet B.

So, if Sheet A R1 A-C is 1,2,3. Sheet A R1 D needs to search Sheet B for 1,2,3. and when it finds it, (for example on row 9) return the value of the last column of Sheet B row 9. The issue is, the last value could be in column R or S or AA, there is just no way of knowing.

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Multi-Variable Lookup Table

Jun 12, 2014

I make budgets that have line items that have standard price based on 2 factors: a description, and a number. I want to keep these items in 2 different cells. I also have different clients, and the costs are different. I could simplify so that I can use a VLOOKUP with HLOOKUP and separate the clients but I would prefer not to.

Screen shot 2014-06-12 at 12.36.47 PM.png

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ODBC Lookup To Populate Variable

Apr 14, 2006

I have no problem setting ODBC connections in vba, that return the results to a selected Range destination, but short of then setting txtVariable = Range("A1") is there any way to directly tell the ODBC connection to set the result of the query to txtVariable?

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Lookup Function For Variable Amounts

Apr 10, 2007

I have a worksheet where I only want to pull over details for rows that have a amount listed in the variance column. Is there some type of macro I can create to perfrom this for me? There will be many rows that I do not need to pull, but for the ones that have an amount listed in variance, I will want to pull over certain cells from those rows.

Is there any way excel can do this for me?

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Use VLOOKUP Function In Macro With Variable Name For Lookup Value

Feb 7, 2014

I used VLookup function in macro. Lookup value is a variable name. I don't know how to use variable name inside of VLOOKUP function.

Use VLOOKUP function in macro with Variable Name for Lookup value

Function CC(CName As String)

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=VLOOKUP(cname,'[Structure File.xlsx]Sheet1'!C1:C3,2,FALSE)"

End Function

How to use CName variable inside of Vlookup function.

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Excel 2010 :: Lookup From Variable Table

Mar 13, 2012

I need to return a value dependent on a few criteria. Type will be selected via a drop down and then it must lookup the same type in the top row and then the value which will be between two values and then return the grade on the far left.


I am using Excel 2010 on Win 7

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Lookup Based On Variable/Changing Sheet Name

May 23, 2008

I'm trying to figure out a way to lookup a value based on a conditional sheet name. I'm finding it difficult to explain in words what I'm trying to do, so I'm going to try and describe it in a miniature example of my spreadsheet. I apologize if this is going against forum rules, this seems like the quickest way to get my question across:

The following is the way my spreadsheet's first page is set up:

ID Apr-08 Mar-08 Feb-08

The column labels depend on another table, which changes monthly.
The rest of the sheets (24 of them, labled "200804", "200803", etc) look like this:

ID $ amount Date paid

I have another table upon which the na

I'm trying to return the "Date Paid" value for each ID for each month. Each month, however, more data arrives, and the labels change. I have several dozen spreadsheets formatted in this way, and I'm trying to avoid having to change the vlookup (or other formula) manually each month for each sheet. Is there a way to make the vlookup depend on a table?

This is essentially what my formula looks like right now for cell A2:
=VLOOKUP($A2,'200804'!$A$1:$G$10000, 3, FALSE)

If I could replace '200804' with a cell reference, that would be ideal. I haven't been able to figure out how (if possible); I tried experimenting with index sheets but that went nowhere.

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Excel 2003 :: Double Lookup (Index / Match Or VLookup) Within Same Column?

Mar 15, 2013

I have two spreadsheets, one with master file with original data and one that needs to pull in the original data. My issue is all the data to match off of is in the same column, and a number of other files link to the master file, plus it is used externally, so I cannot alter it, and I would rather not create a mock/copy file. Is there a formula that can look for 2 different items within the same column? Would prefer not to use VBA, but if that's the only option I'll take it. I am using Excel 2003.

Here is an example of the setup - I would need the formula to reference off the two different items/categories in the column, so lookup off the 'St. Louis' and following that, lookup off the produce items.

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Assigning A Variable And Pasting Variable To Last Unused Column

Nov 19, 2008

to assign a variable to equal a Constant variable, then I need to find the last unused row on the worksheet, then paste that variable down the column (1-12200 or so rows). I also need to assign Strings for the first two Rows in the target column.

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Multiple Lookup Values Rows And Columns To Lookup Single Target Column On Right End?

Apr 7, 2014

I have a table of data (say Column1 to Column 5) with multiple rows.

Column 1 to 4 will have the lookup values in multiple rows and Column 5 data should be picked up using vlookup or other lookup function.

I managed to somehow bring all these lookup values in (Column 1 to 4) in a single column in another sheet. I am now trying to use some lookup or other functions to match this single column and pick column 5 data in original sheet. Result i am expecting is lookup value in first column and next to it column 5 value.

It is basically a lookup wherein lookup value is spread over multiple rows and columns and result column is fixed. I tried using vlookup, but lookup value column and column number had to change every time when i moved from column1 to 4.

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Double Lookup

Jan 16, 2009

=INDEX('sqft - PC each bldg'!D2:D1705,MATCH(Sheet5!B3&Sheet5!F2,'sqft - PC each bldg'!A2:A1705&'sqft - PC each bldg'!C2:C1705,0))

my result is N/A

I wonder if it has to do with both lookup ranges being columns?

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Double Lookup For Name/Value

Jan 13, 2010

I have a list like this:

xxxxxxxxxx1-jan | 2-Jan | 3-Jan
Location 1
Bob Smith ----B2--- C2 ---- D2
Frank Thomas-B3---- C3---- D3
Location 2
Bill Clinton----ETC ALL
George Clinton

And another sheet, a similar list, (just names and randomly sorted) but populated with the values I want,

xxxxxxxxxxx1-jan | 2-Jan | 3-Jan
Bob Smith --- 2 -----5------ 1
Frank Thomas 3----- 1 ------2
Bill Clinton ----4----- 5 ------2
George Clinton 4----- 4 ----- 4

I want to check the name in A2 on the first sheet against all of column A on the second sheet, then find the number value for the correct day for that name.

How can I write a formula that will look up these values for me? I looked at OFFSET but unfortunately I don't have a lot of excel experience (yet)

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Lookup Table (adjust Which Column The Lookup Function Refers To)

Jun 12, 2009

I am trying to perform a lookup (vlookup) function in a cell in excel and wish to have the range as a variable, so that I can adjust which column the lookup function refers to.

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Autofill With Range That Is Column Variable And Row Variable

Apr 4, 2008

I am trying to autofill dynamic ranges that have column variables (d) and row variables (x)... I am having a hard time with the syntax on this

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Double Lookup Values

Feb 17, 2009

I am trying to lookup the value that corresponds to three sets of data. The formula I have been using is but I am still getting #NA. I’ve attached the spreadsheet


I am looking to search Vendor name 1, Actual and A to return the value of 1.

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Double Lookup From Two Dimensional Table

Apr 2, 2009

I am trying to get a cell in my spreadsheet to look up a value based on two values. I have a dropdown list that lists the worksheets in the workbook, and each worksheet has a table with width measurements for the columns and height measurements for the rows. I have a function that is mostly working, it calls the data from the proper worksheet, but it rounds the measurement values down, and I need it to round to the next highest value on the table.

For instance, the measurement may be 55" x 55" in, but the table has values for 54" and 60". The current formula rounds down to the 54" measurement, but I need it to round up to the 60". I have attached what I have so far with further notes and cells highlighted.

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VBA - Remove Double Quotation Marks Around String Variable?

Jul 29, 2012

I would like to query your knowledge database (too much VBA I guess ) as I have a predicament that I cannot seem to solve.

Here is the thing: I am trying to write a sub that would enable me to automatically put in place extensible name ranges (the Offset worksheet function).

The problem is that, despite everything seems to go well, the reference in the name box displays : ="DECALER($C$2;0;0;5-1;1)" (the string comes from a variable and Decaler is Offset in French). These quotation marks are the culprits for sure, as taken off the formula works beautifully.

I've tried everything I've found on the internet, that is to say: Replace(String, Chr$(34), "") so on and so forth, but these marks are not recognized a part of the string so they escape the replacement.

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Macro: Concatenate Text, Variable & Double Quotes

Nov 23, 2006

I need to write a line of code which puts the following into a cell:

=+C4 & " - " & 1

The cell reference at the beginning will always be C4, however the "1" at the end will be variable named "GroupNo"

So my code will be something like:

Range("B46").Value = "=+$C$4 & " & "" - "" & "GroupNo"

This isn't working. I've tried every variation of what it should be but I keep getting errors like "type mismatch" or just the wrong thing being put in the cell.

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Double Lookup Formula To Work With A Table

Feb 19, 2010

I am having trouble getting the double lookup formula to work with a table. See attached sample.

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Double Lookup And Pull Adjacent Cell

Apr 14, 2009

I need is spread across various rows. In a separate sheet I want to be able to lookup two identifiers and pull the number needed in the adjacent row.

The first identifier is a 3 letter character, the second is CURREVO and I need the number to the right of CURREVO. My problem is CURREVO is not always in the same column, but in relation to the 3 letter character is always in the same row.

A B C D E F GDMGCURREVO52011.25YTDREVO243085.00DTYCURREVO11892.50YTDREVO59783.50ECUCURREVI1943.00YTDREVI 5,541.25CURFRQI4.00EEGCURREVO32864.75YTDREVO205426.75EICCURREVO658761.26YTDREVO3507022.68EILCURREVO335741.70YTDREVO1720830.72ENTCURREVI161242.39YTDREVI638681.84CVLCURREVO796266.21YTDREVO4816890.98ENDCURREVI34479.19YTDREVI44074.54EYECURREVI11880.12YTDREVI 108,007.02(Null)MICCURREVO1098694.15YTDREVO5766072.54NEUCURREVI25251.90YTDREVI 158,236.60CURREVO207.00

in a seperate sheet, I want to pull NEU, in that row I want to find CURREVO and bring back the adjacent number = 207.00

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Double Lookup Function: Find Total Invoices Billed In February For ABC Consulting Company

Apr 7, 2009

I have a spreadsheet in which I am trying to track invoices billed according to month in question. For example, I need to find total invoices billed in February for ABC Consulting Company. I have a database in the same spreadsheet that contains all invoices billed for an entire year for all companies. How do I pull invoices for a particular month only, in this case for the month of February? I have attached an example of spreadsheet in question. Included is a tab which indicates desired results.

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Set Variable: Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Jun 4, 2007

I have the following code (just pasting the relevant section) which crashes when it reaches the highlighted line of code. and a dialog box pops up with the text: "Object variable or With block variable not set"

Sub test()
Dim StartRng As Range
Dim Buffer As Range

Set StartRng = WorkSheets("Sheet1"),Cells(1,1)

ActiveCell. CurrentRegion.Select

Buffer = rngStart.CurrentRegion.Copy

' I also tried the following line of code but that didn't work either
'Set Buffer = rngStart.CurrentRegion.Copy
End Sub

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Lookup Value In Column & Lookup Value For Offset Column

Feb 14, 2009

I am trying to find a formula that would pick out a row from a matrix based on the values in the first column and then return to me each of the subsequent values from that row. I can't do a vlookup because there are a lot of blank cells and which columns have data changes. I've attached an example. The text in A1 will change and cells A3:B5 will show the corresponding values from that row along with the column title. I would prefer a formula to type in and leave in cells A3:B5 but if that can't be done VBA is okay too.

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Double Lookup To Retrieve The Contents Of One Cell And Put Into The Main Sheets Cell?

Apr 18, 2013

I get a report each day with a list of issues. the "group" that works the issue and the "priority". Based on these two factors, i need to do a double lookup (vlookup?) to another tab or file to match the priority and group and see what value should be brought back for each lines results. For example, if group1 had a prority3 issue, the lookup would find the value from the other sheet or file and bring back the value and put it at the end of the row where the formula is.

Attached are examples of the sheets.

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Insert A Variable Number Of Rows And Copy And Paste From And To Variable Positions

Aug 8, 2009

On the attached Excel file, I have code that will insert a variable number of rows and copy and paste from and to variable positions. That all works fine when run from a command button, but when I try to run it from the Worksheet_Calculate by entering 1 in J1 or K1 (inrange cell is J1+K1 for testing purposes) the CommandButton1_Click sub runs continously until an error occurs.

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2007 Macro: Run-time Error 91:Object Variable Or With Block Variable Not Set

Feb 20, 2009

I'm fairly new to macro's and VBA, by searching on the internet i've copied and pasted some code together into a macro.
But it ends in a Run-time error 91...

The macro opens a target .xls file in a selected folder, performs copy - paste actions from masterfile to targetfile.
Than it filters data in the targetfile sheet1 and copy's the results to the various other sheets; saves and closes the targetfile.
The next target file in the folder is opened and the actions are repeated in this second target file.
For the first target file this works smoothly; but for the second one (of a total of around 100) it does not copy the filter results to the other sheets in this workbook.
The error message i get is: "Run-time error 91:Object variable or with block variable not set."
When i hit debug it highlights the line "ActiveSheet.Next.Select" which, at least in the first file, seems ok.

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Summing Variable Values Across Variable Sheets In Multiple Columns

Jun 27, 2014

I need a macro that will create a sheet at the end of the workbook.

Sum data from a variable amount of sheets and display that data on the created sheet.

Here is a step by step:

Starting on sheet 5.

Column D has a variable amount of part numbers in it. These part numbers would be different between the ascending sheets.

Column T, U, V has an inputed number in it that would need added up across all duplicate part numbers in all the sheets.

(Note: The data would also need started on row 4. Everything above row 4 is headers)

Here is a small example:

13019090W Part A1
68705500 Part B1
64202900 Part C-11
59634600 Part D1
26005300W Part E1

I need the macro to start with sheet #5(starting on row 4). Check to see if there is data in column T, U or V. If there is, to create a new sheet at the end. And copy the entire line into that sheet (starting on row 4).

After that, to check every sheet after (excluding the newly created one, starting on row 4) for data in Column T, U and V. And then check for duplicates in Column D on the newly created sheet. If there is a duplicate to add/subtract that number in Column T, U and V to the SUM in column T, U and V in the newly created sheet. If there is no duplicate, to copy the entire line to the new sheet.

So that when finished. On the new sheet, you have the SUM of T, U and V for everything that has data in T, U or V for all of the previous sheets, plus the entire line of the first instance (excluding the first 4 sheets).

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Inputbox Value Can Be Compared To A String Variable Or A Numeric Variable At The Same Time

Dec 7, 2008

I am trying to develope a "goto" page macro where the page value maybe 1,34,7A, 256C etc. I am not clear on how an inputbox value can be compared to a string variable or a numeric variable at the same time. This is what I have done, but when the texboxvalue is "7A" it doesn't work.

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