Formula For Parsing If An Element Is True

Dec 5, 2008

My rows consist of the following cells, an author(s), an article name, a pubilcation name, a volume number, and a page number. There are thousands.

My first column has multiple names and need to separate the names into separate cells. Some names have a comma or semi-column separating them, some have the word "and" separating them. Most of the names are listed as last name, first name. (Some are not and I will have to deal wtih that later.)

Row 1:
Eisenhofer, Jay W., Jordan, Kirk S. Tucker, Marc B."Business Faces Harsh Sentencing Penalties",Delaware Business Review, October 7-13, 1991951

Row 2:
Embley, Craig M., Turezyn, Andrew J. and Welch, Edward P."Recent Developments in Delaware Corporate Law",S.A.S.M.& F., May, 19901443

I'm sure is a multiple part process. Is there a formula for placing anything separated by a comma into a new cell, or placing a tab between the names?

Ultimately this data will be placed in database from which to search for a name and article, etc.

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Parsing HTML Element Into Excel

Feb 11, 2014

I am trying to parse a section of html into excel but I don't know how to parse into a new row with each pattern rotation. I can do this both in Word and notepad++, but I can't find the same function of replace-with-line-break in excel's find-and-replace box.

Original html extract:

Results I need:

There is only one line as such in the entire page, so I don't need to loop through "blocks" of html codes with multiple lines.

I have had a look around and not sure what would be a good way to tackle this. RegEx (how to do it in excel macro)? HTML tags parsing (but these are not strictly tags)? I need to extract the correct section from page source as well, but I imagine this shouldn't be too hard. The url to the page I am extracting from is [URL] ........

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String Parsing Formula/Function

Apr 10, 2008

I have a series of codes, such as:


The /'s represent variations on the same code, so the first one is shorthand for:


I would like to be able to split the code into a new line (or lines) wherever a / occurs.

There are any number of dashes and slashes within the code, however, there are none at the beginning or end of the code.

The slashes will be always surronded by dashes eg xxx-xx/xy-xxx.

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Logical Formula: Value If True/false To Be Another Formula, Not Just A Set Value

Sep 16, 2009

I want to use the If formula but want the value if true/false to be another formula, not just a set value. Here's what I came up with (obviously wrong, please excuse my lack of experience) =IF(D2>C2,"=(D2-C2)*5","=((60-C2)+D2)*5 ")

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Hide Checkbox TRUE/FALSE & Sum Values Adjacent To TRUE

Aug 2, 2009

I have a worksheet where I have around 300 rows, each with 7 columns. What I want to do is add a checkbox to each column. I plan on setting non-applicable checkboxes to mixed status and locking the worksheet. I will unlock applicable checkboxes and sumif or countif their value according to row-based scoring, for example, each checked checkbox represents a value of 3. I do not know VBA and have chose to use the form control checkboxes rather than ActiveX.

I believe that a formula for this would be something like: =SUMIF(B1:B3,True,"3") or =COUNTIF($B$1:$B$3,True)*3

I am wondering firstly if I have that right and secondly if there is a way to stop my checkboxes from displaying labels. Currently, if I click on one it displays True behind the active checkbox. If I uncheck it, it displays False.

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IF Formula And If The Result Is True

Aug 13, 2009

Is it possible to use the IF formula and if the result is true, to run another formula and if the result is false put a "0" in the cell???

Here is an example...

In cell A1, I have an amount of money.
In cell B1, I have a quantity.
In cell C1, I want to use the following IF formula:


At the present time, when I do this, when the result is true, I see ((A1)*(B1)*0.15) in the cell instead of what that formula should give.

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Copy Formula Result As A True Value

Jan 22, 2010

Is there a way to copy a formula result as the actual value and not the formula,

I can do copy and paste using "value" option but would like an automated formula or code option if possible.

In the example, D4 copies C4, would like D4 to show "AB" and not the formula "=C4"

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Formula In To Find The True Value Of Cells

Aug 1, 2006

trying to put a formula in to find the true value of cells, i.e.

need the positive value of these cells (into one cell), note below, assume colume A1-A6.


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Calculating Number Of True Results From If Formula

Apr 16, 2014

I am using a spreadsheet to determine if students are meeting Growth Targets between a pre test and post test.

Here is my formula


D8 is the Growth Target and C8 is the Post test Score.

After doing this, I need to calculate the percentage of Yes results. This year it will be easy, as it only applies to 25 students. Count the yes's and multiply by 4. Next year, it will apply to number in the neighborhood of 150 students.

Here is a sample

PreTarget Post
Student 15778 82Yes
Student 25369 91Yes
Student 35778 75No
Student 45778 68No
Student 55369 50No
Student 63761 50No
Student 74061 68Yes
percent of yes's

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Formula For True/false Tolerance Percent

Aug 7, 2009

I need to be able to get a true/false from a tolerance percent.

Here is an example of what I am trying to do

cell a2 is Nitrogen
cell b2 is (Known gas%) 2.4800%
cell c2 is (unknown gas%) 2.4963%
cell d2 is =b2-c2 and I get the answer no trouble there. what I need is to take the answer in cell d2 and set a plus/minus 2% tolerance in cell f2 and get a true/false comparison.

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Return True/False If Cell Contains Formula

Apr 7, 2009

Is there a formula or VB code like the =TYPE() function that will return whether a cell contains a FORMULA? Here's the issue:

I'm writing a macro to update 10,000 sheets. Each sheet has a column that I'm updating with a new formula. Some of these formulas have been previously overwritten with a random number that would delete the formula from the cell. I have to leave the overwritten values where there is no formula, and replace the values of the formulas where they are still intact. I assume that if I can identify whether there is a formula in the cell or not, I can choose that cell to skip or update.

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COUNTIF Formula - Only Counts If BOTH Specified Criteria True

Oct 4, 2011

I need to get together a countif formula that only counts if BOTH specified criteria are true... This is what I thought would work:

=COUNTIF(W1:W28, AND(>A18,

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If Formula Evaluates To True When Condition Is False

Nov 1, 2006

In E5, put "INSERT". In G5, put the formula


Should I be getting TRUE as the result? I'm getting FALSE. Is something wrong or am I going mad...

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Formula - Count TRUE Values Up To First Blank Cell

Jul 25, 2014

I am designing a spreadsheet for my colleagues and I have run into a problem. Range U16 tu U and the first blank row has values TRUE or FALSE. The problem is you will never know if it's U16:U21 or U16:U90. The thing is to come up with a formula (no vba) that will count all TRUE values in that range. I found a formula on the internet to find the first blank column: =MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(ISBLANK(U16:U300),0,0),0) + 16 - 1

The formula works great and if I put it in, say, cell P2 it will return the correct result.

Now, the cell K2 has the following formula: =COUNTIF(U16:U300,TRUE). It Counts incorrectly. I do not want it to run to U300 but to whatever P2 returns. How can I do this?

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Array Formula- Idenify The Location Of Each Row In Which All The Conditions Are True

Nov 9, 2007

My formula below work perfectly. I was wondering if their is a way for me to idenify the location of each row in which all the conditions are true. So, for example, if the formula generates an answer of 2, in a different cell it would give me the address of the 2 rows.


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Formula To Return True/False If A Row Has 6 Contiguous 0 Values

Sep 25, 2009

I have number data in columns F through AK. In column AL I want a formula that will look in columns F through AK from the left to right. Once it identifies a positive value I want the formula to identify if after that positive number there are any occurances where there are 6 0's in a row (anywhere up until column AK). The formula can return a True or False. I want to drag the formula down across many rows of data. If the entire row contains 0's, I do not want it identified as a TRUE

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Formula To Return Number Of Continuous True Values At The End Of A List

Apr 9, 2014

I have two data columns: the first is a list of the last 100 calendar dates, and the second is an ON/OFF (or 1/0 if you prefer) value corresponding to each date. If the last value in the second column list is ON, I want to find how many continuous days the value has been ON for. If the last value in the second column is OFF, I want it to return a zero. Note that in the 100 day span of data, the value may switch between ON and OFF several times, but I only want the continuous, uninterrupted ON days at the end of the date range.

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Excel 2003 :: Highlighting Cell When IF Formula Returns TRUE Value?

Aug 8, 2014

Is it possible to get Excel to highlight a cell when the IF formula returns a TRUE value? (Using MS Office 2003)

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For Statement With A Next Element

Jan 24, 2010

I'm trying to do, I already have a macro that takes certain cells in sheets in a workbook and copies to them to individual workbooks that are open.

So for example, I have a workbook with sheets A, B, and C.
and then I have a macro that'll copy sheet A to an open workbook D and B to an open workbook E, and so on.

Problems I'm running into = if the workbook isn't open, it crashes, I'd like to have an if then statement where if workbook is not open, it stops?

Additionally, I'd like a for statement because there will be 10 or more sheets in total, so would be nice to have a for statement that changes the variables so For i = 1 to 10 where 1 would be D and 2 would be E and so on so it automatically changes the workbook names as necessary.

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Reconciliation Formula(s) - VLookup Two Cells And Return TRUE / FALSE For Match?

Mar 26, 2014

I'm trying to create a rec report, ideally on one page, for multiple criteria. The situation is we get a report on our trade positions (investment stuff) from an outside service we use. We also have a report internally from what we've booked. We're looking to tie out are basic things like price, original par, revised par, trade date, counter-party banks, etc. I've consolidated data from both sources on one page (DATA) where all data points are lined up (say EXTERNAL is from rows 1-500, and INTERNAL is 510-1010). Now I need to create a front page showing the result of each tie-out. The lookup value will be a combination of the fund name + trade ticket number which would almost guarantee a unique ID (fund name XYZ, ticket number 12345 = XYZ12345)

Current tabs on spreadsheet: DATA, EXTERNAL, INTERNAL. I need to add a REC page

Question: What formula can I use to check on each and return TRUE/FALSE? The goal is to have about 8 columns on the REC, each for one of the tie-outs (let's use price as an example.). I know the basic VLOOKUP to return one value, but it appears in this case I will need VLOOKUP to check two matching values based on unique ID XZY12345, compare the price, and return TRUE if they match, FALSE if they don't

Here's something I saw from one of our spreadsheets that I think does the same to confirm counter-party, though I have no idea how to read this lengthy formula.


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Count Number Of Element

Dec 19, 2008

For example, I have 2 columns:

I want on the third and fourth column the result like this:

I want to count automatically the number of elements taken by john, rick and andrew.

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VLOOKUP Last Element Of A Column?

Jul 4, 2012

I have such a table:




[Code] ......

As you can see the letters repeat, and the dates are in order. Dates may repeat or be skipped.

I want to know how I retrieve the last date in the list that corresponds to a certain letter. For example, the last date that corresponds to "A" is 10-Jun-12. Similarly for "B", it is 11-Jun-12.

VLOOKUP will retrieve the first day.

In this case corresponding to "A":

Is there any way I can retrieve the last day with a formula?

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Return A 4th Element From 3 Common Ones

Dec 11, 2007

My main report (Report 1) has part number, serial number, and work order information, among other things I need. Report 2 contains this information as well, but also has a work order item number, which is needed in Report 1. Otherwise, Report 2 has nothing else of interest.

What functions will allow me to get the item number information I want from Report 2 into Report 1?

I have spent a lot of time trying various combinations of VLOOKUP, SUMPRODUCT, IF, etc with no luck. There is probably a very simple (I hope!) thing that I am overlooking.

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Element Name Displayed Based On Abbreviation

Apr 20, 2014

I have the need to create a workbook that will return values based on the entering of an abbreviation. I will use the chemical elements as an example, I wish to have a column formatted so that if 'Au' is entered the cell populates with 'Gold' or if 'Pb' is entered then the cell is populated with 'Lead'

So in my case I have all the abbreviations in one column and all the full descriptions in another (approx 500 different codes/description)

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Get Data In Custom Range From Next Element?

Feb 18, 2014

I have a custom range I'll be copying from one sheet (a single entry registration form) that I'm adding to another (an "all entries" sheet) with a button assigned to a macro.


I then loop through the range, copying the cell from Sheet1 to Sheet2.


All works perfect, but I need to manipulate the data a little. If B3 from Sheet1 equals a certain string, I want to manipulate the data From Sheet1 B6 & B7 to paste into Sheet2 Column 1, otherwise paste B3 into Sheet2 Column1.

Again, my loop and everything works if I put B3 into Column1, B6 into Column2, and B7 into Column3, but it doesn't play well with the reporting I want to do later from this sheet.

Data Example


What I'm trying to do is
if B3 <> "NEW TEAM" then put B3 (Joe Smith on Sparkles) into the new sheet column1
if B3 = "NEW TEAM" then put "B6 on B7" (Jane Doe on Fluffy) into the new sheet in column1 (where B6 and B7 are the strings, obviously).

I haven't figured out how, in my loop, to access the data in (myCell + 1) and (myCell + 2) while I'm on the first cell (myCell). I could do it by jumping back to the Sheet1("B6") and Sheet1("B7") but I'm trying to write reusable code, and this range might change, so I'm trying to be a little more flexible than hard coding in more cells.

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Print Every Element In Multidimensional Array

Mar 19, 2014

I have 9 named ranges on worksheet Sheet1. I want to print every combination of every non-singular range on worksheet Sheet2. Below is a simplified version of the scenario.

There are three named ranges: Letters, Colors, Animals. Say the below are the entries for each range.

Letters = {A, B, C}
Colors = {Red, Blue}
Animals = {Dog}I want to print every combination of Letters and Colors but exclude Animals since it only has 1 entry.

Therefore my result would look something like this:

A Red
B Red
C Red
A Blue
B Blue
C Blue

My thought is to make a multidimensional array GrandArray where GrandArray(1) = Letters and GrandArray(2) = Colors, then recursively go back through every combination and print to Sheet 2. I can set up GrandArray, but stepping through each element is creating mismatch errors.

I'm trying to avoid For loops since my real data has 9 ranges which may or may not be included in the final print.

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Single Element Of An Array Is Equal To A Particular Value

Jun 20, 2008

How can you test that no single element of an array is equal to a particular value?

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Sqaure Every Element In A Dynamic Array

Nov 11, 2009

I am trying to sqaure every element in a dynamic array and display the result . I donot understand how can I select the value in the cell using VBA?

Dim Y as variant, d() as double, i as long, j as long, rows as double, cols as double
Set Y = Application.InputBox("select the matrix: ", Type:=8)
Rows = UBound(Y)
Cols = UBound(Y, 2)
ReDim d(1 To Rows, 1 To Cols)
for i = cols
d(1,i) = ______==>
How do I select the value of element in that particular cell and how do I sqaure it?
I know
cells(rowindex, columnindex)
is used to select a particular cell but If I have a large array it would be difficult to go cell by cell and sqaure it.

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Calculate Each Element In A Multidimensional Array

Jul 28, 2006

I need to multiply matrix variable by a constant (each matrix entry has to be multiplied by the constant).

Sub Matrix()
Dim X As Variant, Y As Variant
Dim a As Integer

a = 2
X = [1, 1, 1; 2, 2, 2; 3, 3, 3]

Y = X * a ' Here it writes that type is mismached

End Sub

I read that in cell functions it is possible to do such calculations.

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Dynamic Table_array Element In Vlookup

Jun 22, 2007

how to get the table_array element of vlookup to either obtain details from a worksheet cell, or to enclose a variable (specifically part of the filepath) within the table_array formula. I have a template that gets saved and used in various directories, and I want Vlookup to to dynamically lookup information from a specific file that is also contained within the directory, without having to find and replace the directory name in the vlookup formulas.

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