Formula In A Cell Value Changes Depending On Drop Down Menu Selection

Aug 19, 2014

I have created a drop-down menu combobox of districts and depending on your choice of districts the list of Health Centers in each district changes. What I want to do is to protect the contents of the cells that contain the health centers. The problem is that when I lock the cells and I choose a district, the Health Center cells cannot change because the cells are locked. Is there anyway around it?

I have attached the sample (Please look at sheet 2. The column that I want to block is the column FOSA)

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Show A Certain Cell Depending On Data From A Drop Down Menu.

Jan 2, 2009

I have created a color coded calendar on a spreadsheet for work that shows when a book will be published depending on when it comes into our warehouse, this is on sheet one.

I would like on sheet two to have some kind of filter or statement that would eliminate the need to look at the calendar, I.E. the user would just have to type in the date or select the date from a list and excel would show you what day the book would publish on using the data from sheet one.

I can imagine that this is hard to picture so i have attached the file as well.

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Drop Down Menu: Add Another Selection To The Menu List

Oct 18, 2008

I have a column with various drop down menu boxes and I need to add another selection to the menu list. My problem is, it's been so long since I did the drop downs, I have forgotten how to do it..

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Automatically Fill Data Depending On Choice From Drop-down Menu

Dec 28, 2007

I have three lists in the first sheet 'Food', 'Quantity', 'Points Value'
Each food (i.e. tuna, pasta, anchovies) has a quantity (i.e. 40g) and a points value (i.e. '50'). The first list ('Food') has been copied as a drop down list in the second sheet. When selecting a food, I would like the cells 'quantity' and 'points value' to pre-fill - taking the data from the first sheet.

i.e. if say Anchovies has the quantity value '30g' and Points Value '2' on the first sheet, then in the second sheet if anchovies was selected from the drop-down menu, these values would add themselves. how to do this? I have attached a sample file shwoing what I want to do.

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Show Current Selection In Drop Down Menu

May 4, 2009

Hi guys i am in assistance of your brilliant brains, i have a working drop down menu which when selected i can select my data range such as below: ...

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Changing Values Based On Drop Down Menu Selection

Dec 15, 2009

Attached is the file i am working with. The table spanning from A:AA5:16 contains hours worked per day of the week with respect to the Project chosen from the drop down menus in A7:16. Cells in the range of F,K,O,R,U,X,AA7:16 total those hours worked on a daily basis. The table below should sum the total hours worked per day according to the Project selected in A19 from the drop down menu, with respect to the Project(s) chosen in cell range A7:16. For example, if i am looking for total hours worked Monday on Project RSB i select "RSB" from the drop down menu in cell A19, i want cell F18:19 to be the sum of cells A7 and A9, with respect to the Project selected from cells A7:16. If I select "FRG" from the drop down in cell A19, i want cell F18:19 to reflect the sum of cells F8 and F10.

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Show List Depending On Drop Down Selection

Dec 18, 2006

Im currently creating a spreadsheet for my work, with common problems and solutions to one of our websites.

When the spreadsheet is opened, the user will click a button depending on what sort of problem he/she is having. In the example attached, if the user clicks on "make payments" a form will appear. This will have a list of problems.

if the user choses problem 1 from the drop down list, then I would like the list of solutions to problem 1(from the MPData sheet) to show in the box below. The same goes for problem 2, problem 3 etc.

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Auto Fill Cells Depending On Drop Down List Selection

Sep 22, 2008

I am trying to make a calendar spreadsheet to enable me to track allowance payments i am due from my company.

This payment is worked out by three conditions - where i am working (7 regions), how many days of the week (4,5,6 or7) and how many hours (<7,8-9 or 10-12)

I have made drop down lists to select each of the values for the three conditions and want to show the total for them

i can total the entire spreadheet for the month up using fairly large "COUNTIF" statements, but i want to be able to show what the exact amount is in each cell not just a complete total.

i.e. i am away for 6 days i get £15 extra, if i am in Europe i get another £50 and if i work 12 hours i get £30.

I want to be able to calculate this total in each cell for that day.

I can send a copy of the spreadsheet i have got at the moment if that will make things clearer than what i have tried to explain.

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Formula Based On Dropdown Menu Selection?

Feb 21, 2014

Sheet 1 has a table of prices. There are 7 columns labelled 2 thru 8 and two rows, labelled 1 and 2. Each combo has a separate price.

Sheet 2 has a weight specification (1 or 2 referring to the rows in sheet 1) and a drop down menu with options 2 thru 8.

When I choose a number from the drop down menu, let's say 5, I want to populate another cell with the value from sheet 1 of column 5 on row "whatever the weight spec is", let's say 2.

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Get X To Appear In Cell From A Drop-down Menu?

Jan 5, 2014

Looking to get a "X" to appear in appropriate box "in leave request form tab, cell M14, modified PTO box" that corresponds with correct selection from drop-down menu "in leave calendar tab, cell K6"... if i select "modified PTO from the drop down selection in K6, i would like to see a ""X" appear in "leave request tab, cell M14", then i can apply the formula to the rest of the selections in the drop -down...

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Produce A Drop Down Menu In A Single Cell

Aug 3, 2006

How do you produce a drop down menu in a single cell in Excel

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Drop Down Lists - Depending On Other Cell Values

Oct 23, 2008

I have a workbook with several drop down boxes and formulas already set up and working. I want to improve it though. My question is.... is there a formula that will make the drop down list change based on a cell value....

For example: If B6 equals vegetables then C6 equals list (potato, carrot, pea, etc.) If B6 equals fruit then C6 equals list (apple, banana, grape)

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Changing Drop-downs Depending On Another Cell

Jan 26, 2007

I'm having a difficult time figuring out out to coordinate two cells together.

If a "1" or "2" is entered into cell A1, I would like cell A2 to have a drop down menu show a "0". If a "3" is entered into A1, I would like B1 to have a drop down menu show "1" or "2". If a "4" is entered into A1, I would like B1 to have a drop down menu show "3" or "4". Lastly, if a "5" is entered into A1, I would like B1 to show "5" or "6".

I don't know if this is possible without using VBA.

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Copy / Paste From Cell In One Sheet To A Cell In Another Dependent On Selection Of Dropdown Menu

May 31, 2012

I have a workbook with two sheets. The idea behind the workbook is an Interview Guide to be used just before an Interview. For now my problem is this.

Sheet 2 "Competencies" is just data. It stores competencies with their associated definitions and questions.

Sheet 1 "Control Page" is the sheet where the questions will eventually go. The user (Interviewer) will input data on the first two pages which will include name of candidate, date of interview etc. but they will also select 5 Competencies from the already existing drop down menus on page two. From there as the selections are made I wish for a code to copy the corresponding definition on sheet 'Competencies" to cells lower down in sheet "Control page".

I don't see a place to upload a file as I have a sample of the sheet ready to go.

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Single Cell Value From Either Dropdown List Or Enter Manually Depending On Selection

Jun 22, 2014

I have a cell in my spreadsheet that I use to control the size of a column. I formatted the cell as a number and added data validation to make sure the number is greater than zero. Then I realized that I need to also allow for the option of auto sizing the column as well. This would require a data validation list type with something like True and False for the choices.

What I want to be able to do is have it both ways. I want a drop down list in that cell with the options Auto Size or Custom. If Auto Size is selected the cell value gets set to that. If Custom is selected I then want to be able to type in a number.



Is there a way to setup a cell such that the value is either an item from the drop down list or, entered directly (depending on the list selection)?

I know I can do it with dependent lists but that would require two cells, one for the auto size mode (true/false) and the other for manual width value.

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Using Drop Down List As Selection Criteria For The Next Cell

May 31, 2008

One worksheet will have a library of job elements for assembly process with standard times on it.For example:Pick up a bolt(0.621m),install gasket(0.231m) etc.
The main worksheet will have a dropdown list which will list all the job elements discussed above.It will also have the quantity.So in otherwords,to pick up one bolt the time would be 0.621 minutes.But if anyone picks up 4 bolts the time would be 2.115 minutes,which can be calculated by the formula.So I want to display the job element,qty and the time in three separate rows.This worksheet will also calculate the total time for the assembly of the components which might contain more than thousand job elements.
My question is how do I ensure that picking up any of these job elements will give me the correct time.Is this something that can be done by formulas or anything thats built in excel or I need to run a macro or VBA to run some codes for IF...ELSE....THEN statements.There are too many conditions like If pick up one bolt time is 0.621 minutes,if pick up 4 bolts time is 2.115 minutes or if pick up a gasket time is 0.231 minutes.

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Allow Drop-down Box Selection Linked To Locked Cell

Nov 30, 2007

We have Microsoft Excel 2000 and i have locked all worksheets separately. I have enabled Data Validation on a range of cells and enabled a list box. The way the workbook works is you log in with a name, the cell range references the names in each cell to another cell which was your login name. Those that match, after clicking a button will unlock those specified cells.

Then users can use the data validation listbox function to select only their name from the cell that was linked to the log in name box. (the users name that logged in only shows in the list). The problem is, all cells by default are locked in the range with the names in. You cannot delete the values in any other way, unless you unlock the cells. (at least thats what is supposed to happen)

My question is:

Is there any code anybody knows that i can use to make excel copy what excel 2003 does, im sure that the problem is a fault with excel 2000 and microsoft fixed it when they released excel 2003.

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Menu Available Depending On Yes Or No?

Dec 5, 2013

Can I make a drop down list only available if another cell contains a Yes.

example :

A1 has a Yes/No drop down list by data validation

If A1 = yes then B1 gives the option of another Yes/no drop down list. If A1=No, or blank, then B1 has no menu option.

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Return Value Based On Selection Chosen From Drop-down List In Cell Next To It

Jul 2, 2014

I need VBA code to do the following:

When cell H2 = "Weekly", I need cell I2 to return "50".
When cell H2 = "Bi-weekly", I need cell I2 to return "25".

The value in Column I should change as soon as the value in Column H changes.

NOTE: The value in Column H is chosen from a Data Validation List.

I'm assuming offset is the best option?

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Automatically Update A Selection In A Drop Down List From A Cell Value Change

Jul 31, 2008

I have two worksheets...

Sheet 1
A1: description
A2: Target Iteration
A3: Concat A1, A2.

Sheet 2.
A1: Drop down datavalidation list selected from A3, sheet 1.

On sheet 2, a user can select from the list. If a user changes the value in A2, sheet 1, I want the value that is associated and already selected in A1, sheet 2 to automatically update. There is a 1 to many relationship with the concat and the drop down. In that, sheet 2 can have multiple rows with the same value from sheet 1 A3. Is there a way when A3 sheet 1 changes, to search in A:A in sheet two and update the values for those records that match the original value in A3, sheet 1?

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Populate Drop-Down Based On Another Drop-Down Selection ...

Dec 5, 2007

Im a fairly basic VBA user who has just purchased the code for J-Walk's Enhanced Data Form.

On other threads in this forum I have noticed a lot of people asking how to make the contents of one drop-down box dependant on the selection in another. I am trying to do the same thing but with the criteria section of the EDF form.

Is this possible? What does give me hope is that a simple Autofilter - whilst not as aesthetically pleasing, does the job well.

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Populate Drop-Down Based On Another Drop-Down Selection

Aug 7, 2008

Currently I have columns fixed or assigned to the names of insurance providers/companies.

In each column below the name of the Insurance Company, a combobox containing the plans that company offers. Choose a plan, and the rest of the column is filled in using vlookup.

Now to save space, IE opposed to having 13-15 columns one assigned to each Insurance Company/Provider. I am looking to have only 3-5 columns with a first initial combobox in which one chooses the Name of the Company/Provider, and in turn populate the original combobox and vlookup functionality I already have built in.

Here is an example of what I am working with.

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Return Cell On Separate Sheet Based On Selection From Drop Down List?

Mar 18, 2014

I am trying to create individualized worksheets based off a master worksheet. I have different committee names that I want to appear on the individualized sheets, based on whether the person is apart of that committee or not. On my master sheet, I choose the persons name under the committee and I want that committee name to show on the individualized sheet. For example, I want A1 on Master to show on Name 1, B3 and A10 on Master to show on Name 1, C3. Can I write a formula to achieve this or or am I asking too much? In my actual file, I will have about 10 names and 5 committees with one person being on up to all 5 of the committees.

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Drop Down List Which Displays A Different Set Of Values Depending Upon The Value Selected By A Previous Drop Down List

Oct 26, 2009

I need to have a drop down list which displays a different set of values depending upon the value selected by a previous drop down list. ie. (drop down box 1)= x, y, z. (drop down box 2)= either x1, x2, x3, or y1, y2, y3, or z1, z2, z3. I can produce a single drop down box thats not a problem but linking several drop down boxes is beyond me .

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Restrict Drop-Down Selection Based On Selection From Another

Jul 20, 2007

I want to have a drop down list in a cell so that the value in the cell can be only selected from two columns of data. Additionally once the data from the first column has been selected I want to be able to limit the inputs the user can select from in the second column.

e.g. In cell C115 I want to have the value BDS05.

I want to be able to select the value BDS from a drop down list of values and once that value has been selected I want to be able select 05 from a list of values from 01 to 14
If I select BCS as the first value then I want the second set of values to be limited to 01 to 02 etc.

I have read about combo boxes and list boxes and I'm a bit confused about the best way to achieve this (or even if I can).

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More Drop Down Menu

Jan 7, 2009

I can weld together a bare chassis, or a complete turn-key car, or anything in between. With that I am putting prices next to every option, and part n piece that goes on the chassis. This is fine when I choose welded chassis under car type and just add a few options to it.

However if I choose turn-key or even roller, there are items that i need to choose between like rear coilover manufacturer and what not, but I dont need to add that price in considering its already included in the turn-key price of $135,000.00

So my question is, if I choose bare chassis, can I leave everything the same, but if I select turn-key, can I make it so it does not include that price in the bottom total cost of the car?

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Selection From One Drop Down Creates New Drop Down

Mar 1, 2007

In the attached example I am trying to get the selections from one drop down to gnerate available selections in the next. The first drop down is the door style. This then needs to generate the possible drop downs in wood species. This then needs to generate the possible drop down in available stains. this then needs to generate the related door factor....

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Make Drop Down Menu

Feb 28, 2007

how to create a drop down menu and grab data from the other side. pls have a look for a while at my attachment to check it...has anybody can provide me the steps

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Add Totals Via Drop Down Menu

Jan 15, 2009

I'm looking for cell j3 to add up al the things in row 3 so in the attached case it will come to £3.00 ....

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If Statment Using Drop Down Menu

Apr 7, 2009

I have another question with my red sox scores excel sheet. On my overview I want to be able to select any team, and view the indiviual stats against them. For the life of me I dont' know/can't find how to even do a simple yes no if statment to what the value in the drop down menu box is.

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