Formula With 6 Outcomes To Return 4
Apr 5, 2009
if h5 = "Supply Only" or "Supply Only With IWA" then I5 should be "S/O" however if h5 = "Supply Only With Survey" or "Supply Only With Survey With IWA" then I5 should be "S/o & S"
h5 could also be "Supply & Fit" or "Supply & Fit With Iwa" which should return "S/F"
but if h5 = "Supply & Fit With Survey" or "Supply & Fit With Survey & IWA" then I5 should be "S/F & S"
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May 2, 2014
I used three different dates. In which the outcomes were available. The first three sheets.
Is there a possiblity to use excel to calculate a future outcome of the next month(Sheet 4). The figures are in a way linear, because the previous months are in it.
So it's possible for the future outcome to go up or stay the same. It can't be less then previous months.
See attachments.
It's about a holiday (combinations) of arrangements. So it'll be influenced by the date (because of holliday plannings), finance etc etc. But the last factors/variables we will use and test in SPSS and other programs.
The question is more: Is there a program/formula in excel which will predict the outcome in the last sheet with maybe a factor of outliners (this coincendence of a better salary in some parts/or the date that people will book a holiday). And how the formula would be formulated in the last sheet?
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Sep 28, 2009
I am trying to get more than one outcome from a logical function in a single cell. I am teaching a class and i want this particular cell to add up all the points from tests and quizzes and then give me an outcome of a grade (A,B,C,D, or F) Right now i can only get the cell to give me an outcome of A or B. I need the cell to be able to give me 5 possible outcomes (A,B,C,D,F).
Right now i have this formula in this particular cell......=IF(Q6>234,"A") if Q6 is greater than 234pts they get an A...if not they get a B. How can i also give ranges of total points to have the cell give C,D, or F?
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Jan 17, 2014
So I have some stats I have been tracking for NHL hockey games. I want to find a formula that is predictive of future outcomes, based on whether or not a team has a statistical advantage. Obviously, there are so many other factors, and there is no golden formula to accurately predict the winner of ever game. I want to find maybe a 70% success rate here. I want to be able to plug in all of the stats, and essentially have it tell me who statistically should win the game.
I have 11 independent variables (Stat A, B, C, D, E, etc.). I have a running total of how often the winning team had the stat advantage for each of these, and I think that should factor into the formula. My dependent variable is whether the team wins or not. how to do that with multiple independent variables.
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Dec 7, 2009
I want to say, if B1 = A then the value is 10, if B1 = B then the value is 20, if C then the value is 30 and D the value is 40.
If there are two conditions then I know it would be =if(b1=A,10,0) but this is obviously a bit more complex.
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Apr 20, 2007
Formula that if the cell (C1) looks up C5, and the range in C5 is 1-10000, I want C1 to show 10, or if C5 has less than 1, then I want C5 to show 0.
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Oct 18, 2013
I have an If statement I am trying to get to work but not sure of the flow. Each part works seperately but not together. What I need is if column E is blank leave blank, if cell DI2 is Yes then use columns DJ to DP for the lookup if DI2 is No than use columns O to U for the lookup. The first 2 lines are the individual formulas that work independently. The 3rd was my last attempt at combining them.
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Mar 3, 2014
I have a master worksheet with due dates for various forms to be completed. These forms are on separate worksheets within the workbook.
I'd like to highlight the master date entry in red if the form hasn't been completed by the due date, but also highlight in green when it has been done.
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Feb 9, 2009
I recently posted work of my attempts to create a league table, i feel i have probaly chosen the worst way to record the actual results of matches, causing the need for complicated formula which donkyoite has been very helpful in doing and i thank him, but i dont understand whats going on, was wondering if there was a simplier way?
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Apr 4, 2014
In my sheet i got some negative and positive numbers -210(Negative) and 210(positive).
So when on F there is a Negative number on K must come (Yes).
And when on F there is a positive number on K must come (NO)
It must go on for all on F
Is there function for that in Excel what i got now.
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Dec 8, 2009
I have a web query that I would like to loop to a specified range. The catch is there are two possible outcomes. There is an outcome (data) and an outcome that is useless (no such page is found, etc). I'm kind of stuck trying to get this thing to loop. I would like to reference a range (contains links for input), and input all the data from the range, and based on the outcome, input the useful webpage data into the same spreadsheet.
Here is where I'm starting out.
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Apr 16, 2007
I need to compare the number value of 3 cells to 64 possible outcomes, of the three cells they can only have one of four possible values, How do I write the formula to do this. if cell a1 is 1,a2 is 1, a3 is 1 then thave it display the number 64, but I also need it to able to look at the same three cells, 64 different combinations, like 0,0,1 displays 21 etc.
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Aug 6, 2014
I seem to struggle with excel formulas when time is involved. I am trying to create a spreadsheet that reviews outcome measures (walking tests in this case) to outline firstly if someone has improved or not (Outcome in the blue columns) which seems to be working alright. This takes into account the 2 aspects of time taken to complete the test and the walking aid required.
What I would now like to be able to do is compare each individuals 'After' score with a normal range for that test. I have put a list below the table of the ranges I am looking for. I have tried to put time formats into a long IF formula to try and get the ranges covered for the TUAG test, but doesn't seem to be working.
The 10 metre walk test is a little trickier as this is looking at change in velocity between the before and after scores. I think I need to be able to work out the velocity for each test and then do a comparison, but again bit stuck with the time formatting.
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Feb 10, 2009
Can anyone help, I'm trying to create some test data, eg 1000 rows in excel. In each cell a formula (?) returns some text such as Dog, Cat or Rabbit based on the probability Dog=0.5, Cat=0.3, Rabbit=0.2
I've come up with a messy solution of generating a random number between 1-100 and then using a lookup table where 1-50 = dog etc... it works but is long winded and difficult for other people to follow.
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Oct 27, 2009
This code counts all cells with a value from column B1:B:10, C1:C10, D1:D10, E1:E10, F1:F10, G1:G10 and H1:H10. And then give the cells of the 3 lowest outcomes a blue backcolor. The problem is that the code also colors any duplicate outcomes. How can I let the code skip any following duplicate outcome(s)?
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Feb 17, 2010
Is there a way with the following formula to tell it that if value return is = to value of cell above then find return next value?
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Feb 6, 2009
I'm looking to work out an IF statement based on a series of dates entered to give 1 of 3 possable outcomes. Where:
A1: todays date (exmaple =NOW())
B1: due date (exmaple 10/02/09)
C1: completion date (example 12/02/09)
D1: status (overdue, outstanding or completed)
D1: =IF(A1>B1,"overdue",IF(A1<B1,"outstanding",IF(C1<=>A1 & B1,"completed")))
I know the last part is totally wrong (symbols arranged in that manner), but to clarify i would like the date entered in C1 to override the other statements in the fomula to make it read "completed". If no date is entered in C1 then the formula will return either "overdue" or "outstanding" depending on the other dates in A1 and B1.
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Apr 2, 2014
For mod formula (1,4) it returns 1. Why is that? I thought it's supposed to show the remainder. In this case there would be no remainder.
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Nov 4, 2007
Need a formula that will read the digits in Col's B2:D2 and return the Col and Row from the first appearance of the digit. Ex 659 came from B6,C4,D4.
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May 16, 2006
Need a way to return the value of the rightmost non-empty cell in a row? I would attempt to use an if statement, except it only allows for 7 nested if's and obviously I have more possible columns that could contain a value than that.
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Apr 18, 2007
I have a formula that helps with stock and production control. However, the formula returns negative numbers in the opening stock column. Is there somehow the formula can return this value as zero if it is a negative number. This would help instead of having to change all negative numbers to a zero before any work with the numbers is started.
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Oct 1, 2011
Version: Excel 2007 WinXP
I'm basically looking for something almost like an inverse function to INDIRECT. This function would first look at a cell's formula as a text string, parse out the first valid cell reference in A1 format, and return that cell as a text string.
Detail: I have a spreadsheet with cells that point to other values. I would like to get only the row number from the first cell reference in the formula residing in a given cell. For example:
Suppose A1 has the formula =AL267. and A2 has the formula =SUM(AL94:AL235)
I would like a formula in B1 that returns the text string, "AL267" so that I would know this is the first reference.
Ideally it could be dragged down to B2 such that it returns the text string "AL94" (and not "AL235") because AL94 is the first cell reference in A2's
Currently I am copying the formulas after hitting ctl+` and pasting that text into a text editor, followed by text operations to manipulate the results into the desired values. Any solution that didn't involve going out to notepad.
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Jan 6, 2009
In the estimate form I have attached, I want it to auto figure shipping by placing a X in front of shipping type. Which it is doing but how can I get it to show $0.00 instead of false when no X is placed in front.
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Mar 5, 2009
V20 gives me #VALUE
How can I have V20 blank if T21 is blank?
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Apr 6, 2009
I have rows with text and numbers. In order to ensure that the numbers are accurate, I have a "QC formula" that calculates a check using all of the numbers from 1 row. The challenge is that the "QC formula" needs to vary depending on a text value within the row.
How can I lookup up the text value and then return the correct active formula for that row? I have too many differet text values to do a nested If statement. see simplified example below.
Condition ABCFormula' Needed based on Condition
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Mar 11, 2009
I want this formula to return zero if it cannot match the value. Right now it is returning #N/A and i don't want that. I just want to return "0" if it can't match it.
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Mar 21, 2009
I currently use the following formula to find the last used cell in a row:
which works fine but I have been trying to amend it so that it returns the last but one cell in a row. Have tried using it with Offset but without success.
Have found other solutions to finding to the last cell in a row albeit that a number of them do not seem to work with my project and likewise none of them seemed to allow customisation of any sort.
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Apr 5, 2013
I keep tabs on my league's standings and I would love to make a formula to keep track of record over the last 10 games. However, the part that's stumping me is that the right end of the range consistently increases (the last cell with a value will go from J4 to K4 to L4 and so on). How to create a formula that will auto-update (something like 10 cells from the last entered value) as I add more information to the worksheet? The two values in the cells are "W" and "L". I only need a formula to return the "W" values within the last 10 filled cells from the last filled cell of the row.
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Dec 12, 2013
I have a list that goes something like this
The quantity and text of these labels in the list will always change so they will not fall in the same order
What I want to do is in A1 return the first unique name (Main) then in A2 return the second unique name (Second) and so on until the list ends. I can't perform any kind of filter as I require the value to perform part of a concatenated text
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Mar 11, 2008
I am working on formula to return an average of data.
Currently it is matching a text criteria.
Thus if (the text in) column a = (the text in) column b, (return the average of) column c.
The formula that I am using is =IF(A:A,B:B,AVERAGE(P:P))
This is returning - #value!
Now is this a formatting problem in column P? Or is the formula I am using incorrect?
I know that the text criteria (col A & B) matches.
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