Get The Information Of The File Comment.

Oct 16, 2007

I need a macro to get the info written in the Comment field (In the file properties field). Attached is a pic to explain a little better.

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Extract And Use Information In A Comment Box

Jul 22, 2009

My user has data in a comment in a cell that provides additional information about the data in the cell. He does not want to have to retype that information into another spreadsheet but wants it to automatically populate.

For example:

Column Headings: A1 = Tardy; B1 = Absent; C1 = Detention

Data in the following cells: A2 = 2; B2 = 1; C2 = 3

Comments are: A2 = Smith - 10 min, Jones - 5 min; B2 = Adams - Sick; C2 = Brown - Talking, Green - Talking, Gray - Sleeping

He wants another workbook that has a column for each name in three separate tables, 1 each for Tardy, Absent, and Detention. He wants the Tardy table to show 10 min under Smith, 5 min under Jones, etc.

Is this at all possible? I will say that I tried to get him to change his spreadsheet so that he inputs the data into the three separate tables then summarizes it in the sheet he presently has but he cannot change the original sheet. It is a shared sheet by many of our office locations and changing it is not an option.

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Creating A Yearly Database File Using Information In Daily File

Feb 7, 2008

I would like to automatically update a 'yearly' database file with info from a file that is changed on a daily basis.

The daily file that i use has info like date, truck number, delivery stops, weight.

the database file has the similar headings.

at the end of each day this daily file is saved. I would like to have the info that is entered into the daily file automatically plugged into the yearly database file into the next available group of cells with respect to the salesperson.

This is kind of a generalization but i'm hoping to just get pointed in the right direction. If something like this involves vba then it will be beyond my ability and i'll have to do it manually, which is fine

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Copy Contents Of Multiple Comment Boxes And Paste In Single Comment Box

Mar 13, 2014

how to copy the contents of multiple comment boxes and paste in a single comment box.

The big picture is that I have a number of cells with numerical values in and text in comment boxes. I want to be able to click a button to copy the contents of the comment boxes and paste them, along with the numerical value from the cell, into a single comment box, ordered by highest to lowest value within the comment box, then delete the original cells and comments.

I am quite new to VBA but have been coping quite well so far with information of the web and analysing recorded macros.

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Extracting File Information

Jun 5, 2008

I have a macro that lists all documents in a selected folder and am looking to add the author/owner, created on date, last saved date as shown in the document properties.

The code I'm using is: ....

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Transferring Information From A Seperate File.

Dec 15, 2009

I'll get straight to the point. I have a file with an (.ASC) extension that has information that I need in my workbook. The first problem is that in the .ASC file ...
a) there are french characters that don't translate into excel when I open it up
b) the date format is dd/mm/yy and excel doesn't seem to like this and only converts it as mm/dd/yy for those it can and the rest it leaves as text.

When I manual open the file problem b) disappears but if I use a macro problem b) pops up.

Right now I'm using this code to open the file

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Join Information On Two Spreadsheets In Only One File

May 9, 2014

I have some information on two different spreadsheets. I would like to join all the information in only one file.

Some information is common, some not. Is there any way to join all the information in only one spreadsheet without using macros?

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Macro Protection Using Information From External File?

Jun 21, 2014

I was wondering if it is possible to protect a macro to be used only if a *.txt (for example) file wit some certain text is available. like a key to run hidden in a text. The file is situated in a company network, and i want to protect it from taking the file out of the company. I can do it to check for presence of a file - if the file is not available - the macro exits. but if someone break the password that is protecting the code will see the blocking point immediately. this is why i want to use a key....

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Lookup File: Extract Information From Sheet

Jan 21, 2009

My company use a program called Bartender which is a barcode printing program. Bartender has the ability to extract information from an Excel sheet which is really useful and prevents repetetive keying in of information. We have found that if you simply print the Excel sheet when Bartender next uses the file it says it is corrupt and simply copying the data into a new spreadsheet and resaving it as the same name does not resolve this issue.

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Formula To Pull Information From Database File

Apr 26, 2012

I need building a formula to pull information from a database file. The purpose is to try to interpret the data so that I can analyze a time period along with it's content. I don't know how best to explain it. Basically I have a table and I want it to pull information based on 3 criteria: time, type, and total. I would like for the formula to identify a time frame, then identify a type, and then take the totals and add them together.

Time / Type / Total
11:31 /1 / 4
11:43 / 1 / 6
12:04 / 2 / 1
12:31 / 1 / 3

Time / Type / Total
11:30 - 12:00 / 1 / 10
12:00 - 12:30 / 1 / 3

The top is the database and the bottom is basically what I want to happen on the other table. Pretend the / and dividers for each column.

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Copy Information From Variable Workbooks To Master File Then Loop?

Apr 30, 2014

What I have is a master file that needs to pull info from other sources (a simple copy and paste)
those files are called Inventory_xxxx.xlsm . Inside the master file, there are cells with the number of the inventory.

What i need is a way to tell excel to check what number is in the cell, open the files with that number, get the info from the files and paste it back in the master file... and the part that i consider the trickiest, a way to loop it.

For example, lets say i have 2248 in cell A10, it should open Inventory_2248.xlsm copy the contents from cell N4, O4, P4, Q4, R4 and S4(Inventory File) into N10,R10,S10,T10 and U10 (Master file) respectively then in A11, there could be a 2250 so it should open the 2250 file get the info, paste it and so on.....

Now I don't even know if this is do-able or just impossible, been fiddling with various codes to no avail.

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User Defined Function To Extract Information From Closed File

Feb 7, 2014

Herewith I attached a sample excel file.

Structure file which i attached herewith include all the cost center details. normally it is a big file contain more than 1000 cost center details. Structure File.xlsx If i want a cost center name for some cost center code, i have to open this file and find a specific name.

What i plan is develop a macro function called "CC".

If I type =CC("D232") I need to print cost center name for D232.

But the problem is i don't want to open the structure file, without open that file, when i type this function i need a result.

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Consolidating Certain Information Within Many Data Files Into Single Tab In Master File

Feb 14, 2013

I'm a relatively competent VBA user to a macro recorder and basic editing of custom code level but fall short with writing custom code and don't have much used or proven code I can copy from.

Problem: I'd like to automate a process whereby consolidating certain information within many data files (possibly up to 500) into a single tab within a master file.

At the moment there are only a few data files which are manually consolidated by way of manual links but going forward it will increase significantly, hence the need to automate.

I need to consolidate the following 5 cells from each data file A1, A2, A5, A7, A8 (vertical) into a single row within the master file across 5 columns (horizontal), i.e. each data file will populate 1 row in the master file, one below the other. If there are 500 data files there will be 500 rows of data in the master file.

The data files will be saved in a central location on our server and the master file will sit outside this folder, possibly in a subfolder.

Something which would be handy is a link in the master file to each data file, i.e. if I click on a data row in the master file it would jump to the source data file.

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Transfers (copy/paste) Information From One Master File To Several Other Individual Files

Apr 16, 2009

I have a macro that transfers (copy/paste) information from one master file to several other individual files. The macro works, but I would like
to enhance it by have it spit out errors in the process as follows: if cell A42 on file VP1.xls is not equal to Cell C35 on file Masterfile.xls then make cell E2 ERROR and fomat E2 bold-red, otherwise do nothing. The macro should continue regardless, I just want it to spot errors.
I think this is pretty simple is just a matter of inserting an IF formula in the macro which is something i don't know how to do yet.

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Vlookup (look Up Management Teir Information From Sheet1 Onto Main Sheet As Per The File Attached)

Jul 14, 2009

I'm having trouble to get VLOOKUP to work. Basically I need to look up Management Teir information from Sheet1 onto Main sheet as per the file attached. Both RecordID columns are Text so they should work right? But VLOOKUP returns #NA error.

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Excel 2010 :: File Sharing - Link 4 Spreadsheets Where Information Will Be Updated By One Person

Apr 21, 2013

I have a Excel Spread Sheet which has been created, there will be 4 people in 4 different locations who will have access to this spreadsheet and will need to update/amend it through "Dropbox", my question/problem is, how can I link the 4 spreadsheets where information will be updated by one person, but will update all 4 sheets at the same time.

Is this possible and how do I go about it?

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Userform Data (allows Input Of Information And Then Deposits The Information On A Specific Sheet)

Feb 11, 2010

I have created a userform that allows input of information and then deposits the information on a specific sheet. I am looking for a way to have that information not only deposited on the specific sheet it is already set to but also to another sheet based on a selection made from a combo box.

here is my current

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Write Information Into New Row In Different Sheet But Keeps Overwriting Old Information

Apr 6, 2013

Basically I am trying to create a worksheet in which everytime I input information into Sheet 1, it is copied into Sheet 2. I want to have each entry in succession on Sheet 2 such that my first entry would be on Row 2, second on Row 3, third on Row 4, etc. However, everytime I put something new in Sheet 1, it just overrides the information in Sheet 2.

Basically I type in ticket sales in sheet 1, it calculates the prices and keeps a transaction log in sheet 2. But everytime I do a new ticket sale, it just overwrites the previous transaction witht he new transaction information. I've pasted my VBA below:

Sheet 1 VBA:

Option Explicit

'Form level variables - used in more than one event
Dim intAdult As Integer
Dim intStudentSenior As Integer
Dim intBalcony As Integer
Dim intChild As Integer
Dim sngAmountDue As Single

[Code] .......

Sheet 2 code:

Private Sub cmdSummary_Click()

'Declare Variables
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim i As Integer
Dim intAdult As Integer
Dim intStudentSenior As Integer

[Code] ......

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Pulling Information From A Column Based On Information In A Second Column?

Jan 27, 2014

Imagine I have 2 columns of information that look like this:

Column A
Column B





These are my key columns. The letters are initials of people and the animals are the pets they're responsible for.

Now, I have 3 more columns that look like this:

Column D
Column E
Column F

These columns can go on for hundreds of rows.

What I want to do is pull out the information from columns D, E and F where the initials and pet match those in the key list, then paste that elsewhere (say to columns J, K and L).

So, for instance, the first entry would be copied across because, according to the key list, AS is responsible for a Dog, but the bottom entry for AS wouldn't because he was looking after a fish, and that pet isn't listed as one of his animals in the key list (Fish is listed alongside FT). Likewise, the entry for AH wouldn't come across because AH doesn't appear on the key list at all.

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If Comment Then End

Apr 25, 2006

I am trying to to get it to work so that if there is a comment already in the cell then it would skip to the next macro. Here is what I am trying:

'Mgr Voids
If Range("F9").Comment.Text = True Then End
ElseIf Range("F9").Value > 50 Then
MyInput = Application.InputBox("You Must Give A Reason For The Amount Of Mgr Voids For " & Range("F6"))
ElseIf MyInput = "" Then End
ElseIf MyInput = False Then End
ActiveSheet. Unprotect ("13792468")
Range("F9").Comment.Visible = False
Range("F9").Comment.Text Text:="" & Chr(10) & (MyInput) & Chr(10) & ""
ActiveSheet.Protect ("13792468")
End If

The first part (If Range("F9").Comment.Text = True Then End) obviously doesn't work because I have no clue how it supposed to be... I was just hoping to get lucky. Any help would be appreciated.



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Passing Old Value's To Comment

Apr 27, 2007

I am building a tool that uses Pivot Tables (so I can't use track changes) and I have found cool code that will insert timestamp and username in the comment when a change occurs. But I need to modify the code to also take the old value and put it into the comment as well. Here is the code to register the change into the comment:

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Force Comment

Jun 21, 2007

Is it possible to trigger a forced comment if a particular value is entered in a cell?

For instance, if the letter "F" is entered into a cell, I want the comment box is pop up, is this possible?

And lastly... is it possible to automatically group comments? for instance if a row has 6 comments, I'd like to combine all of them into a comment box on the same row.

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Comment VBA Code.

Apr 21, 2009

comment VBA code.. I use this VBA code for my comments:

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Autosize A Comment

Jun 3, 2009

my macro processes a lot of data and puts a comment in certain cells (several thousand of them). I would like to autosize the comments so that the text can all be read by default.

I found the following on the web:

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Put Hyperlink In A Comment?

May 24, 2012

What I need; I want a comment on my spreadsheet to be clickable, when it's clickt it needs to follow the path (written in cell B55) to an image.

I know the trick of making a normal hyperlink (to for example

But I can't get it working for an image; tried file://c:/test/test.jpg

Is there an ******* event for comments? Or is it possible to create a hyperlink in the comments to the image?

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Comment Indicator

Jul 26, 2008

I'm using Excel 2002 and looking for a way to get rid of the red comment indicator in entirety. While I get that it's not possible there appears to be a workaround which I took off the Contextures website.

Sub RemoveIndicatorShapes()

Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim shp As Shape

Set ws = ActiveSheet

For Each shp In ws.Shapes
If Not shp.TopLeftCell.Comment Is Nothing Then
If shp.AutoShapeType = _
msoShapeRightTriangle Then
End If
End If
Next shp

End Sub

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Formula's In A Comment

Aug 4, 2009

Is there a way to have a comment be a formula. I'm looking to have a comment calculate a running average.

Excel 2003
window's XP

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Add Comment To A Cell

Feb 18, 2008

I have some code that finds the appropriate string for a comment from another sheet. I then want to add the string to the appropriate range selection but am encountering an Object Variable or With Block Variable Not set on this section of

Range("C" & i).Select
ActiveCell.Comment.Delete <== Here Or the Next line
ActiveCell.AddComment (Commenta)
ActiveCell.Comment.Shape.TextFrame.AutoSize = True

Where Commenta is the string value I want to add.

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Add Picture To Cell Comment

May 15, 2008

i need to have a way to link a small picture/thumbnail to a cell. so that there is a way to preveiw it. Ideally like what happens with the comments where you hover over the cell and the comment would pop up. or failing that may be a cell linking to the image.

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Lookup And Compare - Add Comment

Dec 19, 2013

I have Sheet1 and Sheet2, each sheet has 2 columns.

John 31
Joey 22
Josh 28
Jane 24

Joey Smith 22
Josh Morgan 27
Jane White 24
John Doe 32

Lookup Sheet1's each Column A cell on Sheet2.

For example, Sheet1 A1 is John, Sheet2 A4 is John Doe, since John Doe contains John, it's a match. Then compare Sheet1 B1 and Sheet2 B4, 31 and 32 don't match. This is what i need to find, then add a comment "Inconsistent" in a new column.

For example, Joey (Sheet1 A2) and Joey Smith (Sheet 1 A1) have same value 22 (Sheet1 B2 and Sheet2 B1). Then no need to add any comment.

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