Have Two Levels Of Subtotals In Spreadsheet?

Oct 9, 2013

I have a report of employees' hours reported for the week, which I process payroll from.

I have sorted the spreadsheet first by employee number, and then by date. I have subtotaled each day's hours (with a formula rounding each day's hours to the nearest quarter hour).

I now need to add a subtotal of weekly hours, per employee number, and I cannot figure out how to do this.

Here is an example of what I want to do. I have highlighted the second subtotal I want to add to the spreadsheet, but have been doing the =sum(xxx) formula for each employee because I can't figure out how to subtotal again.

David L 9/30/2013 0005 360 6:00 A.M. 12:00 P.M.
David L 9/30/2013 0005 112 12:30 P.M. 2:22 P.M.
David L 9/30/2013 0005 115 2:22 P.M. 4:17 P.M.
David L 9/30/2013 0005 13 4:17 P.M. 4:30 P.M.


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Subtotal Spreadsheet That Already Has Level Of Subtotals On It?

Mar 22, 2013

Is it possible to subtotal a spreadsheet that already has a level of subtotals on it?

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Stock Levels

Mar 27, 2008

how to go about actually doing it,

For an old project which was a till system i had two sheets,a data sheet and till system sheet , the data sheet contained :

column A - numbering of the data (to be used with V Lookup)
column B - product name
Column C - price

This would then be replicated in the next 3 cells for the next data category.

Till system then had a combo box which had a cell link on the current page and data from the data sheet and then i had a price column next to i (containing V Lookup formula) the price then changed depending on the choice in the combo box.

I want to incorporate combo box's in to this new project. If i can then get some kind of stock thing i intend on then using conditional formating to colour code stock levels to show severity of needing to order etc..

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Too Many Levels Of Nesting For Formula?

Apr 3, 2014

Im recieving an error saying that i have too many levels of nesting for my formula

Is there any way to rewrite the formula i have here?


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IF Command - Too Many Levels, Alternative?

Sep 15, 2009

I am trying to use the command below to report what type of bonus is to be awarded. .05% - 1% bonus, commission based.

=IF(E7>=0.12,1,IF(AND(E7>=0.115,D11<=0.1199),".09",IF(AND(E7>=0.11,E7<=0.1149),".08",IF(AND(E7>=0.10 5,E7<=0.109),0.07,IF(AND(E7>=0.10,E7<=0.1049),"0.06",IF(AND(E7>=.095,E7<=.099),".5",IF(AND(E7>=.09,E 7<=.0949),".04",IF(AND(E7>=.085,E7<=.0899),".03",IF(AND(E7>=.08,E7<=.08499),.025, IF(AND(E7>=.07,E7<=.0799),".15",IF(AND(E7>=.065,E7<=.0699),".005")))))))

It is telling me there are too many levels. I am not an Excel expert, so I am trying to figure out an alternative to this command, I am sure one is available.

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Different Users, Different Levels Of Views

Nov 22, 2006

Right now, I've this pop up box which prompts users for passwords and user name for log in. They are two main users : Admin and User. Admin is the user which is allowed to see all sheets. While User is only restricted to user interface sheets.
The problem is for the "User" I want to restrict a view in the sheet
"ELEMENT". I wish to hide columns L to AI if "User" logs in. But if "Admin" logs in, I want no columns hidden. Everything must be visible.

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim strUser As String, strPword As String, strWs As String
Dim w As Worksheet, c As Range, r As Range
strUser = Me.TextBox1.Value
strPword = Me.TextBox2.Value
Select Case strUser
Case "User"
If strPword = "User" Then
Sheets("SMXINVENTORY").Visible = xlSheetVisible
Sheets("SMVINVENTORY").Visible = xlSheetVisible
Sheets("SMIINVENTORY").Visible = xlSheetVisible
Sheets("SMF1INVENTORY").Visible = xlSheetVisible..............

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Pivot Chart Grouped At Two Levels

Aug 21, 2012

I have daily data that has columns for day, day of week, week end, month, year. I am trying to create a pivot chart that displays the data as a line chart day by day and as a secondary axis column chart by week.

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Pivot Tables Design With 5 Levels

Jun 24, 2014

How can I format a Pivot Table with 5 levels. I try to use the "Design" but it only format the first 2 levels of the Pivot Table. I need to distinguish each level with different colors. I think manually is a bit difficult.

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Convert Levels To Numerical Values

May 29, 2009

I need to convert levels to numerical values and then: Firstly, add together two vlookup values THEN divide by 2 to get an average AND THEN see if this average AND a second, individual lookup value are above a specified another value, which may be different. IF all these criteria are set, return, "yes" if either the first or second, or both criteria are not met then "no"

Or put it another way. if lookup values A+B/2>"5" AND C>"3" then "yes", Else "no"

Lookup chart:


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Collapse All Levels In Pivot Table

Sep 9, 2010

I created a PivotTable that works fine. A user can click on an option and the subcategories expand; then he can choose one of those and a new group opens, etc., going 4 or 5 levels deep in options.

What I need to do is: If he then wants to start over and choose another option in the initial level, I want all of the subcategories to reset to their original closed state (unexpanded). As it is now, when he goes back to the original choice, that is closed, but everything inside it is still open as he had selected them previously.

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Formula For A Sum When Multiple Levels To Choose From

Feb 20, 2014

How do I enter a formula to find a dollar amount for a different range dollars? For example, if $0 - $1000 = $50 and $1001 -$2000 = $100. In reality, I would like to enter a specific dollar amount within one of the levels (column 1) and the sum (column 2) would auto fill.



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How To Get 14 Visible Levels Of RED For Conditional Formatting

May 25, 2014

I have a 14 step Lead Generating process and I want to color code each step as a level of how hot it is by where it is in the process but I cannot get 14 different reds.

When setting it up I went to More Colors, then Custom and changed the Color model to HSL and all I got was White with White borders.

I have tried to pick 14 reds from the standard colors but the difference is not very noticeable.

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Solver With Constraints For Inventory Levels

Nov 9, 2008

I have a maximization problem. I have to maximize Kitchen Sets given available materials. I have 11 different Kitchen Sets and every set requires different material.I have attached an excel spreadsheet for making the problem more clear.

I have T1;T2;T3;T4;M1;M2;M3;M4;O1;O2;O3;O4;Z1;Z2;Z3;Z4 different materials. Every kitchen sets requires one material from T which is fixed (for example T2), one material from M which is fixed again (for example M3), one material from O which is fixed (for example O1) and one material from Z, which is fixed (for example Z4).To complete a set the sum of all materials used should equal to 4. I have some constrains T1+T2+T3+T4<=2 it is the same for M1+M2+M3+M4<=2, O1+O2+O3+O4<=2 and Z1+Z2+Z3+Z4<=2.

So basically my goal is to say which materials should I keep in stock in order to maximize the Kitchen Sets.

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Workbook Password Protect 2 Levels

Jan 22, 2007

On opening a workbook (XL2003) I want users to enter a password which will give them read Only permissions or access to the whole book. I do not want use the "save as" option it is not suitable for my needs & here is why. I have about 10 staff who need to fill in timesheets using XL SS on a public folder on the server. The staff need full access to file & management such as myself only need to view (read only) the timesheet without the ability to change data. Using the "save as" function the staff need to input 2 passwords.

The staff (in general) are not overly computer literate so I was hoping to be able to write code so that on Workbook_Open event only one password is entered and depending on the password gives the user full access or readonly access. This will also save management having to remember different passwords for read only access to different staff timesheet files & will give crude protection to the files.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim Message, Title, Default, Password As String
Message = "Enter your password" ' Set prompt.
Title = "Password" ' Set title.
Default = " " ' Set default.
' Display message, title, and default value.
Password = InputBox(Message, Title, Default)
If Password = "test" Then
Workbook.ReadOnly = True
Workbook.ReadOnly = False
End If

End Sub

Error occur on "Workbook.ReadOnly" lines . I also want to put an errorchecking code for invalid passwords. Again, I know I can use the "save as" option but that is not what I need.

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Autonumber/highlight Stock Levels

Apr 9, 2007

to create an order ID so when customer is transferred from the new order to Existing orders it will automatically generate CUW001 for first order then CUW002 for the second order and so on I have added a column form Order ID so this may have affected the macros pasting location. Also one last thing could you also tell me how I could highlight stock items red if the stock levels fall below 5

i have attached the spreadsheet

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Show Different Outline Levels Of 2 Groups

Mar 19, 2008

I have two groups (outlines) of columns on the same sheet. the following line :

ActiveSheet.Outline.ShowLevels 0, 1

controls the two groups. What if I want different levels od detail for each group ?

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Collapsible Rows & Column With Different Levels

Mar 19, 2008

I have been using a spreadsheet which will allow you to hide columns and rows with a button associated with that row or column. I need to adapt this spreadsheet for another purpose but dont know how to recreate this feature. I have attached a screan capture to assist with my description

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Formula Is Returning Msgbox Too Many Levels Of Nesting

Mar 31, 2009

I have the following formulas which when I try to put in excel, it says I have too many levels of nesting:

=IF(K4="","",IF(AND(Hta_1>=D4,Hba_1<=D4,Hta_1<>"",Hba_1<>""),1,IF(AND(Hta_2>D4,Hba_2<=D4,Hta_2<>"",H ba_2<>""),2,IF(AND(Hta_3>D4,Hba_3<=D4,Hta_3<>"",Hba_3<>""),3,IF(AND(Hta_4>D4,Hba_4<=D4,Hta_4<>"",Hba _4<>""),4,IF(AND(Hta_5>D4,Hba_5<=D4,Hta_5<>"",Hba_5<>""),5 ,IF(AND(Hta_6>D4,Hba_6<=D4,Hta_6<>"",Hba_6<>""),6,IF(AND(Hta_7>D4,Hba_7<=D4,Hta_7<>"",Hba_7<>""),7," No reinforcements"))))))..........

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Nested IF Function For Months Exceeds 7 Levels

Mar 21, 2008

I had more than 7 nested if statements so I attempted to formulate the named ranged formula. My 2 ranges are as follows: LDD1=IF(MONTH(P1)=MONTH(F2),C5-F5,IF(MONTH(P1)=MONTH(G2),C5-G5,IF(MONTH(P1)=MONTH(H2),C5-H5,IF(MONTH(P1)=MONTH(I2),C5-I5,IF(MONTH(P1)=MONTH(J2),C5-J5,IF(MONTH(P1)-MONTH(K2),C5-K5,IF(MONTH(P1)=MONTH(L2),C5-L5))))))) LDD2=IF(MONTH(P1)=MONTH(L2),C5-L5,IF(MONTH(P1)=MONTH(M2),C5-M5,IF(MONTH(P1)=MONTH(N2),C5-N5,IF(MONTH(P1)=MONTH(O2),C5-O5,IF(MONTH(P1)=MONTH(P2),C5-P5,IF(MONTH(P1)-MONTH(Q2),C5-Q5))))))

Basically what it's doing is comparing the current month with the month in the column heading and calculating appropriately. However, when i input the if statement (=if(LDD1,LDD1,LDD2), i get an error saying that it's an inconsistent formula and the result that it gives is wrong, too. Problem cell is e5

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Track The Levels: Club Is 0 To 19 Points And Yields An 11% Discount

Jan 11, 2009

I have a 4-level program. The levels are Club, Bronze, Silver and Gold. Each is awarded when a certain amount of points are gathered.

Club is 0 to 19 points and yields an 11% discount.
Bronze is 20 to 44 points and yields an 12% discount.
Silver is 45 to 59 points and yields an 11% discount.
Gold is 60 and better and yields an 11% discount.

I am looking for a way to total the points and have the spreadsheet automatically calculate the leve and percentage. So if my total points is 22, I would need the formula to return "Bronze" in one cell, then "11%" in the next.

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Conditional Formatting Based On Dates And Priority Levels

Feb 9, 2013

Each item (row) in my sheet contains a logged date in column A, and a priority Level in Column G - which is via a data validation drop down (1 to 3).

What I would like to do is create a conditional format based on what the priority level is, and whether it has expired its allowed resolution time based on the logged date.

For example a Level 1 priority requires a 1 day fix, a level 2 requires a 5 day fix and a level 3 requires a 10 day fix.

If the priority level is a 1 and the logged date is over 1 day old i need the whole row to change colour. If the priority level is a 2 and the logged date is over 5 days old I need it to change colour, and if the Priority level is a 3 and the logged date is over 10 days old I need it to change colour. The colour can be the same each time, but I just need to know how to get it to trigger.

I think I have used an IF(AND( formula in the past, but cannot remember how to do it.

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Subtotal Two Levels Based On Color Change Or Indent

Jun 25, 2008

I need advice regarding the best way to subtotal data that has been exported from SQL Reporting Services to Excel. Formulas are not exported with the worksheet and need to be re-entered. The data is contained in three levels, but second level is not always present (see attached). The Level 1 data has a "pale blue" background and desciptions start in column A. Level 2 data has a "Gray-25%" background and starts in Column B. Detail level data has no fill color and descriptions for it start in Column C. The detailed data should be subtotaled in the Level 2 line directly above it (if available). The Level 2 data should be subtotaled in the Level 1 row directly above it. If no Level 2 row exists beneath a Level 1 row then all of the detail rows below should be subtotaled in the Level 1 row.

I have looked at options for keying on the color or the column contents for triggering when to calculate the subtotals, but nothing that I have tried works. The attached sample file illustrates how the data looks after being exported from Excel. The number of detail rows may change at any time as new projects are added.

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Index Match: Summary Page That Shows Product Levels For Each Org.

Oct 16, 2008

I am creating a summary page that shows product levels for each org. The summary page looks something like this.

ORG 863869880
Warehouse SubWHS1WHSWHS


And the data source looks like this

I've been trying to return the qty based on the ORG and SUB using an INDEX MATCH function but it keeps giving me a #NA error. Here's the logic behind what I'm trying to do. Return Value (QTY)of part # X if ORG = B and SUB = C (in this case WHS). Here's my Formula

=INDEX(Data!$D$2:$D$43,MATCH(Summary!B$1,IF(AND(Data!$B$2:$B$43=Summary!$A4,Data!$C$2:$C$43="WHS1"), Data!$A$2:$A$43),0))

This is an array formula so I have confirmed with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER to designate as such.

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Named Ranges Based Upon Indent Levels & Entries In Column

Sep 19, 2008

I had an idea that I could use the level of indent in the first column to provide the name for the range. The easiest way to explain is with the example spreadsheet I have attached

Cells C5:C10 show how the naming convention should look like, basically Indent Level 0 returns a prefix (Sheet_Name_Prefix) and its corresponding row entry in Column A. Level 1 should return the last Level 0 name and its corresponding row entry in Column A.

I had a go at the code and it works for Level 0 but I can't get it to put to Level 1.

Sub Test()

'Dimension Variables
Dim RowTitleEntries As Integer
Dim NameLoop As Integer
Dim IndentLevel As Integer

'Set the value of RowTitleEntries
RowTitleEntries = 6

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Dependent Dropdown List - 3 Levels - Remove Common Entries From Selection - Show Relevant

Dec 4, 2013

I have scoured the net for the following and have not been able to find a solution. I have found variations but not something specific for the use needed here.

I have attached a file with sample data which has the following format.

Column 1 = vehicle model (in this example golf, jetta, but there will be over 100 choices)

Column 2 = vehicle package option for specified vehicle model (automatic transmission, manual transmission, automatic transmission with air conditioning, etc...)

Column 3 = vehicle colour available for vehicle package option

Please note that Column 2 values for 'golf' are different than values available for 'jetta' (in the sample data I have blocked out common values with the same colour for quick and easy identification)

Also please note that Column 3 values of colour options vary for each 'vehicle package option'.

The behaviour that would be ideal is to have 3 drop down menus. The first drop down menu will allow selection from column 1 and will show each model only one time and repeated values will not be shown. The second drop down menu will only show the options available based on the selection in the first drop down menu. Likewise, the third drop down menu will show the colour options available based on the selection in the second drop down menu.

Since my data will involve hundreds of unique values in column 1 with plenty more added over time, it seems that the format of the data and the way it is laid out in the attached sample is the easiest way to organize it. It is perhaps also the easiest way to include new data without a lot of reprogramming.

Sample Data - Dependent Drop Down Cells Question.xlsx

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SUMIF With Subtotals

Jan 5, 2009

I am having a problem with a formula I think I should be able to get correct but not sure if I am able to do so. On the attached file I have a filter on the TIER's for "Is grater than or equal to 5". What I need is a SUMIF formula that will take into account the filters. This formula needs to separate out between "GER", "IRE" and "UK" in cells C37, C38 and C39.

I have a subtotal in cell C35 which gives me the subtotal of all countries but I'd like to be able to have the subtotal separated out between the 3 countries and also still have the ability to manipulate the data so I could select different TIER's or a range of TIER's and Cells C37 - 39 automatically update themselves.

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Compound Sum Or Subtotals

Sep 15, 2009

Have a look at the attache example. I have inventory items which have a fixed value. I have several quantity columns to reflect various inventory positions. (OnOrder, WIP, ATP, ATS, OnHand, PAB as at date()...)

At the top of the sheet I need to show sum of quantities and sum of values. In order to compute the values currently I need to hide columns to the extreme right to do the math on a row by row level and then sum the rows and copy the the value to another cell. In this case the cells with yellow background.

Is there a way to be able to write a formula that would return the sum of the qty multiplied by the value without adding an additional column. I would need to function like with filters as well (like =subtotal())

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Select Only One Row Or More Using SubTotals

Aug 28, 2012

I am using subtotals to create groups. Sometimes there is only one row but more often there are two or more rows. I am trying to run a macro that needs to select either one row (copy into memory) of which there will always be a blank row below that, given the space where the subtotal does its calculations. I have tried a couple things i.e.

Selection.End (x1Down) . Select
Selection.End (x1Down) . Select


Range(Selection, Selection.End(x1Down).Select
ActiveCell.Rows ("1:8").EntireRow.Select

Is there a way to have the macro start and if it sees only one row followed by a space (blank row of subtotal that creates the needed break, that it will copy that one row into memory or if there are two or more rows that it will copy all those rows up to the next break and put that into memory? There can be anywhere from 1 row to several hundred rows.

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Can't Calculate Subtotals

Jun 13, 2006

have an excel spreadsheet linked to a network printer, it contains a list of what each user printed, how many pages, and the total cost. It is constantly updated. The total cost column contains the wrong price, so Im using this formula:


in EACH field on the total user cost column to extract the CORRECT price. So, I started my macro, highlighted the entire TOTAL COST column, then inserted my formula into each field in that column. The correct price displays for rows that contain data, and rows without data are blank. However, when I try to create a SUBTOTAL (Data --> Subtotals) for each user, I get the following error: "To prevent possible loss of data, Microsoft Excel cannot shift nonblank cells off the worksheet."

This is because I applied the formula to the ENTIRE column - even blank cells still contain the formula. How do I get fields without data to be completely blank?

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Isolate Subtotals

Jul 12, 2006

I need the data "pulled down" into the subtotal row, so to get this after I subtotal, I'm sorting by C, and I've got some VBA deleting all rows where COLs A & B are blank (this is the longest part & the part I want changed the most - this gets rid of the non-subtotaled rows), extended replacing "Total" with "" in COL C and then inserting a lookup in A & B to get the data back next to the subtotals.

This takes really long and I'm sure there's a faster way to do this that I haven't thought of. All in all, I'm looking for something that will ONLY keep the subtotal rows, and will fill down the data to them while removing any non-subtotal rows.

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