How To Delete Repeated Rows

Sep 14, 2009

how to delete repeated rows and just keep the first one found?

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Moving Data From Rows To Columns And Delete Repeated Rows

Apr 16, 2014

removing duplicate rows and move other data frm rows to columns.xlsx.

I am attaching a sample excel sheet showing what I need to do.In the first tab, I have a list that includes duplicate rows (first column only). I want to remove those duplicate rows but I don't want to lose the data in the following columns which can be unique or duplicates as well.

see the desired result tab in the sheet to get an idea of what I am looking for as the end result.

Keep in mind that the actual source file I am working with could have up to 50000 row, and the expected results could be around 2000 rows. So nothing can be done manually.

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Delete Rows Where Cell In Column Is Repeated X Times

Jan 18, 2008

I have a excel doc with 8000 names I need to delete the people who are listed on 7 rows.

There are no blank rows and Colume A has the names sorted.

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Delete Lines If Words Are Repeated And Hour Is The Same

Dec 23, 2008

I have tabulated data from columns A to I, in column B words different only in last letter, going from A to C,

column F=Date and column G=Hour, something like this: ...

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Sum Once For Repeated Rows

Mar 12, 2009

I am trying to solve a column total where rows that have a repeated column A value only have their column B value totaled once.

For example the table:

item1 20
item1 20
item2 50
item3 30

The total I am looking for column B is 100 (20+50+30) and not 120, as item1 should only be added once.

I made a few forum searches I made and did not find my answer, though I suspect this is a repeat question. I am guessing there may be a sumif(frequency solution out there that I'm just not hip to yet.

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Returned, Which Numbers (if Any) Are Repeated And How Often Each Repeated Number Occured

Jan 4, 2010

In colmn A:A i need returned, which numbers (if any) are repeated and how often each repeated number occured.
Admitedly... I'm lost on this one.

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Eliminating Rows With Repeated Column Value

Aug 14, 2007

assuming we're comparing column a, i want to eliminate rows in which its column a value matches the column a value of a previous row.

what i have:


what i want


i tried the advanced filter - copy unique record to another location but it would only copy the unique column a values to another location and not values on the same row attached to that column a value.

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Delete & Merge Columns,Delete Rows With Filter, Etc

Jul 15, 2009

1. Remove J,K,N,A Columns,

2. In the last O (TIMESTAMP) column, the date is 14-Jul-09 format change it to 07/14/2009 (this format mm/dd/yyy

3.Filter L column (VAL_INLAKH) Remove all rows from whole sheet which has 0 value

4. Column C (EXPIRY_DT) date format is 24-Sep-09 , "dd-Sep-09" change to "Sep" only

respectively )

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Excel 2010 :: Delete Filtered Rows Without Deleting The Hidden Rows?

Sep 25, 2012

How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?

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How To Delete Copied Rows And Update Original Tab Without Empty Rows

Apr 3, 2014

In my excel I'm copying rows upon specific criteria to another tab.

The question is how I can delete copied rows and update the original tab without empty rows? (N of rows is always changing)

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Delete The Columns First Then Rows Will Not Delete

May 22, 2008

Is there a limit on the number of rows and columns that can be deleted in a macro on Excel 2003? I am trying to create a macro that, amoung other things, delets 1119 rows and 54 columns. If I delete the columns first, the rows will not delete. If I delete the columns first, the rows will not delete.

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Consolidate Matching Rows And Delete Duplicate Rows?

Feb 20, 2008

I am working with timesheet data (name, project code, task code, date, hours etc...) in one spreadsheet and rate card data (name, role, day rate etc...) in another.

My task is to pull together some of the information in each of these two source spreadsheets and compile a report. This I have done no problem. However, where a person works on a particular project and task on the same day and records multiple entries (which could be negative) I need to consolidate the hours in all these matching rows and have just one row reflect the total hours worked and delete the other duplicate rows.

So an example would be:

Project | Task | Name | Role | Date | Hours

123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | 2.5
123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | -2.5
123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | 3.5


My problem is I don't think I have approached this the right way but am unsure of where to go with it. The code as is does sort of work but I still get some duplicate and zero lines in my results.

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Macro To Delete If Set Of Multiple Rows Equals Another Set Of Rows

May 10, 2012

I need a macro that can look at multiple (say three) rows and delete those rows if they match another three rows in the worksheet.

For example:

1 0
3 1
5 7
4 4
6 5
8 3
1 8
5 2
3 9
6 5
8 3
1 8
7 5

If three rows are the same, then one set is deleted (it can be either bottom or top set). I would like to do this for rows 1-500 in the worksheet.

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Delete Blank Rows (formula Not Deleting All Rows)

Sep 30, 2008

I have the following codes to delete all blank rows in column A

Dim lastrow As Long
lastrow = Sheet1.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox lastrow

With Sheet1
For t = 1 To lastrow
If Cells(t, 1) = "" Then
End If
Next t
End With

End Sub

Although it is working , it is not deleting all the blank rows at once, I have to keep pressing on the macro button running the macro several times, until all blank rows are completely deleted.

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Delete Rows Matching Criteria & Move Rows

Aug 28, 2007

I have a worksheet in which I have sorted the data based in date and numbering (column I and E). I would like to create 2 macros for following actions:

1- all rows with the value "TOM" in column C will have to be deleted.

2- all rows with a value of 601 or 602 in column E, will have to be moved to the bottom of the sheet after the last row with data. The rows that have been moved will have to be sorted based in date (column I) and numbering (column E).

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Consolidate Matching Rows And Delete Duplicate Rows

Feb 20, 2008

I am working with timesheet data (name, project code, task code, date, hours etc...) in one spreadsheet and rate card data (name, role, day rate etc...) in another. My task is to pull together some of the information in each of these two source spreadsheets and compile a report. This I have done no problem. However, where a person works on a particular project and task on the same day and records multiple entries (which could be negative) I need to consolidate the hours in all these matching rows and have just one row reflect the total hours worked and delete the other duplicate rows. So an example would be:

Project | Task | Name | Role | Date | Hours

123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | 2.5
123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | -2.5
123456 | 1.001 | Paul Jones | Project Manager | 20/02/2008 | 3.5
123456 | 1.001 | Jo Brown | Developer | 20/02/2008 | 7.5
123456 | 1.001 | Jo Brown | Developer | 20/02/2008 | -7.5
123456 | 1.001 | Sam Smith | Architect | 20/02/2008 | 7.5

Should be processed and come out like this:.......................

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Delete Blank Rows & Rows Below Meeting Condition

Jun 21, 2008

I have an imported report in a spreadsheet. It imports to three columns. I need to check each row in column A for three seperate criteria and delete the rows I don't need. I need to delete blank rows and check next row for page header info. Delete these and next rows to next blank cell. Check next row for page header and not delete if not page header. Several rows down will be a cell with 23 blank spaces before the word Reg: and sometimes other words past this but always this first. This row is to be kept. I looked at the FAQ's example of Deleting but I don't think it will work. I also need to put a key word in column A at a point where I want to stop. This report is a couple thousand rows long so a VBA procedure would really save time. I have a procedure I use to check for two zero's in two cells that hide these rows but I couldn't modify it to work on this report.

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Delete Rows: Macro Skips Rows

Nov 5, 2006

Need to solve my problem in the thread "Type Mismatch Error Message". Now a new problem has come up in the same code, so - according to the rules - I've started a new thread. (This one is most likely due to my poor knowledge of VBA syntax).

Sub Delete_invalid_rows()
Dim i%, j%
Dim Nr%, valid As Boolean, BYPdata As Boolean
Dim ar1 As Variant
Dim ar2 As Variant
Dim ar3 As Variant
Dim ar4 As Variant
Nr = 20
ar1 = Array(11, 14, 19, _
20, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, _
30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, _ .................

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Delete Rows Based On Criteria & X Rows Below

Mar 5, 2008

This sheet has A:K columns and 1:3212 rows. There are 'page headers' that are in the text file that I want to delete (the text file was exported from an AS400 program). The first row that starts the page header has SA341 in column 1. Each page header has 5 rows. I used this code from one of the other threads on deleting rows, but I obviously do not understand the code as it deleted all rows that contained SA341.
Sub DeleteRows()
Column_To_Check = 1
Start_Row = 1
End_Row = ActiveSheet. Cells(Rows.Count, Column_To_Check).End(xlUp).Row
MsgBox End_Row
Search_String = "SA341"
For Row_Counter = End_Row To Start_Row Step -1
If ActiveSheet.Cells(Row_Counter, Column_To_Check).Value < SA341 > Search_String Then

End If
Next Row_Counter
End Sub

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Delete Rows Based On Values In Rows Below

Jun 20, 2008

I am copying a price list from a worksheet. I currently have a script that deletes unwanted rows (products) but these products' header rows' are left. I also want to delete these text based headers. One solution might be a script that reads a columns cell value in the row(s) below and if values are missing the header row should be deleted.

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Sum 2 Or More Rows And Delete Unneeded Rows?

May 9, 2014

I would like to write a macro button, in order to lookup through col. "D" and where find same invoice number (invoice number combine with 3 letters plus dash), should sum the corresponding rows' amounts in col."J" into one row and the other row should be deleted.

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Delete Entire Rows If Rows Below Has Value

Jun 28, 2007

I have a sheet as shown in the picture below. If the cells in Column N has some values that are the result of some calculations. How ever if there are more than one of it, the entire row has to be deleted.

Eg:The value in Column N 816.323 has 3 rows below each other.Only one has to be there.There can be upto 10 values one after other in this way.

I tried to write a progrma by using loops and cehcking if ther is value in the cell,go to cell below and if there is value,delete the row in a loop of 10 times.But it didnt work

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Delete Rows Same As Rows On Another Worksheet

Nov 17, 2007

I have a workbook where I import data from another workbook. This might get done several times a month. As I go through the imported data I delete rows not needed which gets place into another worksheet. What I need is when I import data again is a macro that the worksheet where my already deleted rows are and compairs them to the new data imported and if the first 13 columns of data matches it delest them off the imported sheet.

I found some code which I altered at [url]

and posted the same question but haven't got any response as of yet.

So the code that i go works but only if the row matches in the exact order on both sheets so e.g. (if row 1 on sheet1 matches row 1 on sheet2) it works but if (row1 on sheet1 matches row 3 on sheet2) it does not.

Here's the code I have so far.

Public Sub delOLD()
Dim i As Long
Dim iLastRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet, ws1 As Worksheet

Set ws = Sheets("Data") ' Imported Data
Set ws1 = Sheets("Old Records") ' Deleted Data

'ws1.Visible = xlSheetVisible

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Looking Up Values That Are Repeated

Jul 22, 2014

I have two sheets, where I am trying to look up the value from one sheet and post it to the other.

On sheet 1 I have the Names of the Individuals, On sheet 2 I have the Names of the individuals in a different order and then in the next column i have the amount of dollars they spent on a product.

The reason I don't think I can do a simple vlookup here is that sometimes the names are listed Multiple times each because they made seperate purchases.

So for example

Sheet 1 SHeet 2
John Doe Jane Doe $1,000
John Doe Michael Jordan $2,000
Jane Doe John Doe $3,000
Michael Jordan Michael Jackson $4,000
Michael Jackson John Doe $5,000

If I did a vlookup, I assume that John Doe would return $3,000 for both. I would like to return $3,000 for one and $5,000 for another.

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How To Remove Repeated Value

Sep 4, 2013

Is there a quick command that I can use to take




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Repeated The Code

Feb 18, 2009

I have some textboxes named value1 through to value10, and have got consistent, sequential coding in the change event of each box to perform some actions (enable some other textboxes.)

I was wondering if there was a way to tidy my coding so that I do not have 10 change events that are essentiallly the same except for their sequential numbering. This may be impossible, as I think I have to have a macro for each change event, but thought I ask just in case there is a way.

Private Sub value1_change()
If value1 "" Then
markup1.Enabled = True
Quote1.Enabled = True
markup1.Value = ""
Quote1.Value = ""
markup1.Enabled = False
Quote1.Enabled = False
End If.......................

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Find Last Repeated Value & Sum Value

Nov 7, 2006

In the attached file column A has ID's. In the attached example i have used 2 ID's 141020061 & 151020062. I need to find the last entry of each ID and sum the value from the column F. that is the last entry for the ID 141020061 is 40500 and for 151020062 is 0 so the total should be 40500.

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Delete Rows Containing 0?

May 27, 2014

I would like a macro to look into the values of column H11 to BG200 and if ALL the cells in the row contains zero, delete the entire row. see attached a short example for clarification.

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Delete Rows With A Value Less Than 5

Nov 28, 2007

I have a spreadsheet that is generated for me and it is not always going to have the same number of records in it.

I would like to have a macro that searches column C and deletes any rows that have a value less than 5

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Delete Rows With #N/A

Sep 18, 2008

developing a macro that will test a cell. If the cell displays "#N/A" then I want the row deleted. Then move on to the next cell.

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