Insert A Hyperlink To Another File

Nov 12, 2008

I'm trying to insert a hyperlink to another excel file such that when you click on the link it opens that file up... When i go to insert a hyperlink and i select the file.. when i click on the file it says "the adress of this site is not valid. Check the address and try again" The file is on another drive on the server and i was wondering what the restrictions are in terms of where the files have to be in relativity to each other

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Hyperlink - Insert New Rows Without Losing Hyperlink?

Jan 30, 2014

I have hyperlinks betwene one worksheet to another - they only only hyperlinked thourh column & rows (eg: A100) etc. How can I lock these hyperlinks but still allow users to insert new rows without losing their place?

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Insert Cell Value Into A Hyperlink!

Jun 9, 2009

I would like to be able to insert the value of a cell into a weblink. Here is the link.<&Y3&>&Location=&x=51&y=8

The <&Y3&> is were I would like the value of cell y2 to populate.

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Insert Cell Value Into Hyperlink

Jul 12, 2012

In this hyperlink, I like to change "EUR" to whatever is in cell A2.


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Insert Hyperlink From Browser

Nov 11, 2009

I wondered if it would be possible to copy the url from the active page from my browser into Excel using VBA (using a private sub). Something like:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim url As String
'url = the url from my active tab in my browser
If Target.Column = 1 And Not IsEmpty(Target) Then
Target.Offset(, 1).Value = url
End If
End Sub
where e.g. the active url in my browser is

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Insert Rows To Move Hyperlink

Sep 3, 2012

I have a workbook with 100 worksheets, and one TOC (table of contents) sheet. The TOC sheet is full of hyperlinks, linking to specific places in the workbook, and all other worksheets have a link that take it back to TOC sheet, selecting the cell that would link back to the sheet I just came from.

When I insert a new row, say above row 18, the links in all sheets that point to anything below row 18, point to a wrong cell now. Anything that pointed to A26 will continue to point to A26, but because of the row I inserted, the cell it should be linked to is now cell A27.

Is there a way to insert a row, and have all hyperlinks in the workbook adjust accordingly?

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Excel 2007 :: Why Won't Spreadsheet Let To Insert Hyperlink

Nov 20, 2012

I want to put a hyperlink into an existing spreadsheet (which already has some hyperlinks in) but for some reason that option is now greyed out on my tool bar.

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Comments Box - Insert Hyperlink Or Text And Image?

Dec 14, 2011

I have created a worksheet to be used by a number of people at work and my issue is how to add sufficient instructions for some of the less tech minded users.

I have entered text in the comment box to 'assist', but would like to add either a picture WITH the text or something to the effect of "for further asistance and make the last part a hyperlink.

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Excel 2007 :: VBA To Insert Hyperlink In Images

Nov 28, 2012

with the following: The VBA macro I am using, is derived from the excellent "Table of Contents" macro written by Erik Van Geit, a few years ago.

I have a workbook (in Excel 2007, Windows XP) with an Index sheet and 200 other sheets (called ScreenShot1 to ScreenShot200). Each of these 200 sheets has had an image pasted in the top left corner.

At present, using the macro below, a hyperlink is placed in cell A1 on each of these 200 sheets (it's behind the image) that links to cell M1 on the Index sheet. What I would like this macro to do is make each image the hyperlink back to cell M1 on the Index sheet. Please note that the images are not named.

VBA code below,

Sub create_TOC()
Dim i As Integer
Dim msg As String
Dim fc_order As Range
Dim sht As Object
'**** EDIT the following lines ****
Const TOC = "Table of Contents"
Const Index = "Index"
Const CellLink = "A1"
'**** END EDIT ****


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Link Cells From One File To Another And Insert A New Line On The File

Apr 24, 2009

when I link cells from one file to another and insert a new line on the file I am linking to. the file that is linking goes down as follows:


How do I get Cell A5, to link to Cell A5 even if I add a new line in the Safety.xls spreadsheet. Taking the $ away does not work I have tried that.

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Use String As File-hyperlink?

Jan 27, 2014

I want to add hyperlinks to certain cells using drag and drop. I've got a userform with a toolbar that I use as a drop zone for files (called tbDrop). In the userform, below the dropzone is a label called "label2"

The dragging and dropping works as a charm, label2 shows me the file location and adds it as a hyperlink to the cell.

However, when I click the hyperlink the file can't be opened.

I've used the result string, added it manually as a hyperlink and recorded it. That worked, but i saw no difference in the recorded macro.

Private Sub tbDrop_OLEDragDrop(Data As MSComctlLib.DataObject, Effect As Long, Button As Integer, Shift As Integer, x As Single, y As Single)
Label2.Caption = ""
Dim a As String


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Hyperlink To PDF File From Excel?

Nov 17, 2012

I created a hyperlink to a .PDF and it works when I test it. However, when I save the file, go in later, and select the hyper link I am met with a 'Cannot open the specified file' message.

I have had this prior in Excel. The hyperlink works fine in Outlook, Word, and Access...

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Attaching File To Hyperlink

Jun 10, 2008

When you click on Cell C5 (which will say "ADD") I would Like the (Computer Browse Menu) to appear
you can then search for the file and press Attach

This will then create a hyperlink in that cell (or in a different cell) Saying "File Attached"
when you click on "File Attached" it will then open that file

I completly lost on how to do this
but here is the formula i have so far when it comes to click on the cell

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim arrValues
If Target.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Intersect(Range("C5:C5000"), Target) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
End Sub

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Hyperlink Using Current File Name

Jun 23, 2008

I have an Excel 2003 application that creates a new workbook and adds hyperlinks that link up to other tabs withing the same new workbook.

Issue is that if say the default workbook name was "Book1" but the user saves this workbook with any other name, the hyperlinks die.

Is there anyway to use the current name of the file (instead of "Book1" in this example) in the formula "=HYPERLINK("[book1.xls]Sheet3!A1", "test")"

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Hyperlink Function To Another File

Jan 14, 2008

why no formula based hyperlinks will work in my workbook. even the simplest formula's. either it returns "cannot open specified file" or it does absolutely nothing even though the cursor acknowledges its a hyperlink.

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Hyperlink To File Based On Cell Value?

Sep 29, 2012

Basically I have a folder with file names in the format:
"XXXXX characterstring"
where X is a digit

45627 -jdsuuuds.pdf
93823 Coates.pdf
98221 dagggiisa d sass.pdf

And I have an excel sheet with a list of the numbers at the start of these file names, eg:

So what I want to do is have each cell link to the file with the corresponding number. So I click "45627" and it links to "C:path45627 -jdsuuuds.pdf"

I could do it if the file names matched exactly to the cell value, but when they don't.

It's super easy when the file name matches exactly:

VB: ActiveCell.Hyperlinks.Add ActiveCell, "C:path" & ActiveCell & ".pdf"

Sub makelinks() ChDrive "c"
ChDir "c:pathl"

For Each ce In Selection
filee = Dir(ce.Value & "*.pdf")


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Hyperlink To Another Cell Of Another Excel File

Aug 12, 2009

Is it possible to do hyperlink to a specific cell in one of the tabs of another excel file? I managed to link to another excel but can't make it go to a particular cell.

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Hyperlink - Update When File Moved?

Jul 20, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with hyperlinks to various file types (PDFs, Docs, etc.). Is there any way that I can have the hyperlinks update themselves automatically when I move one of those files to another location?

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Create A Shortcut To A File, Not Hyperlink

Jul 5, 2006

How can I change the text color within a cell when I am using a concatenation formula? I have the following formula;

=" Total Bonus Earned ("&TEXT(A2/VLOOKUP($A$1,PR_DB,2,False),"#0.0%")&" of 2006 Earnings):"

In the text function portion I would like to format the result in red. An example of the result of my formula I am seeking is as follows; Total Bonus Earned (10% of 2006 Earnings): Do I need to create a custom format and if so how do I call it up within the text function?

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Hyperlink File From User Form

Jul 10, 2006

I have a excel Product database and a Data Entry Userform. I can gte this to work fine but need to make some improvements to make it look's what I am looking to do...:

1) When a user add a new product using the Data Entry form, I want the user to be able to add a hyperlink to the datasheet of that product and this hyperlink will then be saved in my database in column M of that product alongwith all other details in other columns. The DataSheet files are PDF files that are stored on the public drive. So I am hoping to use a browse function or similar to select the file to hyperlink to...

My current hyperlinks look like this which I have created manually directly into the column M (not through userform):

V:PublicCOMBData SheetsData SheetsXXXXX.pdf.............

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Hyperlink Formula Using Cell As File Name

Feb 15, 2008

I have the following formula =HYPERLINK(("G:ProjectTest Project"),"Link". Now this works fine, However I have a cell "A5" containing "Test Project" And I would rather the link refernced the cell contents So the code would look something like this; =HYPERLINK(("G:Project"+A5+"),"Link"). or something to that effect, this obviously doesnt work hence why I am here.

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Hyperlink To Another File On Another Drive Fails

Jun 13, 2008

I made an excel sheet that links to other sheets on a different drive. It works while I am making it, but upon save and reopen all the hyperlinks produce this error: The address of this site is not valid. Check the address and try again.

Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Figured it out. File, Properties, Summary tab, Hyperlink Box to base Drive. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Figured it out. File, Properties, Summary tab, Hyperlink Box to base Drive. Auto Merged Post Until 24 Hrs Passes;Figured it out. File, Properties, Summary tab, Hyperlink Box to base Drive. Figured it out. File, Properties, Summary tab, Hyperlink Box to base Drive.

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Show Userform Only If Hyperlink Does Not Locate File?

Dec 26, 2013

On sheet4 is a list of dates and I named that range as UPDATES2013. Each cell in that range is a hyperlink. Sheet1 cell I3 is a data validation list with the named range UPDATES2013 as the list. When a selection from Cell I3 is made I can get it to follow they hyperlink with the code I have. The problem I am having is if there is no file found, then I would like my Userform1 to show. I have tried several different things with the code, but every time I think Im going to get it to doesn't. It either wont show the Userform at all, or it shows it even if the file is found. I am currently putting the code to run the macro on the worksheet module using the worksheet_change event.

One last thing...I also have hyperlinks throughout Sheet1 that will lead to the same files as in the named range UPDATES2013 from sheet4. I need the same thing to happen if they click one of these hyperlinks instead of using the data validation list in Cell I3. Is there a way to make one code that will show Useform1 if a hyperlink is selected and the file cannot be located (whether it be by the individual cells on sheet1...or the data validation list in Cell I3)?Here is the code I am using right now.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
DoFollow2013 ActiveCell
End Sub [code]....

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Search Path & Create Hyperlink To File

Oct 1, 2009

I'm trying to add code that create a hyperlink to a file in a recently created folder in the path of L:Elec Dept ProjectsRELEASED FOR CONSTRUCTION". The code below should find the newly created *BOM*.xls created and created a hyperlink in the next available row starting on row 27 and column O on my worksheet "BOM". The code currently runs with no errors, but I'm not seeing any resulting text with path / links created.

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VBA To Mail Merge And Attach Hyperlink File

Mar 30, 2012

I have an Excel file that has a persons name in column A, company name in column B, email address in column C and a hyperlink to a specific file to be sent with the email in column D.

I have the code to send the email and it works fine.

I've searched the net for mail merge and hyperlinks and have only become confused.

Here is what I want to do, attach the mail merge created file to the email, then the file associated with the hyperlink, I want to attach the actual file from the hyperlink into the email.

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Hyperlink Does Not Maintain Path To Target File

Sep 19, 2007

I read about Hyperlinks in the August 2006 "OZGRID" Newsletters but found no answer.

Assume 2 workbooks - book1 and book2, both located in "c:" (root of drive C)

Now, In book1 I have declared an HL to book2 using CTRL+K and upon clicking in that cell the book2 is opened.

After MOVING(!) book1 to a new location (D:DATA) and clicking the HL - I get an Error "cannot open the specified file".

While book1 was still in root C: - I tried to force to c:ook2.xls by typing it in the HL address window but after saving, Excel deletes the "c:" and leaves "book2.xls" only – I think because both files were located I the same directory.

I am aware that my "problem" can be solved by using the function HYPERLINK – but I would like to learn (if possible) how to insert an HL using CTRL+K that will maintain the path although moving the file which contains the HL).

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Excel Macro That Prompts To Choose File To Hyperlink

Jun 12, 2014

I would like to write a macro that would insert a hyperlink to another file an would prompt the user to select the location of the file once the macro was run. I am not sure how I would get my macro to prompt the user to define the location (which is located on a network drive).

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Excel 2010 :: Hyperlink With IF Statement - Cannot Open Specified File

Aug 30, 2012

I Have a CheckBox Thats Linked with CA22

In Cell CB22 I have the Following Formula:


In Cell CC22 I Have...

=IF(CB22="1","RM-4E ADD1",HYPERLINK('RM-4E (Add - 1) (2)'!A1,"RM-4E ADD1"))

The Sheet namne its supposed to Hyperlink to is called

RM-4E (Add - 1) (2)

When the Check Box is Unchecked it Changes CA22 to False and Puts in CC22 Text: RM-4E ADD1

When the Check Box is Checked it CHanges CA22 to TRUE and is supposed to create a Hyperlink to that sheet...Only when i click it it comes back with

'Cannot open the specified file."

I even went as far as typing out the Word Hyperlink( clicked the sheet and selected Cell A1 on that sheet but it still comes back with the error!

Excel 2010

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Excel 2003 :: HYPERLINK To Open PDF File Reader

Feb 27, 2013

How do I create a hyperlink in an Excel 2003 file that will open a PDF file with Reader?

I have an Excel file of hundreds of Customer names and invoice numbers. I have a directory of PDF files. The name of each PDF file is the customer name, a space, and the invoice number. I should be able to have a column in the Excel file that contains a formula that creates a hyperlink to open the corresponding PDF file.

I used the HYPERLINK function and built the path and file by concatenating information. When I click the hyperlink, I keep getting an Excel error: Cannot open the specified file.

Do you think this problem is something of my own doing or some "undocumented feature" in Excel?

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Dynamic Hyperlink To File Names Found On Local Drive?

Mar 31, 2014

I want to list file names from a directory and sub directories and hyperlink them. I have been able to list the file names onto an excel sheet, but I cannot get it to hyperlink to the file.

'Force the explicit delcaration of variables
Option Explicit
Sub ListFiles()


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