Insert Rows To Move Hyperlink
Sep 3, 2012
I have a workbook with 100 worksheets, and one TOC (table of contents) sheet. The TOC sheet is full of hyperlinks, linking to specific places in the workbook, and all other worksheets have a link that take it back to TOC sheet, selecting the cell that would link back to the sheet I just came from.
When I insert a new row, say above row 18, the links in all sheets that point to anything below row 18, point to a wrong cell now. Anything that pointed to A26 will continue to point to A26, but because of the row I inserted, the cell it should be linked to is now cell A27.
Is there a way to insert a row, and have all hyperlinks in the workbook adjust accordingly?
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Jan 30, 2014
I have hyperlinks betwene one worksheet to another - they only only hyperlinked thourh column & rows (eg: A100) etc. How can I lock these hyperlinks but still allow users to insert new rows without losing their place?
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Apr 6, 2009
I would like to have a VBA code to the following:Please note that the rows are dynamic and I need the results row for every customer.Currently it is totalling and displaying the results column at the botton of every customer but I need it at the start of every customer
1.When the new customer number starts the cells are shifted and moved one row.
2.Insert the results word and it displays the results thats displayed currently at the bottom,shoudl be displayed at the top where the row gets inserted in (1)
Current view:
Customer Date of POD Del date Diff Percent
123456 03.02.2009 03.02.2009 0 100
05.02.2009 10.02.2009 5 0
Result 0
(The result is that if all the rows are 100% ,the result row is 100% else it is 0%)
Preferred View:
Customer Date of POD Del date Diff Percent
123456 Result 0
03.02.2009 03.02.2009 0 100
05.02.2009 10.02.2009 5 0
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Nov 12, 2008
I'm trying to insert a hyperlink to another excel file such that when you click on the link it opens that file up... When i go to insert a hyperlink and i select the file.. when i click on the file it says "the adress of this site is not valid. Check the address and try again" The file is on another drive on the server and i was wondering what the restrictions are in terms of where the files have to be in relativity to each other
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Jun 9, 2009
I would like to be able to insert the value of a cell into a weblink. Here is the link.<&Y3&>&Location=&x=51&y=8
The <&Y3&> is were I would like the value of cell y2 to populate.
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Jul 12, 2012
In this hyperlink, I like to change "EUR" to whatever is in cell A2.
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Nov 11, 2009
I wondered if it would be possible to copy the url from the active page from my browser into Excel using VBA (using a private sub). Something like:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim url As String
'url = the url from my active tab in my browser
If Target.Column = 1 And Not IsEmpty(Target) Then
Target.Offset(, 1).Value = url
End If
End Sub
where e.g. the active url in my browser is
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Nov 20, 2012
I want to put a hyperlink into an existing spreadsheet (which already has some hyperlinks in) but for some reason that option is now greyed out on my tool bar.
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Dec 14, 2011
I have created a worksheet to be used by a number of people at work and my issue is how to add sufficient instructions for some of the less tech minded users.
I have entered text in the comment box to 'assist', but would like to add either a picture WITH the text or something to the effect of "for further asistance and make the last part a hyperlink.
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Nov 28, 2012
with the following: The VBA macro I am using, is derived from the excellent "Table of Contents" macro written by Erik Van Geit, a few years ago.
I have a workbook (in Excel 2007, Windows XP) with an Index sheet and 200 other sheets (called ScreenShot1 to ScreenShot200). Each of these 200 sheets has had an image pasted in the top left corner.
At present, using the macro below, a hyperlink is placed in cell A1 on each of these 200 sheets (it's behind the image) that links to cell M1 on the Index sheet. What I would like this macro to do is make each image the hyperlink back to cell M1 on the Index sheet. Please note that the images are not named.
VBA code below,
Sub create_TOC()
Dim i As Integer
Dim msg As String
Dim fc_order As Range
Dim sht As Object
'**** EDIT the following lines ****
Const TOC = "Table of Contents"
Const Index = "Index"
Const CellLink = "A1"
'**** END EDIT ****
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Feb 3, 2010
I'm having a toughs time with what I thought was a simple task. I need to cut and insert/paste a range of cells and then repeat in a loop. Explicitly, I have 3 columns with 2990 rows. Every 46 rows is a 'group' and I want to cut each group and paste at the top of the sheet so I have only 46 rows and (2990/46*3) 195 columns. I need to preserve the order so that the group at the bottom becomes the rightmost group........
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Sep 8, 2006
I have a very large spreadsheet that I imported from a Text File into .xls. I need help changing some of the cells around. there is a macro that change the format into the desired look. It takes me about 4 hours a week to clean up this spreadsheet. This is what is the spreadsheet looks like after importing:
Row 1Column AColumn B
Row 2340 Name
Row 3
Row 4
Row 5Actual
Row 6Activities
Row 7AAAAAA16:34
Row 8BBBBBB35:08
Row 9CCCCCC0:02
Row 10DDDDDD57:25
Row 11EEEEEE8:56.....................
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Feb 5, 2007
I have made really huge downloads out of our SAP system (needed over 20 separate Excel files ;-). I need to analayze the data, but unfortunately the date is not 100% consistent as some cells are emtpy. Is it possible to have Excel look down a column, and have it insert a blank cell in another column on the same row where it found the empty cell? (and move the cells right a a result?)
I have attached an example of what Excel should do as it is hard to explain (as you can tell ;-). I am likely to spend the next days figuring out how I can best combine the data and analyze it!
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Aug 26, 2006
I have a large spreadsheet that I am managing and there are many users who access this for information. Because of this, we have all created "custom views" for our departments.
I continue to struggle with how to save changes in these custom views. Yesterday, I added and moved some columns to the spreadsheet and now all the custom views are messed up. The only way we have been able to work through this is deleting and creating new views.
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Oct 23, 2007
I would like to create a macro that could archive entries from one sheet and insert them in another. I created one but the problem is that the entry has to be the same row each time.
Sheet 1 – is current jobs and sheet 2 is old jobs.
My macro moves an entry from Row A-5 of Sheet 1 and moves it to the top of Sheet 2.
I would like to be able to scroll through each entry select it and have it moved to the top of the Old Jobs sheet.
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Aug 28, 2007
I have a worksheet in which I have sorted the data based in date and numbering (column I and E). I would like to create 2 macros for following actions:
1- all rows with the value "TOM" in column C will have to be deleted.
2- all rows with a value of 601 or 602 in column E, will have to be moved to the bottom of the sheet after the last row with data. The rows that have been moved will have to be sorted based in date (column I) and numbering (column E).
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Jan 19, 2010
I've got an excel file with over 20,000 rows with Column A being having values of a "Vendor Number" while Column B has a "Vendor Name" Here is an example:
Vendor #Vendor Name
1001ABC Supply
1002Larry, Moe, Curly Inc
1003John Smith
1004Fred, Wilma, Barney LLC
I'd like it to find the rows where the Vendor Name has a comma present, and then put it in another sheet, or in another column like column C and D. If I can't get both the Vendor # and Vendor Name re-inserted someplace, that is OK. The Vendor Name is the big one.
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May 24, 2007
I have 3 columns and 200 rows. The first column is for Name of product. 2nd column for number and 3rd for $value of number of products. Have 200 rows. Have done a sort and checked. 2 sets of rows are for the same product name. I want to know if it is possible to add up values in 2nd and 3rd column, 2 rows at a time , then 4th and 5th column and so forth, by some formula rather than doing it manually?
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Feb 17, 2010
The best way to explain my problem is to look at the table below:
How it looks now: ApplePrice 1
Price 2
Price 3FruitDeliciousPearStore 1
Store 2FruitVery DeliciousHow I want it to look:ApplePrice 1FruitDeliciousApplePrice 2FruitDeliciousApplePrice 3FruitDeliciousPearStore 1FruitVery DeliciousPearStore 2FruitVery Delicious
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Feb 9, 2013
I would like to have my macro code search column A (supplier numbers) and split the rows into groups of rows of 5 or less and then insert 3 blank rows between each group of rows. The split needs to start on a new supplier number and cannot split a supplier number into two different groups. Here is a sample:
Invoice Date
GL Date
Invoice Amt
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Oct 30, 2013
I have a spread sheet with values in the area of A1:H834
In column H, I have number values from 1-7.
Essentially that number value means that the values in the row are duplicate.
So, for example, if H2 has a value of 4, that means that $A$2:$G$2, really should have an additional 3 rows underneath with the EXACT same data in each cell, however, the way the sheet was created, was to remove the duplicate values and just indicate in column H, the number value of how many duplicates $A$2:$G$2 really is.
I need to unpackage this and create what it was originally. What type of formula can I use, to look at the value in H2, and then insert underneath that number of rowes with the exact same data as A2:G2 and do the same for the remainder of the table all the way down to A834:G834
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Mar 15, 2014
I'm a macro novice and have been trying to teach myself how to write the correct one for a task I need to do, but I cannot seem to get it right. Basically, I have bunch of data and for one of the variables, different values are separated by commas. What I want is to create a row copying the info below for each piece of data after the comma.
I suspect there is a fairly easy way to do this, but I cannot figure it out from searching the forums (or rather, I can't get it to work right).
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Jun 26, 2014
i have this code which inserts blank rows in alternate rows,
Sub insertrow()
' insertrow Macro
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
Dim count As Integer
Dim X As Integer
For count = 1 To 20
If activecell.Value "" Then
activecell.Offset(1, 0).Select
what changes should i make in this code to insert rows only when ther are now blank rows. So first time i run, blank rows are already there, and when i update some data at the bottom and re-run it inserts blank rows again.
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Jun 21, 2008
as per the attached, need to insert those grey rows subject to the following condition :
if current row date <> next row date, .and. current row latitude / longitude <> next row latitude / longitude , insert grey row with date = current row date, else insert grey row next row date
note that the coordinates in the repeated grey rows, for the "Home" location, are the same through the sheet, should be entered by the user, at the beginning of the process, since there will be a spreasheet per user.
date is in column K
latitude / longitude are in columns B / C
this will be of tremendous assistance in automating mileage claim review.
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Jan 13, 2014
Using DataEntry sheet for data.
Trying to rearrange the data to DataFormatedProperly sheet.
So far all I can accomplish is DataFormatedWrong sheet.
Edit: Not sure what happened but file was NOT understandable before. It should be correct now.
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Oct 14, 2006
I've got a rather simple question. I need a code which would activate a cell which is located 10 rows down from the currently active cell. I found this piece of code
Sub move()
ActiveCell.End(xlUp).Offset(10, 0).Activate
End Sub
but somehow it does not do the job it is supposed to do.
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Jan 10, 2007
I have a sheet that holds my inventory and has 3 colums. The colums are serialnumber, techid and date. I also have a sheet for each techid. Is there a way to delete/move a row of data if the serialnumber is entered on another sheet.
I have a serialnumber added to my first sheet. I go to a techid sheet and enter that same serial number. Is there a way to copy the entire row the same serialnumber is on and copy to the current sheet? Possibly a search function where I enter a serialnumber and it finds the same thing on the main sheet and copies the rows into the current sheet.
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Aug 11, 2013
I need a way to move every 7 rows into columns.
So rows 1-7 become columns 1-7, rows 8-14 into columns 1-7 etc.
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Jun 18, 2014
I'm trying to adapt a macro written elsewhere on this forum for my purposes. I need to move 127 rows of data into one row. The macro written does exactly what I would like, except that it only works for 3 rows, rather than 127. How do I get this to work?Here's what I have so far:
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Aug 26, 2008
We run reports from active directory to see user accounts that have not been logged into the network between 30 and 90 days. We have a few spreadsheets within a workbook (Investigate, Disable, Delete, No Action). All user accounts are imported into the investigate spreadsheet. What we would like to do is automatically take predecided accounts (service accounts that we do not log on to the network - only meant for services, etc) and move them from the investigate spreadsheet into the No Action spreadsheet. These accounts all start with svc. Generic accounts start with GEN and so on....
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