List Of Data :: Unique City Names

Jul 16, 2008

I have list of various city names in column B. From that i need unique city names in validation cell.

The reason is,

we have emp id, name, designation, area, marital status for our employees. From that if i select emp id from validation cell1 i have to get all employee id's available in the sheet1 is need to come under the validation2 cell automatically. and if i select "area" from validation cell1, all unique areas need to be list out in the validation cell2. Its look likes a filter. but without filter i need this for creating application.

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Create A List Of Unique Names From A List Of Multiple Names

Oct 21, 2009

I have a database output file where one of the columns contains managers names, often more than once. I want to apply an autofilter on manager name and then copy the result to another sheet or sheets. My criteria for the autofilter is a variable pointing to a list of names that at present I maintain by hand; a for-each-next loop then cycles through the names.

What I would like to do, before running the autofilter code, is to create the list of names via code. This would then automatically pickup names that are missing.

The code I have so far is below:

Public Sub find_managers()
Dim managers1 As Range
Dim names1 As Range
Dim n1 As Variant
Dim n2 As Variant

In my mind it should check the names in the unique list against the imported list and add any missing names.

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List Unique Names

Oct 24, 2008

I have a column of names in Column D

I need code to list these names in column G

when I hit a button.

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Formula To Look Down A List And Pull Out Unique Names Only?

Jun 4, 2014

I have a list of names in column A these names repeat themselves a lot and I don't know how many there are.

now I want to make a list of the names in column c starting at C2 that looks down row A finds names and puts them in column C one after the other.

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Choose Unique Names From List At Random

Aug 16, 2008

I need to set up a formula to choose 2 job titles from a single column. There can be 2 to n job titles (non-repeating) and I want to find the title at random. I have no problem finding the first job title using index and randbetween, but I want the second title to meet the same criteria, just not equal to the first job title.

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Unique Random Non-repeating Names From List

Feb 19, 2007

I have a formula-generated defined list of names. I need to select them in random order without duplication and without choosing any blanks in the list.

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Calculating Shipment Rates Base On Origin City And Destination City?

Apr 4, 2014

how to match a series of rates for a destination city depending upon the origin city. I have figured out how to match rates from origin city to multiple destination cities but have not figured out how to change the series of rates when the origin city changes. These rates will be calculated on the "calculator" in the excel document depending on the cities chosen.

I have attached a document that shows a simplified version of what I am trying to do.

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How To Convert The Numerical Value For City To A Text String With Actual City Name

Jan 30, 2014

I have a large database from a central appraisal district. In the database the city is stored as a numerical value. The problem is I need to convert the numerical value for the city to a text string with the actual city name. For example the values to the attached example database are as follow:

excel help forum 2.xlsx

024 = Hurst
026 = Fort Worth
025 = Euless
017 = Mansfield
013 = Keller

The issue is, I need to convert this column of numbers into the string of the actual city name. Is there some type of command, or macro that I could use to automate this process? Attached is a small example copy of the database.

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Identifying Unique Names In A List And Copying To Next Collumn

Jul 30, 2009

If I have a list in Collumn A such as:


Is there a simply excel function I can use so that in collumn B I return only the unique results. That is, collumn B will look like this



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Pivot Table Layout - Generate List Of Unique Names And Their Associated Phone Numbers

Mar 18, 2013

I've read a lot of tutorials on how to use pivot tables, but found them either too basic, or too advanced, and never finding any example of what I am looking to do.

I have a database, column A holds names, and column B their phone numbers. I'd like to generate a list of unique names and their associated telephone numbers. I figure I can use a pivot table to do this.

But I do not quite understand how to format the pivot table to put the name in one column and the phone number in the next. I will use this pivot table as a vlookup range. I assume I can do this.

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Can Create Data Validation List Of Names Created In Name Box Or Sheet Tab Names

May 7, 2012

Can I create data validation list of the names created in the name box or of the sheet tab names?

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Lookup The City Tax And Add It In If The Customer Is Not On The Tax Exempt List

Aug 28, 2008

I am almost done with form I have been making and so far this forum has been invaluable.

My last hurdle is this:

I have a list of Tax Exempt Customers that when thier name is entered into the form, I would like it to not add tax.

I have tried a forumula like this:

=IF(CustName='CustTaxExemptList'!D2:D27,"Exempt",(=VLOOKUP(qtProjAddress3,'City Mileage and Tax Rates'!A2:C702,3))

The above formula does not work, but I dont know why. I want it to lookup the city tax and add it in if the customer is not on the tax exempt list.

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How To Get Unique List From A Column To Data Validation Dropdown List

Oct 28, 2011

I'm looking for a way to get a unique list from a column to a data validation drop down list. Any fancy formula or vba script to create a UDF which. Does this?

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Copying A List Of Data To List Of Range Names

Jun 5, 2006

I do not have any code for this as I am unsure if it is possible. I have a list of range names in a column (A) that refer to different sheets and in an adjacent column (B) I have a list of data. Is it possible to write VBA code that will allow me to copy each value in column B to the corresponding cell in the workbook that relates to the range name in column A.

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Data Validation Of Country And City

Aug 5, 2014

Data validation using named ranges as countries are listed multiple times and to relate country with cities.

How can i relate country with city in two different columns(named ranges) not in order.

Formula to be used for Data Validation would be useful.

Sample data file is attached.

Its just a can be for 250 rows.


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How To List Names From Raw Data

Apr 25, 2012

I have a list of names in column A and many of them repeat. I need to find a way of just listing the names Alphabetically (only Alphabetically if possible) that are there (without repeating any)

Is there a formula that can do this?

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Pulling Unique Data From A List

Apr 16, 2013

I have a generated list that pulls data from a different sheet. I need a formula to pull only unique values from that generated list since some values are list multiple times.

[URL] ......

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Create Unique List From Data

Feb 11, 2014

I have some raw data of employment records on one workbook and from this i need to autopopulate there information into another workbook.

I need to split the records up by the different departments they work . I.e so what i am after if possible is -

If The department name in the raw data matches column A1 for example then it auto populates down in B2 all the names of people who work in that department .

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Pulling Unique Data From A List

Apr 15, 2013

I have a generated list that pulls data from a different sheet. I need a formula to pull only unique values from that generated list since some values are list multiple times.

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Making A List Of Names From Inputted Data

Nov 10, 2008

1. Is it possible for this hyperlink box to only be displayed when ALL the questions have been answered? i.e. All drop down boxes have been used?

2. Is it possible for the result (along with their individual names and scores) to be saved on another sheet? This of course would be supplemental (i.e. When the next person finishes the test, their name would be next on the summary etc.)? I would then have a whole list of who had taken the test...when...and what their score was!

3. Finally, and I know I'm pushing my luck, but is it possible for this summary sheet of names and scores to be hidden?

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Data Validation List With Range Names

Feb 5, 2009

I have a monthly report showing actuals and budget for current month (or quarter) and year to date. Range names have been created for (1) each month, (2) each quarter and (3) year to date). I'm using the SUMPRODUCT function to extract information by account. For example:


This formula works except I have to replace the "ACT_Jan" each month accordingly. Can a data validation list be created with the range names so that updating this formula monthly can be simplified? For example, changing "ACT_Jan" to "ACT_Feb" with a drop down list.

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How To Compare List Of 1000 Names To List Of 59k Names

Jul 31, 2014

I need to compare two lists of client names. One list has 59k names to be compared to second list of 1000 names.
The list of 59k are listed in column D and the other list is in Column E. I tried conditional formatting but unfortunately some of the names are slightly different I.e. fair point communications vs fair point communications inc. I was trying to put in v lookup with a trim function but it didn't seem to be working.

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Finding & Displaying Unique Data Within A List

Oct 6, 2008

Attached is a sample file that has a Data entry sheet in which the user can paste in data. They can test & paste anywhere from 1 to 50 compounds at a time and run the list through 1 to 55 Assays. I want to generate a sheet (Plate & Assay Info) that would first display the list of compounds that were tested as well as the list of Assays that they were run through.

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Macro: List Worksheet Names & Count Of Data

Oct 26, 2006

I am desperately in need of a macro that will count the number of items in column A of each worksheet and then summarize the results next to the names of the worksheets (i.e. in two adjacent columns) on Sheet 1 of the book. Obviously, Sheet 1 needs to be ignored by the macro.

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Create Dropdown That Will List All Names Starting With Initial Letter Of Names?

Jan 13, 2014

I have a long customer listing, names 5 to 36 characters and several with their location in the name as well as a few common duplicate names. I am trying to produce sheet where the customers name once selected opens in the customers spreadsheet and data can be added/amended for sales etc.The lists are not in alphabetical order as when created a customer number is automatically allocated. My aim is just to type in the first letter of the name and the dropdown appears the customer is selected and their card appears. I have tried data validation, lookup, vlookup, Dropdown and Match/find. they only return the first record found and no sign of any others. Find returned all instances of the letter appearing in every name.

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Create Unique Values List While Overwriting Old Data?

Jan 24, 2012

I will copy a report into sheet 1, starting in the same place(A1), on a weekly basis. The headers are: Item, Quantity & Price

Week 1's report shows the following:
Windows 5 $1.00
Doors 6 $1.50
Chairs 7 $2.00

Week 2's report shows the following:
Windows 3 $1.00 (change in quantity)
Tables 7 $5.00 (new item)
Chairs 7 $2.50 (change in price)

I need to have a rolling, unique list on Sheet 2 that will do the following:

- add new line items

- keep old line items while checking to see if the quantity or price has changed.

Therefore, after week 2's report is pasted on sheet 1, Sheet 2 should look like this:

Windows 3 $1.00
Doors 6 $1.50
Chairs 7 $2.50
Tables 7 $5.00

Here's the most important part: There will be formulas in Column D in Sheet 2 that I need to stay with each item. generating the desired result on Sheet 2!

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Macro To Create Unique Rolling Data List

Feb 4, 2012

I need a Macro to create a unique, rolling data list. On Sheet 1, a report is pasted(from outside source) in cell A3(Rows 1 & 2 are headers) on a weekly basis. It is always the same amount of columns wide(138). The number of rows will always vary but will never be more than 500.

Here’s what I need for Sheet 2:

-Column A should be a copy from Column A on Sheet 1 (data is ITEMS)
-Column B should be a copy from Column BH on Sheet 1 (data is QUANTITY of items)
-Column C should be a copy from Column BI on Sheet 1 (data is PRICE of items)

Here’s the challenge (when the new report is pasted on Sheet 1):

-Sheet 1. Find new ITEMS not on Sheet 2 and paste them at the end of the report on Sheet 2 along with their QUANTITY and PRICE
-Sheet 1. Find any ITEMS already on Sheet 2, then update new QUANTITY and PRICE from Sheet 1 onto Sheet 2
-Sheet 2. Leave ITEMS alone that are now missing from the new report on Sheet 1

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Create 1 List Of Unique Values From 12 Columns Of Data

Apr 28, 2014

I have a spreadsheet of 12 columns (A to L), with a list of student names under each down to row 31. Each column represents an after-school club that the child can attend.

However, a child can sign up to multiple clubs, so their name can appear in several places across the spreadsheet.

What I would like to do is have a 13th column which is an overall list of students who have signed up to at least 1 club, i.e. their name appears at least once in columns A to L.

How do I achieve this so that only unique entries are listed and duplicates are removed in this 13th column?

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List Sheet Names And Internal Names Within Workbook

Feb 25, 2011

Is it possible to produce a list on a new worksheet of all sheet names and their their internal names within a workbook?

If so I would like the tabbed name's to begin in say A2 with the corresponding internal name in B2.

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Looking Names In A List With Names Written Differently And With Duplicates

Aug 26, 2008

I am using Excel 2003 and Windows XP.

I have been given a list of my firm’s target clients (in excel) and an opportunities report (exported into excel) from our CRM system, which lists all the opportunities (i.e. opportunities to sell/provide products/services) that have been created for each client. Some of the column headings in the opportunities report are as follows:

Client; Opportunity ID; Opportunity Name; Opportunity Description; Created by; Date Created etc.

What I need to do is lookup each client, from the target clients listing, in the opportunities report to see whether an opportunity has been created; and if so, return the row of values (i.e. the Opportunity ID; Opportunity Name; Opportunity Description; Created by; Date Created) for that client. The result will be placed next to the name of the client in the target client worksheet.

I have a couple of problems. Initially I tried to use the VLOOKUP function to lookup the client name in the opportunities report and return the Opportunity ID (I then planned to use the same formula to return values from the other columns); however, as the client names in the target client listing were not always written the same way as they were in the opportunities report, the formula often returned #N/A. The formula I used was

=VLOOKUP(A8,'Opportunities Report'!A2:F51,2,FALSE)

So for example, the first client that I was looking up was written as “ABC Ltd” but in the opportunities report it was written as “ABC Limited”.

My second problem was that for some clients, there were multiple opportunities listed in the opportunities report. Where this was the case, there was a separate row (repeating the client name in the first column) for each opportunity created. I think that was messing up my VLOOKUP formula as well.

Is there a way to look up the client name, from the target client listing, in the opportunities report even if it’s slightly different and return the row of values for each opportunity created for that client on a separate row?

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