Macro To Copy From One Workbook To Another
Feb 9, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with multiple worksheets in a spreadsheet which has been distributed and filled out by others.
I would to be able to:
-open each returned spreadsheet (by browsing and selecting the file)
-click a macro and have the macro select information from a range for each worksheet and have that information copied into the relevant worksheet in a master spreadsheet. I.e workbook1 to workbook1, workbook2 to workbook2
-during the copying process the information should be filled in the next empty row in the master spreadsheet
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Dec 7, 2012
Here's my macro:
Sub CopyRow()'
'Copies row to new sheet, highlights it, marks column 'A' as copied.
Dim cCell As Range
Set cCell = Selection.Cells(1, 1)
[Code] .....
Is it possible to modify it to paste into a different workbook called c:filesDestination.xlsm, instead of the existing workbook (Source.xlsm)? The destination sheet name is the same (Sheet2). It's OK if both workbooks are open at the same time.
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Mar 5, 2014
I have a workbook that has a lot of formulas in it that reference material stored on my local computer.
I need a macro that will copy all 42 tabs in to a new workbook book without all formulas, but saving all the formats have made. This would save me from every other day coping and pasting manually each of the pages.
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Feb 11, 2014
I have this nice macro that copies data from another workbook. I want to make it to also add the filename of the workbook (for example data.xlsx) it copies the data from, in a cell on the actual workbook (for example on sheet "Combined", Cell A10). What should I add to my macro?
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May 1, 2012
I am creating a spreadsheet to provide to a group of about 40 people. The spreadsheet allows each member to track the referrals they receive and give. I need to plan on creating updates for the spreadsheet and want to make it so they can easily transfer their data to the most current version in the future. Here is a breakdown of the workbook:
Referrals Given
Referrals Received
I need to copy the data that they have input from the following worksheets:
Referrals Given
Referrals Received
Here is a breakdown of the "Referrals Received" worksheet:
A1:V4 - Data that will not change and includes many named cells
A5:Nxxx - Dynamic Named Range where they input their data
O5:Vxxx - Contains formulas
I need to be able to copy
from the old workbook to the new
Some side items to note:
There is VBA in the worksheet of
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
and included in the code is an Unprotect & Protect code to always keep the sheet protected
I figure whatever works for this sheet will work for all the sheets.
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Mar 28, 2014
I need to copy several macros from the Personal Macro workbook to a new workbook that I need to take to another computer. I need to be able to run the macros on that computer. I can only record macros and make minor changes in the VB editor. I do not know VB code.
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Jan 22, 2014
I have 2 workbooks , each with one sheet that is populated. I have tried to record the macro where by, I open the first workbook and then want the second book opened, copy the information on the 2nd workbook, paste it into the 1st workbook, close the second workbook. I have assigned a macro to it but when it opens all it does is open the second workbook.
Sub Macro1()
' Macro1 Macro
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Jun 18, 2009
What it does is on the menu sheet is the workbook destination (i1) and it copies the range from that workbook to the original workbook and pastes it into "sheet1" but the below brings up a mesage box about data being on the clipboard.
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May 23, 2006
I want to use a macro to copy a specified workbook and paste it to the same directory with a different name.
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Nov 9, 2006
I need to come up with a macro code to copy 2 worksheet from 2 workbooks to my current workbook. I do not know what is the code such that i can copy different worksheets from other workbooks to a currently opened workbook.
Below is the scenerio i want to achieve:
worksheet1 from workbook1 need to be copied and paste as a worksheet in workbook3. worksheet1 from workbook2 need to be copied and paste as a worksheet in workbook3. workbooks will eventually contain 2 worksheets which are from workbook1 & 2.
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Mar 27, 2014
I'd like to create a macro to copy data from tables in a workbook named "Survey Template 2014" to another workbook named "Status Report." Basically, I'd like the macro to search through the sheets in "Survey Template 2014" based on the Aircraft Registration No: entered in cell R2 of "Status Report." Once the required sheet is found, I'd like to start copying the contents from the "Description" column from 4 tables (Left/Right Wing Structure, Flight Controls/ Empennage/Doors, Nose/Fuselage and Interior/Passenger environment/Misc) if any data exists. I'd like the data to be copied into C19 (under Tasks Column) of the "Status Report" workbook.
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May 23, 2014
make a macro which copies columns B to E from workbook 'Book1' (sheet named database) into another workbook called 'Book2'?,
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May 26, 2014
I have the code below which copies columns A:C from Book1 into Book2. However, it does not work when the Book1 is not open. I would like the macro to still work when the Book1 is closed.
Sub CopyColumnToWorkbook()
Dim sourceColumn As Range, targetColumn As Range
Set sourceColumn = Workbooks("Book1").Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("A:C")
Set targetColumn = Workbooks("Book2").Worksheets("Sheet1").Columns("A:C")
sourceColumn.Copy Destination:=targetColumn
End Sub
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Jun 23, 2014
I am coping form "SAC May'14 workfile" sheets "Top 20 FM" & "FM Major Inc&Dec" to "SAC Register Analysi Template" sheet "Top 20 FM" work perfectly but if i copy from e.g "SAC Feb'14 workfile, March'14 workfile" etc..
I have attached the file for ease of reference.
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Nov 18, 2009
I have two workbooks which is attached 1)Daily and 2)Daily-2 i need data of Daily -2 to Daily workbook into relavent sheets not the title row. I have written some code for this but iam unable to make because data sometime is more or less in both the sheets.which needs expertise in macros which iam not.
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May 21, 2003
I'm trying to copy a worksheet from one workbook to another from within a macro.
I tried recording a macro while I did it, but Excel only records the first half within the source workbook:
The Macro Recorder doesn't show the 2nd half in which I select the destination workbook and paste. And there is no paste method; I can't say
How do I paste the sheet into the destination workbook?
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Jan 17, 2012
I need a macro to copy worksheet "OTP" from workbook " OTP Details" to another workbook "Todays OTP".
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Nov 28, 2013
I am using this code to create a backup copy of my workbook:
Sub DOUGHMON()Dim fname
fname = "C:UsersAndrewDesktopWEEKLY SALES REPORTS" & Format(Now, "dd mmm yy") & ".xlsm"
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fname
End Sub
The only problem with this code is that my current file gets closed and the backup is open. I'm not sure if that is exactly what happens, but when it is done the current file that is open is the copy, and I would like the original file to stay open.
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Sep 12, 2007
I have been able to figure out how to copy a sheet in a workbook and make x amount of copies of it in said workbook.
Now...I have a list of names on a sheet named Roster. The list of names reside in column A2-A181.
I need to figure out how to make a new sheet with one name from the list in Roster and have the tab named after the person on the sheet.
The list is in alphabetical order and the sheets should remain as such.
In A2 of each *new sheet*, there should be a name from the Roster sheet, but never a duplicate name.
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Dec 17, 2009
I am using command buttons to perform various macros.
I have worksheetA with a defined range of cells of information that i sometimes want to copy to the index file. I click the command button to run the macro that copies the range to the next available row in #Index.xls
How can i change the following macro to only copy the values, and NOT the formatting?
Also, why does this particular macro cause the Command Button to remain stuck in the pressed position? It is the only command button triggering a macro that actually stays pressed, requiring my to click it again to depress it.
here is the macro i have so far:
Sub copy_to_index()
Dim bk As Workbook
Dim bSave As Boolean
Dim lRow As Long
' test to see if #Index.xls is already open
On Error Resume Next
Set bk = Workbooks("#index.xls")
On Error GoTo 0
If bk Is Nothing Then...........
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Jul 6, 2005
if it is possible, and how to go about it.
Copy worksheets from many workbooks to one Master workbook, which will be used to aggregate the data. I need a macro to do this, which will automatically name the worksheet it creates (using information from one of the cells).
The second part of my problem is that it needs to be smart enough to recognise if the worksheet that is being copied, has previously been copied to the master. If it has, it should overwrite the original worksheet rather than create a new one.
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Jun 26, 2006
I have a master workbook and a template workbook. The template workbook when run generates a new workbook with the current date as the file name. Within the newly generated workbook, the template, had created 5 worksheets. On each worksheet, there is a single cell that contains the total from that particular worksheet.
What I need is a macro that will grab these totals, one from each of the 5 worksheets from the newly generated workbook done by the template, and pasted it in the master workbook under the 5 columns in a worksheet: 0-20, 21-40,41-60,61-80,81-100. However, the next time the macro is run, it will not over write the previous data but move to the next blank row and paste the totals there.
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Oct 16, 2006
I have a one workbook where I put in some data and some calculations are performed. Some of the data calculated I want to keep a running log of. I found some code on how to copy a cell to the next available row on a worksheet, but I want to put it in a totally different file. Also I would like to not have to open the other file up to transfer the data. Is this possible? My idea is to have a command button to push when I'm done entering the data.
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Nov 9, 2006
I need to come up with a macro code to copy 2 worksheet from 2 workbooks to my current workbook. I do not know what is the code such that i can copy different worksheets from other workbooks to a currently opened workbook.
Below is the scenerio i want to achieve:
worksheet1 from workbook1 need to be copied and paste as a worksheet in workbook3.
worksheet1 from workbook2 need to be copied and paste as a worksheet in workbook3.
workbooks will eventually contain 2 worksheets which are from workbook1 & 2.
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Oct 16, 2009
I'm looking for some guidance on a particular popup box that I am getting when I try to run the code below.
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Dec 30, 2011
Here is the code I have:
Sheets("Report_P").Copy After:=Workbooks("New_report.xlsx").Sheets(9)
2.xlsm is open. it contains a sheet called Report_P New_report.xlsx is open and has 9 existing sheets
Every time this tries to execute I get a "Run time error 1004 Copy Method of Worksheet Failed".
What is wrong with this code? I have an identical line in another macro, the only difference is that there are 5 sheets pre-existing, and that works fine.
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Mar 9, 2012
I'm looking for a macro that can do the following:
First Name
Filter by BD 'C'
Copy all rows containing 'C' to new workbook.
Save new Workbook as 'Mailing C.xls' and close to specific flolder.
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Jan 8, 2013
I'm trying to use a macro that will copy & paste values from one workbook to another. Everything works fine until I try to get it to Paste to next available row.
It worked the first time, but after that it jumps, several hundred rows at a time.
This is what I have so far:
Sub CopyData()
Workbooks.Open Filename:="S:Production OfficeMonthly KPI Reports.xlsm", ReadOnly:=False
Windows("Weekly KPI Plan.xlsm").Activate
Worksheets("Data Input").Select
Worksheets("Data Input").[A4:AT650].Select
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Apr 24, 2013
What the Macro has to do is this.
It takes an specific word from a certain number of files that you can choose from an add file window.
Then when you choose those files the macro starts to run every file and look for an specific word, in this case is "ROFO March 2013".
When it finds it, The macro creates a new workbook( You create the name of that workbook y the first place of the macro, when you choose the files that you want to look for that word).
So, When the macro finds the word ROFO March 2013, it copys all the columns that has that name, and keeps looking until the file ends.
And paste all that info in the new file, A consolidate File.
I have change all the names of variables of the macro so you can understand it.
Sub copy_data(ByVal Origin_File_route As String, ByVal destiny file As String)
Dim Origin_File As String, RsBusq As Range, ROFO As String
Dim Rango As Range, Fila As Long, lastrow as Long
origin_file = Dir(origin_file_route)
[Code] .......
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Mar 12, 2014
I have a workbook with Macros in it, now I want to create a copy of that workbook using VBA.
Here are the steps i want:
1. Create a copy of an open workbook
2. Open the Copy.
3. Close the original workbook.
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