Macros: Merge Into One Template
May 4, 2009
The company I work for have several templates in the map xlstart.
They want that all the macros that are present in these templates can be merged into one template.
Is it possible to do that without using VBA?
Because they want a solution that everyone can use without knowing a thing about VBA.
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Jul 9, 2013
I am trying (and failing) to set up a mail merge with a Word document. I would like for the doc to take information entered in specific columns and display it in the right field. I've set up the field and the excel doc and went through the mail merge wizard's steps for setting it up but it doesn't seem to be doing what I want.I am attaching the doc and spreadsheet below.
MichaelFields TEST.Contract Entries.xlsxFields Test.Contract to Provide Legal Services.docx
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Aug 31, 2009
I have two macros and I would like to assign them both to one button. How to make a connection between these two codes in VBA?
the macro should first sort the columns: A and B and then compare them. Here are two codes that need to be connected:
Sub Sort()
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("B1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub.................................
When I paste the second code below the "Sort" code, the whole code doesn't work like it should.
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Nov 14, 2012
I have 2 macros ready and i need to merge it to one to make it run.
First macros will do the calculation and the other is adopted from a website as an sample to display % of process. Now the issue is i don't know how to merge it. Can any one help me to setup this file please. Copy of sample file is attached for your reference.
Calculation Macros:
Sub Premium()
Dim ws As Worksheet, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim cel As Range, cel2 As Range, cel3 As Range, cel4 As Range, found As Range, rng As Range, age As Variant
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May 21, 2014
In Sheet1 --> Emp id, Emp Name and Emp dob having some 'p' rows
In Sheet2 --> Emp id, Emp address, Emp Designation and Emp blood group of some 'q' rows
Now, i want in Sheet3 --> Combination of both Sheet1 and Sheet2 data. Note: Emp id in Sheet1 and Sheet2 are same which indicates an unique identifier. I attached a file for your reference..
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Jul 31, 2014
I have 3 different sets of macros and i want to Join them together so i only have to run 1 macro to do all 3. I am not sure how the best way is to do this.
Code 1:
Public Function UserName()
UserName = Environ$("UserName")
End Function
Private Sub RefreshTeamQueryOnWorksheet(worksheetName As String)
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Aug 3, 2012
I have 4 different workbooks that I want to merge into one workbook. I tried moving the sheets from these workbooks into one workbook but to my surprise all the vba / macros didn't transfer over to the other workbook.
I searched here but all I can find were people that wanted to make a summary workbook or merge workbooks into a worksheet which isn't what i want to do.
I just want to simply merge these workbooks into one workbook without losing all the marco and vba stuff that are in each workbook.
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Jan 6, 2009
I need to use to prepare for analysis a large set of individual participants' Excel data files collected using a psychological reaction-time experiment (a modified Stroop task). This experiment was created using a program called Superlab by Cedrus, so I posted an inquiry at the Superlab forum [url]. Their tech support suggested I might need to use macros in Excel but couldn't offer further assistance. I'll try to briefly describe (a) our Stroop task, (b) the operations I'm trying to carry out, and (c) the format of the individual Excel files,
Our Stroop task: The participant gets some instructions and practice trials, then a series of stimulus words are presented one word at a time in the center of a computer monitor in one of several colors. Word presentation order is randomized for each participant. The participant must press a key corresponding to the color of each word as quickly as possible. For each keypress (including the spacebar, pressed on instructions screens), the reaction time (in msec) is recorded in their Excel spreadsheet under the 'Reaction Time' variable. The 'Error Code' variable indicates whether the participant pressed the correct (C) or incorrect (E) color key in each trial. There are 8 types of words for a total of 48 trials. (Actually, 4 sets of emotion words and 4 sets of control-animal words, each set composed of 6 words each. The task basically measures how much peoples’ attention is captured by emotionally relevant cues in the environment.)
For each participant's data, I need an efficient way (macros?) to:
(1) clean it [i.e. discard or ignore the instruction & practice trials as well as trials where the participant was too impulsive (reaction time < 100 msec), too distracted (rt > 3000 msec), or gave the wrong color response (Error Code= E)]
(2) determine whether enough valid trials remain for further analysis (>39 trials), and if so:
(3) calculate a mean reaction time score for each of the 8 word types [where denominator for each word type is based on # remaining (non-discarded) trials for that word type]
(4) merge each participant's summarized data as single rows in a common spreadsheet (for importation and further analyses in SPSS), like this:
ID#...... MeanRTW1.......MeanRTW2...... (etc. for word types 3-8)
Excel File Format: I've attached a sample file, and here's a simplified overview of a spreadsheet (irrelevant columns and some rows removed). First the ID number is recorded (e.g., 393E), then some unnecessary junk (exp name & date, intro, practice, instructions), then data for the 48 actual trials of interest:
1 393E
2 stroop.xpt
3 Wed Jan 1, 12:33:00 2008
6 Trial Name.....Trial No..... Error Code.....ReactionTime
7 introduction..... 1................C............561243
8 practice.......... 2................C............... 2062
9 red-worried........14.............C................1001 (*the first practice trial)
10 (9 more practice trial rows, deleted here)
19 instructions........3..............C................5000
20 red-chicken......19..............E............... 1205
21 blue-tense.......32...............C.................782
* (46 more actual trial rows, deleted here)
To clarify:
-The variable 'Trial Name' indicates nominally what stimulus was presented for each trial.
-The variable 'Trial No.', indicates the unique numerical marker for each stimulus word. (It probably should have been labeled 'Word Type'. It doesn't reflect the order of stimulus presentation. E.g., the word "tense" is always 'Trial No.' 32 for all participants, regardless of when it presents.)
-A subset of actual trial words (e.g., worried) were also used for the 10 practice trials. Thus, the 10 practice trials must first somehow be discarded or flagged to be ignored before calculating average reaction times for the remaining 48 actual trials.
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Feb 21, 2013
how to create a copy of my employee attendance template. Is there a way to create a copy of the template by entering an employee name in the "name" cell of the template and it automatically renames the sheet that employee name and also saves or recopies the template for use with the next employee?
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Jan 5, 2009
I Have a number(30+) of excel files based off of one template. I have since updated the template, thus making the the old ones obsolete. Is there a way to update the older files to use the new template without having to copy and paste the addition's row by row column by column?
None of the additions to the template will change the placement of existing data, nor will it change the data itself. It will however add Values to cells that were previously empty.
Hints, Tricks, or Ideas?
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Apr 23, 2009
I created a one-sheet template, and a new workbook from that sheet. When in that new workbook I go Insert>Sheet>Other and select the aforementioned one-sheet template, Excel crashes, or if not, it adds the new sheet, but then no longer saves the workbook and starts producing error messages (like: "An unexpected error has ocurred. AutoRecover has been disabled for this session of Excel.").
Now, the complication is that this is working when I do a model operation with a generic template sheet. So I checked the template that I actually want to form sheets after, and Excel finds no errors, nor does it's name contain any unusual characters. What could Excel prevent from working with a template like this?
How do I edit a template? The only way I can find is to manually find the spot in finder, open, and save with the same name. But: if I do that, the documents basing on that template don't change accordingly. If they're intended not to, the whole template procedure makes no sense. I could then just as well copy a file. — I've been searching for tutorials on that, but google doesn't even return a single result on Excel "edit template". Therefor my very basic question here.
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May 6, 2014
I've attached 2 test files, one is the database master file containing the projects (each row represents a project, unique reference number in column A) and the other is the blank template file i'm hoping to export data into and then save down with the naming convention "column A_column B.xlsx"
Kept the test files simple but would need to modify any code to apply to much larger database consisting of many more fields etc.
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Aug 19, 2008
I have a list of invoice #'s on a sheet named "Temp Sheet".
I have a VBA macro that created a new tab for each entry and named it the invoice #. So basically the vba code created a new tab ( based on the number of invoice #'s on my list ), and named each tab an invoice number. So if I had a list of 10 invoice #'s, named S1-S10, the vba code created 10 tabs, named S-1, S-2,. S-3.....
Now to my question.
I have a template sheet I want to copy from ( "Template" ), and select any sheet that starts with "S", and copy/paste this template to.
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Dec 18, 2012
I have a template file for ordering trafolyte and steel plates. I have added macros to this template file. The existing macros do the following (shortly described):
Macro 1: clears order
Macro 2: update order date + send a read only file to the supplier of plates + save a read only copy of the file into one of three folders acc to info in one of the cells.
It's the Macro 2 I want to edit.
I want to add a "function" which copy a selection of data.column A to N from row 12 to 548 but only the rows where there is a value in column A.
Row 1 to 11 includes standard order info and Macro buttons.
Row 11 includes the heading for order data.
For everytime someone click on the Macro 2 button in the template file, I want the selection to be paste into the first "available" row in a "Total list" file.
The "Total list" file may have to be open (or a function to open, paste selection and then close the "Total list" file may be added)
File and Folder info:
To simplify suggestions, the following file and path info can be used (I can change to the correct later):
Template file name: template_order.xlsm
Template file location: \servershared emplate
Total list file name: total_list.xlsx
Total list file location: \servershared otal
Selection info:
The template file exists of a "general order info area" A1:N10
The column heading for order data is located at A11:N11
The selection to be copied is A12:N550 - But only rows where column A includes data (not empty).
(If the spesific order consists of 14 plates than there will be item no 1-14 in column A and I then I want to copy A12:N25 (row 25 will be item 14).
When I try to use record macro it looks like it only records what's happening in the template file - It doesn't record the pasting in the total list.
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Aug 26, 2009
I have an Excel 2003 program that contains macros. One of the macros hides certain command bars and disables the worksheet menu bar. On close the opposite is true. The problem is, if a user uses the disable macros when opening then the worksheet menu bar and other command bars are still available. I would like to hide all of the data sheets and display another sheet that would normally be hidden displaying a message that the macros have to be enabled for the program to work correctly if disable macros is chosen. When the enable macros are used I would like the Error page to be hidden.
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Jul 28, 2008
I have a user that keeps a maintenance log in an Excel worksheet and sends an updated copy once a week to a board member. Two weeks ago, the board member started complaining that he was prompted to enable/disable macros on opening and became worried when my user stated that no macros were used in the book. He is now concerned that we have sent him a virus.
I know the file is clean because I've scanned it, and when I look at the file in VB, there are no modules or classes present just the Sheets 1-3 and the ThisWorkbook file. None of these objects have any code in them. My user does have some macros in PERSONAL.XLS but they are not used in the workbook in question.
No one else gets the prompt for enabling/disabling macros. Even if I set my security to prompt for any macros, I get no message. I'm convinced that there must be some setting in his Excel that is causing this individual to get this message. Is there anything else other than a macro that would cause this?
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Jul 23, 2005
What is the commands or script for deleting a macro automatically using
another workbook macro.
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Jul 14, 2008
Is there a way to hide a macro from the list where you choose which to run, but not in the VBA editor? The userbox I just created calls upon 2 different macros, and has a macro to bring up the userbox. I need a way to hide the macros in Module3 from selection, but keep the macros in Module4 available to choose to run.
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Dec 14, 2009
I have two macros. Macros 1 opens another excel file, counts the number of rows it has, inserts that number of rows into the master file and then copies the data over. Key code as follows (x3 for 3 worksheets)...
For k = 1 To numrows
Next k
Macros 2 'cleans' the appended data by systematically going through each row, checking if certain cells have data, and if not deletes the rows. Key code as follows (x3 for 3 worksheets)...
For l = lastrow To 12 Step -1
If WorksheetFunction.CountA(Range("B" & l & ":C" & l)) = 0 Then
Rows(l & ":" & l).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
edelrows = edelrows + 1
End If
Next l
Here's the weirdness. macros 1 runs fairly quick the first time out (few seconds). Macros 2 takes about 2 minutes to run (which I'm fine with). However, when I run macros 1 AFTER running Macros 2, Macros 1 goes from taking a few seconds to a few minutes.
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Apr 13, 2007
how to use excel 4 macros. I do not even know where to put them. I have inherited some spreadsheets that have both Xcel 4 Macros and vba macros in them. (Well, I get a warning that I cannot switch them off when I disable macros on opening a workbook). I cannot even find the offending version 4 macros so that I can re-code them in VBA.
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Oct 15, 2008
I need to write a VBA code which will read the CSV files from a folder by opening the CSV files , then copy the contents of csv file into another EXCEL template already present in the same xls template.
The XLS template has tabs named like "UAT2D" and i want the csv file data to paste in the particular xls tab which is blank initially. But what is happening my code open the required CSV , copy the data and insert the CSV into the xls template by creating the new tab. see the code A below
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Oct 16, 2009
We have huge restrictions on hours, and to avoid inputting, then revising the schedule into my companies scheduling module, then having to change it again when the boss looks it over, it's just confusing.
Anyway, I'll get to the point, I want to add the hours up in a row of cells for the week sunday through saturday. Like so:
1100-2100 | 1100-2100 | OFF | 1100-2100 etc... I want it to add these cells hours up and have the total end up in the 8th cell.
Is this possible? I am a new excel user, or at least, setting up my own sheet.
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Mar 22, 2008
I am creating a large workbook using the same worksheet "form" over and over. How can I use a shortcut or someother method to add the form to a new sheet without having to copy and paste from the last sheet?
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Dec 8, 2008
I have a workbook with several worksheets and numerous userforms, commandbuttons and macro's. I want to prevent people from saving over the workbook once they have used it, but allow save as using a different workbook name.
I tried saving the book as .xlt, but then when I reopen it and make material changes, it lets me save over it. I have't worked with templated before, is there something I am doing wrong?
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Apr 29, 2009
I'm running a macro in a template and trying to save the results to a different folder.
I want the file name to be blank in the Saveas Text box of the UI also. Unfortunatley my code is bugging out & I can't work out why.
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="C:", FileFormat:=xlNormal _
, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, _
The save to path does change so I want to be able to change the save location.
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Nov 24, 2009
I made a thread about this last week but I don't think I was very clear about what wanted so now I'm going to describe it more in detail.
I work at a place that takes care of boats and also offers to store them during the winter. Now I have created a template which consists of one work order and one invoice so when a new customer arrives I open up my template and fill out the work order. But then when the customer comes back next year and wants something else done with his boat I need a new work order but in the same document. So I need to add another work order as a new sheet. The only way I can think of now is to copy an old work order and then paste it but that would take too long time to do every time and I would also have to change the width of all columns. So my question is: Is there some easier way to do this? Basically what I want is a quick way to add either a work order or an invoice as a new sheet.
Link to my old thread:
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Jul 13, 2006
I do not want the user to be able to change the workbook.
I will put a small macro to export any specific sheet which the user can change into to a new workbook.
For the main file (which the user can interact with, but is not allowed to overwrite), what is the concensus- make it Readonly or save as a template?
I think the template option looks quite fancy. I also think, but I'm not sure, that a ReadOnly can be undone by the user?
I'm leaning towards template format, but I don't really know it. Are there any significant disadvantages?
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Jul 6, 2007
I recently deployed a single-page spreadsheet intended to be added to existing workbooks (it generates a hiearchical view of pricing in a WBS structure), and it includes some UDFs and subs.
I was hoping I could save it as a tempate, but when inserted as a template, it didn't bring along its code module. I ended up instructing someone to copy the sheet to the intended workbook, and had them open the VBE to drag the module over. There is surely a better way!
I would prefer not to train people to use add-ins or mess with Personal.xls.
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Dec 7, 2005
Somehow I have changed a default setting that I cannot figure out how to change back. I have various templates setup in a "Forms" folder. Normally I go to My Documents, find the template file and double click on it, and the appropriate program (usually either Excel or Word) starts and opens a copy of the template as a document. What happens now is that the program starts and the template itself opens. I have tried going to My Documents and right clicking on the file and what appears to be happening is that the default (highlighted) option is "Open" instead of "New" which is what the default used to be. How do I change it back?--
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May 9, 2009
I have been googling for a excel sheet, but just seem to find the right one. Then I found this great looking forum so I know someone here must beable to help me.
This is what I need:
I host an event twice a month I have cost that change every two weeks and would like a nice looking sheet that I can puch the numbers in to then it will tell me how much I need to charge each guest. I have cost that are always the same and other that are not. If this isnt clear here is an example...
Week1 week2 Month Year
Milk 2.50 2.50 5.00 130.00
Eggs .75 .75 1.50 39.00
Vodka 2.50 2.50 5.00 130.00
Lawn Darts 10.25 10.25 20.50 530.00
Host 75.00 75.00 150.00 3900.00
room 125.00 125.00 250.00 6500.00
total 216 216 432 11232.00
Number of guest week1 week 2 month year
25 30 55 55
cost of each guest 8.64 7.20
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