Merge Rows Using Macros?

May 21, 2014

In Sheet1 --> Emp id, Emp Name and Emp dob having some 'p' rows
In Sheet2 --> Emp id, Emp address, Emp Designation and Emp blood group of some 'q' rows

Now, i want in Sheet3 --> Combination of both Sheet1 and Sheet2 data. Note: Emp id in Sheet1 and Sheet2 are same which indicates an unique identifier. I attached a file for your reference..

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VBA How To Merge Two Macros

Aug 31, 2009

I have two macros and I would like to assign them both to one button. How to make a connection between these two codes in VBA?
the macro should first sort the columns: A and B and then compare them. Here are two codes that need to be connected:

Sub Sort()
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("B1"), Order1:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, _
OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:=False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, _
End Sub.................................

When I paste the second code below the "Sort" code, the whole code doesn't work like it should.

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Merge VBA Macros For Progress Bar?

Nov 14, 2012

I have 2 macros ready and i need to merge it to one to make it run.

First macros will do the calculation and the other is adopted from a website as an sample to display % of process. Now the issue is i don't know how to merge it. Can any one help me to setup this file please. Copy of sample file is attached for your reference.

Calculation Macros:

Sub Premium()
Dim ws As Worksheet, ws1 As Worksheet, ws2 As Worksheet
Dim cel As Range, cel2 As Range, cel3 As Range, cel4 As Range, found As Range, rng As Range, age As Variant


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Macros: Merge Into One Template

May 4, 2009

The company I work for have several templates in the map xlstart.
They want that all the macros that are present in these templates can be merged into one template.
Is it possible to do that without using VBA?

Because they want a solution that everyone can use without knowing a thing about VBA.

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Merge / Run Multiple Macros / VBA Code

Jul 31, 2014

I have 3 different sets of macros and i want to Join them together so i only have to run 1 macro to do all 3. I am not sure how the best way is to do this.

Code 1:

Public Function UserName()
UserName = Environ$("UserName")
End Function
Private Sub RefreshTeamQueryOnWorksheet(worksheetName As String)


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Merge Workbooks Into One Workbook Without Losing Macros And VBA Codes

Aug 3, 2012

I have 4 different workbooks that I want to merge into one workbook. I tried moving the sheets from these workbooks into one workbook but to my surprise all the vba / macros didn't transfer over to the other workbook.

I searched here but all I can find were people that wanted to make a summary workbook or merge workbooks into a worksheet which isn't what i want to do.

I just want to simply merge these workbooks into one workbook without losing all the marco and vba stuff that are in each workbook.

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Macros To Clean, Summarize, And Merge Reaction Time Data Files

Jan 6, 2009

I need to use to prepare for analysis a large set of individual participants' Excel data files collected using a psychological reaction-time experiment (a modified Stroop task). This experiment was created using a program called Superlab by Cedrus, so I posted an inquiry at the Superlab forum [url]. Their tech support suggested I might need to use macros in Excel but couldn't offer further assistance. I'll try to briefly describe (a) our Stroop task, (b) the operations I'm trying to carry out, and (c) the format of the individual Excel files,

Our Stroop task: The participant gets some instructions and practice trials, then a series of stimulus words are presented one word at a time in the center of a computer monitor in one of several colors. Word presentation order is randomized for each participant. The participant must press a key corresponding to the color of each word as quickly as possible. For each keypress (including the spacebar, pressed on instructions screens), the reaction time (in msec) is recorded in their Excel spreadsheet under the 'Reaction Time' variable. The 'Error Code' variable indicates whether the participant pressed the correct (C) or incorrect (E) color key in each trial. There are 8 types of words for a total of 48 trials. (Actually, 4 sets of emotion words and 4 sets of control-animal words, each set composed of 6 words each. The task basically measures how much peoples’ attention is captured by emotionally relevant cues in the environment.)

For each participant's data, I need an efficient way (macros?) to:
(1) clean it [i.e. discard or ignore the instruction & practice trials as well as trials where the participant was too impulsive (reaction time < 100 msec), too distracted (rt > 3000 msec), or gave the wrong color response (Error Code= E)]
(2) determine whether enough valid trials remain for further analysis (>39 trials), and if so:
(3) calculate a mean reaction time score for each of the 8 word types [where denominator for each word type is based on # remaining (non-discarded) trials for that word type]
(4) merge each participant's summarized data as single rows in a common spreadsheet (for importation and further analyses in SPSS), like this:
ID#...... MeanRTW1.......MeanRTW2...... (etc. for word types 3-8)

Excel File Format: I've attached a sample file, and here's a simplified overview of a spreadsheet (irrelevant columns and some rows removed). First the ID number is recorded (e.g., 393E), then some unnecessary junk (exp name & date, intro, practice, instructions), then data for the 48 actual trials of interest:
1 393E
2 stroop.xpt
3 Wed Jan 1, 12:33:00 2008
6 Trial Name.....Trial No..... Error Code.....ReactionTime
7 introduction..... 1................C............561243
8 practice.......... 2................C............... 2062
9 red-worried........14.............C................1001 (*the first practice trial)
10 (9 more practice trial rows, deleted here)
19 instructions........3..............C................5000
20 red-chicken......19..............E............... 1205
21 blue-tense.......32...............C.................782
* (46 more actual trial rows, deleted here)

To clarify:
-The variable 'Trial Name' indicates nominally what stimulus was presented for each trial.
-The variable 'Trial No.', indicates the unique numerical marker for each stimulus word. (It probably should have been labeled 'Word Type'. It doesn't reflect the order of stimulus presentation. E.g., the word "tense" is always 'Trial No.' 32 for all participants, regardless of when it presents.)
-A subset of actual trial words (e.g., worried) were also used for the 10 practice trials. Thus, the 10 practice trials must first somehow be discarded or flagged to be ignored before calculating average reaction times for the remaining 48 actual trials.

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How To Merge / Combine 2 Rows

Aug 20, 2014

I've tried to combine rows, but can't seem to do it. I have a spreadsheet with over 18,000 lines of data, and I really don't want to go through each line to add information from another line and then delete that line. Is there a formula that can do this? I have attached a sample of what I have and what I need.

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Merge Rows Of Duplicates?

Jun 25, 2011

I am trying to merge rows of duplicate entries, say I have the following information in a excel spreadsheet:

Column A: Name
Column B: First Line of Address
Column C: Area
Column D: County
Column E: Post Code
Column F: Tel Number

If I have the data above in my spreadsheet I want to basically search and look at columns B,C,D,E and F and then if there are any duplicates of these for that row anywhere on the sheet I want it to merge the Data for those duplicate as shown below:

Dave, Mark | Rice Rd | Liverpool | Merseyside | L45 7HT | 6381754
Tony | Hill Grove | Runcorn | Merseyside | L78 9JU | 6527897
John | Lime Ave | Runcorn | Merseyside | L34 9HF | 7248853

I have managed to find a macro that is shown below however this macro only looks at 1 column and then merges the data based on that which is not what I want


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Merge Data From Different Rows

Feb 7, 2007

I have a set of data which I would like to do some processing on. Basically I am concerned with two columns

Column 12 and Column 9

Column 12 is a unique account Reference and column 9 is an invoice number. My scenario is that 1 account can have multiple invoices. I want to do is serach down column 12 and find all the matches and then I want to take column 9 and combine the data within that with the previous record.

Original Data
Column 9 Column 12
2345 A0001
2312 A0001
2341 A1200
1234 A0001
4569 A1234
3456 A1234

What I want to get to:

Column 9 Column 12
2345,2312,1234 A0001
2341 A1200
4569,3456 A1234

As you can see I basically want to combine any matches with column 9 and seperate with a comma and then delete the record it has taken it from

Function repair_invoice_numbers()
rowcn = 2

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Merge Rows Into Columns With More Than One Variable

Nov 12, 2007

I have been scanning web forums for days and have not found a solution to my question. I have found similar, but unfortunately am not clever enough with Excel VBA to adapt.

I have two columns of data which I want merged into rows (a) by survey number and (b) by time slots. The data I have is similar to:

Survey No.....Results
12345...........No answer

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Merge Certain Rows, Of Different Sheets, Of The Same Workbook

Oct 16, 2008

I have a workbook of 96 sheets. I need to get the 4th row of each sheet,
and merge all, 96 of them, into one new sheet.

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Insert And Merge Blank Rows?

May 23, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that I need to insert a blank row every other row and then merge that blank row. I can do this with the macro below. My question is that I only want the merge on each blank row to merge A:H. Example would be insert row 9 and merge A9:H9. Insert row 11 and merge A11:H11. and so on till the end.

Sub insertrow()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Do While Not IsEmpty(ActiveCell)
ActiveCell.Offset(2, 0).Select
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Function To Merge And Sum Values In Rows With Same ID

Aug 21, 2013

I am looking for function which allows me to merge and sum values in rows with same ID.








[Code] ........

Ordinarily I would use a Pivot Table and GetPivotData function, which can easily do this calculation, but in this case file I work with is shared, so Pivot Tables do not work. Unfortunately I am not skilled enough to type my own VBA function. New rows are added to the data source (sheet1) every day...

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Sum And Merge Matching Rows Into Single Row?

Jan 17, 2014

I have a CSV file that varies in length. The request is to have a macro to import the CSV file, sort it by account number (COL A) and for every row that has a like number in COL A, sum the numeric values in COL F. I have considered a pivot table however we then have to take the SUMMED records and export then in CSV.

how to SUM based on COL A? The rest of the information in each like row is duplicated.

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Delet Rows Duplicate In Column A & C And Merge B

Oct 28, 2009

i have to clean a worksheet from duplicat rows. The list looks like:


Those rows have to be deleted where duplicates exist in column A and C. In our example the first three rows would meet the criteria and two of them have to be deleted. Content of Column B has to be merged with ";" but without duplicates. The result would then look like:


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Merge Column Data Over Multiple Rows

Dec 6, 2008

I know how to merge data in a CSV (see attachment) from 2 columns into a single cell using =A1&" | "&B2 so that A1 (Safety Products) plus B1 (Fire Protection) becomes Safety Products | Fire Protection in cell C1, but how can I do this across multiple rows so that each pair of names is combined in each row? The job I'm working with is a product CSV file that has 6370 lines so I don't want to do them one line at a time!

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How To Merge Two Rows If Specific Cell Is Blank

Apr 4, 2012

I'm trying to figure out the if conditions for this relatively simple problem. Basically, this is an import from a word document where the table strays onto a new page. I want to try and repair this with a bit of VBA.

This is what it looks like:

1: cell 1 |the content should all be in this cell
2: |but the import sometimes splits it into two
3: cell 2 |

Basically if and only if cell Ax is blank (in this example A2), then I want the rows to merge each cell and repair the table.

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Merge Duplicate Rows And Sum One Column - VBA Code?

Jun 2, 2012

In a big data sometimes I have identical rows (maybe the 'Quantity' column has different value). I would like to merge them into one and add the quantities together. I have to use B and C (I need both) to find out if these rows are identical.

For example:
A1=date B1=111222 C1=ABCD ... and G1=quantity (1)
A2=date B2=111222 C2=ABC ... and G2=quantity (1)
A3=date B3=111222 C3=ABCD ... and G3=quantity (2)[code]......

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Reconciling Two Databases - Possible To Merge Rows Of Data?

Mar 13, 2013

I have a dataset from Oracle that includes a study patient ID, study visit that a UC sample was collected at, date the sample was collected, and sample type. I also have a dataset from Quest, where the UC samples are sent to for testing, that contains similar information.

I need to reconcile this data, making sure that patient IDs, study visits and collection dates all match up with out using just vlookups and having to check the reverse of each (vlookup Quest into RDC, then vlookup RDC into Quest) and I've been wracking my brain trying to figure out VBA code to get my data from Oracle (orange header) to merge with Quest (blue header) and merge on Subject ID and Visit Name only.

In exhibit C, this is what ideally I would like to see as a result, data points from both are reported, but if Oracle subject id = Quest subject ID and Oracle Visit Name = Quest Visit Name, they are reported in the same row. I can then just run a simple formula to compare the collection dates and also identify discrepancies between visits (example: exhibit C, rows 10 and 11, these two UC samples look like they should reconcile because the collection date is actually the same for both, however either the study site or Quest is reporting the wrong study visit name).

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Remove Blank Rows, And Merge Into New Worksheet

Aug 27, 2009

I am a CAD person, trying to edit a large spreadsheet for reading into CAD.

I need to merge 2 worksheets into a 3rd.
Then search and delete the blank rows. (There is only 3 columns in the document, but can be as many as 5,000 rows or more)

The Cad program does not like blank rows, so I have to delete them if users insert them, and there may be several in a row. (Users need only edit one of the worksheet, No. 2)

The 3rd worksheet must then be saved to a Tab-Delimited txt file in the same location on the network as the xls document.

I am able to select the worksheets and copy to a 3rd, but how to go to the end of the data, before merging the other data from the 1st worksheet into the third.

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Insert New Row To Add More Rows To Merge Range With Wrap Text?

Aug 8, 2014

I have a sheet that has a section in range (c18:k25) (it is merged and text is wrapped) If that amount of space is not adequate to fit all their information I would like to add a macro that when activated it asks how many rows would you like to add and then based on that number whether it be 1-10 it would insert a new row to that merged range so they can continue adding more information . I have the sheet locked down to prevent changes so it would have to be unlocked and then re-locked within the macro.

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Moving Duplicate Rows To Columns For Mail Merge

Jul 28, 2008

to prepare an excel spreadsheet for a mailmerge but as all of the info for 1 recipient needs to be in columns instead of rows. I need to convert 2 columns' data into columns but only when there are duplicate invoices, see below;

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Combine/merge Row Cells Text Between Blank Rows

Jun 14, 2009

I have a large list of text in one column which i need to combine between blank rows into one cell or a new column, the number of rows to be combined varies.

for example





would become

aa bb
ww xx zz
gg hh ii jj

I have over 30000 lines so doing it by hand is not an option.

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Merge Selected Rows From Multiple Sheets Into One Sheet

Jul 14, 2009

I have around 150 excel files with sample data as follows in "sheet 1" of each workbook,

Excel doc 1:

Column 1Column 221Data 1Data 132Data 2

Excel doc 2:


Column 1Column 223Data 3Data 334Data 4

I want the rows with data in column 'B' and empty column 'C' from every sheet to be copied into 1 sheet.

Output to be as,

Final Excel doc:


Column 1Column 222Data 2
34Data 4

I have a VBA code sample to select the required files in a folder and run the macro over it. The VBA is as follows,

Sub Importxlsrows()
'Import all selected rows to one sheet
Dim xlsDoc As Object
Dim xlsFileName As Variant
Dim RowNo As Integer 'row number in excel
Dim iRow As Long 'row index in Excel

'probably here we need to insert the required logic

End With
Set xlsDoc = Nothing
End If
Next i
MsgBox "Required rows of selected files are imported into the sheet", vbInformation, "Done!"

End Sub

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Merge Duplicate Cells Or Keep Duplicates In One Column If One Of Rows Has Data

Apr 7, 2014

I have a huge document that looks like this

Column A______Column B_____Column C

I want to keep in ColumnA all three rows of 100/12, because it has a value in Column B in one cell-which is the criteria, and remove the 250/13 because it has no value in cell B.

I was assuming that merging duplicates in column A, and than remove empty from ColumnB.

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Mail Merge Multiple Rows In Excel To One Sheet For Reviews?

Aug 20, 2014

So Im working on a project where I want to take the reviews from our employees and put them on letters and email them out. Every employee has 1-4 reviews and multiple questions answered for each- normal mail merge would send someone 4 letters with the review info & I'd love to have it all pulled into one. I made a fake one & attached below. I've tried a couple of formulas I've seen online but none of them have worked.

fake feedback1.xlsx

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Excel 2013 :: Merge ALL Cells With Same Value In A Sheet (rows And Columns)

May 11, 2014

We are doing a graduation project on an international airport, consist of scheduling flights on check-in counters automatically.

long story short, we ended up with an excel sheet like this: Screen_Shot_2014-05-11_at_4.png

Were y-axis are the check-in counters and x-axis is the timeline horizon (cell per 5-minutes)

I will do a VLOOKUP, to change each flight number to it's ID from an other sheet.

But the problem is that i want to AUTO-MERGE all cells with same value, because they represent one flight! and if i shortened the column width i can't see anything.

I want it to be like this: (i've done this manually, and it's VERY time consuming with errors because we have to do it for all days.)


I googled for days, i only found Visual basic commands i guess? that only merge same rows. and they were poorly made. beside that it didn't work properly. Method to do it automatically?

EXCEL 2013

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Excel 2013 :: Merge ALL Cells With Same Value In A Sheet (Rows AND Columns)

May 11, 2014

We are doing a graduation project on an international airport, consist of scheduling flights on check-in counters automatically.

Excel sheet like this:

Were y-axis are the check-in counters and x-axis is the timeline horizon (cell per 5-minutes)

I will do a VLOOKUP, to change each flight number to it's ID from an other sheet.

But the problem is that i want to AUTO-MERGE all cells with same value, because they represent one flight! and if i shortened the column width i can't see anything.

I want it to be like this: (i've done this manually, and it's VERY time consuming with errors because we have to do it for all days.) Any method to do it automatically?

EXCEL 2013

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Merge Duplicate/Similiar Rows Keeping Data In Same Columns

Sep 1, 2008

After sorting and filtering rows with in a set range I will have several rows that are almost duplicates. This is normal and expected due to how the workbook is used. Among these rows also will be several single rows that are not duplicates. It is important that I combine any two duplicates into one row. Example:


1 NameA 0XX15930777PS101300PS9

2 NameA0XX15930777PS91200PS10

3 NameX1159XXP555FBX1545PS9

4 NameB0A1234P123PS101263PS9

5 NameB1A1234P123PS90512PS10

What I need is this end result:


1 NameA 0XX15930777PS91200PS10PS101300PS9

2 NameX1159XXP555FBX1545PS9

3 NameB1A1234P123PS90512PS10PS101263PS9

It’s important that the data in each column stay with in that same column. Also of course it needs to be on the same row with the same person (NameA and NameB). The Columns that would determine if it’s a duplicate are D and E –. I would need this to be preformed via macro or some easy way so that others will not have a hard time. It will be on a protected Shared Workbook with Excel 2003. I've enclosed a Sample. How can I sort these or accomplish this and maintain the data where it needs to be?

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