Copy From Template And Select Any Sheet That Starts With S And Copy / Paste This Template To
Aug 19, 2008
I have a list of invoice #'s on a sheet named "Temp Sheet".
I have a VBA macro that created a new tab for each entry and named it the invoice #. So basically the vba code created a new tab ( based on the number of invoice #'s on my list ), and named each tab an invoice number. So if I had a list of 10 invoice #'s, named S1-S10, the vba code created 10 tabs, named S-1, S-2,. S-3.....
Now to my question.
I have a template sheet I want to copy from ( "Template" ), and select any sheet that starts with "S", and copy/paste this template to.
how to create a copy of my employee attendance template. Is there a way to create a copy of the template by entering an employee name in the "name" cell of the template and it automatically renames the sheet that employee name and also saves or recopies the template for use with the next employee?
picking things up. At the moment I am trying to create a macro using VBA to do the following in this exact order:
1. Delete Column A and B (once only) 2. Automatically pick up credit card number (In column A) 3. Copy all instances of this credit card number (and all data on same row) 4. Open a template I have set up 5. Paste the copied data onto a specific sheet on this template 6. Save as file name "xxxx - branch name - XXXX - DDMMMYY" 7. Repeat (loop?) this for all credit card numbers on the sheet.
There are approximately 90 credit cards, and I need a new workbook for each one to work on separately.
I have a template sheet which i want to copy in to same workbook but want it to be renamed using a name which i fill in on a seperate sheet "articles". But I only want the template copied with the new name every time i fill in a new name in the sheet "articles". Also this procedure may not overwrite existing sheets.
So there is not a predipefined table in articles but rather it grows each time I need a new copy of template.
1) I created a one-sheet template, and a new workbook from that sheet. When in that new workbook I go Insert>Sheet>Other and select the aforementioned one-sheet template, Excel crashes, or if not, it adds the new sheet, but then no longer saves the workbook and starts producing error messages (like: "An unexpected error has ocurred. AutoRecover has been disabled for this session of Excel.").
1a) Now, the complication is that this is working when I do a model operation with a generic template sheet. So I checked the template that I actually want to form sheets after, and Excel finds no errors, nor does it's name contain any unusual characters. What could Excel prevent from working with a template like this?
2) How do I edit a template? The only way I can find is to manually find the spot in finder, open, and save with the same name. But: if I do that, the documents basing on that template don't change accordingly. If they're intended not to, the whole template procedure makes no sense. I could then just as well copy a file. — I've been searching for tutorials on that, but google doesn't even return a single result on Excel "edit template". Therefor my very basic question here.
I need to write a VBA code which will read the CSV files from a folder by opening the CSV files , then copy the contents of csv file into another EXCEL template already present in the same xls template.
The XLS template has tabs named like "UAT2D" and i want the csv file data to paste in the particular xls tab which is blank initially. But what is happening my code open the required CSV , copy the data and insert the CSV into the xls template by creating the new tab. see the code A below
I have created a template with a Worksheet called "Certificate".
There is a userform that is opened on Auto_Open of this template and allows a file name and some other parameters to be input.
On pressing the OK button on this form, I want to do the following.
1. Create a new XLS workbook with the file name entered on the form (this includes the full Windows folder address).
2. Copy the Certificate workbook from the template across to this new file.
3. Close the original template (maybe closing needs to be done at the end??) and make the "Certifcate" worksheet in the new workbook the active worksheet.
4. Using the parameters entered on the userform, change the details in "Certificate" (this code is already written but not set up for the new workbook - currently it updates the template "Certificate" worksheet)
I'm unsure how to adapt the code to suit my needs.
I have an Excel workbook that is created a few times a month from a template. When I update it I run a macro that saves a values only copy with the current date. I'd like to copy non-blank rows (from row 8 down) into the first empty row in a master workbook that is saved on a network drive. The path to the master workbook is "B:8MPBGTrade Pre-AdviceBG Trade Confirm Master.xls"
I will try to keep a version control of a template I develop on an ongoing basis. The version number I will try and use to provide an easy way to upgrade any file based on an older version of the template by simply copying values that reside in cells that I see on a list of named ranges into a file that is a copy of the new template.
1: I will use the version control suggested by Tom Ogilvy in And keep the version number in a property named "Version".
2: I have a hidden sheet named "config" in which i have a list of cells holding the names of all the ranges that must be copied. The list of named ranges is right below a cell named "Config_values_to_copy", so range("Config_values_to_copy").offset(1,0).value holds the name of a range (e.g. "Priority_Column") in which case there is a column off values there, that must be copied to a blank instance of a new template and placed in the same named range.
3: I will keep the newest version of the xls-file (template) - not as a xlt file, just xls for now somewhere - on the LAN in a specific folder and always have the name of the latest version being: "Risc and issue documentation Template, latest version.xls" (If possible I will manually include the version number into the file name instead, and make sure that there is only one file in the particular folder.) For this help let's just say that the folder is local "C:latest-version-template" I think that this can somehow be done based in parts on the answer Ron de Bruin gives to this topic - but I am not sure that it is all there...
4: When a user opens a workbook based on the template a control button named something like "check for new template version" should be accessible - alternatively I will hide the code and do this when the user opens the file.
5: Now here goes: The code must somehow check current version from step (1) against the version found in the folder with the latest-greatest version of this template. If the template available in that folder is newer than the template that this current file is based upon, then prompt the user if he wants to upgrade. If YES then I must somehow iterate throught the named ranges and copy all the values onto a copy of the new template and afterwards save this intelligently on the users harddrive.
I imagine using this kind of iteration to go through the named ranges - this code is altered a bit from elsewhere in the file:
i=1 While Len(Range("Config_values_to_copy").Offset(i, 0).Value) > 1 ' As long as I am in this loop, then I have values that must be copied to the new workbook. [new workbook!] Range(Range("Config_values_to_copy").Offset(i, 0).Value).Value = Range(Range("Config_values_to_copy").Offset(i, 0).Value).Value i = i + 1 Wend
Can I do this - how do I copy a version of the newer template and paste the values (by value) into the identical named ranges? Probably the line
I Have a number(30+) of excel files based off of one template. I have since updated the template, thus making the the old ones obsolete. Is there a way to update the older files to use the new template without having to copy and paste the addition's row by row column by column?
None of the additions to the template will change the placement of existing data, nor will it change the data itself. It will however add Values to cells that were previously empty.
We have a workbook that we create each month that has one worksheet per day of the month, labeled 12_01_2011, 12_02_2011, 12_13_2011...etc. The pages are an empty template with formulas and fields in place that we simply copy and paste the results of an SQL query into. Presently, we are copying the page manually several times over, and then manually renaming the pages with the new dates for the upcoming month.
So, here is my question. Macro that I might use that would:
1) Make a copy of the template for each day of the month.
2) Label each page in sequence with the dates for the upcoming month.
Here is what i want to do. # I have a workbook say 'Template', which has two columns: ColA -> Names , ColB -> Value, his acts as a template, i.e a budget. # Another workbook 'sample' which has similar ColA(may contain additional rows) and corresponding value in ColB.
Here is what i need::
I need to copy the contents of ColA and ColB of 'sample' wholse ColB valules are greater than ColB values of 'Template' for corresponding ColA values in both, into a new workbook. SO basically, template acts as a budget check for the sample workbook, and if any value in ColB goes above the budget in template, it will show up in the new workbook. I have attached both the workbooks. Basically the red highlighted cells in Sample are the ones i want in a new workbook.
I am looking to create a macro that will create a new sheet when data is added on a summary sheet. Example.
1. Summary sheet called "Variations" contains columns that will contain the information needed for new sheet (Columns A to D)
2. When data is entered on "Variations" sheet: Column B, then macro automatically creates new sheet renamed to e.g. VO1 (Number used on "Variations" tab) and is a copy of "Master" tab.
3. Data entered in Column A to D on "Variations" tab is automatically entered onto new sheet created (e.g VO1). Shown is blue on attached file. Additional data is updated on "VO1" sheet and this then links back to "Variations" tab
I have what is probably a simple request to all the VBA experts out there, and simply want to take a template sheet in a workbook and copy it across to 100 sheets numbered/named 101 -200, and add the name of each sheet as a text reference, e.g. sheet name 101 will have a cell within the worksheet that refers to sheet 101.
I have attached a simplified spreadsheet which indicates what i'm trying to achieve.
I've attached 2 test files, one is the database master file containing the projects (each row represents a project, unique reference number in column A) and the other is the blank template file i'm hoping to export data into and then save down with the naming convention "column A_column B.xlsx"
Kept the test files simple but would need to modify any code to apply to much larger database consisting of many more fields etc.
i have created a diary using multiple tabs. I would now like to create a template that i can paste into the multiple tabs. I have tried to copy and paste but the format ends up all wrong, I would also like to paste all the tabs in one go Regards Johnt Auto Merged Post;I dont have to paste anything all i have to do is select all sheets on the first page and then design my template on that page which will show on all pages
I have a template file for ordering trafolyte and steel plates. I have added macros to this template file. The existing macros do the following (shortly described):
Macro 1: clears order Macro 2: update order date + send a read only file to the supplier of plates + save a read only copy of the file into one of three folders acc to info in one of the cells.
It's the Macro 2 I want to edit.
I want to add a "function" which copy a selection of data.column A to N from row 12 to 548 but only the rows where there is a value in column A.
Row 1 to 11 includes standard order info and Macro buttons. Row 11 includes the heading for order data.
For everytime someone click on the Macro 2 button in the template file, I want the selection to be paste into the first "available" row in a "Total list" file.
The "Total list" file may have to be open (or a function to open, paste selection and then close the "Total list" file may be added)
File and Folder info:
To simplify suggestions, the following file and path info can be used (I can change to the correct later): Template file name: template_order.xlsm Template file location: \servershared emplate
Total list file name: total_list.xlsx Total list file location: \servershared otal
Selection info:
The template file exists of a "general order info area" A1:N10 The column heading for order data is located at A11:N11 The selection to be copied is A12:N550 - But only rows where column A includes data (not empty). (If the spesific order consists of 14 plates than there will be item no 1-14 in column A and I then I want to copy A12:N25 (row 25 will be item 14).
When I try to use record macro it looks like it only records what's happening in the template file - It doesn't record the pasting in the total list.
I made a thread about this last week but I don't think I was very clear about what wanted so now I'm going to describe it more in detail. I work at a place that takes care of boats and also offers to store them during the winter. Now I have created a template which consists of one work order and one invoice so when a new customer arrives I open up my template and fill out the work order. But then when the customer comes back next year and wants something else done with his boat I need a new work order but in the same document. So I need to add another work order as a new sheet. The only way I can think of now is to copy an old work order and then paste it but that would take too long time to do every time and I would also have to change the width of all columns. So my question is: Is there some easier way to do this? Basically what I want is a quick way to add either a work order or an invoice as a new sheet. Link to my old thread:
I am creating a macro to create a new sheet that is a template that has already been created. I want to create a variable that references this new sheet so I can use it in a sum function.
Here is what I have:
Sub TotalSum() ' ' TotalSum Macro Sheets("Sheet1").Select Sheets.Add Type:="C:Users cweberDesktopNCR & NDE TEMPLATE.xltx" ' Dim WS As Worksheet
WS = ActiveSheet.Select -------> I want to reference WS as this newly created template.
I have a master template with columns running from A to Q. Most of what she wanted is fairly simple 'if' statements, however she also wants to move the contents of one cell to an adjacent sell based on the number exceeding a certain value,
My problems start when I want to create a new sheet/tab and let her name it. I would have simply created 12 months for her, unfortunately there is a sheet for a number of people and the start of the year can vary. My simple solution was to create a macro that copies the original Template (effectively sheet 1) and puts it into the newly created tab. However this does not copy the above VBA code across
I'll start with the attachment since it's always easier:
Attachment 327508
This file is far from finished so there is some useless stuff there. What I'm interested in is in the sheet RecapTable (and in Etiq1 to Etiq4).
I'd like to write a macro that'll populate my Etiq1 -> 4 according to the RecapTable. Data would be set up as in Etiq1 A1:A3.
I don't have to have 4 template sheets and it could change if it's easier to do something else. The goal is to print labels so I maybe only 1 Etiq is needed, and the macro could populate, print, erase, finish populating, print again
1. Count entries in RecapTable (found something that does that! yeey!)
n = Worksheets("RecapTable").Range("A:A").Cells.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants).count
((2. Divide that by 65 (which is the number of labels per sheet) and round at upper number. For example: if n=100, 100/65 = 1.54 so 2 sheets needed)) [maybe a useless thing to do]
[Assuming I only populate 2 cells]
If v is the row# in RecapTable, If w is the column# in RecapTable, If x is the row# in Etiq, If y is the column# in Etiq, v=1, w=1, x=1
I would like to take certain cells from 1 sheet, and import them into a template to organize leads
Im importing information from a list of leads that have the following info:
To a information block, where I can fit about 5 - 10 leads per printed sheet
I know i need a template then import the data sheets to that template.. I do not know anything about making these templates. or how to import data from one sheet to another... I have looked and tried to find this info without asking, but have not had any luck...
*Inserts an existing worksheet template and places it at the end (or after all) the existing worksheets.
What I would like the macro to also do is:
*Automatically rename the inserted worksheet (via my worksheet template) in sequence to the existing worksheets
Example: So let's say I have 3 existing worksheets titled Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3 (that's basically the default naming Excel uses). But would when I insert a new worksheet (via my worksheet template) it is shown as Sheet. And if I insert another one, it would be Sheet (2). So basically it is showing as such:
Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet, Sheet (2)
What I would like the macro to do is automatically rename those last 2 worksheets (and any subsequent worksheets thereafter) in sequential order. Basically displaying it as such:
Sheet1, Sheet2, Sheet3, Sheet4, Sheet5...(and so on and so forth)
I have 8 different workbooks which is 100% similar. Only values registred on each sheet is different. the format and rows/columns are the same.
The sheets is something that changes, when I want to improve layout etc. I have one Template book where I do the changes and try to export this to the other books (call it upgrades). For macro moduls it works nice, just replace.
The problem is the sheets. When I have changed a sheet, replace it, it would not adopt values from the other sheets.
Ex. In sheet 2 I have named the cell 'B60' for U_KU in the new sheet 1 I expect at using =U_KU in cell I7 would adopt the values from B60 in sheet 2. But nope.
I can see that there is an link to the template workbook in edit ->linkage. Would this cause problem?
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler Dim createsheet As Integer createsheet = MsgBox("Do you want to Create a Sheet for Uncontrolled Discharge?" & vbNewLine & "NOTE: if the sheet already exists, you cannot create a sheet with the same date - select NO", vbYesNo, "Caution")
[Code] ...
ErrorHandler: MsgBox "There is already a Sheet Created for that Date.", vbCritical End If
Right will pop up the error message but it will still create a "template" sheet with the suffix (2), (3), etc... instead of canceling the create new worksheet operation.
I have .Raw data in 3 different configurations, which can be opened in Excel.
I want to automatically extract relevant data (Columns) from these 3 different types of .Raw data before running analysis using chart using Macros.
Now here is the problem, Data from the .Rawdata needs to be accumulated. That is, I have multiple sheets of excel, which I have to open manually and extract specific data from individual columns onto another sheet to accumulate every data before running analysis.
How to tackle this situation?
1. Able to detect the right type .Raw data for use in Excel. 2. Extract data from many excel onto one main sheet, using Macros.