Numeric Up Down Tool On Userform

May 18, 2009

Do we have NumericUpDown Tool Control in MS Excel 2003 that can be employed on a userform. The one similar to the numericupdown of VB.NET. I want to restrict user to input only numerals. Though I can use IsNumeric Validation in Textbox_Change event but still I was curious to know if there is any other in-built function in MS Excel.

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How To Work With RefEdit Tool Within A Userform!

Dec 4, 2008

how to work with RefEdit tool within a userform!

eg: say I use RefEdit to select a range and I want that range to be in Bold.

Just give me a small code using RefEdit to perform the above action. I hope then I can use it in a larger way.

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Extracting A Numeric A Specific Numeric String From A Description Cell

Oct 22, 2009

I am trying to do is extract the volume size of products in 'ml'
from 10k plus products from a description field cell.
this description field could also contain the weight of the product in grams
so I cannot just do a search for a numeric string ,
it has to be associated with the milli-litres statement .

is is possible to do a sort of ' *ml ' search and then select and copy to another cell ???

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Convert Numeric And Scientific Symbol To Numeric Only

Jun 4, 2014

I have a column of several thousand entries listed as numeric with a scientific symbol eg.

19.53mSv/1mSv (some have a mix and or alpha/numeric range)

I want to convert them to the numeric value only. I'm extracting to a chart which is not recognising the alpha and throwing the data out. I tried find and replace, trying various options within the 'replace format' tab with no joy.

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Finding A Non Numeric (or Numeric) Character In A Field

Sep 1, 2008

I have a few thousand products codes (i.e ABCD123BLA08 or SHU267BLA) They are non standardised in length or structure. I wish to pull out everything upto the end of the third numeric digit.( ie ABCD123 and SHU267) I cannot use left as they are all different lengths. Ideally i would serach for a non numeric char after the number then use left up to that point. Search can't do this, FIND can't do this.

ABCD123BLA08 would be ABCD123
SHU246BLU would be SHU246
I147ORT08-12 would be I147

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If Statement Numeric Or Alpha Numeric

Jan 12, 2010

I have a column that has cells with values as

C084111X AA
A001290U AA

I want to write an If Statement is a column next to each entry that denotes two options either Broker or Agent. Where the code is say 19352510 then Broker and where it is say C084111X AA then Agent.

Broker codes will never contain a letter. The Agent code will always start and finish with a letter.

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Tool Bar Menu

Feb 18, 2008

Within the 'tools' menu option you have 'Macros'. On a standard tool bar you have the option to record a new macro, edit......, however sometime last week I created a custom button and placed icons on my tool bars that allowed me to click them to record new or run custom made macros. After a clicking the 'custom macro' buttons a few times by mistake, I decided to remove the custom buttons in the hope of returning the macro options (within the 'Tools' menu option) back to normal. However this has not been the case. Now I have no option to record a new macro the the 'tools' menu has disappeard. Please could someone tell me how I can reset the 'Tools' menu system back to normal?

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Translation Tool

Dec 17, 2006

I am trying to create a simple translation tool for my product catalog, which is in Japanese, to English.

I have the Japanese and the English terms listed in a file (say, File A) in Col A and Col B which will keep increasing every week.

I want to create a macro which goes thru this list and replaces ALL the Japanese terms to English in "ALL THE SHEETS OF THE PRODUCT CATALOG" (say, File B) .

I have created a button in File A so that when I press this button, I browse my computer, select the file (product catalog) to be translated, replace all the Japanese terms to English terms in ALL THE SHEETS and saves it under a different filename.

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Using The Thesaurus Tool In VBA

Apr 1, 2009

I'm a big fan of the old crossword these days so i decide that i will try and create a crossword creator in excel!

problem is i'm not sure how to use the Thesaurus tool?

Lets say i have a string in cell A1 how would i modify the string using the thesaurus?

also any idea how i can randomly generate a word?

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Time Tool New

May 31, 2009

I have an application that I attached to this post, which I have been working on, for the last four or months, in my free time on the weekends and the last part I need some help with. The doc has been updated with new macros and a chart.

I would like help with a macro that I can activate and cause a message box to appear when I open the excel doc. I would like also to be able to activate the message box and its associated macros after the document has been opened. If you look on Sheet1 of the attachment you’ll get an idea of where I am trying to go with the message box. I would like it to have

- Message “The Current Time is (Macro puts current computer time here)”
- Question “How much time do you have?” then beneath this question
- Blank field labeled Hour to give answer
- Blank field labeled Minute to give answer

Depending on the current time on the computer as well as the hour and minute entered, a macro with a matching title (each macro includes a time, hour, and minute in its Sub name) a code in VBA will be selected that fits that criterion. For example, let’s say it is 5:30am and I entered 1 hr and 15 min in the empty fields of the message box. As a result the macro named “Sub Hour1Min15time530am” will be activated. Also due to the fact that the macros I have are in 15 min intervals the code would need to round to the nearest time, so if it was 5:33am when I ran the code the macro would default to 5:30am whereas if it was 5:39am when I ran the code the macro would default to 5:45am. You’ll see time controls at the bottom of the application. If I can get the code I am looking for those are going to be removed.

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Program Search Tool

Jun 3, 2009

I am making a Program search tool for my company. I would like the operator to type a part number into a cell. If the part number is valid (from a master list on a different sheet), then I would like to pull the information from the master list and populate a few cells on the search worksheet.


An operator types: "W3303-01" in a cell and clicks a button. The macro would populate cells on that worksheet with information from another worksheet that pertains to "W3303-01"

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Time Management Tool

May 2, 2009

I have 143 macros, but I put 8 of them here b/c the post would not go through with all of them. I couldn't fit all of them on an attachment either b/c the file size was too big. However, I have this goal I have been working on for the last three months on the weekends and the last part.

I would like help with a macro that I can add onto the ones I have. I would like the macro to activate and cause a message box to appear when I open the excel doc. I would like also to be able to activate the message box and its associated macros after the document has been opened.

I would like the message box to have
- Message “The Current Time is (Macro puts current computer time here)”
- Question “How much time do you have?” then beneath this question
- Blank field labeled Hour to give answer
- Blank field labeled Minute to give answer

Depending on the current time on the computer as well as the hour and minute entered, a macro with a matching title from the list below will be selected that fits that criterion. For example, let’s say it is 5:30am and I entered 1 hr and 15 min in the empty fields of the message box. As a result the macro named “Sub Hour1Min15time530am” will be activated. Also due to the fact that the macros I have are in 15 min intervals the code would need to round to the nearest time, so if it was 5:33am when I ran the code the macro would default to 5:30am whereas if it was 5:39am when I ran the code the macro would default to 5:45am.

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Batch Tool Or Code

May 24, 2007

i have about 500 excel files that are built to specific format, only some data changes.

I need to make same changes to all the 500 files, so i'm asking that is there any kind of tool (free/commecial) that can batch changes to all files?

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Grouping Buttons On Tool Bar

Jan 25, 2007

I want to let my buttons on tool bar in group status, there is a saparator bar between two groups, what can I do? I tried but no any result.

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Count How Many Unique Users Are Using Tool?

Jan 21, 2014

I have 2 sheets, one with users and a tool they have been using, and one with a list of unique users, I would like to count how many unique users are using a tool. The sheets are set up like so,

Sheet 1
User Tool (number of uses)
abcdefg 1
hijklmn 5
1234567 1
1234567, abcdefg, opqurst 2
wxyz123 0

Sheet 2 Have they used the tool


So yes, I am trying to count whether or not the unique users have used the tool, this is a simplifed version as my data set runs into the thousands. I was using the countifs function, but that doesnt count properly if theres more than one user in the group.

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Simple Two Circle Venn Tool

May 14, 2009

I've been look for an excel tool to draw venn diagrams with the 'circle' size in propartion to the set (population) sizes and the correct degree of intersect.
Having no luck I've made one myself - it's not pretty (the code sure is ugly) but it get's the job done.

May not work in versions earlier than xl07 - haven't been able to test

So take a look - pull it to pieces all you want.

Attachment contains Macros

Orginal text in thread:
Silly question..but that's never held me back.

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Creating Find Tool For Directory

Apr 27, 2008

I am preparing Vendors' Directory for our company. This Directory has different products listed in seperate sheets. The names, phone numbers and address of various vendors' are listed in each sheet.

My problem is that I want to create a new sheet with a find tool that will search particular name of the product or the vendor from all the sheets (say product A, product B) and list out complete information in single page.

I have attached a sample excel sheet which is supposed to search the name "Daniel" from sheets - Product A and Product B and list it out in the first sheet. The sample does not work.

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Can Add Heading To Hide Tool Bars?

Mar 9, 2012

I use this code to hide the tool bars in a workbook, the code works but when I go to a new sheet the row and column headings are visible. I tried several things that didn't work.

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
With Application
.DisplayFullScreen = True

[Code] ..........

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How To Use Camera Icon Tool Using Macro

Jul 9, 2012

How to use the Camera Icon Tool using a Macro?

I want to copy the First Row which is the Column heading of one Sheet to a different Sheet
Example : From Col A till Col G First Row is to be copied as an Image. Normally I do it using the Camera Icon, however when I tried recording a Macro for the same it did not work..

So how do I that if I provide the Start Column and End Column Alphabet as a Variable is that possible.. I want this Image to not remain Volatile which is the case using the Camera Tool..

So, how do i get the picture of only the first row or any row and store it is an Image in a different sheet as static picture so that even when the sheet is moved to a different location it does not make a difference to the Image.

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Next Order Number Tool In Excel?

Aug 16, 2013

I have an upholstery business and I have created a workbook containing multiple sheets (proposal, invoice, sales order log, etc.. ) Following, I have saved it in Template format, which I open and save by order number somewhere else. The issue is, I don't know how to track what the last order number I used was....

Is there anything I can work using excel that will allow me to make that easier without having to go open a window and looking at the last order number after arranging the workbooks by name inside a folder?

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Calculating Logistics Cost Tool

May 21, 2014

I am a Supply Chain intern at a company for the summer. One project I have been given is to create a tool in excel that allows our purchasing people to type in certain inputs (origin, destination, etc.) to calculate the total cost of shipping an item from a supplier in anywhere from china, to somewhere locally. I am gathering quotes for shipping via ocean and truck. How can I get where I enter in one location, say shanghai, china, shipping to another location, say Norfolk, VA, and get the total mileage difference to show?

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Date Change/format Tool

Aug 17, 2007

way the date are shown can be changed by the date format tool, provided the date was entered the correct way. I think we are missing each other. I think the way the date was entered (17.08.07) and converted to (17/08/07) was good. At first it was in text so one wouldnt have known whether it will be taken as yymmdd, ddmmyy, mmddyy etc. well it end up like as 17(yy), 08(mm), 07(dd) instead as 17(dd), 08(mm) and 07(yy). My Q now is is there a way (formula) to swap these orders around...?

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Column Header As Sort Tool

Apr 14, 2008

Came across a spreadsheet that my firm created, where you can click on the column header and it automatically sorts ascending order for the column without messing up the other columns. Then if you double click it again, it will sort in reverse order.

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Race Car Driver Comparision Tool

Jul 30, 2006

1: two colums of data for each car (lap distance covered and speed). Now each driver is going to decide to brake at different points.
2: i have coner data (eg corner 1 is at 150meters to 200 meters, corner 2 is at etc)
3. I am trying to create something that will do the following.

determine the lap distance at which the driver is braking (the point where speed decreases). I would like to do this for each corner and each driver. I am struggling to find a way of determining how to read the "lap distance" value when the corresponding "speed" value stops increasing and actually starts to decrease. This is the point at which the driver is braking

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Stop Tool Tip Flicker On Mouse Over

Nov 9, 2006

In my application threr are command buttons. it is required that as the user place the mouse pointer on the button a tool tip should be displayed which describes the functionality of the button. i have used a lable and its default visibility is set as false. In the mouse move event of the buttons i am making the visibility of the level true. Its working fine but my problem is due to mouse move all the buttons and an image in the sheet flikers. so how to avoid the flikering? Is there any other method to display the tool tip with out using the mouse move event.

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Create A Search Tool Within Excel Sheet?

Apr 16, 2012

I've created a spreadsheet containing 200+ entries for my companies suppliers. These include their name/code, contact emails and contact number. This list is far more easily accessible as it saves the user having to bring up the suppliers details within our own bespoke software. However what seemed like a nifty spreadsheet has quickly turned into a giant mush of details with no way to quickly find the one you want without scrolling down to the one you want.create a function/tool that can allow me to type the contact name in cell "X" and have Excel take me to the suppliers line in the table?

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Default Property Of Protect Sheet Tool

Mar 13, 2013

I would like to know how to set default property of protect sheet tool to check the desired boxes. This because I have written the vba code to unprotect the sheet for some purpose and then protect back but after that there are only 2 boxes that ticked. I want to have another boxes to be ticked too.

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General Excel Search Tool For All The Functions?

Jun 30, 2013

Is there any excel-addin which offers function in which you could search any excel function (not just formula) so that you could access any function in a seconds, just like google desktop search for windows.

Right now you could use quick access for most common functions you use and shortcuts for functions in different group. But if there is universal search for all the functions, it is going to be faster for any access!

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VLOOKUP - To Create A Cross Reference Tool

Mar 24, 2008

I'm using VLOOKUP to create a Cross Reference tool. CR is my "anchor" page that I'm attempting to tie the remaining worksheets WIT,TEC,COP back to the CR worksheet. I'm able to get VLOOKUP to work on the CR worksheet in columns H & I but unable to get the VLOOKUP to work in column J. The VLOOKUP function is entered but it does not return a value that I know exists in worksheet COP.

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Hidden Tool Bars Come Back After Minimized?

Mar 21, 2012

I have the below code that hides some tool bars when the workbook is opened. If I min the screen, then max again the toolbars are back, is there a way to prevent this?

Option Explicit

Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
On Error Resume Next
With Application
.DisplayFullScreen = False
.CommandBars("MyToolbar").Enabled = False
.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = True

[Code] ........

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