Column Header As Sort Tool
Apr 14, 2008
Came across a spreadsheet that my firm created, where you can click on the column header and it automatically sorts ascending order for the column without messing up the other columns. Then if you double click it again, it will sort in reverse order.
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Apr 3, 2014
I want to rearrange(sort asscending) columns based on numerical value in column header string through VBA macro. Please check attachment.
i.e. (Present Data)
# A B C D
1 col.1 col.4 col.3 col.2
(Output Data )
# A B C D
1 col.1 col.2 col.3 col.4
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May 7, 2014
find macros to sort fixed ranges but not an entire column with existing header rows from 1 to 4.
Added to that is the need to keep the code compatible with Excel 2003 even though I have Excel 2010 at office (it's a file that needs to be "openable" in both versions so the vb code needs to be in XL 03.
Column currently starts at C5 but goes down to C47, at this point. But it's a growing list. Some of the rows are blank at the bottom, too.
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Jan 17, 2010
Attached is an example page. My goal is to be able to click on one of the header cells, and have it sort that column from high to low, and if I click that same cell have it sort from low to high. I know how to do this by making a command button, but, I want to do it by clicking on the cell itself. I just dont know how to do the onclick to execute the code.
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Jul 19, 2007
what is the code to sort a spreadsheet in VBA code by HEADER rows?
i have 2 rows i want to sort by: first by Column D row 1, then by column C row 1.
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("D2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range("C2") _
, Order2:=xlAscending, Header:=xlGuess, OrderCustom:=1, MatchCase:= _
False, Orientation:=xlTopToBottom, DataOption1:=xlSortNormal, DataOption2 _
selects all cells, sorts, then de-selects.
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Jul 25, 2007
I have a spreadsheet which contains a list of chemicals in Column A, and a list of numbers in Column B. The chemicals are separated into groups. I am trying to create a macro which sorts the chemicals in their groups by column B, so that the lowest number is at the top. I have 8 groups, and the number of lines in each group may vary, so I need to make the code dynamic.
I have attempted it. The way I thought it could be done was to search for the first group header, then save the address. Do the same for the next group header, then offset that by -1 row and 1 column, then sort using these two addresses as the range. The first part of the code works, where I find the address for both group headers, but everything after that doesn't work.
Sub Sort()
Dim CNMT(8) As String
Dim j As Integer
Dim fromRow As String
Dim toRow As String
Dim rng1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range
CNMT(1) = "TPH Fractions"
CNMT(3) = "PAHs"
CNMT(4) = "VOCs"
CNMT(5) = "SVOCs"
CNMT(6) = "Metals"
CNMT(7) = "Inorganics"
CNMT(8) = "Pesticides"
For j = 1 To 8..................
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Apr 30, 2008
I have two header rows on a sheet that I need to sort starting on Row 3, Column A.
The sheet is A-K and rows 1 and 2 are headers
Row 1 has merged cells of A-F which says "Information" and then G-K " Tracking Section"
Row 2 is broken up into individual sub-headers in columns, A-K each one having a bit more info for instance:
Under the "Information" merged header in row 1 there is
A2 Name
B2 Work Center
C2 C/O date
D2 Due CC
E2 Due MX
F2 Date Received
and G-K in row 2 has different sub-headings.
I have tried to use my normal code, which is great for one header, but it ends up sorting the sub-header as I call it...
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Feb 25, 2009
I would like to create a list covering multiple columns.
I would like to have 5 columns which will contain the same value/ (word).
If I select,that value from the list, I would like to have each row the word is
found be displayed regardless of which row it is found.
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Oct 7, 2009
In the worksheet "Batting and Pitching Register", I'd like to be able to sort the data in the two charts (APBA Batting Register and APBA Pitching Register) by simply clicking on the cells in the respective header rows.
I've set up ranges (Batting and Pitching), but have had no luck moving beyond that.
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Aug 6, 2008
In row 1 I want to have the names of servers, so we would have A C D E
Under each of those I want to have 4 other columns, so A would have on row 2 Start, End, Data, Time, or something like that.
Then B would have under it Start, End, Data, Time
And so on for C D ...
I would then want to sort it by the top level row, so if I had to insert B at the end I could sort it so it would be
A B C D E with all of the Start End Data and Time for the server to be moved along with it's master header.
I tried setting this up but then I went to sort it told me it could only sort if the columns were the same size, so having a merged top level A with four things under it did not work.
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Nov 18, 2011
I've been trying find an appropriate formula to extract the column header from a table in a different sheet if the row header and value in that table is known.
in the lookup table the row titles (column A) are product codes, column titles (row 2, D through AX) are business names and the table values are quantity.
In a different table I have product codes in column A and in column B i have the max number/quantity of products for that code. In column C i want to put the company name associated with the product and the number/quantity.
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Jul 9, 2014
I have an issue with an export file which is produced in CSV format and needs to be aligned. I have attached a sample of what I refer to.
My Source excel file looks like:
ABC A-101 B - 202
DEF B-203 C - 100
The destination should align with the relevant column headers and place a blank if it doesn't match. Other have queried a similar thing, however my header and data and description is actually in the same cell with a dash separating them.
The output I want is:
ABC 101 202
DEF 203 100
There are multiple row of employees with varied column headings as its dependent on what system access the user has. The headings i.e. A,B,C for example is a fixed number of headers.
In my real data set the headers represents a 3 letter system prefix e.g. ZCR,ILP etc
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Apr 25, 2014
For column "B" count all the 1's if column header is equal to name in column A.
For Column "C" needs to be checked if a value was filled in column "I" if yes then check if in column "L" has a value, count all these values.
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Jan 13, 2014
Using DataEntry sheet for data.
Trying to rearrange the data to DataFormatedProperly sheet.
So far all I can accomplish is DataFormatedWrong sheet.
Edit: Not sure what happened but file was NOT understandable before. It should be correct now.
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Jul 25, 2014
I am trying to write a formula where the column header of the row in which a value other than 0 exists, will display for each instance (row) where a value exists in an array spanning 3 columns. So the result cell could be any of the three column headers, or a combination thereof.
I started the formula in P2 of the GL Detail-2012 tab. File attached.
Here is what I started: =INDEX($M$1:$O$1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($M$2:$O$67756,))). Not working.
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Jul 22, 2014
I would like to display the column header of the row in which a value other than 0 exists in a cell for each instance that value exists in an array spanning 3 columns. So the result cell could be any of the three column headers.
I started the formula in P2 of the GL Detail-2012 tab. (FILE TOO BIG)
Resin Sand Eliminated Segment
- (12,896.65)-
- (6,570.85) -
- (11,503.80) -
- (13,188.50) -
If there is any value other than 0 in Resin, Sand or Eliminated columns, return that column's header under Segment.
Here is what I started: =INDEX($M$1:$O$1,SUMPRODUCT(COUNTIF($M$2:$O$67756,)))
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Feb 7, 2014
I have the following sample data set and I'm trying to return the appropriate column header based on criteria (i.e. DDD) and a number value which will be somewhere within the range of the table. In example below, the value returned should be Header 2 because the value is greater than those in Header 1 column (range H9 to L26).
Here's data table:
CriteriaHeader 1Header 2Header 3Header 4
DDD10.00Header 1>>>=INDEX($I$9:$L$9,MATCH(I29,INDEX($I$10:$L$26,MATCH(H29,$H$10:$H$26),)))
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Mar 3, 2014
[Code] ......
This works, UNLESS "My Column Header" is the last column, or second to last column, then it jumps left two columns, instead of landing on the correct column.
The purpose of this script is to select a cell directly in that column that I was searching for.
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Sep 18, 2012
I need a formula to return column header if there is data in the column, any data.But I also need to return the second, third, fourth header with data too
In column A row 2, I have =IF(M8"",$M$1,IF(N8"",$N$1,IF(O8"",$O$1,IF(P8"",$P$1,IF(Q8"",$Q$1,IF(R8"",$R$1,IF(S8"",$S$1,IF(T8"",$T$1,""))))))))
This returns the row 1 header for the first instance of data in row 2 columns M thru T But in B2, I need the second header with data in the column.
I need the results in yellow (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th) from the array to it's left
1St match2nd 3rd 4thColumn MColumn NColumn OColumn PColumn QColumn R
Column MColumn PColumn QData data2Data3
Column NColumn OColumn PColumn R Data Data2 data3 data4
Would use match/index but can't increment it to the second or 3rd match
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Feb 9, 2009
I'm looking for a formula that will return the column header (a date) of the first instance of a number greater than 0. For example if columns A through S had dates as in row 1 (header row), and in row 2, every column contained a 0 up until column P, I would want the date (Row 1, Column P) returned? I think this might be a sort of index/match formula, but I am not very familiar with these.
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Apr 29, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with several columns (all column names are in row 1).
I have 2 of column names. Note that their actual column# might change so the macro would have to look for the column name and NOT the column position ...
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Jan 31, 2013
I would like to add the column header to each of the row item and price, we maintain masters in the matrix format, butthe application supports only the row item mapping with the customer and pricing. Attached excel file
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Feb 9, 2010
I need a formula to lookup and retrieve data from a table of values. Given an EMP-ID in column A of the row that contains the formula and given a column name in row 1 of the column that contains the formula, I need to do a lookup. So, in effect, I am doing a lookup based on two values .. the column header and the row header.
I have attached a small model to illustrate what I need. Cell C-3 in the first worksheet will contain the formula to lookup and retrieve the value in cell C-7 in the second worksheet, based on the values in cell C-1 (column header = “Database Col 2”) and in cell A-3 (row header = “257”) in the first worksheet.
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Sep 14, 2007
Is there a way to reference a column depending on its header? Is there a way of doing this without the need of surveying one-by-one all the column headers with a for loop? I need this cuz if I have a very dinamic program which moves columns arround and depending on the state of the program the position of a column can change.
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Jan 15, 2008
Have a set of dates as column headers across a worksheet. Rows are product names. When a product is delivered, the cell is marked "delivered" for the date (in the column header) it was delivered. Need a formula that will look across each row (product), and return the date of the first cell with the value "delivered". I have: =INDEX(F19:AS19,1,MATCH("delivered",F19:AS19,0)) <for row 19. right now, but its just giving me "delivered" as the value and I cant figure out why.
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Jan 24, 2013
I have software (SAS Add-In for Microsoft Office) that loads external data into Excel. The data has a title, header, and rows/columns. It automatically creates a named range such as Table1. The named range does NOT include the headers.
Here is an example:
As above, can I dynamically derive the column number based on the header row of the named range, where such named range refers to a table?
On a related topic, can I derive the column name given the column number? For example, in pseudocode:
For currCol = firstCol To (firstCol + lastCol - 1)
' Assume a function called ColumnName
Debug.Print ColumnName(currCol)
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Jun 23, 2008
Is there a way to link a header or a portion of a header to a specific cell?
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Jul 7, 2014
I am looking at formula to return the column header, see example attached.
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Jun 23, 2005
Can I change Coulmn Header Names... What I mean to say that , We Have Generally Column Names A, B, C, D, ... I would like to Change these names what ever I Want..
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Dec 11, 2012
My file is set up like this:
Deal Jan Feb Mar....... Dec
A 0 11 0
B 0 0 23
C 13 0 12
and so on
Meaning deal A got cash of 11 in Feb and B of 23 in March
For a certain month (which could change), I want to specify the most recent month of a payment and return the month
So in April, row A returns 2, Row B March and Row C March
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