Put Together A Basic Spreadsheet To Track

Sep 15, 2008

I'm trying to put together a basic spreadsheet to track offensive plays for high school football. I'd like a formula that will change the LOS (Line of Scrimmage) to reflect the yards gained on the previous play. The problem is that you'd probably need negative numbers up to 49, and then back down to 0.

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Basic Dart Scoring Spreadsheet

Jan 15, 2010

I'm creating a basic Dart scoring spreadsheet, and its been going absolutely fantastic, but then I was asked to create the Sets and Legs, thats when I got stuck.

I'm looking for a formula (or anything) that will add a Set when the Legs reach the number 3, and then again but make it 2 if that player gets another 3 legs. If you know darts you will understand what I mean.

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Setup A Basic Stock Control Spreadsheet

Feb 22, 2009

I've set-up a basic stock control spreadsheet. Part of this requires updating prices of products. My approach was to use 3 columns A,B & C. C would show the current unit price of a product. Where there is a change in price this would be entered in A which would then result in a new average unit price to be calculated automatically in C. When ever this change occurs i need the then 'old' price which was in C to be shown in B aswell.

I've tried using various averaging formulaes but i'm thinking they were probably to basic or just plain wrong

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Spreadsheet That Keeps Track Of Data From Other Workbooks?

Feb 3, 2014

User will save as Job # or Job name to their computer This job # or Job name will be also typed in location ..lets say cell a2 of every workbook the user creates from the master workbook. After the user is finished inputting all data into workbook they save it when they save it to send or have another workbook pull from it certain information...lets say total hours and total $$ respectively in cells s30 and p18

this workbook will save those numbers every time the user opens the one he is working on and saves it(could the workbook be closed and still store these data figures from other workbooks)

workbook called "DATA STORAGE" will compile this information from every workbook created from the original master workbook.

The point is so that the user can instead of opening up a possible 50 to 60 workbooks to check on $$$$ and hours they can see that information from all 50 or 60 workbooks at once on one page.

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Create Basic Leaderboard In Excel / Google Spreadsheet

Jan 3, 2014

I would simply like to know how to create a basic ranked leaderboard through EXCEL or Google Spreadsheet, which i will later on implement on a community forum. I would like 2 entries for the leaderboard column titles, being:

Column B: POINTS

Then under A i will be typing all players manually, and similarly for B with points.

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Spreadsheet That Keeps Track Of Annual Expenses For Company Car

Jul 25, 2012

I need to design a spreadsheet in Excel that keeps track of annual expenses for the company car, but have no numerical data.

The only information given is the labels needed to be used, such as main heading, date, mileage, petrol, maintenance, registration, insurance, subtotals, averages and main totals. I've designed the spreadsheet with date - subtotal at the top of each column, with total and averages on the left hand side, under all the months (so the answers to both the total and averages would be in each column)

I also need to write a formula to work out the averages of everything and the formula I thought would be right is giving me this error message: #DIV/0!

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Spreadsheet To Track Customers Contact Information And Purchase History

Jul 1, 2013

I am creating a spreadsheet to track customers contact information and purchase history.

1 First Name Last Name Phone Number Etc.
2 Mike Jones

I wanted to know if theres a way to click on a customer (say Mike Jones) and be able to enter and view purchase history information relating to that customer in either a drop down box or different sheet?

Mike Jones
Date Item Spent Last Contacted
4/24 Toy $500 4/31
5/16 Movie $15 5/20

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Excel 2007 :: Spreadsheet To Track Group Timeline For Completing Strategy Meetings With Customers

Apr 30, 2014

How to use conditional formatting in Excel 2007 (). I'm creating a spreadsheet to track my group's timeline for completing strategy meetings with our customers. When we have a meeting, I will enter the date of that meeting in a specific cell. In a successive column(s), I'd like for a cell(s) to turn a specific color based on the length of time from the last meeting (or if there is no date for a meeting entered - i.e. no initial meeting has been set).

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Create A Spreadsheet That Will Keep Track Of Budget Spent And Budget Remaining?

Dec 17, 2013

I am trying to create a spreadsheet that will keep track of budget spent and budget remaining.

I need the values to take what is spent from expenses claim forms that are filled out,

Each budget category has a code and within that code there are sub heddings

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Using VBA Code In Visual Basic: Develop A Stand Alone Program In Visual Basic

Jun 3, 2006

I would like to do is develop a stand alone program in Visual Basic ( not in Excel VBA) to update the price file in our Portfolio system automatically using the downloaded Excel format file csv extention file from the BigCharts. But before that, I need to export the *.pri file from our Portfolio system in to Excel which still saves as *.pri extention. Then once it updates, I import the updated *.pri file back in our Portfolio program. I understand that the Excel VBA code can be incorporated in Visual Basic code provided there is an object declaration for Excel file (In this case eventhough the both files are in Excel format, they don't have xls extention). how to use external files and Excel VBA code in Visual Basic?

Below is the code that I currently have in Visual Basic. What I'm trying to accomplish is using the ticker (eg. msft) as a keyword search to look up in the price file. If found , the price of that ticker from the test.csv file will be copied in to the price file which is test.pri. I haven't ran it yet.

Sub UpdatePrice(BigChartPath As String, BigChartName As String, AxysPricePath As String, AxysPriceName As String)
'Below are Excel VBA codes
'Uses the test.csv to look up tickers in test.pri and update the price in it
Dim PriceFile As Workbook, BigChartFile As Workbook
Dim PriceFileSheet As Worksheet, BigChartSheet As Worksheet
Dim MaxRows As Long
Dim PriceFileRow As Long
Dim BigChartRow As Long
Dim BigChartFound As Boolean
Call CheckBookOpen(BigChartPath & BigChartName)
Call CheckBookOpen(AxysPricePath & AxysPriceName)
Set BigChartFile = Workbooks(BigChartName) 'Big Chart website imported CSV file saved as test.csv...............

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Basic Workbook And Mac

Mar 13, 2007

I have been working on an app for a while now and it works for all our PC users. We have some folks in corporate who have macs and the thing just falls on it's face. So, I have taken out the vba on the thisworkbook start up bits in hopes that it can just open and go from there. This is also problematic. So in search on the web, it looks like Macs do not like VBA. So I decided that since the main page entry is just standard formulas, I would just remove all the modules, forms and macros out of the workbook so the whole problem side could be avoided. Well no such luck. When I open it, it asks about macros. If I disable them, it tells me that the macro can not be disabled in 4.0. I built the app in 2000 as it is the lowest version in the office. But this really shouldn't matter because there are no macros in it to start with.

So, my question is... How can I make a very basic, mac safe version from my PC version. I can draw up some VBA to open the mac version and suck in the info I need and save it to PC land.

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Basic Check Box

Jul 18, 2007

I am using a user form in excel VB.

I have read from the help file and online that in order to tell if a checkbox is checked or not you use the code


When I click the checkbox it doesn't work, says data memeber not found

if it helps i am using the code in the ch1.click sub, if that matters
(I want to make if so if the check box is clicked, some text boxes are no longer enabled, the only thing i have trouble wth is the fact i can't tell if its been checked or not)

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Basic And Add-ins Information

Oct 3, 2006

Need little bit of information concerning excel. Where is the whiteboard located. Second, how can i highlight a cell or multiple cells. Finally, i need the Data Analysis Plus add-in. Any idea where can i download in from.

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Basic Functions

Mar 28, 2007

I used to use VB and VBA years ago for fun, now I have a project at work and I havent touched it since 1999 at least. I am trying to program a function that I can call and pass it a text variable. It will search through excel for that text, and return a cell as a Range. Thats where I run into problems. Heres the

Function lookFor(text As String)
lookFor = Columns("B:C").Find(text, After:=rCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:= _
xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False _
, SearchFormat:=False).Address
End Function

'...then later in the code...

Private Sub search_idBTN_Click()
Dim rCell As Range
Set rCell = lookFor(searchTXT)
End Sub

I think it has something to do with the variable type, its expecting a range and it gets a string or vice versa or something.

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Track Changes

Oct 21, 2009

So I got this code from http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/track-changes.htm i followed the directions and pasted it in the workbook module but does not seem to be working. I am thinkning the copy and paste feature is messing something up anyone know what?

I have added a worksheet named Log

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2007 - Visual Basic

Jan 23, 2008

how I can get to the visual basic toolbar in excel 07. In previous versions there was a visual basic toolbar and it allowed you to add buttons, ect. Where is this in 2007?

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Basic Password Protection

Oct 25, 2009

I want to be able to put password protection on a button in a spreadsheet. It doesn't need to be secure, as it's just to prevent accidental changes by 4 year olds.

My plan was to store the password value on a hidden worksheet, as I don't think there's a way to retain the value of a VBA variable when a workbook is closed. Is there a neater way to do it?

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Incorporating An IF Statement To Basic SUM

Dec 3, 2009

I have the below formula to make a simple calculation:

I would like to adapt the formula to ask IF AG1880 is empty or not. If AG1880 is empty then I would like the formula to NOT make the calculation, but instead return "--" (nothing).

If it contains information, then I want the calculation (AC1880+AJ1880) to be made. If AG1880 contains information it will be text in a text format.

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Visual Basic And Images

May 6, 2006

Is there a code you can type in to VBA to allow a picture in a spreadsheet to change when a parameter is specified. For example i have a picture of a timber beam i drew in excel. and i wondered if i could set it up so that when the user inputs the length of beam they are using, the diagram alters to show the length specified.

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Visual Basic To Access Web

Aug 4, 2007

My company "makes widgets". Each "type of widget" is associated in our internal database with a record locator (five alpha characters). Our company website can also use that record locator to pull up a webpage specifically dedicated to that widget. In addition to the webpage itself, the website also creates an expanded URL which contains additional information about that widget.

I'd like my macro to take a list of record locators, open up the company website related to each specific widget, pull back the expanded URL, and do some text management with the URL to populate other parts of the spreadsheet.

For example, if my record locator is "ABCDE", my macro would go to the website, "http://www.widgets.com/ABCDE". The site then redirects to an expanded URL: "http://www.widgets.com/whole-bunch-of-data-about-the-ABCDE-widget". I'd hope to write a macro which pulls back the expanded URL and does some magic with the "whole bunch of data" part. I've been told that the MSHTML library would be useful for a project of this type. I've been able to connect my spreadsheet to that library, but then I'm not sure what to do with it.

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Basic Use Of IF Function/Formula

Jun 4, 2008

In the formula =IF(" cell # "","") what does the "","" mean

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Track Changes On Another Worksheet

Aug 6, 2007

I have a list of items that I keep track of when they were last used.

For example:
Item# Last Used
Item#1 8/27/06
Item#2 5/2/07
Item#3 6/30/07

What I would like to do is when I enter a date, it automatically tracks the changes so that I can not only see the most current date but all previous dates if I need to.

The ideal would be to transfer it to another worksheet so that is looks like the original except that is shows multiple dates after it instead of just the most recent.

For example:
Item#1 5/3/05 7/23/06 8/27/06

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Track Users

Dec 15, 2008

We have an excel file that I've developed that people in our department are supposed to be using - not that they want to - but it is an edict from our bosses. Is there a way to track who is actually using that file so I can verify that they are using it rather than just relying on them saying that they are?

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Track Changes & Macro's

Apr 23, 2009

I have a work sheet that has 113 tabs and I use two macros (both written with help from this forum - thanks), one to protect all of the worksheets and the other one breaks the workbook into 113 separate files. I want to use the tracking feature because I will be sending out these budget templates and want to identify the changes when I receive them back.

Problem is once I enable the tracking I can no longer run my macro’s; I get a VB dialog box with a red X and the number 400. Anyone know how to work around this problem?

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Track Changes From All Worksheets

Aug 7, 2007

I have found another user's code that will track changes for a single sheet, if that code is in the sheet. This code uses the Worksheet_Change function. However, I have just stumbled acroos the Workbook_Change function. The workbook function is exactly what I need, since I have multiple tabs that need to be tracked. However, the code does not seem to work. I can switch between the two functions, using the same code afterwards, but with the new workbooks phrase it does not work. I tried placing the Workbooks_Change in the "ThisWorkbook" object in VBA, but it does not seem to work there or anywhere else.

I have attached the file. The code is in the "thisworkbook" function.

For quick reference:

Private Sub Workbook_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim r As Long, OutSht As Worksheet

Set OutSht = Sheets("Log")
r = OutSht.Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row + 1
OutSht.Cells(r, 1) = Target.Address
OutSht.Cells(r, 2) = Now
OutSht.Cells(r, 3) = Environ("UserName")
OutSht.Cells(r, 4) = Target.Value
End Sub

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Basic Syntax / Type Mismatch

Jul 15, 2014

I am trying to accomplish the following: iterate through rows of a selection, delete row if the first column cell is empty or the second column cell equals 0.

So far I have:

[Code] ........

I am getting a type mismatch error at my if statement.

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Tap Into Access Visual Basic Function

Sep 9, 2008

Is it possible to have Excel tap into an Access database and call up a function?

I have an Excel sub that looks like so

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Lost Visual Basic Project

Oct 24, 2008

Have a project going and have had a disturbing trend develop. I'm working in Excel 2003. Upon opening the file and enabling macros, I started receiving File/Path errors, at which point it would shut down the application. When opened, I have a splash that would come up, but it wouldn't go to the next userform. At this point I would get the error message and the file would be closed. If I then reopened the file, disabled macros, saved under a different file name, and then reopened with macros enabled, everything worked fine, until I shut it down and then tried to reopen, at which point the same error would occur.

Lately I have simply been getting the Microsoft Excel dialogue box telling me an unexpected error occurred and it had to be shut down. I'm at a loss for what is causing this. The last time this happened, when Excel recovered the file, it told me a repair had been done, and the repair was to basically delete all of the VBA code from the file.

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Visual Basic Compiler - Odd Performance

Nov 23, 2009

I am encountering a situation wherein each line of VBA code is essentially compiled as I type on that line, instead of when I move to a different line. For example, if the code I entered is incorrect, the compiler waits about half a second and then turns it red. Also, if I enter a space, it deletes it immediately.

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Changed Cursor While Using Visual Basic

Jan 6, 2010

I'm sure this is something I've accidently pressed while using VB. My text cursor has changed from the usual 'I' shape to a black box shape. Now instead of adding text where I'm typing it now types over previous work. Is there an easy fix for this.

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