I have a created a worksheet button using an image holder (because I couldn't get the image to display properly on a normal command button) and when I click on the button, it distorts the picture because of its default zoom feature. I tried resetting the picture to its original size using the .height and .width properties but this produced an error saying the object doesn't support this property (weird because they were available through the suggestions menu that's available when you're coding). If I could just reload the original image, that would do the trick but I am not sure how to do that without using an file path that would only work on my PC and not on other users'.
Trying to paste image/picture jpg into cell. Don't know enough basic to use earlier found code. Can't just image upload because image floats- not working in cell.
I want to add an image to a sheet. The image is to print but I want the data from that sheet to go over the top. I can't seem to get the image behind my data.
I know how to load a picture onto an image control using VBA code, but how do I clear the picture? (NOTE: I am not talking about using the properties window in the VBE, I am talking about coding in VB)
I have a picture on my image at userform. And I want to change my picture size ( like attached picture: fast image resizer program ) and save as different location. It is my school project.
Your valuable macro codes about ıf this and attached workbooks are very important for me.
Sub test Sheets("Sheet1").Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("") Sheets("Sheet1").Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(CFPicPath + CFPic) Range("A1:G37").CopyPicture Appearance:=xlScreen, Format:=xlPicture Sheets("Sheet2").Select Range("A1").Select ActiveSheet.Paste end sub
I have an Invoice setup for a Car Servicing Garage in excel. It does a few things:
1) On saving the workbook it will take a jpeg screenshot of the worksheet and save it locally
2) The name of the created jpeg file is taken from cell B9
Cell B9 contains the vehicle registration number. So, obviously my problem is that if a the same car comes in on more than one occasion (which happens frequently), the original jpeg will be replaced as the file name is not appended. This will mess up the invoice records. So what I would like is for it to acknowledge that a jpeg file with that name already exists and to just append a "_1", "_2", "_3" etc on the end of the original jpeg file name for the new jpeg file name. I have attached the my excel file so ideally, if someone could insert the necessary code or PM me that would be great.
I want to delete a picture from an image control in a worksheet when pressing a button. So my code is:
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click() Sheets("Sheet1").Image1.Picture = LoadPicture("") End Sub
Well, the problem is that this code only works when I create it. If I save and close the excel file when I open it again and I press the CommandButton1 I get the following error: Run-time error '-2147417848(80010108)' Method "Picture of object "IImage" failed.
How can i paste a picture from a workbook to my userform image control? Without having to create loads of code for this to be done? Ive tried something like this
[Code] .....
And cant get anywhere near doing what i want it to do.
I have an image box on a userform in Excel VB. Is there ANY WAY to load an image into this image box from an object that I have loaded into an excel worksheet something like
If userform1.checkbox1=True Then userform1.image.picture = loadpicture (Worksheets("Sheet1").shapes("Object 1")) ElseIf userform1.checkbox2=True Then userform1.image.picture = loadpicture (Worksheets("Sheet1").shapes("Object 2")) Else msgbox "No image" Endif
I'm trying to make this macro work to resize images for our fashion Look Book. In theory, it should work. But of course it does not Here is the code we are using:
Sub BIGcrop() Selection.Height = 507.6 x = Selection.ShapeRange.Width y = x / 2 Z = y - 144
I want all my pictures to have a height of 7.05 inches and a width of 4. The height comes out different everytime depending on the scaling of the template I'm using. I need it to adjust accordingly. I'm open to having the image move into merged cells, as long as it will first adjust the height and then crop the sides (so the orientation stays the same).
I need information to be automatically entered into a specified cell on Sheet 1 when an image I've pasted onto Sheet 2 is clicked on or moved. How can I do this? Is this even possible?
Is there any way to have a picture pop up when a label or textbox is clicked in a userform? I need the userform to stay open and usable while the picture is open. Basically the picture is supposed to assist the user of how to fill out the section.
I wanted to add a counter macro where when a certain image is clicked on my spreadsheet, it will add 1 or take away 1 number in a specified cell on my spreadsheet. For instance, if my cell A1 had the number 0 in it, and I had 2 images beside it (a "+" and a "-"), when the "+" image is clicked, I need it to add 1 to cell A1, making it 1, and vice versa if clicking the "-" image for -1. I want it to be cumulative, so every time you click "+", the number in A1 will increase to 1, 2, 3, 4, etc, and same with the "-" making it -1, -2, -3, -4, etc.
I have a Cell with 3 text boxes spaced horizontally. My boss wants me to figure out a way for when I click each of those text boxes an image appears beside the textbox.
So if i click the first textbox a check appears beside the first textbox. If I click the 3rd textbox then beside the 3rd etc.. Also, In the cell beside it he wants a number to appear when you click the textbox. So say the first textbox is clicked the number "1" appears, the 2nd one is click the number "3" and the 3rd one is clicked the number "6" (for example).
I have below code for dısplaying ımages on userform and ıt Works fıne how ever ı have more then 1 Picture to show so how can ı unload the pıcture and Show the second one and so on
Clicking on the below link will take you to a results screen, however I need to click on the button or image with the word Races on it. I've tried to use getelements, but I can't get the equivalent of clicking on the button.
I am using a TreeView control and need to determine if the user clicked on the Image or the Label of a node. The Hittest function can return either a TreeViewHitTestInfo object or a node. By default it returns the node. I'm not quite sure how to trigger the return of a TreeViewHittestInfo object, but at the moment I'm even struggling to make VBA aware of that class. A simple statement like
Dim info As TreeViewHitTestInfo
returns an error saying that TreeViewHitTestInfo is not defined.
I need to link an image to a cell value and display the selected image in a new sheet of the same excel. I am attaching samplefile for easy reference. The requirement is, from the workout sheet when I select from drop down list, then the corresponding cell value appears in Parameter sheet in C9 cell.
There are four images copied in Parameter excel. The given image has to be selected and linked to the C9 cell value. Based on the selection that particular image should be shown on Sample Picture sheet. Here based on the selection only the image should reflect here.
I need to find an easy way to locate an image on my server and upon selection rather than inserting the actual image I need to insert the image path. e.g. "s:imageshighresgreen1234.jpg"
My workbook simply has multiple columns of data which will be summarized visually in a tag cloud (I have the tag cloud part taken care of already creating either a jpg or png, I simply have to change the extension within a batch file to change between picture formats)
I need to have the tag cloud image display and update depending on which column the user would like to summarize (for now I have simplified the issue by only having one of the data columns in my workbook, and will worry about the user selection of the data column to be summarized later).
My Main Question:
Focusing on the image display and updating now, whether it be an ActiveX Image Control or any other way. I've been playing around manually before I try and code it and I can not get either a jpg or png file to attach to the ActiveX control (both of which cause an Invalid Picture Message).
The file name can stay the same if need be and for now I think/assume that'd be easiest (I have my Tag cloud generator just replacing the previously existing image file of the same name).
Would ActiveX control be the way to go for this dynamically changing image?
I am looking for a way to take the picture name associated with an image ie: (picture 571) and place that picture name in the cell next to the image.
I can see the picture name - it registers in the top left box that usually indicates the cell the cursor is on... and I could manually type that name next to each image.
However my spreadsheet has several thousand rows- each with several columns of information and an image..
I am looking for a way "formula?" to automatically read the image in cell J4 and populate cell K4 with the image name... and so on.
The reason for my request... is I am importing products into a web based shopping cart... to do so I have to export the products to a csv and import that csv into the shopping cart. The process of exporting to a csv- strips away all the images and leaves just data.
I found that I can save the document as an html and that process creates a folder with all the images- saved as (picture 571.jpg) if the resulting csv had the image name... the shopping cart would then look for that image name in my image file and it would populate into the shopping cart appropriately.
This seemed on it's face like a really simple thing to do, I have plenty experience with excel & I thought I'd be able to make cell k4= j4 and tada it would glean the image name & I could simply copy that formula all the way down the sheet & it would be done... but I just cant find the magic button that freely gives up the image name...
In Excel 2010, is there any way to paste a picture into a small picture/diagram box, and upon double clicking the picture it would explode to a larger size? And I guess double clicking it again would make it return to its original (smaller) size. I would be pasting several pictures into several different picture/diagram boxes and would need this to be a relative reference so that upon selection it explodes the appropriate picture?
I have a number of image controls on a user form, each being loaded with an image from file.
Image1 being loaded with a picture of a bus image2 being loaded with a picture of a school
And so on
Now what I am trying to do is when that image is clicked the name of that image is passed to a textbox
So the action would be
1 image of bus loaded into image control1 , the name of that image being bus.jpg 2 image is clicked 3 the name bus.jpg appears in a text box
Here is what I have so far
Private Sub Image1_Click() DataInput.TextBoxItem.Value = bus.jpg
DataInput.TextBoxItem.Value= Image1.Name - this does not work
End Sub
Which works but as you can see this is static, as I have supplied the value , were as I would like the clicking action to pick up the name of the jpeg being displayed
So expanding upon this if say image1 is loaded with say a picture of a car instead of a bus
LValue4 = "E:Car.jpg"
Image1.Picture = LoadPicture(LValue4)
Now when it is clicked the name of the image being displayed in image control1 would be Car.jpg
And it is this value I wish to transfer to a text box for now will do more with it later
In addition to this I am not sure if the best idea is to have a number of image controls and load each with an individual picture or have one image control and swap the picture by clicking a command button
Is there a way to have image box display an image with a name matching data from a cell? example: if I type "hello" in cell a1, Image box will load image named "hello". And display new images by changing the name in cell a1. Note: the images will be located in a permanent folder.
I want to have a sample file in excel which store picture of student in comment, I did this, but when I want to insert picture the file dialog appears, and if I click cancel, then there is an error, why? If some one optimise the code it would be very nice