Searching Tabs
Jul 24, 2009
I have a workbook with 100+ tabs(not in alphabetical order), and am constantly scrolling back and forth looking for tabs, is there a quicker way to search tabs? I have also right clicked the arrows to pull up the box with all tabs, but not the best option either.
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Sep 22, 2012
I have been trying to get Excel (2007) to change the colour of tabs to match other tabs in the workbook
Using this code I get the colour code of the current tab
x = ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex
But when I use this value in a procedure like this:
ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = x
The tab is a different colour!
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Oct 12, 2009
I have a summary page that includes the titles for each tab within the excel 2003 workbook. I want to use the names of the tabs in the summary page and create it into a formula to lookup fixed cells within the various tabs. Sorry for not uploading an excel doc but I was at work earlier and the thread did not load for some reason, so I am reposting it.
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Jun 25, 2008
I'm using Excel '03SP2 on Win 2000sp4. I believe I have a case where old tabs originally written in Excel ' 97 behave differently than new tabs in the same workbook, which is saved in 2003 format.
Specifically, the formula ="PLAN" & budyr-1 where budyr is a named range on a different tab containing 2008 . This formula yields PLAN 2007 on a new tab and #VALUE! on an old tab.
How do I get Excel to update the old tabs so that they behave as Excel 2003 tabs?
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Oct 13, 2009
I have doc with app 1000 rows of data, one col being product description. I want to simply search the entire description column for a particular string of characters and enter a 1 in a new adjacent column where there is a match. Where there is no match, I want a 0 or a blank.
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Apr 24, 2007
I'm wondering what function I can use to search a specific word in row with many text?...
i attached for the example and details.
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May 10, 2007
I am trying to create a search facility to search for accreditations.
currently my search only picks up on the first word in the cell.
ie Prince will be found in Prince 2 Foundation, but a search on foundation comes up with nothing.
How do i get the search to search all the text in the cell and not just the first word.
I am searching on a number of worksheets but in the same range on each worksheet.
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Jun 26, 2007
I need to be able to search through category(column H) and match with machine size category. Then for each category split up total time spent on each function. Granted this will be 6 formulas. I've searched through the forums and came up with what I have....
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Aug 14, 2008
I have 180,000 names in a spreadsheet with unique codes for each, I need to search for names and find their code numbers, how can I do this over a series of 8 columns.
Code Name code Name code Name Code Name
I'll need to search columns 2, 4, 6 and 8 for the name?
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Mar 3, 2009
Have the following scenario I'm struggling with in Excel 07:
2 worksheets:
WS1, have a bunch of customer data. Relevant columns in this WS include customer number (unique value) and a column called "adjustment date", which is formatted as a date as the label name implies.
WS2 is a bunch of customer transactional data, with each row being a unique transaction. Relevant columns here include customer number (formatted same as in WS1) and transaction date.
Couple things to note: in WS2, each customer may have dozens of transactions. Right now, I have that WS sorted by transaction date in ascending order (so oldest to newest).
What I'm trying to do (unsuccessfully so far!) is build a formula in WS1 that says "on what date was the customer's first transaction after their adjustment date"?
I've tried constucting something using =index+match, but to no avail.
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Feb 3, 2007
Just trying to find a formula to look for duplicate entries in the same workbook or a single column
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May 20, 2007
This is my problem:
Column A contains letters
Column B contains numbers
Column H contains data
I need a formula that will do the following:
Lets say cell M1 contains a certain letter, and cell N1 contains a certain number. I need to find the row on the spreadsheet that has the letter shown in M1 in column A and number shown in N1 in column B. Once the row is found, I need to return the data in column H of that row.
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Feb 16, 2013
I want to bulid a code that enables me to open windows search result with a search string I define from excel data.
For example, I have folder path "X:workers".
In it, I want to search all the files with the string "dave".
The search string source is a cell in excel.
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Sep 20, 2013
I have a program that creates a query of data into two different spreadsheets.I wish to create a master page that automatically searches for data in each of two spreadsheets and add them appropriately to the master page.
I get how to do such thing using vlookup to search for data in one spreadsheet, how to do that in two spreadsheet situation.Here is a formula that I am stuck on...
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Jul 2, 2014
*VBA - code
*Search down a column of Serial numbers that are in numerical order....Column A,B,C........
*find the last duplicate and the row of that SN
3301 <---What row is this
3302<---What row is this
*Then Store that row number in a variable like a,b,c,
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May 13, 2014
I am trying to find a particular text in a column in excel. Below is the sample data.
Column A
I would like to return TRUE/FALSE or 0/1 in Column B, B1, only if entire Column A contains atleast one ABZ. Tried search() & Find() but no luck.
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Jul 29, 2014
I'm trying to print score cards from the scores sheet (two different worksheet pages). Some score cards (each score card is one page) will only have 3 players and some will have up to 5 players so I can't just go down the list and use a formula to transfer data line by line. I will set the score sheet up I just all of hole 1 players to be printed on a card and so on with hole 2-18 also I need First and Last names on the cards and possibly score total by the name.
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Feb 17, 2014
I have this data and want to extract the character after the letter Y if the string has a Y in it.
Example data Output
AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y2 2
AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y4 4
AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y5 5
AU2013OD ANR B25 Y1 1
AU2013OD ANU B25 Y5 5
AU2013OD Y6 FPVN B49 6
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Apr 28, 2008
I want to test a cell for the type of value as 678/256 or 345/872/098/987 etc. The common character in each would be the "/". First, I need to check the cell for this, then take the first number and compare it to an integer(if it is <> , or = to). I hope I am clear with my situation.
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Aug 10, 2008
ive got table consisting of about 4000 entries. Below is a small example.
I want to be able to make a button through macro's, where when pressed, it shows only certain postcodes - the way i've been doing it so far is using a combination of If, And, and Or functions to return true or false if a postcode begins with either 'AH4, AH1' and has an order number beginning with 'W', for example. Then I'd record a macro where it shows the ones showing true, via data filter. The problem I've got is I need to search for about 50 different combinations of postcode, out of a list of maybe 300 types of postcode, and using my current IF,AND,OR functions, I simply run out of room in the formula bar! For example, I need find a postcode beginning with CB1-25 (i.e. CB1, CB2, CB3) etc..etc.. the only problem is if i use my current LEFT function, and i want to search for say, CB1, CB14, CB15, out of a list of 'CB1,CB14,CB15,CB16', it will still return a postcode beginning with CB16, due to the CB1.
In the link I've highlighted the postcodes I want to search for out of that small list, and hopefully any solution I'm giving here I could expand to up to 100 combinations out of 500 combinations of postcode, for example.
How do I get it to search for a massive combination of criteria?
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Feb 11, 2010
I have a workbook whose worksheets use protection (don't want my calculations stomped on).
When the Protection is on, the search function does not work. You call it up, write what you are looking for, it accepts it, and then when you tell it to search it ignores you.
When you turn the protection off, the search function works just fine.
HOWEVER....Other workbooks I have with protection on its sheets do not share this problem, just this one workbook. And the problem is on all sheets in this workbook. The problem is not on any of the sheets in the other workbooks. I can't see anything different between them, but then I may not know what to look at.
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Mar 20, 2014
I'd like to search a cell A1 containing for example 'hello_L765'. If the 7th character is L and the 8th character is text(ie not a number) than display yes, otherwise display the 7th character.
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Jul 10, 2014
I am trying to NEXT my way through a column of comments and highlight the cells containing the key words. Below is what I have put together, but I know it is NOT working correctly....
[Code] .......
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Jul 18, 2014
I have a list of records that for which I cannot find values for. Essentially I have a dataset that I need to match to other information but for some records this 'other information' is missing.
1. I have a list of records with missing information
2. I have a folder with a large amount of sub-directories
3. I have many DBF files inside of these sub-directories with X columns and x rows
4. Somewhere within some row of some column is a value that links to my list of records
5. I need to search for my value in, say, A2 and return the file name and directory in which it lies
6. It can be text or number
is this clear?
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Mar 15, 2007
I have 1000 diff names in a spread sheet and wish to search another spread sheet with these names on and alot more.
I want the search to look in the larger spread sheet for these 1000 names
and copy all the informtaion in the cells to a new sheet, if the name is not found i would like something like "no info found" to be seen.
Im a novice to doing this sort of thing in excel, but i have found this script which searches for the word "mail box" and copies all the info in the cell when it finds it.
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May 15, 2009
I have a value X in cell B5 and a Value Y in cell B6, in multiple worksheets
In my userform, i have 2 comboboxes
one holding value ranges for the x coordinaate (eg 0-10, 11-20,21-30)
the other holding values for the y coordinate (eg 0-10, 11-20,21-30)
i want the user to be able to select a range from the x coordinate and the y coordinate...then i want to search thru all the B5 n B6 cels across the worksheets and return those worksheets that match the users input...
is it possible for this to be done?
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Jul 4, 2009
I am looking to enter a numeric value these are the green columns. it then needs to search the workbook for that number (Barcode Number).
then if the cell to the right has a value, it needs to pull that number into the userform' if no number is next to it, then I manually write and post it the cell next to the one just found..
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Oct 1, 2009
I have cells that look like the following
Not the most exciting data, but I need to identify which cells contain the sub string "HWA". Ideally the next column would have that string extracted into it or some kind of indentifier
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Dec 20, 2009
I want to setup a worksheet that I can search the name of the comic book and the number of the book and have the results underneath the search criteria. I am attaching a sample workbook. On the search database sheet, I have setup how I would like the page to look.
The spots where Enter Comic Name and Enter Comic Number I would like to act as search boxes, as in Google.
I would like the Search and Clear to be buttons.
Is it possible to return the results I want? And can I keep my searches until I push the clear button? If not I will get rid of the clear button.
The last thing I want to see if possible is once I get a result, can I add a button to go to that comic books location to enter data. Or add a save button so I can edit any info right on the search page and save it in the database.
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Jan 13, 2010
I know that there is an ocean of information out there with regards to option buttons, but for the life of me I am unable to find what it is I am looking for. So I will try to explain what I am trying to do as best as possible. In my workbook I have 4 sheets. Sheet 1 contains all the data. The remaining sheets have taken all the data and broken it down by machine type. IE(carton errector, Carrier errector, etc) I have a series of user forms that you would navigate through to perform a search. For This example frmMain_menu is where the user would start out. I only have code added for the first button (Pearson).
This will bring up another form with more options for the user to select. Currently I only have code for the Carton Errector button. Once the user has selected that button frmCarton_Errector pops up and it has a series of 12 option buttons to choose from. What I am trying to accomplish is say the user selects cylinders, I would like once the search button is clicked for the program to is search sheet2 col f for the caption value of the option button selected. Any hits that it might find I would like to display certain datafrom the rows in a list box.(IE col A,B,G)
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