Searching A Column For Keywords?
Jul 10, 2014
I am trying to NEXT my way through a column of comments and highlight the cells containing the key words. Below is what I have put together, but I know it is NOT working correctly....
[Code] .......
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Jan 11, 2014
Currently running a macro which selects all the rows between two specific words and pastes the selection into another worksheet. However, it runs this search on the entire workbook, whereas I'd just like it to run the search in a particular column (column D in this instance).
This is the code as it currently stands:
With ActiveSheet
.Range(.Cells.Find("financial assets"), .Cells.Find("liabilities")).EntireRow.Select
End With
Sheets("Paste Currency").Activate
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Is there any way to focus the search on only one column?
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Mar 17, 2014
I need to find 100 or so keywords in a column, I have the list but how would I search multiple keywords as there are 10k columns and it would take forver to search for them manually?
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Jan 31, 2014
I have data in which there are important keywords within a row (e.g.,# Message: FacesSc0_1) that are 'boundary markers' for data that is relevant to me. What I want to do is to select the data in the column between two such keywords, replace them all with the same specific value, and delete the other rows.
For example a column may look like this:
# Message: FacesSc0_1
# Message: FacesSc0_2
# Message: FacesSc0_3
# Message: FacesSc0_4
I would like to replace the values in the cells between "# Message: FacesSc0_1" and "# Message: FacesSc0_1" with the value 1, delete the values between "# Message: FacesSc0_2" and "# Message: FacesSc0_3", and replace the values in the cells between "# Message: FacesSc0_3" and "# Message: FacesSc0_4" with value 2. The resulting column would be reduced to this:
# Message: FacesSc0_1
# Message: FacesSc0_2
# Message: FacesSc0_3
# Message: FacesSc0_4
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Oct 12, 2009
In column A I have 50,000 cells, each containing 1 to 10 keywords. For example
A1 = "jobs"
A2 = "jobs in milton keynes"
A3 = "it jobs in milton keynes"
A4 = "sales jobs in milton keynes"
A5 = "well paying brickie work in spain"
At first I was trying to find out the most common keywords in column A, and I used the following code to do so
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Jun 26, 2008
I want to delete entire rows between two keywords.
Row 1 Connecting
Row 2 aaa
Row 3 bbb
Row 4 Unavailable
I want to delete rows 1 through to 3 and loop it until the worksheet is completed.
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Nov 8, 2013
I'm evaluating the effectiveness of a keyword list we use to identify certain, high priorit,y medical situations from a string of text.
So, I have a column on a sheet of data (EIS Report!"B:B") in this case, and a seperate column on another sheet with keywords (Keywords!"A2:A47").
I use the formula ={OR(NOT(ISERROR(FIND(keywords!$A$2:$A$47,$B2))))} to identify if any of the keywords exist in the string.
This works well but I would like to improve my work in two ways:
1 - Identfiy, in another column on the EIS report sheet, which keyword it is that's been found within the string,
2 - On the keyword sheet, add another column of words, which if found within the string, would act as an exclusion.For example, I might use "STAB" as a keyword to look for "Male stabbed" etc, however might want to exclude "STABBING" to stop the solution triggering on "STABBING PAINS IN ABDO"
How might i adjust my formula?
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Jul 28, 2014
Say I have a list:
Something something apple
Something something orange
Something something banana
Something apple something
Something banana something
Apples woo
Apples And bananas
Something orange something
Something something apple pie
Something something vegetables
And I want to separate the list into separate columns/lists with certain keywords (e.g. apple, orange, banana) like so:
Something something apple
Something apple something
Apples woo
Something something apple pie
[Code] .....
The "multiple words found" part isn't a big deal (I'm not sure how I'd deal with it anyways). The "Unsorted" part is there assuming creating the separate lists won't remove the entries from the original list (which would then leave all the unsorted text).
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Nov 3, 2009
So i'm try to automate a process that I currently do using filters.
Here is the problem:
I have a list of text in a column (usually 700 or so entries).
I need to remove any entries that contain 1 of 42 keywords.
So I need a fast way to search each cell for each one of the 42 key words and flag the cell for deletion if contains anyone of the 42.
1 This field has keyword1
2 This field has keyword2
3 This field doesn't have any of the 42 keywords
somewhere else I would have a list of keywords in a column.
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Jul 2, 2014
*VBA - code
*Search down a column of Serial numbers that are in numerical order....Column A,B,C........
*find the last duplicate and the row of that SN
3301 <---What row is this
3302<---What row is this
*Then Store that row number in a variable like a,b,c,
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May 13, 2014
I am trying to find a particular text in a column in excel. Below is the sample data.
Column A
I would like to return TRUE/FALSE or 0/1 in Column B, B1, only if entire Column A contains atleast one ABZ. Tried search() & Find() but no luck.
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Jul 1, 2014
I'm Searching down a column to the last time the number is repeated Now I don't know what the next number is it could 3304 or 5000 so I need to know what the last row the duplicate number is in
Column A
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Jun 1, 2007
I am attempting to search for duplicate dates within a column. If a date does appear twice, I would like the date to be copied over to the cell in the row next to it. I tried to use
=IF( COUNTIF($A$1:$A$20,A1)>1,A1,""), and then fill down in column B, but it only seems to search the column for the first value.
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Apr 10, 2014
Is there a way to search a column range, and do an if/then on it in another cell. Ex) search e25:e37 and if none of the cells have anything in them, then input "--" into cell c14.
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Jun 6, 2014
I was wondering whether it was possible to search for a sequence of numbers.
For example, if this is down a column:
A1: 5
A2: 4
A3: 5
A4: 6
A5: 9
Is it possible to have a find function to search for the sequence of numbers "4 + 5" and consequently highlight cells A2 and A3?
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Feb 20, 2010
I have the fopllowing situation: My vendor supplies me with a csv file with all of the products/descriptions/price/categories each week. I need to import this information into a database which is working fine, but the problem I have is the vendor is putting the manufacturer as a category also. which creates 1,750 categories. Not very user friendly.
Column A
California Exotics;Miscellaneous;Retail Display Packaged;
California Exotics;Miscellaneous;Retail Display Packaged;
Miscellaneous;PipeDreams;Retail Display Packaged
PHS International;Bulk Packaged Products;Miscellaneous
Column B
California Exotic Novelties
California Exotic Novelties
PHS International
I need to be able to search for the value in column b (not case sensitive) and remove the value of b from a.
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Jul 16, 2014
I need to figure out a way to search for a string in column D and then paste the entire row that string is in to a new sheet. I'd like for this to continue until I paste all of the rows of that string into the next sheet. This is what I got so far, and when I run it, it says an error occurs and then it says either press enter or paste. After I hit enter, it pastes the first row to the next sheet, but that's it. Also should I be doing this with a button?
Sub SearchForString()
Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer
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Jul 8, 2014
The code I currently have allows me to search for one text entry in the column and then copy and paste all those entries into the next worksheet. There are 5 different text entries I'd like it to look for but can't figure out how to do it. I have a work around by using wildcards, but then I have to write another macro to delete out the ones I don't want.
Where is says "DNA - weapons", I'd also like it to allow for "DNA - paternity" and a couple other options.
Here is my current code:
Sub Copy_To_Another_Sheet_1()
Dim FirstAddress As String
Dim myArr As Variant
Dim Rng As Range
Dim Rcount As Long
Dim I As Long
Dim LastCol As String
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
[Code] ....
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Jan 18, 2007
I have a sheet named "original" with columns a, b, c. My code checks each cell in column C for a value and then copys columns A,B,C to a sheet named "Order". It works fine except I need it to start pasting the results in row 16 instead of row
Dim lastrow_first As Long
Dim lastrow_second As Long
Dim x As Long
lastrow_first = Sheets("ORIGINAL").Cells(Rows.Count, "C").End(xlUp).Row
For x = 10 To lastrow_first
If Sheets("ORIGINAL").Cells(x, 3) <> "" Or Not IsEmpty(Sheets("ORIGINAL").Cells(x, 3)) Then................
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Jun 21, 2007
I am trying to create a search function in a database I have made. I have a userform with drop down boxes that people can choose what they want to search for. Once they have chosen and clicked the search button I want it to search only in the relevant column, i.e. search for the word in the dropdown for "engine" only in the "engine" column of the database. Once it has found the appropriate cells with the answer, I want it to delete all other rows that don't include the answer.
Once it's done this it needs to do it again for the other fields, unless they are empty. I have used 'If engine_type <> "" Then' as the starting point so that it only searches chosen fields.
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Apr 28, 2006
on one sheet we have a summary of the main list, which includes totals of money recieved, totals of all the different sources (ie, where they heard about us from), the totals of the frequencies they pay (ie, how many donate monthly, quarterly...) ... etc. on the next sheet we have the "main" list of donors, their IDs, amounts, frequency, source ...
the totals on the first sheet are updated manually, but i want to change that as there are a great number of errors.
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May 19, 2014
I'm using the following code to delete select rows one at a time. I need the last row in the range to remain therefore I prevented the user from deleting the row one up from the row that contains "Total Hours" (which is always in Column B). The code works great as long at the user clicks into a cell in column B. If the user clicks into a cell in column A, C, D, E, F, G, H, or I then the code allows the user to delete the last row.
I believe I need to search entire rows to determine if the row contains "Total Hours" .
[Code] .......
Attached File : Staffing Report 1.44.xlsm‎
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Nov 9, 2012
I have a column (Column B) that contains some free text and I have another column (column K, rows 3 to 12) that contains a series of keywords.
What I would like to be able to do is if column B contains one of the keywords in column K then that keyword is placed in column C.
There will only ever be one keyword per row.
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Apr 23, 2009
I am calling a procedure from a commandbar button using on action.
With oButton
.Caption = "&Progress Report"
.OnAction = 'this bit please
.BeginGroup = True
.FaceId = 576
End With
Private Sub ProcessingRequest(ByVal shtRequest As String)
End Sub
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Oct 25, 2006
I would like to develop a macro that can be run against an excel doc that will highlight keywords from a list I have established.
For example: If my excel doc contains the words, "sales, selling, sell, sale, school," make those words bold, red and 2 font sizes larger.
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Mar 1, 2007
I'm working on an Excel spreadsheet and basicly i'm inserting manually data from a lot of paper forms.
It isn't a dificult thing, but is boring, because I have to do more than 2000 forms per week!
I want to accelerate, and how to do that
Problem: "Address"! The Excel page that i'm working has a column to feel with Addresses manually, but I have a table with all correct Address names from the city that I'm working about in other page.
What I would like is when start typing some keyword from the Address cell, it could show me all the choises of input (based on the correct Address Table)
Excel, by default, show, by exact order, all the choises, already typed on the same collumn.
I don't want that.
- imagine I have the Table 1 (representing the table with all city adresses) with a collumn called 'Address' with:
A1 - Street ZXY
A2 - Avenue QWE
A3 - Street QWE
A4 - Avenue ZXY
when typing on another Table, if I write something like “QWE” show me the A2 and A3 to choose wich I'm going to feel, and the same to “ZXY”, showing the A1 and A4. Other thing, if I write “QWE street” may show A3 also. Keyword is what i'm talking about
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Dec 15, 2007
I want to create a list from a "seed" word that consists of a word followed by a number (ex: seedword100).
What I want to do is to be able to create a list in Excel using that seed word and then have excel produce a bunch of replications of that seed word by incrementing the number part of the seed word by 1 for every replication.
So, for example, if cell A1 = "seedword100", I want Excel to replicate it up to "seedword199" like this...
B1 = seedword101
C1 = seedword102
D1 = seedword103
E1 = seedword104
F1 = seedword105
G1 = seedword106
H1 = seedword107 ...
and so on until the last cell = seedword199 (or whatever number I want it so stop at).
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Mar 15, 2014
I have a list of Products in my Excel file, I am trying to put them into categories easily. So what I am asking is there a way to select all rows with a certain key word in them so I can easily paste them into my other excel file?
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May 11, 2009
I am trying to set up a worksheet which takes keywords from several cells (user populates these cells) and searches all worksheets for these keywords.
for example, i have C1:G1 set up as possible search string entry cells where the user types their text. I need a function which takes the data in whichever of these cells have been filled in (i.e. it may only be in 1 cell, 2 cells or all 5) and searches each worksheet for all cells containing ALL keywords. (as it finds each one, i will highlight the cell, but that part of the code is obviously very easy )
Currently i have this (note, i havent yet figured out how to but the k1 to k5 variables into the search string yet which is why they are set but not used):
At the moment, its not ever looking past worksheet 1 - can anyone see why? and then how to i get it to look for all entered keywords?
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Jan 22, 2014
I am busy building a spreadsheet that must do the following.
Above is a basic example of the data I am using What the spreadsheet must do is it must search cell B1 for the key word in in cell E1, if it does not find the keyword, it must search the same cell for the keyword in cell E2 and so on if it finds the key word it must return a consatination of cell A1 and the Keyword.
This is easy enough to do using the search function together with a couple of nested IF statements but where the problem comes in is that I am needing to run the search on about 12000 lines using over 10000 key words.
currently I have sheet with a formula in Column A containing 40 nested IFs searching for the first 40 key the same formula in Column B searching for the next 40 keywords and so on but to search 10 000 keywords(Client name or Client number) I am needing to apply this formula to 250 columns over 12000 line which makes the sheet very resource incentive.
How do I streamline this to make the spreadsheet more efficient
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