Searching All Files With String
Feb 16, 2013
I want to bulid a code that enables me to open windows search result with a search string I define from excel data.
For example, I have folder path "X:workers".
In it, I want to search all the files with the string "dave".
The search string source is a cell in excel.
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Jan 4, 2014
how I can loop through folders to select files starting with a certain word and copy all of them to a different folder and rename them. The folder structure is given below
Company 1(parent folder)
North South East(sub folder) West(sub folder)
Jan Feb Mar.... Dec Jan Feb Mar.... Dec Jan Feb Mar.... Dec Jan Feb Mar.... Dec
In the above structure, the files are present inside each folders Jan, feb...Dec under the regions North, South East n west. note that I have to select files starting with "Sales" and copy them into a new folder(say results) and rename copied files as Sales1.xls, Sales2.xls etc. (Files are not present in the folder company1, north, south, east and east.)
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Aug 29, 2012
I have a macro that checks data in a worksheet and manipulates the data.
the problem that I am finding is that the worksheet data, which is copied from another file, is different sizes - eg: in one file the data may be from a1 to f2890 but another file the data may be from a1 to f5990.
When the file is bigger I have noted that the macro does not check the rows between 2890 to 5990.
How can i get it do check all the cells no matter how big the file is?
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Apr 7, 2008
I have about 80 workbooks all saved in the same folder as numbers (from 1.xls, 2.xls, etc). All of the files have a similar template. I want to write a macro that will open each workbook and then copy the impt part out of each file and then paste into a master record for that category. I will probably end up with 20 different files (age, procedure, etc). Any idea of the best way to do this?
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Feb 17, 2014
I have this data and want to extract the character after the letter Y if the string has a Y in it.
Example data Output
AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y2 2
AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y4 4
AU 2013 OD ANR B24 Y5 5
AU2013OD ANR B25 Y1 1
AU2013OD ANU B25 Y5 5
AU2013OD Y6 FPVN B49 6
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Jan 7, 2014
I am using the function Instr to search for a string within some text.
My list contains Apples and Applesauce.
How can I search for only Apples because I seem to be returning Applesuace as well.
Obviously the other way round is not a problem because searching for Applesauce will not return Apples.
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Aug 13, 2008
I thought I could use
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Jun 6, 2014
Best approach for searching for a piece of string from a multi-lined cell. I am trying to do it via VBA but can't seem to figure it out. I tried FIND and Instr. I was thinking of converting the multiple lines into a single line then do an instr comparison from the result but I don't know how to do it.
String to search = "MARY"
Output Location value
----------MARTHA YULET
-----------HENRY THE FIFTH
-----------JOHNNY BRAVO
Cells in column "Names" has multiple lines Cells in column "Location" are not merged....
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Sep 1, 2009
I have a text string in a cell, something like:
I need to find a way to find the first nonzero character in the string, and what position it is in. For instance, in the above example, 2 is the first non-zero character, so the function would return 5, since the 2 is the fifth character into the string.
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Jun 2, 2009
I have a list of customers and account numbers contained within a cell. I need a formula if possible that searches from the right of the cell and then returns the all the numbers. e.g.
Arsenal1234Required formula result 1234
Liverpool2456Required formula result2456
Chelsea100564Required formula result100564
I can not use text to columns as they data is not consistant. Also worth noting is that the customer numbers vary fro 1 digit to 9 digits long.
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Aug 2, 2012
I have a cell that is populated by clicking a button which pulls info from an external source over which I have no control. I need to confirm the selection made by the user contains one of four quarterly values: Mar, Jun, Sep or Dec. I have this but wanted to know if there is a better alternative or a way to shorten the code.
If InStr(1, UCase(celltxt), "MAR") Or InStr(1, UCase(celltxt), "JUN") _
Or InStr(1, UCase(celltxt), "SEP") Or InStr(1, UCase(celltxt), "DEC") Then
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Jul 7, 2014
I'm trying to search for a string and move the entire data to another sheet. For example,
What I'm trying to do is to search for the string "Loading..." and move the entire data from "Loading..." onward to another sheet. So the first; "Loading..." 1234567 will be in sheet 1, second; "Loading..." 345643 will be in sheet 2 and third; 'Loading..." 67895 will be in sheet 3.
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Sep 12, 2006
I wrote some code which has compiled a LOT of text files telling me what computers have licence for certain software.
The name of the txt file is the computer name and data within is simple:
Audit of GQL license
Audit of Visio license
Audit of Frontpage license
Audit of Project license
Audit of Visual .NET license
Audit of Word (Office) licenses
Found Office
as we can see here this computer has 1 licence for OFFICE.
If the string "FOUND" is found then i want to be able to paste the licence name in a spreadsheet and in the next cell underneath paste the filename it was found in the e.g.
Comp2, comp3, comp4, comp5....and so on......
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May 23, 2012
Am creating a large medical teaching database on Excel that lists JPEG images (a few hundred) and the file paths for each image into separate Excel columns using a VBA macro.
The JPEG image filenames are numbered in ascending numerical format (i.e 1.jpeg).
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May 1, 2013
I'm trying to code a macro to search through all the files in certain folders to find a value defined by the user. The rows containing that value will then be copied and pasted into a separate workbook. My boss currently planning on storing about 550 different files (90 days worth of data) between these folders, but there is the possibility of years worth of data collection, should he change his mind about the 90 days, so I'd like the code to be efficient if possible. What I've tried to do is search each file for the value, then set a range equal the first row containing that value. If the value is found in that workbook, the code loops through the worksheet, adding all the other rows with that value to the range. Then the file looping exits (the values I'm looking for are only contained in one of the workbooks) and the range is copied and pasted into the master workbook. Each workbook has only one sheet.
I'm currently getting a run-time error "13" Type Mismatch error when it gets to the line where the code is supposed to find the value and initialize the range.
Private Sub SubmitButton_Click()
Dim mybook As Workbook
Dim masterbook As Workbook
Dim rownunm As Long
Dim pathparts(1 To 5) As String
[Code] ......
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Dec 4, 2013
I have a table of data that I need to find the leftmost and rightmost number in that are greater than a specified number in another cell. I've attached a spreadsheet to show what I've got to work with.
I need to do this 1 row at a time and have the outcome in descending cells on the right hand side of the 2 example rows.
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Jul 16, 2014
I need to figure out a way to search for a string in column D and then paste the entire row that string is in to a new sheet. I'd like for this to continue until I paste all of the rows of that string into the next sheet. This is what I got so far, and when I run it, it says an error occurs and then it says either press enter or paste. After I hit enter, it pastes the first row to the next sheet, but that's it. Also should I be doing this with a button?
Sub SearchForString()
Dim LSearchRow As Integer
Dim LCopyToRow As Integer
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Jun 24, 2014
I need a formula (but most likely a VBA macro) that will search through a folder for a file than get data from that file. The files are named in systematic way, but I need the entire formula to work from inputting a mold number in one cell. E.g. I input 6291 in cell A2 the vba macro searches for file “6291 mold.xlsx” and returns a range of numbers as well as pictures in specified cells. Is this possible? If so how?
The closest thing I have found is VBA macro that retrieves a list of media files in a folder, I listed the code below.
[Code] ....
[URL] ....
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May 8, 2014
I have about 2000 rows of text. Each row is a short write up about prospective new business. There is a reference to a projected dollar amount Within 'MOST' of the write-ups. In order to generate a report about the potential dollars being projected, I need to find an easy way to extract the dollar amount from the text.
In most cases, the projected dollar amounts are preceded by "FY2014" then a "$". However, there are a handful of cases where there is no FY2014, but some variation of the year indicator. Most of the dollar amount entries are written is short text - FY2014 - $5k, 2014 $15k. While some others are written out - FY2014 - $ - $20,000. In still other cases, within the writeup reference is made to the amount of product projected to be shipped by using the dollar symbols. For example - Estimated ship totals $$ for FY2014 = $5k. I've tried writing some formulas, but as in the last example - the first dollar signs are recognized rather than the dollar sign immediately before the value.
Sample data -
Estimated ship totals $$ for FY2014 = $5K New Customer Prospect 4/9/2012 Customer has still not decided if he
2014 $15K Funco 4/7/14 working on the program for the demo ...
Over 130 samples tested with about 90% accuracy. FY2014 Ship $$ = $20,000 at least. Setter Line has 7 plants ...
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Nov 28, 2007
I am writing to see if this can be done. I have a master file that I want to open up to 80 files in a directory. For example, if I select Janauary as the Master file month to process for it to open up all files lastname_firstname_Jan01_15 and lastname_firstname_Jan16_Jan31.
I want it to populate the Master file based on criteria set in column A for that file.
Also, two of the fields need to be a sum from all of the files.
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Apr 17, 2013
I require the code for the following task.
I'm getting an input string from the user in an excel sheet(e.g. input.xls) .I have to search for that string in a group of excel files present in the same folder in which the input.xls file also present.The range of that cell in which the string is found (e.g. A1 ) has to be stored in a variable.
I know that Vlookup is an option but the number of excel files to be searched is more that 50.
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May 27, 2014
I've been given the assignment to replace an old company name with the new one in an excessive amount of excel files. All the excel files seem to be some kinds of forms with fancy buttons and such. I've been trying to research this quite a bit but only found some shady programs which I'm not installing on company computers so I decided to write a batch script to try and accomplish this, if you have any other ways to do this do let me know. So far I've only got a basic skeleton of the batch script, like looping through all the excel files in a directory and then loop through all the worksheets within the file. Here's how it looks
[Code] .....
I just want some confirmation that this would actually work and how to replace all occurrences of a string in a workspace.
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May 8, 2008
I have some code that I use to convert files, and it works well, but I would like to make a couple of changes to it. If I run it now it requires user input for every file that is processed, using the input box. Instead of this I would like to use the filename minus the extension as this input.
The next step is selecting the file using the . Instead of this I would like the user to browse for the folder containing .csv files, and select the folder, then use the macro to loop through all files in the folder.
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Jun 30, 2008
I've got a string named FileList that contains the full paths of each file I need to open. It doesn't work, but this is where I'm at for the moment -
For Each File In FileList
Next File
What do I need to put after Workbooks.Open?
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Aug 29, 2012
I have a requirement to search workbooks in a particular folder with specific string in file name. For example, let us assume I need to find a file which contains the name 'RR' in it. The position of 'RR' will vary with files i.e. 'RR' might be present either in the beginning, middle or at the end of file name. All I wanted is to search for file with 'RR' and do some activity and close the file and then goto next file. Similarly, the next search has to be performed with the files containing the name 'BB' in it.
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May 14, 2013
Trying to write a script to carry out a number of tasks but is there code to enable an Excel to look in a particular file for the list of csv files - carry out the tasks and return the appropriate values in the Excel sheet whilst leaving the original csv files untouched?
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Jun 26, 2009
Need a way to update a single master file. What happens right now is that the cost manager sends out one file to a lot of different project heads and then on having them return back to him he basically has to individually add in all the data. What i am trying to do is that he somehow carries on sending out the data as there are a lottt of projects and then on returning them they automatically update.
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Jul 5, 2007
I want to allow users to place files (.jpg, .tif, .pdf, .pps etc) into a network folder and then have my program open each file and display it for 30 seconds then close the file and the application before opening the next file.
1. Set up a loop to get a directory listing of the folder and write the listing to a text file.
2. Open up the text file and get the next filename in it
3. Open the file in the associated application
4. Wait for 30 seconds (or some period of time) and then close the file
5. Repeat steps 2-4
DoIt = 1
While DoIt = 1
Open "C:TempList.txt" for output as #1
Print #1, Files In Folder
Close #1
Open "C:TempList.txt" for input as #2
while not eof(2)
Line input #2, MyFile
Display MyFile on screen
Wait for 30 seconds
Close MyFile and MyApplication that opened it
Close #2
I can get the directory listing just fine with no problems
I can open the files in the associated application just fine with no problems.
with closing the application after 30 seconds or some period of time.
I need some code that will allow me to easily send it a filename and it will know how to close the file and the application that opened it.
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Feb 8, 2009
I have an Excel application (Excel 2003) which is stored in the default Program Files folder by the Installer; for example: c:program fileszxchello.xls. The problem I am running into is this file opens as Read Only in Vista and this is interfering with the running of the application. There is no problem opening the file normally in Windows XP.
I have been able to narrow down the cause of this to the User Account Control system in Vista - if I turn OFF User Account Control, the Excel file opens normally and my application functions normally. Is there another option to open the Excel file without turning OFF User Account Control because some users may find it unacceptable to turn OFF this security feature. Ofcourse, one option is to install the application in another location, outside the Program Folder, and the file would open normally, but the Packaging Wizard that I am using to package the application does not allow me to install the application in any other location and thus, the application installs in the Program Folder and I am running into this problem of the Exel file opening as Read Only. Is there a way out of this situation where I can open the file normally (not as Read Only)?
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Jul 13, 2006
I'm using the following code to import thousands of html files into my spreadsheet. The code is working fine. Since I am importing thousands of files, when there is no more space on my worksheet, the code stops with an error message. I want to make this code add another worksheet & continue importing the html files until there are no more files to import.
Sub Master_Importer()
Dim I As Long
Dim strFilename As String
Dim strPath As String
strPath = "file:///C:/Documents and Settings/c/Desktop/New Folder/"
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = "C:Documents and SettingscDesktopNew Folder"
.FileType = msoFileTypeAllFiles
For I = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
strFilename = Mid(.FoundFiles(I), InStrRev(.FoundFiles(I), "") + 1)
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:= _
"URL;" & strPath & strFilename _ .......................
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