I have a workbook with several spreadsheets in it. My 1st sheet is a summary sheet, the rows represents the sum total find each worksheet, normally i will just clk on the cell in the summary sheet and clk on the worksheet i need and clk on the total.
It always worked but suddenly won't respond. When i put= in a cell in the summary sheet and clk on the sum total of the other worksheets, it won't clk, it's like it has been frozen. I unlocked the cell protection but it still won't respond when i clk on any cells on the worksheets.
I want to utilise an artificial protection by keeping a cells value constant even though it can be selected, deleted, edited etc.
Is this possible? I want to make a sheet where the cursor isnt visible except on certain sets of 4 cells.
My method being leave the 4 cell sets unlocked and lock everything else and then protect the sheet.
This means only the 4 cell sets are selectable/editable but I only want them to be selected (as this triggers events) but I dont want their values to be changeable. The values will always be 0,1,2,3
When unprotected my spreadsheet is working fine (apart from the fact that my users can do anything anywhere!) However, as soon as I protect it I am getting a mouse cursor that looks like its hovering over a clickable button? This is odd as the area that its hovering over contains unlocked cells?
Then when I click one of the unlocked cells I get a message box that tells me that Excel cannot locate a macro? Its as though there is a macro being invoked by a click on the screen almost anywhere? as allowing full access only to certain ranges of cells is a pre-req for my project. my file is double the allowable attachable size so I have not attached it.
I have a locked spreadsheet with unlocked cells and checkboxes. The unlocked cells is for the user to enter text. The user navigation is top to botton in column a in sequential order by row.
For example: I have an unlocked cell in A1, then 20 checkboxes from A2:A21 and then another unlocked cell in A22. My problem is that when the user types text in A1 and hits ENTER - the cursor jumps to A22 (the next unlocked cell and scrolls the screen down accordingly. The user then has to scroll back up to select the checkbox in A2 and so on down to A22 before typing in A22.
I have created a command button that floats...that ultimately I would like the user to be able to select after typing in an unlocked cell(instead of hitting ENTER) and it removes the cursor from the unlocked cell - leaving the text entered - freeing the user to select checkboxes because excel didn't advance to the next unlocked cell.
If F3 contains specific word i.e. FCL then only cell K3 and L3 are unlocked or available for data input.
Additional information:
F3:F10002 contain data validation list
I need to apply above condition on K3:K10002 and L3:L10002
I did some search on this forum and I came to know above can only achieve through VBA only. Is there is any possible way without VBA? I'm not good with VBA etc
is there a way that i can stop people being able to edit certain cell in a sheet but still allow them to type in other cells as when i have tried diffrent ways it locks the whole sheet
when i password protect my sheet it doesnt let my clear cells macro work on the cells i need it to clear why is this and what way is there around this completes my complex sheet.
Having the cell protected after entering the data. From the below table, i need when a date is entered and moved to next cell, the cell which contains the data should be protected. I need to this for the comments column as well.
Number DateStart timeEnd TimeActual Time takenComments 123459132546132156135469654814846543
I'm trying to set a cell so that it has a certain value based on other cell(s) information. I can put a formula into the cell to do that, but I also want to make the cell available for user input, preserving the formula should the user change their mind and delete their input.
Basically, it's a cell with a protected formula that can be overridden with user input, then if the user decides to take their input back out, the formula kicks back in.
I have a cell with data validation: list, that allows values contained in named range. I want to disallow to delete contents of this cell (with 'del' key, or when i edit cell, delete text and then press 'Enter'). Is it possible to do with formula or VBA
I have 2 spreadsheets: in a Sheet1 I keep some values and in a Sheet2 5 names of users with special rights (range A1:A5). I want to have sure that anybody will change/delete that names without password. Only the user "Administrator" can do that(I check the name of the user using "Application.UserName"). Additional question: is it possible to still protect those cells if somebody turn off macros during opening file?
I have a worksheet with multiple entry boxes in a row. Depending on the value in one row, another row will either yield the result from a formula, or remain blank, and this cell needs to be locked. I was able to do this by first putting the formula into the destination cell, and then using custom data validation that says the cell value = "". So this prevents anyone from typing in that cell, no matter if it yields the formula result or must stay blank. What it doesn't protect against is someone deleting the contents of the cell. The reason I don't want to protect the cell is because I want people to be able to highlight the whole row past that cell and delete it all at once. So either using Data Validation, a formula, or VB programming I need to not allow someone to do ANYTHING to that cell, even delete the contents, without locking the cell. Hopefully it can be done, thanks!
For example, if E17 = "X", then K17 = INPUT!$M$28*J17. If E17 <> "X" then K17 is blank. Either way, I don't want any typing or deleting of K17. This applies for range K17:K91, and corresponding E17:E91.
Is there any way to change the pattern color of a cell (or a group of non-adjacent cells), say from No Color into Red if the cell(s) protection is locked (or unlocked)? Seems to me that the Conditional Formatting cannot work this way.
I work in the field of education and the spreadsheet I'm working will require pupils to enter answers into the spreasheet. When a command button (New Questions) is pressed I want the VBA code to switch the cell protection (locked) on or off depending on a random value in cell c2. If c2 = 1 I want f3 to be locked, if c2 = 2 then d3 needs to be locked, but not f3. I've attached a copy of the spreadsheet to this email
is it possible to restrict a cell in such a way that it is impossible to type data into it, but rather select data from a drop down, through validation?
I have a spreadsheet that has mostly locked cells but randomly placed unlocked cells.
The sheet is completed, often saved and printed. We then go back into it and use it for another customer calculation and need to ensure all previous entries are removed. With the locked cells you can't simply highlight an area to clear so I am wondering if there is a way to clear the unlocked cells in one step other than entering on each on to clear.
Would there be any way that if we cleared the first cell the others would clear?
I'm putting together a time sheet that can used to calculate total hours worked by department etc. I plan on protecting the worksheet and only allowing certain cells to be selected and data entered.
Is there a way using VBA to place a button on the first spreadsheet that will clear all cells that are 'unlocked'?
I'm looking for a macro that only selects the unprotected cells in a range. So that I can copy a formula in these cells.
I found the below macro on the web but it will select all the unprotected cells in the worksheet. I guess this one can easily be adjusted to only select the cells in a range, but I do not know how to do this.
Sub SelectUnlockedCells() Dim WorkRange As Range Dim FoundCells As Range Dim Cell As Range Set WorkRange = ActiveSheet.UsedRange For Each Cell In WorkRange If Cell.Locked = False Then
Is there any code to change unlocked cells to locked.. I have worksheets for each month which are protected with unlocked cells. At the end of the month I need to go into the worksheet unprotect it and run a macro to change the unlocked cells to locked so I can protect it again. This is to preserve the data entered into the cells.
I am trying to select all unlock cells in the active sheet. However, my method checks through each cell in the sheet and it takes too long.
Sub SelectUnlockedCells() Dim rng As Range
If IsNull(Cells.Locked) Then 'if null then there is unlocked cells For Each c In cells If c.Locked = False Then If rng Is Nothing Then Set rng = c Else Set rng = Union(rng, c) End If End If Next c Else End If
Ok I've spent over 2 hours reading MANY peoples issues with this "BUG". Back in 2003 was the earliest... no one has an answer that works.
When you protect a worksheet and only have UNLOCKED CELLS selected...somehow through loading and unloading the file... you can select locked cells.... I can not find a pattern but many people have had this issue all with no concrete answers.
Just by loading and saving, exit and loading and saving, exit and loading.... i can now select locked cells that I previously couldn't. (I can't do anything as it's still protected...) It's a pain because it wrecks my tab flow.
I have a workbook with a series of sheets that have tables for entering data. The table row and column labels and formulas in certain cells of each sheet are locked and some sheets are hidden.
When opening the file I want to clear all cell contents (interior color, comments, data, etc) in all the unlocked cells on each sheet that is not hidden.
I tried protecting the sheets first so only the unlocked cells would be accessible, but when I run the code below I get an error saying that the clear contents etc. cannot be performed because the sheet is protected. If it is not protected, everything gets wiped out.
How can I keep the locked stuff but clear the unlocked cells?
For Each ws In ThisWorkbook.Worksheets If ws.Visible = xlSheetVisible Then
ws.Protect Password:="aaa" 'Protect each sheet ws.Cells.ClearContents 'clear content of any unprotected cells ws.Cells.ClearComments 'clear any cell comments ws.Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 0 'set background colour to no fill Active.Cells.Range ("a1") 'make the active cell the top left
I'm using Microsoft Excel 2008 for Mac version 12.2.0 (090605) (Mac OS 10.5).
I created a sheet, selected some cells to be locked and others to be unlocked (using Format > Cells), then I used Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet (choosing Contents only, not Objects or Scenarios). This has the desired effect of protecting the locked cells from users accidentally typing changes and overwriting their current contents.
I can still enter new data in the unlocked cells as expected, but unexpectedly I cannot change the formatting of unlocked cells (e.g., shading, font - bold). These are *unlocked* cells so even if the sheet is protected, why can't I change the formatting for them? It is too tedious to Unprotect the sheet every time I need to change formatting of an unlocked cell.
I have zero experience with Visual Basic and can't even find options that others have described (e.g., right clicking the sheet name does not yield "Show code" and Tools > Macros does not yield anything comprehensible about VBA). So if your suggestions involve something complex, please do include detailed instructions!