I have a cell with data validation: list, that allows values contained in named range. I want to disallow to delete contents of this cell (with 'del' key, or when i edit cell, delete text and then press 'Enter'). Is it possible to do with formula or VBA
I have a worksheet with multiple entry boxes in a row. Depending on the value in one row, another row will either yield the result from a formula, or remain blank, and this cell needs to be locked. I was able to do this by first putting the formula into the destination cell, and then using custom data validation that says the cell value = "". So this prevents anyone from typing in that cell, no matter if it yields the formula result or must stay blank. What it doesn't protect against is someone deleting the contents of the cell. The reason I don't want to protect the cell is because I want people to be able to highlight the whole row past that cell and delete it all at once. So either using Data Validation, a formula, or VB programming I need to not allow someone to do ANYTHING to that cell, even delete the contents, without locking the cell. Hopefully it can be done, thanks!
For example, if E17 = "X", then K17 = INPUT!$M$28*J17. If E17 <> "X" then K17 is blank. Either way, I don't want any typing or deleting of K17. This applies for range K17:K91, and corresponding E17:E91.
is it possible to restrict a cell in such a way that it is impossible to type data into it, but rather select data from a drop down, through validation?
How do I stop a text box called "Text Box 4" from being deleted. It was created from the drawing toolbar. I don't want to protect the worksheet if possible.
I am looking for the code to keep certain cells from being rested on, they can be clicked on but in order for you to view the formula in the cell you have to hold down the mouse button otherwise it will move you over to the cell next to it. I was using another worksheet a while ago and was trying to view the formulas but when I clicked on the cells holding them it would move me to the next cell, the only way I could view them was to hold the mouse button down as soon as I would release it it would be gone! I do not want to protect the sheet, if there is another way to hide formulas I am open to all ideas!
I'm protecting a spreadsheet with Excel 2000. For that i used the Excel functionality : Data -> " Validation"
Unfortunately, I can not protect the all sheet or workbook (Requirement). So even if the cells are protected by "Validation", any user can delete the cells using the key DELETE or BACKSPACE on the keyboard !
VBA Macro (which could be activate at each change on the sheet for example...) ? or if it's possible to avoid cells deleting with the "Validation" in the Excel Data menu ?
If it's a macro, it would do :
1 ) see if a user is pushing DELETE or BACKSPACE on the keyboard
2 ) see if the cell contains formulas
3 ) if yes, make a box appears to say that is not possible to delete this cell
if column E is "Annuity", you can type a value in column J and it runs a formula to calculate a value for column K. If E is not "Annuity" it clears the contents of J (which should clear K). What's not working is when column J gets cleared or manually deleted, column K must be blank. The worksheet_change event is not working for deletion of column J.
I have a workbook that contains 2 worksheets. The first worksheet contains all the data. The second sheet contains formulas that reference (absolute for all) the first sheet.
I run into problems (actually the users do) when the data set is updated with new information. Sometimes the users will delete all the data rows first and then copy the new data to the blank cells. When they do this, it messes up the formulas with #REF! error. Is there a way to prevent this? or is there a way to hard code the formulas so I don't get this error?
On some of my worksheets, the slider bar on the right has become a small square rather than a long rectangle. This causes this slightest shift downward to jump through large amounts of rows. Excel seems to think there must be data down there I need. How do I get rid of empty cells at the bottom of a worksheet so that this no longer happens?
I have completed an automated time sheet but have realised that there are some days where overtime entries make it go wrong.
There is one column where you enter an overtime shift when the cell has an entry I need all the other calculations to be zero
I tried various ways with isblank but just get true or false.
This time ive created a visual basic form that asks for a row number and when you put a row number in this form it deletes what is in column A, B and C of that row and shift the rows up so that there are no gaps between the data in the rows.
I need to know what code i would have on the 'delete' button of the form.
If you want me to describe it any further i would be happy to, just ask.
Im looking for code for a button that asks for a Record number, and it will delete the record. But the record number is written in cells as 'Record No.1' 'Record No.2' etc. But i want the messagebox to ask for a single number and it would delete that record. Now the position of the records is what will be the difficult bit about this code, but it has a pattern.
For Record No.1 i need deleting cells C2:J100 For Record No.2 i need deleting cells L2:S100 For Record No.3 i need deleting cells U2:AB100
If anyone could give me a bit of code that works for these 3 then i could waste a load of time filling the rest of them out.
I have a code where column K is not responding to a value being deleted out of column J. I've highlighted the portion of the code dealing with this. Deletion should trigger the worksheet_change event to clear out column K as it's supposed to. how to get deletion to take effect?
This is part of a macro in a worksheet_change event. When a cell in column J gets deleted by a user, the corresponding cell in column K should also clear. But it's not responding to the delete.
It DOES clear when the other 2 criteria are met (.cells(1,10) = 0 and .cells(i,5) <> "Annuity"). The worksheet_change event should pick up on the cell deletion, but it's not. And column J is already a trigger for the macro to run, so I'm not sure what's going on. Either the trigger is still wrong, the isempty(.cells(i,10)) is not correct syntax, or this event just doesn't respond to cell deletion.
is there a way that i can stop people being able to edit certain cell in a sheet but still allow them to type in other cells as when i have tried diffrent ways it locks the whole sheet
I have a workbook with several spreadsheets in it. My 1st sheet is a summary sheet, the rows represents the sum total find each worksheet, normally i will just clk on the cell in the summary sheet and clk on the worksheet i need and clk on the total.
It always worked but suddenly won't respond. When i put= in a cell in the summary sheet and clk on the sum total of the other worksheets, it won't clk, it's like it has been frozen. I unlocked the cell protection but it still won't respond when i clk on any cells on the worksheets.
when i password protect my sheet it doesnt let my clear cells macro work on the cells i need it to clear why is this and what way is there around this completes my complex sheet.
Having the cell protected after entering the data. From the below table, i need when a date is entered and moved to next cell, the cell which contains the data should be protected. I need to this for the comments column as well.
Number DateStart timeEnd TimeActual Time takenComments 123459132546132156135469654814846543
I'm trying to set a cell so that it has a certain value based on other cell(s) information. I can put a formula into the cell to do that, but I also want to make the cell available for user input, preserving the formula should the user change their mind and delete their input.
Basically, it's a cell with a protected formula that can be overridden with user input, then if the user decides to take their input back out, the formula kicks back in.
I have 2 spreadsheets: in a Sheet1 I keep some values and in a Sheet2 5 names of users with special rights (range A1:A5). I want to have sure that anybody will change/delete that names without password. Only the user "Administrator" can do that(I check the name of the user using "Application.UserName"). Additional question: is it possible to still protect those cells if somebody turn off macros during opening file?
Is there any way to change the pattern color of a cell (or a group of non-adjacent cells), say from No Color into Red if the cell(s) protection is locked (or unlocked)? Seems to me that the Conditional Formatting cannot work this way.
I work in the field of education and the spreadsheet I'm working will require pupils to enter answers into the spreasheet. When a command button (New Questions) is pressed I want the VBA code to switch the cell protection (locked) on or off depending on a random value in cell c2. If c2 = 1 I want f3 to be locked, if c2 = 2 then d3 needs to be locked, but not f3. I've attached a copy of the spreadsheet to this email
my excel sheet runs through a lot of calculations, opens Flowmaster, a simulations program, passes on data, receivs data and so on. Is there any way to have a user input to stop the whole simulation. During the first tries I had a lot of break point in my debugger. But now I want to have a button to hit or better just some keys to hit to stop it without using the ctrl+alt+del which closes everything.
I am trying to use the status of Conditional Formatting to toggle on/off protection for a cell.
I have a cell with Conditional Formatting applied if the result of a formula is true. If the Conditional Formatting is applied, I want the cell protection turned on so a user can not change the entry in the cell. If Conditional Formatting is not applied (false), cell protection is turned off and the user may edit.
What do I need to add to this script in order to stop the macro after the last cell with data. Currently it will continue to add and additional sheet and then error out b/c the next cell is blank and it doesn't know what to enter as the worksheet's name.
For Each c In Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A24") Sheets.Add ActiveSheet.Name = Right(c.Value, 30) Next c