I am trying to use the OR function within an IF condition.
when I use each function seperatly, it works fine. but both functions
together always return the value of "B" - as false result, even when the
requested cell holds one of the true values.
In Mr Excel's Pod Cast on April 12th, he showed how to use the OFFSET function to define a range inside a SUM function. Then he had Conditional Formatting that would highlight the range that was being summed. Can anyone tell me what the formula would be inside the Conditional Formatting dialog box to get the OFFSET range to have a certain format?
I'm trying to calc a Simple Moving Average of financial Fund data (row=fund type, column=date) on a very large matrix for a particular fund and date range. I locate the Fund of interest and retrieve the Start and End dates of interest and retrieve their addresses using the ADDRESS function. Since ADDRESS returns a text string, HOW DO I incorporate it's results into the following array function (which ignors blanks and 0 cells): {=AVERAGE(IF($L$10:$V$10>0,$L$10:$V$10,FALSE))}?
This is the format of an external call that I am trying to run. I need to change the number (40720) based on the day of the month (i.e. if its the 5th, then use 40725.
I am attemting to use a function to do this and passing in the device name (Windham) and location (40720). Unfortunately, I have been unable to get a String to send back as a formula. My attempt was as follows :
= Location ("Windham", 40720, "D7")
Function Location(name, num, cell) Dim psDay As Integer Dim psLocal As String psDay = Day(Now) Location = (Range(cell).Formula = "=StacServer|" & name & "!'" & (num + psDay) & "'") End Function
I have the following formula that has ceased to work in excel. I don't think there are any errors in it so I'm unsure as to why the link no longer works. Neither of the files I'm using has moved location on the server.
inside cell a30 i have a date function which displays: Mon 07/22/2013 3:30:14 AM. i realize that excel actually uses 41477.146 Can i search for something kin the display, i.e. "Mon"?
Solution for all: {=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(Sheet1!$A$2:$A$16,$F$34:$F$40,INDEX(Sheet1!$B$2:$K$16,0,MATCH(T$10,Sheet1!$B$1:$K $1,0))),U34:U40)}
Say I have an Excel workbook with two sheets: Employee Hours and Employee Wages. On the Hours sheet I have 31 columns (Jan1 - Jan31) with inputs for the number of hours worked by each employee by day. On the Wages sheet I have listed the same 31 columns with their wages each day (I do this to factor in wage increases that occur fairly often).
My goal is to use an INDEX/MATCH function to calculate the total daily compensation for each day on the Wages sheet by multiplying hours*wages for all employees that day. Here's the code I'm using:
i have written a code in VBA to interpolate the value of Y0 corresponding to X0 using a set of (X,Y) points. (I have written this in module1) . This function works when i call it through a Sub or another Function in VBA. but it does not work when I try to use it as a function in my excel worksheets (when I type : =interpolate(A1:A10,B1:B10,30) .... 30 is an arbitrary value). in this case I get #value! error
The function is known in within the worksheets because when I start typing its name, the Auto Name Complete feature of excel, finds this function.
I am new to VAB for excel. Please give me a hint to see my mistakes of if something is missing inside my code.
PHP Public Function Interpolate(ByRef X() As Double, ByRef Y() As Double, ByRef X0 As Double) As Double Dim I As Integer, Slope As Double, NData As Integer NData = UBound(X) For I = 1 To UBound(X) - 1 If (X(I) = X0) Then Interpolate = Y(I) Exit Function ElseIf (X0 < ListMax(X(I), X(I + 1)) And X0 > ListMin(X(I), X(I + 1))) Then Slope = (Y(I) - Y(I + 1)) / (X(I) - X(I + 1)) Interpolate = Y(I + 1) + Slope * (X0 - X(I + 1)) Exit Function End If Next I End FunctionPublic Function ListMax(ParamArray ListItems() As Variant) Dim I As Integer ListMax = ListItems(0) For I = 0 To UBound(ListItems()) If ListItems(I) > ListMax Then ListMax = ListItems(I) Next IEnd FunctionPublic Function ListMin(ParamArray ListItems() As Variant) Dim I As Integer ListMin = ListItems(0) For I = 0 To UBound(ListItems()) If ListItems(I) < ListMin Then ListMin = ListItems(I) Next IEnd Function
I'm starting a project where Excel will be used as the main UI for defining a table of data. I'm expecting to define a "template" - xlt i guess - that users can open and save as an xls, without over-writing the template. Users will populate the spreadsheet with a lot of help from user defined functions. I'm just getting started and would like to populate a particular cell with the current date, but only the first time the sheet is opened. I tried checking whether a cell was empty before assigning a value to it, of course this meant recursion!
Also: It might be nice to use the Today() function inside a UDF, but TODAY isn't a member of Application.WorksheetFunction - is there no way to reference TODAY() from within a UDF?
The first three formulas give valid results but the fourth example throws in an error after hitting Enter. As you can see I put in the HOUR function. As far as my knowledge goes the HOUR function generates an integer.
I have a spreadsheet that uses a function defined in VBA code that is housed in an add-in which is stored in the default location (C:Documents And Settings{user_name}Application DataMicrosoftAdd-Ins). To share this spreadsheet, I first install the add-in on the other person's computer. Then, when the other person opens the spreadsheet, the function doesn't work because the function call on the worksheet contains the whole path of the add-in (and the path contains my {user_name} rather than the other person's). So, the immediate solution is to just delete the path of the add-in from the function call (so that only the name of the function remains, plus the arguments of course). But this is quite inconvenient given the number of times the function appears in the worksheet, and it's not practical as we continue to share files like this.
My question is: is there a way to make sure that the 'C:Documents...' never gets added to the function call in the first place? I mean, why doesn't Excel just try to run the function locally before it adds that path that refers to a separate computer? I do realize that there are other methods of sharing VBA code. For example, I know that I could include the code in the specific spreadsheet that I'm trying to share, and this would work. But, that's not the answer I'm looking for (for one, the function refers to a very large amount of data stored in the add-in, and there are other reasons that make the aforementioned method impractical). I'm wondering if I'm missing something, and if there is a way to stop Excel from tacking on the path string to the function call, so that the function would just work on any computer as long as they have the add-in installed?
I'm trying to create a simple VBA function in Excel so that I can sort and calculate results based on various conditions. I can get everything to work except changing the color of the cell where the output is placed. Here is what I have so far:
Function nameOfMyFunction(arguments) If conditions Then nameOfMyFunction = "No GRP" ActiveCell.Font.Color = RGB(255,0,0) End If
I'm sure that its something simple, but I've spent long enough on my own trying to figure it out and nothing seems to work.
Is it possible to use the HYPERLINK function inside of a validation list?
Presently I have a dynamically named range on another worksheet that includes a hyperlinked term. When I attempt to create a validation list using this named range the term appears in the list without the hyperlink.
I am getting a #REF error when using an INDIRECT function within a MATCH function to check against a dynamic named range. Basically, I am trying to get the row reference so that I can go back and extract other data from the row (in a table contained in another sheet) into the current worksheet.
I attach an example file for reference. The issue arises when a Dynamic Named Range is used. In the example file, if a value from a static range is chosen, the match with indirect function works, but it fails with the dynamic range.
I'm having trouble using the worksheet copy command in a VBA subroutine. I have the following line in my code:
[Code] ........
When I step through my code and execute this line, the sheet is copied as expected and put in the correct place, but then instead of the next line of code being highlighted, the pointer jumps to the first line of a function (in a different module) in my code.
VB: Function f1(Matrix As Range) 'Does something and returns f1 = a double End Function
And a second function which defines and constructs a matrix of doubles to use as an argument in f1 to return a double:
VB: Function f2(dD As Double) Dim MatrixRed() As Double Redim MatrixRed(1 To dD, 1 To 10) For i = 1 To dD For j = 1 To 10 MatrixRed(i, j) = i * j Next Next f2 = f1(MatrixRed) End Function
I get an output error (#VALUE). I think it has something to do with MatrixRed not being a range anymore?
let me start by saying that I know an example workbook would be useful here, but the part I'm struggling with is the [managementroster.xlsm] file, and there is A. no way I can release it to the internets and B. its so huge/complicated I couldn't even begin to reproduce a portion of it, scrubbed of data, and hope to maintain its functionality in a meaningful manner.
This formula checks a staff number on this spreadsheet, and then goes and looks at the staff number on the roster. Once found, it returns that staff members roster, but changes any manager codes in the MRC list to Mgr, and changes all other roster codes to Free.
I now need this formula, before altering roster codes to Mgr or Free, to only return codes that are a match for another table (or after really. I don't particularly care, so long as only codes are shown that match data from another table). I think an index/match function would do the trick, but this forumula is already at the edge of my excel ability, nesting another function within it is completey beyond me. The relevant cells for the index/match function would be:
This first Match function targets the column. $E3 is the date required, $BA$1:$DN$1 is the range the dates are entered in Match: Lookup value = $E3 Lookup array = '[ManagementRoster.xlsm]Vacancies!'$BA$1:$DN$1 match type = 0
This second Match function targets the row. $A$4 is the department name, $B$434:$B$452 is the range where all departments are entered
Match: Lookup value = $A$4 Lookup Array = '[ManagementRoster.xlsm]Vacancies!'$B$434:$B$452 match type = 0
Index: array = $BA$434:$DN$452
So I think my final function is
[Code] .....
But I have absolutely NO idea where it would fit within my first formula, or how to code it so that my original formula only reproduces results that are found in both sheets, or anything.
I have created a List in excel of various tasks. (See attached example.) Each row contains one cell with a function which equals the cell above it and to the right. So the function for cell C3 would be D2. The only importance is that the cell mirrored is always the cell one above and to the right. However, now I would like to be able to rearrange this List, but the “one up and to the right” function will now be all over the place.
Is someone aware of a function which will target a relative location instead of an exact cell?
I have been looking around have this much code from this site, modified. What I am trying to do is calculate numbers by a position with cells D through K having numeric values. I have 'hardcoded' the cells (D2, E2, etc in the code below), but in reality I only want the current row (so if the formula is on the 2nd row, I want D2, if it is on the 3rd row, I want D3).
My problem is obviously the formula isn't working because I am not correctly tying back to the spreadsheet (Positioncalc.xls). When I put the formula in the spreadsheet it works, but in my script I get 0 everytime.
My Script:
Function Position(rCell As Range, Optional RightPosition As Boolean) Dim vResult
Select Case rCell.Text Case "QB" vResult = (2*D2) + (2*E2) + (2*F2) + (4*G2) + (2*H2) + (1*I2) + (4*J2) + (3*K2) Case Else vResult = "Invalid Position" End Select
If RightPosition = True Then Position = vResult Else Position = "Position not valid" End If
End Function
So, when I put =Position(A2,True) I expect to see the formula results of those cells calculated based on the position (QB, HB, etc with their unique formulas).
My next challenge after this is to highlight certain cells based on the Position. So if A2 = QB, I want cell D2 boldface and Red, etc. I have seen some scripts on colors and such here, so I might be able to figure it out.
I have a range of cells, for this example I will use 2.
Cell E17 = 77/170 Cell E18 = 8/9
Using the following formula: =SUM(RIGHT(E17,FIND("/",E17)))+SUM(RIGHT(E18,FIND("/",E18)))
This bring back an #VALUE! Error as the second part of the formula keeps picking up "/9" however the first part works fine, displaying "170"
Now if I use: =SUM(RIGHT(E17,FIND("/",E17)))+SUM(RIGHT(E18,FIND("/",E18)-1)) It all works. The problem is that I need this to be automatic using the above way means having to add a "-1" to every formula for a cell with only 1 char to be added.
Using the formula: =SUM(RIGHT(E17,FIND("/",E17)-1))+SUM(RIGHT(E18,FIND("/",E18)-1)).....
I have a tracking sheet (attached) that has many functions, but I'm having trouble with two of them. First of all, I have a Worksheet_Change event set that when a cell is cleared, it fills the cell with a formula to use the record above it as a default value if another cell is equivalent. This worked when I first wrote it, but now it seems to break every other time I use it. When assigning the formula it returns a Method Default/FormulaR1C1/Offset failed error message. It seems to be different for each one, each time and I can't figure out what the problem is.
The other problem I'm having is that I wrote a BeforeDoubleClick event to expand or contract any given record, or series of records. this too worked when I initially wrote it, but now is only hiding one row when it should be hiding eight or more. I'm not terribly versed in VBA and totally baffled as to why I'm having these problems. As I side note, any ideas to clean up any of the code and make this run smoother (as ther will be many more series added when complete).
A most of time I'm using VLOOKUP function. I want to call specially this function by pressing custom button (w/o pressing "Insert Function" and choosing VLOOKUP)