Run Formula Inside Function

Mar 8, 2007

=StacServer|Windham! '40720'

This is the format of an external call that I am trying to run. I need to change the number (40720) based on the day of the month (i.e. if its the 5th, then use 40725.

I am attemting to use a function to do this and passing in the device name (Windham) and location (40720). Unfortunately, I have been unable to get a String to send back as a formula. My attempt was as follows :

= Location ("Windham", 40720, "D7")

Function Location(name, num, cell)
Dim psDay As Integer
Dim psLocal As String
psDay = Day(Now)
Location = (Range(cell).Formula = "=StacServer|" & name & "!'" & (num + psDay) & "'")
End Function

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Conditional Formatting: OFFSET Function To Define A Range Inside A SUM Function

Apr 13, 2007

In Mr Excel's Pod Cast on April 12th, he showed how to use the OFFSET function to define a range inside a SUM function. Then he had Conditional Formatting that would highlight the range that was being summed. Can anyone tell me what the formula would be inside the Conditional Formatting dialog box to get the OFFSET range to have a certain format?

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ADDRESS Use Inside A Function..

Feb 8, 2010

I'm trying to calc a Simple Moving Average of financial Fund data (row=fund type, column=date) on a very large matrix for a particular fund and date range. I locate the Fund of interest and retrieve the Start and End dates of interest and retrieve their addresses using the ADDRESS function. Since ADDRESS returns a text string, HOW DO I incorporate it's results into the following array function (which ignors blanks and 0 cells): {=AVERAGE(IF($L$10:$V$10>0,$L$10:$V$10,FALSE))}?

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Function Inside Textstring

Nov 13, 2008

Is it possible to make a function inside a textstring?

E.g. - The area of the building is [=A1] m² and contains [=A2] apartments.

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Vlookup Inside IF Function Not Working?

Jan 7, 2014

I have the following formula that has ceased to work in excel. I don't think there are any errors in it so I'm unsure as to why the link no longer works. Neither of the files I'm using has moved location on the server.


I'm not sure if this makes much of a difference but people opening the file use various versions of Microsoft Office.

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Function Inside Concatenate Funcion

Dec 18, 2007

how i get this to work?

B4 = BMEF3


and this its what should do:

how im supposed to do that function work?

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Search Inside Date Function?

Jul 18, 2013

inside cell a30 i have a date function which displays: Mon 07/22/2013 3:30:14 AM. i realize that excel actually uses 41477.146 Can i search for something kin the display, i.e. "Mon"?

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Index/Match Function Inside An Array

Jan 20, 2010

Solution for all: {=SUMPRODUCT(SUMIF(Sheet1!$A$2:$A$16,$F$34:$F$40,INDEX(Sheet1!$B$2:$K$16,0,MATCH(T$10,Sheet1!$B$1:$K $1,0))),U34:U40)}

Say I have an Excel workbook with two sheets: Employee Hours and Employee Wages. On the Hours sheet I have 31 columns (Jan1 - Jan31) with inputs for the number of hours worked by each employee by day. On the Wages sheet I have listed the same 31 columns with their wages each day (I do this to factor in wage increases that occur fairly often).

My goal is to use an INDEX/MATCH function to calculate the total daily compensation for each day on the Wages sheet by multiplying hours*wages for all employees that day. Here's the code I'm using:

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Function Works In VBA But Does Not Work Inside Worksheets

Jun 21, 2008

i have written a code in VBA to interpolate the value of Y0 corresponding to X0 using a set of (X,Y) points. (I have written this in module1) . This function works when i call it through a Sub or another Function in VBA. but it does not work when I try to use it as a function in my excel worksheets (when I type : =interpolate(A1:A10,B1:B10,30) .... 30 is an arbitrary value). in this case I get #value! error

The function is known in within the worksheets because when I start typing its name, the Auto Name Complete feature of excel, finds this function.

I am new to VAB for excel. Please give me a hint to see my mistakes of if something is missing inside my code.

Public Function Interpolate(ByRef X() As Double, ByRef Y() As Double, ByRef X0 As Double) As Double    Dim I As Integer, Slope As Double, NData As Integer        NData = UBound(X)    For I = 1 To UBound(X) - 1        If (X(I) = X0) Then            Interpolate = Y(I)            Exit Function        ElseIf (X0 < ListMax(X(I), X(I + 1)) And X0 > ListMin(X(I), X(I + 1))) Then            Slope = (Y(I) - Y(I + 1)) / (X(I) - X(I + 1))            Interpolate = Y(I + 1) + Slope * (X0 - X(I + 1))            Exit Function        End If    Next I        End FunctionPublic Function ListMax(ParamArray ListItems() As Variant)        Dim I As Integer        ListMax = ListItems(0)        For I = 0 To UBound(ListItems())            If ListItems(I) > ListMax Then ListMax = ListItems(I)        Next IEnd FunctionPublic Function ListMin(ParamArray ListItems() As Variant)        Dim I As Integer        ListMin = ListItems(0)        For I = 0 To UBound(ListItems())            If ListItems(I) < ListMin Then ListMin = ListItems(I)        Next IEnd Function 

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Function VLOOKUP At VBA Program Inside A FOR Loop

Apr 17, 2009

I want to use the function VLOOKUP at my VBA program inside a FOR Loop

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Populate A Cell Once; Using TODAY() Inside Function.

Sep 23, 2009

I'm starting a project where Excel will be used as the main UI for defining a table of data. I'm expecting to define a "template" - xlt i guess - that users can open and save as an xls, without over-writing the template. Users will populate the spreadsheet with a lot of help from user defined functions. I'm just getting started and would like to populate a particular cell with the current date, but only the first time the sheet is opened. I tried checking whether a cell was empty before assigning a value to it, of course this meant recursion!

Also: It might be nice to use the Today() function inside a UDF, but TODAY isn't a member of Application.WorksheetFunction - is there no way to reference TODAY() from within a UDF?

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COUNTIF Doesn't Like HOUR Function Inside Of It

Jun 24, 2014

The first three formulas give valid results but the fourth example throws in an error after hitting Enter. As you can see I put in the HOUR function. As far as my knowledge goes the HOUR function generates an integer.

So why does C4 not work? Formulas go in column C



[Code] ........

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'C:Documents...' Inside Worksheet Function Call

Jan 25, 2008

I have a spreadsheet that uses a function defined in VBA code that is housed in an add-in which is stored in the default location (C:Documents And Settings{user_name}Application DataMicrosoftAdd-Ins). To share this spreadsheet, I first install the add-in on the other person's computer. Then, when the other person opens the spreadsheet, the function doesn't work because the function call on the worksheet contains the whole path of the add-in (and the path contains my {user_name} rather than the other person's). So, the immediate solution is to just delete the path of the add-in from the function call (so that only the name of the function remains, plus the arguments of course). But this is quite inconvenient given the number of times the function appears in the worksheet, and it's not practical as we continue to share files like this.

My question is: is there a way to make sure that the 'C:Documents...' never gets added to the function call in the first place? I mean, why doesn't Excel just try to run the function locally before it adds that path that refers to a separate computer? I do realize that there are other methods of sharing VBA code. For example, I know that I could include the code in the specific spreadsheet that I'm trying to share, and this would work. But, that's not the answer I'm looking for (for one, the function refers to a very large amount of data stored in the add-in, and there are other reasons that make the aforementioned method impractical). I'm wondering if I'm missing something, and if there is a way to stop Excel from tacking on the path string to the function call, so that the function would just work on any computer as long as they have the add-in installed?

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Changing The Color Of A Cell Inside A Function

Sep 30, 2006

I'm trying to create a simple VBA function in Excel so that I can sort and calculate results based on various conditions. I can get everything to work except changing the color of the cell where the output is placed. Here is what I have so far:

Function nameOfMyFunction(arguments)
If conditions Then
nameOfMyFunction = "No GRP"
ActiveCell.Font.Color = RGB(255,0,0)
End If

I'm sure that its something simple, but I've spent long enough on my own trying to figure it out and nothing seems to work.

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Hyperlink Function Inside Of A Validation List?

Feb 22, 2007

Is it possible to use the HYPERLINK function inside of a validation list?

Presently I have a dynamically named range on another worksheet that includes a hyperlinked term. When I attempt to create a validation list using this named range the term appears in the list without the hyperlink.

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INDIRECT Function Not Working Inside MATCH With Dynamic Ranges

Mar 25, 2014

I am getting a #REF error when using an INDIRECT function within a MATCH function to check against a dynamic named range. Basically, I am trying to get the row reference so that I can go back and extract other data from the row (in a table contained in another sheet) into the current worksheet.

I attach an example file for reference. The issue arises when a Dynamic Named Range is used. In the example file, if a value from a static range is chosen, the match with indirect function works, but it fails with the dynamic range.

Dynamic Ranges INDIRECT v2.xlsb

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Use The OR Function Inside An IF Function

Jun 15, 2006

I am trying to use the OR function within an IF condition.
when I use each function seperatly, it works fine. but both functions
together always return the value of "B" - as false result, even when the
requested cell holds one of the true values.

for example:

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Inside A Value In A Formula

Nov 12, 2008

=BDP("067901108 cn corp cusip","px_last")

is there a way to insert 067901108 cn corp cusip from a different cell into the formula?

067901108 cn corp cusip <---A1
067901108 us corp cusip <---A2

something like this?

=BDP("A1","px_last") which equal to =BDP("067901108 cn corp cusip","px_last")

=BDP("A2","px_last") which equal to =BDP("067901108 us corp cusip","px_last")

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Add Text Inside Formula?

Jun 21, 2014

I have an excel work book that I want to extract certain info from Each tab where in the result tab I use this formula to get required data from another tab.

I has about 24 tab , in the 25th one i collect data from all previous , using below formula inside each cell to get

=INDEX('2014 wk12'!$C$1:$C$17,MATCH("Total LTD Result",'2014 wk12'!$A$1:$A$17,0))

Where 2014 wk12 is a tab name , so , it works fine

excel iss.png

What i want is t replace the sheet name which in previous example is 2014 wk12 with relative name in column A

The closest i have in mind is to make it as below ( it is not working ) so what shall be the working formula of the below

=INDEX('Tab name from Column A '!$C$1:$C$17,MATCH("Total LTD Result",'Tab name from Column A'!$A$1:$A$17,0))

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Assigning Formula To Variable Inside VBA?

Feb 22, 2013

I tried to count rows from one sheet and to put this value as counter in VBA For-Next loop.

Sub Copy_ID()
' Copy_ID Macro


It ends with "Invalid qualifier" error on the counter.Formula line. I attached sample excel with macro that I listed here.

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Conditional Formatting Inside A Formula?

Jun 21, 2014

I have a challenge with conditional formatting. I have products A-K with sales current year and last year and want to have year on year growth. I want to have one column where the cell formatting changes based on data validation.

Let's say product A sold 60 items CY and 50 LY meaning YoY variance is +10 items or +20%. Hence, if the relevant cell says "%" then the YoY figure should say "+20%" (formatted as a percentage) and if "VALUES" then YoY should be 10 (formatted as numbers/absolute values).

Remember also that YoY growth can be +100% (or more), 0% and -100%.

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Nesting-Don't Use Blanks Inside Formula

Dec 6, 2005

I am currently using the STDEV formula. Is there a way, that i can make
the formula use data from nonblank cells, only. For example: A1, A2, A5 will
have numbers listed. A3 & A4 are blank. Can i get the formula to use only
A1, A2, & A5?

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Range Of Number Inside A Formula?

May 22, 2013

I know about

(isnumber(match({,12054, 12056, 12058}).....

How could I express a range of numbers to identify 12054-13001. How would that expression be written?

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Can't Get Formula To Work When Put Inside A Loop

Apr 14, 2014

LastRow = Worksheets("Sheet1").Cells(Rows.Count, "K").End(xlUp).Row
For i = 2 To LastRow
Worksheets("Sheet1").Formula = "=IFERROR(+IF(+K2=0,0,+R2/(+IF(+K2>L2,K2,L2)*$AE$1/365)/P2),0)"
If (Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AE" & i).Value < 1.5) And _
((Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("K" & i).Value > 0) Or (Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("L" & i).Value > 0)) Then
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("AE" & i).Font.Color = 255
End If
Next i

My loop here works just fine, and my Formula works in testing. However when I move my formula inside the loop I get an error.

Is the syntax wrong in this line = Worksheets("Sheet1").Formula = "=IFERROR(+IF(+K2=0,0,+R2/(+IF(+K2>L2,K2,L2)*$AE$1/365)/P2),0)"

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Absolute $ Or INDIRCET Not Working Inside Formula

Aug 15, 2014

For some reason Absolute $ or INDIRECT is not working inside my formula when I add a row to my chart. Formula keeps adjusting.

Here is my formula...=IFERROR(LARGE(IF($B$5:$B$50=$K108,$A$5:$A$50),1),"")

$B$5:$B$50 goes to $B$6:$B$51 AND $A$5:$A$50 goes to $A$6:$A$51..... it can't do that, throws my counts out, needs to stay in this range B5:B50 and A5:A50 when I add a row to chart

Also when I use INDIRECT


I keep getting a error with =$K108, which is a cell reference in my formula which the formula needs to look at

So what do I do, or what formula do I need to use to stop this from adjusting as I add rows to a chart to stop formula from adjusting?

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Link To Address Of Data In Other Workbook Inside A Formula

Nov 9, 2009

I'm trying to use some data from other workbooks in a formula. However, the path to the other workbooks we are using will often change.

I think that the user can enter the path to the other workbook in a cell in this workbook. However, I'm getting errors in my formula and am not sure how to make the formula use the cell to reference the location of the workbook that has the data that we want.

This is what I have, but it's giving me an error.

=Countif(' & 'Instructions'!B9 & Planning'!$I$3:$I$100, "C")

'Instructions'!B9 contains the location of the other workbook in the format \path[filename] Planning'!$I$3:$I$100 is the location of the range in the other workbook.

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Formula Or Code To Delete Cells If No Text Entered Inside Them

Jul 29, 2013

I am making a buiness card request form, which I have attached. On the Master Sheet (Sheet 1), the user enters in his/her personal data, such as his name address, phone number, etc. After he/she finished entering all the relevant data, Business Card Layout (Sheet 2) automatically populates and shows the user what their business card will look like.

Everything works fine, however I just realized that the contact information might vary from person to person. Right now, a person can enter 5 different contact information, but most of them will probably only choose four.

I wanted to know how to shift the cells down if the user does not fill out one of the contact information.

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How To Change Positive Into Negative Number Inside Cell Formula

Feb 7, 2014

How do I change a Positive number into a Negative number inside a cell formula?

I have a figure in Cell AE 101 which has the positive number 141

I have another cell W1 which has the positive number of 437

I want to create a formula in cell X1 that takes the number in cell AE 101 of 141 and convert the number inside the formula of 141 into a negative number of -141 and then subtracts that number from Cell W1 of 437 leaving an equation inside the formula to read. 437-141 = 296

Since the number in Cell W1 changes all the time and the number in AE101 Changes all the time the new formulated number in X1 will change all the time too as the cells get updated.

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Vlookup Formula And Function To Combined With Another Formula?

Oct 22, 2013

i have two excel files which are data and master..both files will be use for salary calculating.. the vlookup formula will be use in master files for dragging the salary data from Data files..the formula as follow VLOOKUP(B4:B225,'D:Salary[Data.xls]AUG'!A$1:F$65536,6,FALSE))

the vlookup working fine to me.. but my problems is i want the data to be auto calculated when they have same value in two columns.. or if the name is similar/match in two columns (one for salary and another one for overtime), the salary should be auto calculated.

Data files will contain of these:
a:Employee ID
b:employee name
c:Employee salary/Overtime

Master files will contain of these:
a:Employee ID
b:Emplyee Name
c:Employee Nett Salary (that will be dragging from Data files)

is there any formula that i can used to combined with my vlookup formula?

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If, Then Inside A For, Next Statement

Oct 8, 2007

I have the below code working but not doing everything that I expect. It counts the number of columns on one sheet and copies the headings to rows to another sheet. One thing is that sometimes there are more than 10 headings and there are only room for 10 rows. So after 10 I need to insert rows. Currently the below code counts and inserts rows correctly but for some strange reason it only copies headings to rows for the first 9.

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