Show Insert Function Dialog Pre Set To Function

Sep 14, 2006

A most of time I'm using VLOOKUP function. I want to call specially this function by pressing custom button (w/o pressing "Insert Function" and choosing VLOOKUP)

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Userform Like Function Arguments Dialog

Sep 19, 2006

I want to create a modalless userform with a textbox on it. While running, if user select a range on the active worksheet, the textbox will display selection address (example $A:$B,$A1:$C2...). Now I can do this with Application SheetSelectionChange Event. But I dont know how to make my userform like a Function Arguments dialog.

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Insert Excel Formula Using VBA......MATCH Function Is What I Want To Insert

May 7, 2009

I can use the MATCH function when i am in excel but i am having trouble getting it to work when i am trying to insert the formula using VBA.

Here is the code i have but it wont even compile........

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Insert Cell Value Into Function

Aug 16, 2014

What I want to do is call a value from a cell of a separate workbook file by just inserting the file name. So basically:

Cell A1: File_Name.xlsx
Cell A2: ='[A1]Sheet1!'$B$2

Such that the formula effectively reads: ='[File_Name.xlsx]Sheet1!'$B$2 , and outputs the value of B2 from Sheet1 of File_Name.

But I keep getting error messages.

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Insert Comment Function???

Feb 11, 2009

I'm wondering if it's possible to use a lookup formula to populate cell comments? In other words, I'd like to put a lookup table into a cell, and if the value is not FALSE, have that Lookup table then pull in certain information into the cell's comments.

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Insert IF Function With VBA In Cell?

Jan 4, 2013

I'm trying to insert an IF function in a cell with VBA. But it keeps giving me an error and I don't understand why.

Here's the code:

Sub IFinsert_test()
Dim C_IndexKol As String
C_IndexKol = "Q"
Dim C_DebnrKol As String
C_DebnrKol = "A"
Worksheets("blad1").Range(C_IndexKol & "9").Formula = _
"=if(Worksheets("blad1").Range (C_debnrKol & "9")"""","testA","testB")"
End Sub

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Automate Insert Row Function?

Mar 24, 2007

attempting to accomplish the following in Excel and I believe that I need to use VBA to do it. I am an intermediate Excel user, so you might need to "bring it down to my level" a bit :-)

maintain a master list of tasks (in rows) in a file (File1). In another file (File2), I will keep the task list and related hours charged by our staff (in columns). What I want the macro to do is to compare each row of File2 to File 1 and if they are different (which will happen if I add a new task to the master list in File1), to insert a row. It should do this for each row in the file until it reaches the end (there may be blank rows though).

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Function That Will Show The Result In Column AD

Nov 6, 2008

I have a huge worksheet that contains four character payer code in column D for example: 9081, M897, 0235. I am looking for a function that will show the result in column AD

IF payer code in column D starts with a 9 (9???) - GOVT
IF payer code in column D starts with a 7 (7???) or M (M???) - MNGD
IF payer code in column D starts with a 2 or 0 (zero) – COMM
IF payer code in column D starts with either Z, I, C - PTR

I tried IF function, but it didn’t work for me.

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Dir Function Doesn't Show Files?

Apr 17, 2013

I am trying to write Excel VBA on Mac. Need to use the Dir function to get the file name in my document folder, but it showed only one file in the folder "DS_Store". There are actually several Excel files in the directory just don't show up by using this function. I have done some research on this "DS_Store" file, it seems a hidden/system file for Mac. It's fine, but it really doesn't make sense that other files won't show. Also, when writing VBA for Windows, *.xls refers to any file with a .xls extension. How to express the same thing for Mac? I am new with Mac, it just works so different than Windows.

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Excel VBA - Use Concatenate Function To Show A Value

Jul 12, 2013

Possible to use concatenate function to enter a formula to a cell and have the cell show the result?

I enter the following in a cell:

=CONCATENATE("=LEN(""",A2,"""",")") 'A2 contains the string "Exchange rate: 925"

what is shown in the cell is:

=LEN("Exchange rate: 925")

If I manually enter the above len function in the next cell, the cell displays 18.

Is it possible to use the concatenate function, maybe combine with other functions, to display 18 in a cell?

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Trying To Insert Nested Concatenate Function In VBA

Nov 7, 2012

I am trying to concatenate the text of a few cells in a specific worksheet. I'm not wanting to use the STRING & STRING type code because I already had a Concatenate formula nested with an index formula and needed to have this formula copied to a certain RANGE, Where the RANGE was specified by a Variable. T

he Code below does what I need if the CONCATENATE/INDEX formula is in the cell that im copying already. (BELOW) The Formula in the cell, for example, on row 19 of worksheet "COMMISSION", that needs to be copied and incremented down the VARIABLE RANGE is


Dim iInput_Rows As Integer
iInput_Rows = Worksheets("Workspace").Range("D3").Value
Dim iOutput_Rows As Integer
iOutput_Rows = Worksheets("Workspace").Range("D1").Value
Dim iAnalog_Rows As Integer

[Code] ....

My problem is when I use the following code to insert that concatenate/index formula, through vba, then I get errors because it evidently doesnt like the " " for the space i needed between texts. (The Formula is concatenating text in those cells but every other Row) Can I do this in VBA?

Worksheets("COMMISSION").Range("B19 + iOutputs_Rows").Formula = "=CONCATENATE(INDEX(OUTPUTS!J:J,(ROW(OUTPUTS!J2)-1)*2+1)," ",INDEX(OUTPUTS!K:K,(ROW(OUTPUTS!K2)-1)*2+1))"

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How To Insert Countblank Function In Pivot

Mar 6, 2014

I have a data set, with 20-30 columns and 3500 ish rows - in here I have to get different kind of information on each column.

One of them is Missing Values, that is cells that are blank in the specific columns, I know I can just use the countblank function and then just put in the number - but how do I do it if I want the formula to appear "inside" my pivot table, so that I have this range of data, and I want to calculate how many blank cells this specific column have.So my question is: Is possible to add the formula to my pivot table/data and get it to show next to the other information that I require on the different columns?

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How To Use 'Insert Copied Cells' Function In VB

Jul 23, 2009

I've been trying to solve this for days. In Excel 2007 there is a 'Insert copied cells' function after copying cells and right-clicking on a cell which basically just inserts all copied cells to your desired location.

My question is, how do you call this function in VB, I've used F1 extensively and searched the net and haven't come up with an answer.

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Insert Cell Name In FIND Function

Dec 13, 2013

Is it possible to insert a cell refenece into the FIND function.

So, replace JAN-2013 with Sheet1 cell A1

Selection.Find(What:="JAN-2013", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate

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VBA - Function To Insert New Row When Cell Value Change

Apr 29, 2014







1. Insert a row whenever cell value change.
2. Insert cell value (in previous column) in inserted row.

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Can't Find Function To Show A Progressing Grade?

May 21, 2014

I am trying to find a function to calculate the percentage grade as the semester progresses. I'm attaching an example of my sheet what I need is column "D" to show the grade percentage from columns "E"-"AK" as each grade is entered.

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Instead Of Showing Figures For MAXIMUM Function, I Want To Show The Name Of The Row

Dec 16, 2008

Normally, when we use the =MAX() function, figures / numbers will appear. Is there any formula that can show the row the highest data is in? Let's just say that the figure is 3080 and it is under 'Transportation' row. Generally, when I apply =MAX() fx, 3080 will appear. Is it possible for it to show Transportation by using formula instead?

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Function To Show What Season A Date Falls In

Sep 21, 2009

I am trying to make a function which will take a date as input and display the season for that date. i.e. the input 1-Jan-1992 will return "Summer" (southern hemisphere seasons)

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How To Place A Function To Show When Dataset Was Last Updated

Nov 17, 2011

I have a spreadsheet which connects to a SQL Server and updates a data set.

Is there a way to place a function or a formula I can use to show when the data set was last updated?

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Vlookup Function Not Updating When I Insert A Column

May 5, 2009

I have two sheets. One called "Roster" and one called "final". On the final sheet i have cols for each question on the final exam. I also have a total col which sums up the pts for each question.

On the "roster" sheet. This is kinda like a summary sheet. On this sheet i use a vlookup (shown below) in the cells which are supposed to reference the cells on the "final" sheet for the total pts.

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Insert Function To Cancel Button In InputBox

May 13, 2014

I have the code below. That code call some InputBoxes in sequence, that be filled with correctly information like name, cell phone, date of purchase, etc. (sheet is in Portuguese)

But I want to give a function for 'Cancel' Button, because actually if we click on cancel Button, the macro skip to the next inputbox.

I want to click in Cancel Button, and Exit Sub, I used this Tip for example

[Code] ....

But if we do not fill the Text field, the Macro Exit Sub Too

Some fields are optional, so for this i search for a solution

Click in Cancel Button and Exit Sub

[Code] ....

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Function To Automatically Insert Future Date

Mar 14, 2013

I need to create a spreadsheet which will have a start date and duration on programme. Is there any way I am able to automatically insert the End dates based on the weeks on the programme?

Additionally, can a function insert a date for the reviews which should be every two weeks into seperate cells?

start date
weeks on programme
End date
1st review


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Function To Insert - In Cells Splitting Data

Jun 17, 2006

My cell contents looks like this.


I want it to look like this..


I know this can be done by formula but i dont know it. This info is in col B.

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Insert Relative Function That Uses Variables Into Cell

Mar 4, 2008

I am using VB to insert a function into a cell on an excell worksheet. The relative references work fine. For the absolute reference, I want to use a named range (LowTotal). If I simply put the name into the function, then I just get the name as text in the function. The second insert formula is were the named range is intended to go. Here is the code so far...

I need to know how to use the varriable name in the .formulaR1C1, so that VB knows it is a variable and not just text....

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Using IF Function To Show Highest Value Achieved Across Range Of Cells

Feb 17, 2014

Basically, I have a worksheet that shows test results for 6 separate tests. If an objective is met in a test then it is marked with an "X". If an objective is partially met then it is marked with a "/" and if it is not met then it is marked with a "." . I have now created a combined column where I want to collate whether an objective has been met at all across the 6 tests.

For e.g. if in the range H14:M14 there is an "X" then N14 should show "X". If there is no "X" but there is a "/" then N14 should show "/" and it there are neither values in the range then it will show "." .

I tried

[Code] ....

but it just came back with a formula error.

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Display/Show Blank Cell Via IF Formula/Function

Sep 27, 2006

The following are on a sheet:

A1 = 5700
B1 = 235
C1 = 17:14
D1 = 5922
$E$1 = 09:01
$F$1= 3

$E$1 and $F$1 are (the only) absolutes/constants.

A2 contains the following:


This translates as:


The result is a variable/number (235), "d" or a blank cell ("").

This formula is in a column and works fine where there are numbers in corresponding cells. The problem arises with corresponding cells which appear blank (show no values) but contain references to other cells: they result in a "d" when nothing should be displayed.

So while a corresponding blank cell is correct if it shows no values, it gives me this problem - I don't want "d" or anything.

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Basic IF Function. Return Cell Value Or Show Blank

Mar 13, 2008

For example if I were to take the data in cells d3($358), d4($321), d5($130), d6($82) and skip a cell to now make the same data into cells d3, d5, d7, d9. Next, the data in cells f3, f4, f5, f6 would be merge into the blank cells of d4, d6, d8, d10.

The final result would look like column B. I have over two years of sales data in two separate columns that I need to merged into one column. Is there easier way without a simple cut and paste one cell at a time as this would take an enormous amount of time to complete? I’m not that good with VBA codes so a formula works good, but if VBA is the way to go then tell how to enter it on my worksheet.

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Excel 2007 :: Insert Paste Function Into A Cell?

Nov 25, 2011

I'd like to know if it's possible (Excel 2007) to insert a function/button into a cell, which when clicked, will paste whatever is on the clipboard?

You can see a screenshot of my document here, and I'd like to insert a paste funtion in the red circle. Is it possible?


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Macro To Insert Auto Sum Function In Various Rows With A Column

Sep 4, 2009

I have to create a spreasheet monthly that has perhaps 60 transactions. The data is in columns A - G, with columns E and F having the costs figures. I need to sum the value in column E and also in Column F every few rows. The problem is that sometimes there are two rows per transaction and other times it could be 30 rows per transaction. Where I will be lucky is that there are two rows between transactions, and the sum goes in the first empty row.

Basically what I would need it to do, from a macro point of view is to go down column E, and every time it finds the first empty row, insert an auto sum. It would then need to ignore the next row, because it too, is empty.

Just Column E - I need an autosum in the "empty row 1's)

empty row 1
empty row 2
empty row 1
empty row 2

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Multi Conditional IF Function: Show Where The Tender Ranks Against A Set Of Criteria

Nov 12, 2009

I have a workbook which scores tender's, the calculations behind the front sheet work fine, I would now like to show where the tender ranks against a set of criteria. I have attached a sample and typed into the cell D12 what I am trying to with this list of criteria below starting in cell C15.

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