Using Excel Cell As Pointer In Directory Path?
Oct 2, 2011
I have a few files all with the same name for a few different members of staff, so I save them in different paths to keep them separate.
c:documentsdatajo blogsexcelfile.xls
c:documentsdatafred smithexcelfile.xls
c:documentsdatajane jonesexcelfile.xls
cells is the sheet contain the persons name
jo blogs
fred smith
jane jones
I want to be able to use this for others in the organisation and make it a simple as possible
Is there a way to use the cell contents in the path name (without opening the sheet first)
I know I can point to each cell in the other file and excel will use it but there must be a way of making this happen more automated by using the cell contents
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Feb 8, 2014
I have my code here:
Sub openfiles()Dim Path As String
Dim ExcelFile As String
' Path = GetFolder("C:UsersKinteshDesktop")
Path = "C:UsersKinteshDesktopVBA programmingMaps"
ExcelFile = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
[Code] ....
GetFolder = sitem
Set fldr = Nothing
End Function
My problem is that the code all actually works (including the function and when I use the commented part), but pointing to this one specific directory (the one I'm using right now), literally nothing happens.
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Apr 23, 2013
I have a worksheet (sheet1 in book1.xlsx) that references another worksheet (sheet2 in book2.xlsx) in a different file. The latter file, however, is stored in a directory that changes. Call it MYPATH for the time being. I'm trying to use a formula (not macros, which aren't allowed in this office) to reference the directory path using the dynamic name.
For example, in the first worksheet, cell A15 contains the word MYPATH. I'd like cell A1 to have a formula like this: ='C:&$A$15&subdir[book2.xlsx]sheet2'!B50
so that if I change the value of cell A15 in book.xlsx to ANEWPATH, the path reference will switch to the book2.xlsx in ANEWPATH, not MYPATH.
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Oct 16, 2008
I am trying to use the same VBA code for different applications using variables.
Basically I want to have a variables sheet that has the different directories based on the macro selection. My variable sourceloc would change based on the variable name on the sheet.
sometimes I would want it to equal what was in a1 and sometime I would want what was in a2
a1 cell contains "f:filezilla files
a2 cell contains "f:dmc files
This is the code I started and it gives compile error when ChDir = sourceloc is reached
Public sourceloc
Sub filezillasettings()
Dim sourceloc As String
sourceloc = ActiveSheet.[a1] ' a1 cell contains the directory name and folder name =
End Sub
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Apr 18, 2013
When I use the mouse pointer to select a cell I can't use the arrow keys to move to another cell while the pointer is over the cell and I can't edit the cell while the pointer is over the cell. If I move the pointer away from the cell then I can move around and edit as normal therefore I don't think this is a scroll lock issue.
This issue also happens when I select a tab. If I select a tab and then leave the pointer over the tab I selected then I can't use the arrow keys to move around the worksheet or edit a cell; if I move the pointer away from the cell then I can move around and edit as normal.
I am using MS Excel 2010.
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Jul 27, 2007
I've seen many posts advocating the use of located at
And some others saying to use the FileDialog object (if you use Excel 2002, or older(?))
I have to admit both are above my prior experience level, but I think I can do it if I understand what their function, requirements, and output are.
All I need is a dialog box that preferably lets me select the default directory, and then allows the user to select the target directory.
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Mar 9, 2007
I've been trying to get the network username and found the solution on a previous thread. I have got to the point where I have copied the network username to my workbook. I now want to save this workbook into My Documents using that value for the username. So, so far i have:
'Get username from network
Dim User As String
CUser = Environ("username")
Cells(5000, 9) = Environ("username")
user = Application.ActiveCell
' Protect workbook and save in My Documents
ChDir "C:Documents and SettingsXXXXXXXMy Documents"
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:= _
"C:Documents and SettingsXXXXXXMy DocumentsSalary Review Data 2007 - " & country & ".xls" _
, FileFormat:=xlNormal, Password:="", WriteResPassword:="", _
ReadOnlyRecommended:=False, CreateBackup:=False
The user who saves this workbook, will be doing so on their own PC's so i need the file to save to their 'My Documents' folder. So i need to replace the red X's with the user's network username (which I have extracted and dim'd as User. How do i write this into the path of the directory?
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Jun 10, 2008
This should be so easy, but I know I am missing something. I know that you can only create one directory on one statement line at a time with MkDir. in the "var_dir_path" resides a part number that changes dynamically.
Private Sub CreateFolderFromCellPath2_Click()...
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Jun 12, 2008
Customer directory inside the "masterfile drive". Part number subdirectory of the Customer Directory. 5 subdirectorys of the Part Number Directory. 2 subsubdirectories of one of the 5 subdrectories. That is reference only.
Private Sub CreateFolderFromCellPath8_Click()
Dim s1 As String, s2 As String, s3 As String, s4 As String, s5 As String, s6 As String, s7 As String, s8 As String, s9 As String, s10 As String
var_path_masterfile_cust_name = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF48").Value
var_path_part_number = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF49").Value
var_path_Correspondence = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF50").Value
var_path_Customer_Service = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF51").Value
var_path_Engineering = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF52").Value
var_path_Purchasing = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF53").Value
var_path_Quality_Assurance = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF54").Value
var_path_Sales = Worksheets("RFQ").Range("AF55").Value....................
The variables are grabbing the path directly out of cells in Excel that are concantenated strings. This works great if the customer folder (s1) is not created. I would have thought that the way that I had the If/Then setup, that it would run smoothly, but if the customer folder is already created, the Debug highlights the very first MkDir s1
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Jul 11, 2014
I have a file which is opened every so often. This file when opened it presents a userform in which you browse two files which then get loaded into the document and some charts/pivots are updated with the information from the loaded files.
When you click on the browse button it opens the browser dialog box in the libraries path. I am wondering if it's possible to have the dialog box open in the last directory path used.
For example:
A week ago I opened the file from the path C:UsersIntiDocumentsProjectsTea Project
What I would like to happen is that when I open the file today and I click the "Browse" button (which opens the dialog box to find files in your computer) for the dialog box to open automatically in the path C:UsersIntiDocumentsProjectsTea Project
Then if tomorrow the file is opened from the path C:UsersIntiPicturesProjectsTea2Project
Then a week from now when you browse for the file the dialog box opens automatically in the C:UsersIntiPicturesProjectsTea2Project path
This is what I have right now and it always opens the dialog box on C:UsersIntiDocuments
[Code] .....
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Mar 15, 2014
I need a macro to loop through a dir and the sub directories to find xlsm files, when it finds one open, go to the sheet named data, look at c1 and if the value is between 12.1 and 13.4 then i need it to write the file path, filename to a1 in my excell sheet and then write the value from c1 in the original file to A2 of line in my excel sheet.
I have hobbled pieces of code together without any good results.
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May 9, 2007
i am wanting to automaticaly remove a file from a directory when this directory is populated and move to another directory that is secure, how would i do this? just say directory 1(where it will be removed from) is s:/ddc/reports
moved too-- s:/ddc/test
test folder will be secure
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Sep 25, 2008
What is the easiest way to display in a cell the opened file's directory path where the file is stored? I would like to use some sort of formula (instead of the VB route) but I don't know if such a thing exists.
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Sep 5, 2010
how to get address of cell, which mouse cursor indicate to or simulate mouse left button press in VBA ?
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Nov 12, 2011
How to get pointer cell to be different color, from others in work sheet.
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Jul 24, 2009
Is someone knows how to place the mouse’s pointer at specific location on the worksheet, at the end of macro run?
I would like to add VBA code in macro of a Commad Button, that can do that.
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Jan 14, 2009
See attached sample sheet for more detail. I used code for show date and user id in cell “H” and “I”, but my problem is when ever I write some thing between cells “A” to “G” and enter the pointer automatically jumped to cell “H”, I want when I enter the pointer should be stay next cell.
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Oct 25, 2009
I've a sheet that presents the profitability of sales locations in a geographic layout (similar to Tables in a restaurant), each sales location is a cell, with roughly 1,600 locations presented. Each location is colour coded based on performance / measure, in a basic thermographic way [e.g. dark blue for very poor, solid red for high performance] with users being able to change metrics and re-colour cells accordingly.
The sheet is already information rich, but I'm wanting to detect the cell address directly under the pointer and populate a text box or other cell based on the value in the cell directly below the mouse pointer.
My question is; Is there a simple way of detecting the mouse position on the XL Grid? nb. Want to avoid having to activate cell beneath pointer.
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Mar 10, 2003
I am working on an excel macro and need to know what the vb code is to get my cell pointer to move to the top left (ctrl-home) of a frozen pane. I don't want my cell pointer to go to a1. I want the cell pointer to go to the cell where the "freeze pane" starts.
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Sep 14, 2012
Was wondering if it is possible to get below information from Active Directory into an Excel Sheet though VBA. All these details are within an OU in AD: UsernameDescriptionUser Logon NameFirst Name + Last NameTelephone Number I have been searching around and i think I need to connect using ADO, but not sure how to get these objects from AD.
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Jun 3, 2006
I'm trying to retrive files from a given directory into excel.
I already have this file from another posted message:
Sub GetFileNames()
Dim F As Long
Dim FileName As String
Dim TheNames As Variant
ReDim TheNames(1 To 1)
FileName = Dir$("*.*")
Do While Len(FileName)
F = F + 1
ReDim Preserve TheNames(1 To F)
TheNames(F) = FileName
FileName = Dir$()
Cells(1, 1).Resize(F, 1).Value = Application.Transpose(TheNames)
End Sub
But I want to be able to set the path myself
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Mar 20, 2014
I have Workbook named"Test_Template" in below specified path this is not the active workbook.
It is saved in strFName = ThisWorkbook.Path & "Backup" & "Test_Template.xlsx"
I need to create a copy of the same workbook named as "Copy_Test_Template.xlsx" in the same folder(Backup), same specified path on button click.
[Code] .....
But this creates a "Copy_Test_Template.xlsx outside the Backup folder, i want it in the back up folder.
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Apr 2, 2009
In my search I found several example similar to what I need, but nothing I could adapt to filt my needs, (at least not wim my limited skills).
Here what I need to do:
I have multilple Excel files in a directory. (M:/Archived PO Responses/Domestic). On a daily basis, these files are processed via VBA, and deleted after processing. What I need to do is, prior to processing and deleting these files, create an ongoing log of the filenames in that directory.
The macro would open an Excel file named "Processed Orders.xls", which is stored on the network drive "M:". It would then append all of the filenames in the directory mentioned above to a sheet named "Processed Orders" in that workbook, below any filenames that already exist.
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Nov 23, 2011
I am trying to query our corporate directory to copy it into excel. The problem is that the table i want to copy has 90 pages. I do not know VBA very well at all. Is there code that I could input that would copy the table on page 1, paste to excel, then move to page 2 and copy/paste to the next empty row?
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Mar 4, 2013
is it possible to configure Excel in order to save the Hyperlink path for a file with absolute path and non relative?
I notice that the hyperlink is ....pdf ry.pdf
if I change the position of the file excel there is a problem!
I would like to save es. d:invoichepdf ry.pdf
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Aug 1, 2014
I have a music folder on my computer with a TON of music in it. Some folders have sub-folders as well.
I need an easy way to point to a specific folder and pull ALL the names of the files within that folder and all of the sub-folders and put them on an Excel worksheet.
So a brief example...
Main Folder: Now That's What I Call Music
Sub-Folders: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, etc
And within each sub-folder is at least 2 more folders named CD1 and CD2.
I want to pull the name of every song in ALL of these folders into one collective list in Excel.
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Feb 11, 2014
I am using an XY scatter chart that displays the planned path and an actual path as I go. The planned path is set up in 100' increments and goes 12000' and actual path varies along the way.
My data that I use is the Northing (ft), Easting (ft) and Vertical Section (ft) for both the planned path and actual path.
I was wondering if there was an east way to get that information from the chart or if there is a formula that would allow me to calculate distance between the two points by using the data I use for my chart.
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Oct 3, 2012
I want to run a macro to separate File Name and Path from the given complete path
For Example
In Column A : Given Complete Path " C:MainFolderRecordsSubFilesFile1Record.pdf
I need it separeted like
In Column B :File Name = Record.pdf
In Column C :File Path = C:MainFolderRecordsSubFilesFile1
Is there any way to do this through a macro
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Aug 24, 2012
However, that the underlying code is probably the most direct route to getting at the issue. So i am asking the question "how can I identify the vba pointer position when the program stalls"? It would seem that this process would determine the offending code or the need for better code.
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Mar 3, 2014
I have several hundred text files which I would like to reformat and save as excel without needing to open each file individually.
I'm entirely new to working with macros, so, I was able to use macro recorder to save the steps to reformat the file, but would like setting up the part of the macro to automatically open and reformat all of the files.
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