List All Files In Directory In An Excel File

Apr 2, 2009

In my search I found several example similar to what I need, but nothing I could adapt to filt my needs, (at least not wim my limited skills).

Here what I need to do:

I have multilple Excel files in a directory. (M:/Archived PO Responses/Domestic). On a daily basis, these files are processed via VBA, and deleted after processing. What I need to do is, prior to processing and deleting these files, create an ongoing log of the filenames in that directory.


The macro would open an Excel file named "Processed Orders.xls", which is stored on the network drive "M:". It would then append all of the filenames in the directory mentioned above to a sheet named "Processed Orders" in that workbook, below any filenames that already exist.

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List All Files From Directory And Sub Directory?

Sep 5, 2013

The script collects all the files in directory and sub-directories and list them in ascending format, I want them to get in transpose format. like for example: Root folder has many sub directories and in them a sub directory XYZ has 5 excel files, it will get the sub directory name in Col A and transpose all .xls files.

Col A | Col B________|Col C_________ |Col D___________|Col E________|
XYZ__|C:/root/test.xls|C:/root/Sales.xls |C:/root/Report.xls |C:/root/sam.xls|


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List Of .xls Files In Directory

May 26, 2006

Hey is there any way to get a list of filenames into VBA from a specific directory?
for example all files in directory c:my documentsexcel?

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List Of Files In A Directory

Oct 8, 2006

Is it possible to get a list of files in a certain directory as a list stored in a spreadsheet?

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List All Files In Directory

Feb 7, 2008

I have created a spreadsheet with VBA code that lists the files in a directory. The code is as follows:

ListFiles = True
Set Sh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sFileSheet)
lstAttr = vbNormal + vbReadOnly + vbHidden
lstAttr = lstAttr + vbSystem + vbDirectory
lstAttr = lstAttr + vbArchive

If sDirectory = "" Then
If iColumn = 1 Then
sPath = "C:PensionDataPensionPath" ' Set the path, must end with backslash
sPath = "C:PensionDataWorkBench" ' Set the path, must end with backslash
End If
If Right(sDirectory, 1) <> "" Then
sPath = sDirectory & ""
sPath = sDirectory
End If
End If

sFileName = Dir(sPath, lstAttr) ' Retrieve the first entry.
lDataRow = 1
lRows = 1

This works on my PC and it works on other PCs. However, the one PC that it should and must work on, it does not. There is no file listing created.

I have duplicated the files and the folders on my PC and the files in the directories are listed. However, on that one PC, there is no file listing.

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Write Folder & File Name Of All Files In Directory

Jul 25, 2007

I need some VBA code to cycle through each and every folder and file in a given root directory and write the file name string to a cell. (does not need to look at the content of sub-folders only the names of all objects sitting directly under the given root.)

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Create List Of Files In A Directory

Oct 20, 2007

Is it possible to create a VBA script that will list the filenames of files in a set directory? I have about 100 directories, each containing 1000 files and they need to go into an excel spreadsheet (each file on a new row)so they can be audited... ;(

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List All Files In Directory Modified After Certain Date

Sep 5, 2012

I wish to create a macro that looks in a specific directory "D:Records" . It finds the files which are modified after a date "January 01, 2012" in this directory (pdf files). Then it imports these files names into a worksheet.

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List Files From Directory In Reverse Order

Aug 2, 2014

How to List files from a folder down a column in reverse order?

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List Directory Files And Make Hyperlinks To Them

Dec 3, 2006

I would like to list all files in a directory (display the full path) and make hyperlinks to all listed files at the same time.

I came accross the code below which works well for files in a directory:

Sub HyperlinksToDirectory()
' puts hyperlinks to each of the files in a directory of your choice
' into the active sheet starting at the active cell
Dim stDir As String
Dim stFile As String
Dim R As Range
Set R = ActiveCell
stDir = InputBox("Directory?", , Default:=CurDir())
stFile = Dir(stDir & "*.*")
Do Until stFile = ""
R.Hyperlinks.Add R, stDir & "" & stFile, , , stFile
Set R = R.Offset(1)
stFile = Dir()
R.CurrentRegion.Sort key1:=R, order1:=xlAscending, header:=xlNo
End Sub

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List Files In Directory With Date Modified

Nov 28, 2006

I currently have a macro working where I can populate the A Column with files from a directory and based on its file extension, however I am having problems trying to populate the second (B) column with that files date modified. I have searched the forum to no avail and I must admit I not the best with vba.

Sub INP_files()
' searches within the file location
' C:Arenium_Projects31-1853012_Barnawartha BOSCADDMX
Dim rngOut As Range
Dim strPath As String
Dim strfile As String
' Sheets("INI_FILES").Select

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How To Import All Data In Files In A Directory - File Names Change Each Day

Oct 9, 2008

I have a directory where our customer service people deposit forms each day. The form is always the same, with a number of columns that need to be copied into a master list. From there they are analyzed, sorted, etc, then exported, so the number of rows in that list varies from day to day as well. Is there some way to have VBA import each file sequentially from a directory if I do not have the exact file names?

I am using this import code from a macro to start with:

Sub importdata()
' importdata Macro
With ActiveSheet.QueryTables.Add(Connection:=Array(Array( _
"ODBC;DSN=Excel Files;DBQ=C:Documents and SettingsMy DocumentsTender Document(1).xls;DefaultDir=C:Documents a" _


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VB- Search Directory, Update Master File From Multiple Files

May 16, 2007

Here is a project I can’t seem to do on my own if you can point me in the right direction I would be grateful! here is the best suedo code to describe the needs of the script:

In the open workbook named MASTER, on Worksheet named -MASTER- ( Let’s refer to this all as just MASTER)

(In production, the name of this workbook will be an account #_ date, and the worksheet will be a date)

For each numeric value in row 6 (we’ll call these values AD###) of MASTER

'*****Part one of routine*****

Search directory "H:AccountingAdvertising Accounts" for workbook named AD### AX.xls

(Note the AX suffix of the file name)
If match is found open workbook and proceed to Part two

If match is not found, goto Private Sub AD_MISSING

'*****Part two of routine*****

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To Import All Data Files In A Directory. File Names Change Each Day

Oct 9, 2008

I have a directory where our customer service people deposit forms each day. The form is always the same, with a number of columns that need to be copied into a master list. From there they are analyzed, sorted, etc, then exported, so the number of rows in that list varies from day to day as well. Is there some way to have VBA import each file sequentially from a directory if I do not have the exact file names?

I am using this import code from a macro to start with: .....

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List Of All Files Contained Within Directory And Display In Confirmation Box

Mar 16, 2014

I am trying to get the list of all files contained within a directory and have them displayed in a confirmation box, listed one beneath the other (as a column, each file name in a new row).

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File List From Directory

Jul 1, 2013

I have a spreadsheet, where the corresponding invoice number is located in column I.

All the necessary invoices have been scanned in as pdf's in folder Y:FinanceSalesInvoices.

The question is, can a code be written to say in column Z, that a hyperlink be created to that particular invoice. For example, in cell I2, it would have Invoice1, then in cell Z2, it would have a hyperlink of Y:FinanceSalesInvoicesInvoice1.pdf.

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Listing Names Of Files In Directory To Excel Worksheet

Aug 1, 2014

I have a music folder on my computer with a TON of music in it. Some folders have sub-folders as well.

I need an easy way to point to a specific folder and pull ALL the names of the files within that folder and all of the sub-folders and put them on an Excel worksheet.

So a brief example...

Main Folder: Now That's What I Call Music
Sub-Folders: Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, etc
And within each sub-folder is at least 2 more folders named CD1 and CD2.

I want to pull the name of every song in ALL of these folders into one collective list in Excel.

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Prompt User For Directory And Filename; Then Save File In Directory With File Name

Jun 10, 2009

I am trying to prompt the user for the directory to be saved in and file name to be saved as; then save the workbook in the input directory with the inputted file name.

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Reformat Directory Of Text Files And Save As Excel Simultaneously?

Mar 3, 2014

I have several hundred text files which I would like to reformat and save as excel without needing to open each file individually.

I'm entirely new to working with macros, so, I was able to use macro recorder to save the steps to reformat the file, but would like setting up the part of the macro to automatically open and reformat all of the files.

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Looping Through Directory List To Perform Functions On Each File

Dec 3, 2009

I have a directory with over 100 .txt files. I want to open each file, parse the data and copy the data into a new file which has numerous formulas and functions to perform on the data. I have the code for doing all the work, but I have to open each file individually and run the macro. I would like to loop through all the files in the directory to perform the same fuctions. I need the looping code for getting the files from the directory.

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Open All Excel Files In Directory - Code Doesn't Work For One Specific Path

Feb 8, 2014

I have my code here:

Sub openfiles()Dim Path As String
Dim ExcelFile As String
' Path = GetFolder("C:UsersKinteshDesktop")
Path = "C:UsersKinteshDesktopVBA programmingMaps"
ExcelFile = Dir(Path & "*.xls")

[Code] ....

GetFolder = sitem
Set fldr = Nothing
End Function

My problem is that the code all actually works (including the function and when I use the commented part), but pointing to this one specific directory (the one I'm using right now), literally nothing happens.

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Excel 2003 :: Macro That Copies And Pastes From Every XLS File In Directory

Oct 23, 2012

What i am trying to do is in 1 workbook (labled as Book1 literally), it needs to copy the sheets out of every .xls file there is in a single directory, we'll call C:MyFolderMySubFolder. There can be anywhere between 1 and 366 files in this particular folder and I need all the sheets in each file labled 'CC' copy that entire sheet, paste that sheet to Book1, go back to that file it was copied from, close it (saving changes is ok), then move on to the next file.. and the next file... and so forth

While pasting into book1, I need each WS copied from each file to paste to a new worksheet in book1 rather than combining them into 1 or overwriting, and lable each of those sheets the file name of which the sheet came from...

The names are in sequence. All files in the folder will be labled as a date such as "9-6-12" so the sheet name in book1 would be named 9-6-12. (so there may result in 366 new worksheets to book1)

I primarily use Microsoft Office Excel 2003

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Create List Of All Files In Folder And Make List Hyperlinks To File?

May 17, 2013

i have many excel workbooks in a folder i want a macro that will get the names of all the files and make the file names so extracted as a hyperlink to open the files.

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VBA Open All Text Files In Excel In Folder And Save Them As Excel File

Dec 7, 2013

I have some daily text files in a folder (so about 30 of them each month), which in the end of month, I need to open them up in excel, format them so that I can use the information for my analysis.

I would like to create a macro, to quickly open them all up at once and save them each individually in .xls or .xlsm format.

I am new to VBA and after some research online, I was able to have the files open with the following code. but now I don't know how to proceed further to save them one by one with the same name but in .xls or .xlsm format.

Sub Opentxtfiles()
Dim MyFolder As String
Dim myfile As String


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List Files/Workbooks With Full Path & File Name

Sep 6, 2006

I do a search on my directory for all *.xls files each month which produces a list some 11,000+ lines long. Attached is a very small sample.

I then import this into Excel – see tab Raw Data

What I want to produce is a list shown on tab Finished Data, so that I can then sort etc.

Has someone already done this before and got the code, or can someone point me in the right direction on how to arrive at the finished data?

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Looping Files In Directory - VBA

Aug 22, 2013

I wrote the following routine to loop files in folder. I have 4 .xls files in my test folder. This code is only grabbing 1 then exiting. I have used the Dir() loop before with no problems.

Private Sub GetDataMultipleFiles(ByVal importExt As String, ByVal xFileNum As Integer, ByVal importLoc As String)
Dim Sep As String, myFile As String
Sep = Application.PathSeparator
myFile = Dir(importLoc & Sep & "*" & importExt & "*")
Do While Len(myFile) > 0

[Code] ..........

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Lots Of XLS Files In A Directory

Feb 6, 2009

Lots of XLS files in a directory (C: emp). Each book has only a sheet1 with the data.

I have another workbook that i need to use to overwrite certain values in one column from each book.

The workbook I have has a column A and B, ID and value.

In each file inside the directory, A3 to last row used in A had each ID. If the id matches to an id in the workbook with the new values, I want to take the value from B in the override table and put it in C in the file. Look at each ID in each file against each ID in the override, replace and close.

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Finding Files In A Directory

Jul 18, 2006

I have the following
Sub test()
Set fs = Application.FileSearch
With fs
.LookIn = "\directory"
.Filename = "3000333"
If .Execute > 0 Then
MsgBox "There were " & .FoundFiles.Count & _
" file(s) found."
For i = 1 To .FoundFiles.Count
MsgBox .FoundFiles(i)
Next i
MsgBox "There were no files found."
End If
End With
End Sub

It looks into a specific directory, and tells me how many files beginning with 3000333 there are in that folder. I have over a thousand files in the folder, 13 of which begins with 3000333. However, according to this code, it only finds 10. After searching for various different strings, I've found out that it doesn't search for any file that has a modified date later than 6/2/2006. However, if i just use .Filename = "3000333" , that is, search for all the files in the directory, I get all the files, even those that were modified later than 6/2/2006 that I could not previously find.

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All Image Files From Directory

Nov 25, 2006

I would like to list all the files I have in a directory. I know how to do this.

* * *

Now I would like to list just the image files such as PNG, JPG etc. I mean just the files I could get with: Application.Dialogs(xlDialogInsertPicture).Show

My Problem, I don't know what extension is "Todas las imagenes", "All the Images"
I mean the Extension I get When using: Application.Dialogs(xlDialogInsertPicture).Show

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Moves Files To New Directory

Dec 7, 2006

I've a master sheet called records. It consolidates all the data from various worksheets. Overtime, the lists gets very long. So I'm proposing this. I want a macro which - Shift all the data yearly into a new directory at

G:MMTPMVarious StockArchive. When it saves at this directory it should bear the year as the folder name. The dates are retrieved from column H. - it should be operated at the every end of the year.

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