{} Brackets Disappear

Apr 28, 2009

I have a formula


For instance

This formula works

But when i click in the cell to edit the formula the {} (at the beginning and end) disapear and the formula no longer works.
If i add them back manually the formula still does not work.

How can i edit these formulas without stopping them working.

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Formula To Ignore The Brackets And The Figures In The Brackets

Feb 27, 2009

I have a small problem that I may be able to deal with in another way, but if all else fails then I need some assistance.

I have this formula:

But unfortunately there will be a time when cell U1 will have the contents of perhaps 12(1). Is there any way to get the formula to ignore the brackets and the figures in the brackets?

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Formula Disappear The Value

Mar 21, 2009

I have a formula in C5 = IF(C$1=$A$2,($J$3-B$4)/COUNTA(C$1:$J$1),"") the problem is, when I will copy the formula in C5 and paste it to D5, E5, F5, G5, H5, I5 & J5 respectively, the value will disappear. What should be my formula in order not to disappear the value?

ABCDEFGHIJ108-Mar-0915-Mar-0922-Mar-0929-Mar-0905-Apr-0912-Apr-0919-Apr-0926-Apr-0903-May-09208-Mar-0914-Mar-0921-Mar-0928-Mar-0904-Apr-0911-Apr-0918-Apr-0925-Apr-0902-May-0909-May-093Planned Cumulative1204Actual Cumulative15Remaining Qty. per Wk14.88

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Make These Lines Disappear!!

Sep 5, 2008

I have an excel document that looks all nice and pretty except for the little white grids all over it with unused cells. Is there anyway to hide the lines? i dont care that the cells are there just the lines make the form look kinda crappy.

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Label To Be Visible In Second Then Disappear Again?

Mar 3, 2014

Is it possible in a Label caption to be visibile in a second?

I just want, when the user hit the commandbutton1, a label will be visible in a second and then disappear again after 1 second.

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What Can Cause A Variable Type To Disappear

Apr 20, 2009

One of my workbooks won't allow me to use the VBE variable types (VBProject, VBComponent, etc.) They aren't on the popup list that appears when I type " as ". If I just type in "VBProject", I get a compile error "User-defined type not defined". I have to define the variable as object, and the macro still works. I do not have this problem in any other workbook.

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Make The Message Box Disappear

Dec 19, 2006

before i run my macro, i would like a msg box that appears that says "please wait, this may take a while". I've tried using the msgbox function but unless the user presses the "OK" button on it, the macro won't run....

any suggestions on how i can have a userform/msgbox appear while the macro is working in the background (without the user having to press "ok")

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How To Enter Name On 1 Sheet, Have It Disappear On Another

Sep 1, 2007

I think I asked this in a much more complicated & confusing way before; hoping this makes more sense. I'd like to set something up so that when a name is entered in ColA of sheet1, it disappears from a list of names in ColA of sheet 2.

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Making Cells Disappear

Nov 20, 2007

Is there a macro that can make cells with no data in them disappear or not be displayed?

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Buttons Disappear On Some Machines

Nov 9, 2006

In recent weeks, when I've been asked to demonstrate excel applications which make use of buttons, I've found that on some machines the buttons will variably display as flat grey rectangles with no label, or boxes with red 'x's, or alternatively not appear at all. There seems to be no pattern since the variations have all happened on single machines, then not at all on similar machines.

So far it has only been company laptops (not my own machine), hooked up to overhead projectors which end up with this problem. I can't think of anything I would have done manually to disable the buttons from appearing.

Is this a known issue, or is this simply down to the user preferences and/or security settings?

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Too Many Brackets At The End

Jul 16, 2007


What is missing? (too many brackets at the end?) absolutely I've just mucked around with the formula given so have done something incorrect I think

A1 will contain Sales and I need to work out how much commission they'll get (ie, sales of between 25,000 & 150000 will get 50% plus $2500

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Column Disappear When Using Advanced Filtering Through VBA

Jul 9, 2014

Why after the first loop (Z=2) all of a sudden column A in WS ATT disappears. Worth adding that column M in WS L is a "dynamic" range (at first it contains 7 cells) in the sense that it shrinks with each loop (M2:M8, second loop: M2:M7 etc.).

[Code] .....

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Formulas Won't Disappear When Leave The Cell

Dec 5, 2011

I have a worksheet (in a workbook with many worksheets) where some of the cells display the formula I put in after I leave the cell. I've made sure that the cell format is General before I type anything in the cell. I've inserted new rows, above where the problem is and have tried going to another cell in a different part of the work sheet but I have the same problem. I use the same formulas in two other worksheets. The formulas include other worksheets in them. example =IF(PlotMaster!B2="","",PlotMaster!B2). I can't figure out what is going on.

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Msgbox Won't Disappear When Opening Inputbox

Sep 17, 2012

I've created some code so that when users want to update something on and Excel template I'm creating for them that the information they've put in is backed up. They give the backup a name using an inputbox and it loops through previously loaded backups that I've stored in a separate sheet and checks if the backup already exists. If it does a msgbox appears to ask them if they want to replace the existing copy. If they choose not to, it re-opens the inputbox.

The issue I'm having is that the msgbox doesn't close before the input box opens and it looks messy and may be confusing. Is there any way, without creating a useform, that I can force the msgbox to close once the user has made a choice before the inputbox opens?

Here is the code:

BackName = InputBox("Give the backup a name", "Backup Name")
If BackName = "" Then GoTo 2

For i = 1 To LR1
If UCase(Sheet18.Cells(i, 1).Value) = UCase(BackName) Then
If MsgBox("Backup already exists. Replace?", vbYesNo) = vbYes Then

[Code] ......

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Userform Print Preview Pop-Up Won't Disappear?

Jun 19, 2013

I created a macro that prints a label from a userform. The macro used to reside on an XP platform and performed without issues. IT decided they wanted to upgrade the machine to a Windows 7 platform. Now when the userform prints a small window pops up that looks like a print preview of the label, however it is transparent and has a window caption of 'Precut Label' as identified in the userform design. I am including a screenshot of the pop-up. The unusual thing about this is the window cannot be closed, moved or selected in any way shape or form. The only way to get it to close is to view the userform object in the vba editor. The line of code that triggers the print sequence as well as cause the pop-up is: frmLabel.PrintForm. This line of code is housed in the sheet1 object.

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Make A Command Button Disappear

Dec 15, 2006

I have two option buttons. I would like to have a command button disappear if one option is filled and reappear when the other option is filled. What is the best way to do this?

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The Value In The Field Should Not Disappear After Refreshing A File

Apr 6, 2009

I have got this in a pivot table

Customer Total sales(USD)

30010 500.00
30041 2000.00

In another column I enter a comment for customer 30010(and leave the comment column for customer 30041 blank) as below
Data 1.xls
Customer Total sales(USD) Comment

30010 500.00 Test 1
30041 2000.00
Later on the content of the file changes as below:

Customer Total sales(USD)

30025 1500.00
30010 500.00
30041 2000.00
When the file is refreshed I would like to have comment as per the former file i.e the comment “Test 1” should appear against customer 30010 and similarly for any other customer that I enter the comment.It should be as below:
Customer Total sales(USD) Comment

30025 1500.00
30010 500.00 Test 1
Customer Total sales(USD) Comment

30041 2000.00

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Deleting Brackets

Nov 10, 2009

I have a long list of names with their locations in brackets. What formula should i use to delete the brackets and their contents only?

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How To Extract A Value From Between Brackets

Jul 31, 2007

I have a value that is bracketed and I just want the number extracted to another cell.

I've shown three part lines of the data I need to extract from.


The values I need are 53.5 from line one-53.0 from line two & 54.0 from line three.

As you can see they don't always sit in the same column.

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Automating Brackets

Mar 18, 2004

I found a template at microsoftofficeonline.com it's just a bracket. I feel it has some underlying functionality, as they have a template in visio as well, but I can't figure it out.

So, what I'd like to do is have a workbook with say 100 worksheets. Each worksheet will have a person's bracket. Each person will write in all their picks. Their will be a master bracket where the actual winners will go, as the results are posted. When the master bracket is updated, Excel will flip through each worksheet, checking to see if the win in the master bracket matches the individual bracket. Points will be awarded or not.

Can that be done? I've also done a google search and can't get anymore help. I know that the web has multitudes of free versions, which I'd use, the only problem is that people would hesitate to register. doing it in excel, on the office system, there's no need to register, your cpu login takes care of authentication.

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Grid Lines Disappear When Importing Data

Jan 16, 2007

I sometimes import data in the copy-paste way from completely different sources, eg. a program on the web or whatever, which has arranged the data in a table.

It is often succesful with the data neatly arranged in the spreadsheet in columns and rows and all, but sometimes the gridlines disappear even though 'cell format' is set to 'none' in 'grid lines' and the settings have a mark for 'visible grid lines' and their color is 'automatic'. Only the imported area misses the gridlines.

It is of course possible to set some grey gridlines manually in cell format, but then I get them on the print also and I don't want that.

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Make A Row Disappear When Marked If The Column Is Selected?

Dec 22, 2012

I run a football sweepstake involving 120 people. Each week everyone picks a premiership team who they think is going to win. If that team loses or draws they are out. This carries on until there is one person left and they win the money. I need to make a table with all the premiership teams and names down the x and y axis. When the team is marked as "lose" everyone who has chosen that team gets deleted.

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Cells With Instructions Which Disappear When Data Entered?

Jan 29, 2009

creating a template for people. In the template, I want to create cells which instruct the user on what need to be filled in that cell.

For eg. go to [URL] In the box, it says 'Enter word or phrase'. When you click to enter a word, this line vanishes. I want to create a similar thing in Excel.

In Excel, for eg, in a cell it should say 'Enter Name' and when the user enter his name, this instruction should vanish. Also, this instruction should be in GREY and when they user enters his name it should be BOLD BLUE.

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Excel 2010 :: Command Buttons Disappear

May 16, 2011

I'm using excel 2010. I have a spreadsheet with a row that is hidden. One cell in this row contains a button. I have a macro that copies this hidden row, inserts it at another point on the spreadsheet and unhides it. It works great in excel 2007, but the button on the hidden row disappears when I close the sheet and re-open it.

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Sheet Tabs Disappear When I Open Excel

Feb 10, 2010

my sheet tabs sometimes disappears when I open excel. I know you can go through the start button and the advanced option to display the sheet tabs. Is there code I can incorporate so that on the opening of the excel file after the splash screen runs its course, the sheet tabs are displayed.

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If Function, Sourround Value With Brackets

Apr 1, 2009

i have several large tables of numbers. For my purpose I have to compare each entry of the table with a certain value, no problem so far.

Now if the entry is lower than the certain value i want to have the table entry sorrounded by brackts e.g. 0.8 spould change to (0.8).

Usually i did this by right mouse -> format cell -> number -> user define -> "("0.0")" for each entry individually. Now im getting tired ;-)

Is it possible to implicate the formating of a value into an if function ?

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Remove All Data Within (brackets)

Sep 2, 2009

I have a list of Surnames in Column D, e.g. ANDERSON, BROWN, COOPER, but for some reason, who ever input the data, decided to include the salutation after that Surname, in brackets, where it was available, e.g. ADAMS (Miss), BUTTON (Mr & Mrs), COX (Dr).

So I'm trtying to remove everything within the brackets (if there is anything) and place it in Column C. I will then Replace the brackets and Trim the contents in Column D. Here is what I want the code to do

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Use Of Square Brackets In Vba 2003

Jan 8, 2010

My code works great on my computer but when I bring it to another computer it gives me errors. I think it has to do with my use of square brackets to reference cells. the error that comes up is

compile error:
can't find project or library

What I'm doin here is going to my template sheet then getting the info from different cells and then later using it somewhere else. in place of using range and selecting cell I am using square brackets to select a cell. it worked fine on my computer and was a lot less writing, here is a small part of my code

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Formula Entered With { } Brackets

Jan 12, 2009

I have a formula in a spreadsheet that must be entered by selecting Command (Apple) and Return. This puts parentheses around the entire formula. Example: {=A1+B1}

I have it in a SUM IF formula: {=SUM(IF('Dollars'!$A$2:$A$2546=A116,IF('Dollars'!$B$2:$B$2546=B116,'Dollars'!$E$2:$E$2546)))}

If it's not entered this way, it will not work. You cannot simply hit return for the formula to work.

Since I did this so long ago (4 years), I cannot remember what it's called; why it has to be done that way and how to do the same thing in Windows Excel.

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Addition Of Brackets Within Cells?

Jun 30, 2014

I have this in cell F5

CM26 (85) CM16 (39) CM25 (12)

I need to add the numbers in brackets up and put the total in G5.

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