Cells With Instructions Which Disappear When Data Entered?
Jan 29, 2009
creating a template for people. In the template, I want to create cells which instruct the user on what need to be filled in that cell.
For eg. go to [URL] In the box, it says 'Enter word or phrase'. When you click to enter a word, this line vanishes. I want to create a similar thing in Excel.
In Excel, for eg, in a cell it should say 'Enter Name' and when the user enter his name, this instruction should vanish. Also, this instruction should be in GREY and when they user enters his name it should be BOLD BLUE.
I needed some help in creating a template for people. In the template, I want to create cells which instruct the user on what need to be filled in that cell.
For eg. go to www.m-w.com In the box, it says 'Enter word or phrase'. When you click to enter a word, this line vanishes. I want to create a similar thing in Excel.
In Excel, for eg, in a cell it should say 'Enter Name' and when the user enter his name, this instruction should vanish. Also, this instruction should be in GREY and when they user enters his name it should be BOLD BLUE.
Is there a way that I add instructions/restrictions to the push buttons on my form (basically they perform filter functions). For instance, currently the only way to search the client or employee name is to enter the entire name. Is there a way to allow partial name searches?
Can I have a message appear that says "'Joe Shmo' can not be found".
Also I would like the input box not allow blank searches. If the input box is selected but then closed with no data entered, it filters for blanks which removes all data.
I have attached a sample of my form for you to look at.
I'm working on a spreadhseet which has several macros that can take up to 5 minutes to run. When the macro(s) complete, I pop up a userform to provide instructions and collect some additional data from the user.
The "problem" is that when the user moves to another application to do other work, the user form remains hidden behind the active app. I've added some text to the status bar to let the users know the processing is done, but they would like something more obvious - so, is there any way I can force focus back to Excel?
by using radio buttons or checkbox, or anything similar. Based on the answer, I would like cells to appear below the question, for example in B3 another question would be "how many guests would you like to invite?" and B2 would be their answer but is preset to "0"
I have been searching the internet and forums for days now looking for and trying out macros and scripts that will automatically unhide rows once data has been entered into a cell. The data entered is a link to a cell in another sheet. Everything I have tried is close to what I am looking for but it does not quite work, and because I really don't understand the programming details, I don't know what to change in the script to make it work for my spreadsheet.
create a macro/script to do the following:
Various rows in my summary sheet will be hidden as they will probably not be used, but in the off chance that data will be displayed in them, I need them to automatically unhide. The data that might be displayed in them is a link from monthly record sheets i.e. "=Jan!F4" or "=Feb!F32"
And because I am taking data from a 12 month period, I need the rows to unhide if any data is displayed between cell range of F5:AC1705. It is a large spreadsheet of data and it is all linked to 12 other sheets.
Unfortunately, I am unable to attach the file as it is too large.
I need a macro which will lock the cells after data is entered in the cell once. Cell should become non editable and should be only edited after a password is provided.
I am trying to apply a conditional cell lock to a worksheet. I am using Excel 2003, not 2007.
In column J, I have a list validation being used. The default value is "Not Claimed", I want to lock the cell from being edited once the value has been changed to any other value on the list.
The worksheet will be password protected to prevent entries into static fields (A:I & N:P).
I also would like to give the user the ability to unlock a specific cell, not the entire worksheet, by entering a password or something if they accidently choose a wrong value from the list.
I have column Q and beyond available if I need to have the password entered somewhere else.
I have attached a sample of the file I am working with.
I own 3 restaurants and I use Excel to track my sales statics. I have to enter certain pieces of data on a daily basis and it can become slightly cumbersome when dealing with the sort of washed out look of Excel spreadsheets. I wanted to write a Windows application that would handle the process for me but my knowledge of programming languages is too limited and I don't really have the time to learn. What I'd like is to have a single page on my workbooks with which I can enter the data in on a field type view, and have it go to the appropriate cell on the "Raw" data sheets in the same workbook. For example:
Let's assume this is the Raw data sheet. I currently enter the data that I need here, and Excel does the rest for me. This gets hard to look at everyday when dealing with hundreds of numbers.
Net Sales Taxes Prior Year Sales Percent Increase/Decrease
Entering the data here would automatically fill in the data on the Raw sheet, and would know which cells to put the data into based on the date, which would of course be gotten from the =Today() formula.
how to do basic formulas in Excel but I are hoping that there is a macro or a VBA or something that can be made which might work for what i need.
I have decided to start a small tour shop (I make the reservations for guests with a hotel in the area and take them on tours of our region) and are looking to make a booking sheet for each month. Nothing complicated just simple. see the attached .xlsx file.
I was wondering if there is a way that when the fields in column A & B are filled in if it could automatically color the corresponding dates in for the same row in the calendar area? like I have manually done on sheet "October 2013"
I sometimes import data in the copy-paste way from completely different sources, eg. a program on the web or whatever, which has arranged the data in a table.
It is often succesful with the data neatly arranged in the spreadsheet in columns and rows and all, but sometimes the gridlines disappear even though 'cell format' is set to 'none' in 'grid lines' and the settings have a mark for 'visible grid lines' and their color is 'automatic'. Only the imported area misses the gridlines.
It is of course possible to set some grey gridlines manually in cell format, but then I get them on the print also and I don't want that.
On Sheet 1 I have Data Validation Lists set up. On Sheet 2 I have the information populating from what is entered on Sheet 1, only problem is...when I don't have anything entered in the cell(s) on Sheet 1 then the cell(s) on Sheet 2 reflect 0. I would like the cell(s) to remain blank if nothing is entered on Sheet 1.
I have a file sheet named "ratio summary." The data to this is linked to a number of different working sheets (not in the attachment for obvious reasons)
Currently the data in the ratio summary is grouped by year but "open" and the Graph worksheet is automatically linked to the data in row11.
However when I group the data by year (i.e. clicking the "-" figure) the graph also changes.
I haven't deleted the data so don't understand why the graph data is changing.
I have a spreadsheet filled with formulas that depend on a value being entered into A2, A3, A4, etc... So column A starting at A2 is where I will manually input a number and the formulas I have in columns B, C, and D will import information from another sheet based off what is put in column A. In column D the formula I have to import data
is =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Master!C:M,11,0),"").
This will import another number. Additionally in column D, I have conditional formatting that will return a red, yellow or green light based off the rule I have in place. Everything works fine, the only problem is that column D has a green light all the way down even without a value being placed in column A. I would like to find out a way to keep the cells in column D blank until a value is entered in column A. Also, if I go back and delete the value in column A, I would like the corresponding cell in column D to go back to blank as well.
I have searched and found many examples of code that will lock cells once data has been entered. But for some reason, I cannot get it to work in my workbook. The weird thing is, I have successfully got them to work on blank workbooks. I unlock a range I want people to be able to edit, I protect the workbook, I enter the code, and it works. But I do the same thing on my workbook, nothing locks.
I've tried locking all the cells on a sheet, and only unlocking a small range, as in the examples (A1:A10), and I cant get it to work. I've tried not pre-protecting the sheet, I've tried 4 or 5 different examples of code. If it wasn't for the fact I've gotten it to work on blank workbooks, I'd think VBA was disabled or something. I can't post a copy of my workbook for you all to look at because its on a stand-alone computer at work (and the USB is disabled for info-sec).
I'd like to have a cell contain instructions that disappear when text is entered into the cell, much like the "help" box on the upper right of the Excel window has a label that says "Please type question here", which disappears when you actually type in a question.
it's been a long time I've posted here. I need some advice on how to make words blinking in excel. I have problem in sending proper instructions in my staff in my excel. So I think that blinking words will get my staff attention.I have search the forum but can't find any similar discussions.
First: I am using following loop code to repeat until the last row with data in column B has been reached. I keep getting a compile error and can't figure out to to fix it. The compile error occurs on the ".cell" and ".range" portion of the code and has indicated an invalid or unqualified reference.
Second: Once I have the loop working, I need to reference different cells each time through the loop. The first time through the loop I need to reference cells B2 and C2....the second time cells B3 and C3.....and then B4 and C4....and so on. I am increasing the value of i each time but when I ran the code, I was not getting any results.
I'm working on MS Excel 2010 and trying to have a macro duplicating a sheet(and it's associated macro "Update") in another workbook.
I manage to do almost everything except to import the required module "Update" from a precise and static folder ("Ressource" located in the same folder as all the workbooks) into my active workbook, which is surely possible.
Moreover if you know a way to check if a module already exists and in that case overwrite it, I'd be even more grateful. Presently I just skip the error if it exists.
Here is my actual code:
Code: On Error GoTo ErrImport ErrImport: If Err.Number = 1004 Then MsgBox ("Already there")
How to use an Excel worksheet I have, so I decided to make a button with a macro, which when clicked a kind of message box pops up and you can read the tutorial. When you are done you just press ok and the pop up window closes.
I know about vba I just have to use msgbox, keep on adding lines with the text and that's it! But after many attempts I found out that it ain't that easy.
[Code] ......
So I made something like this:
[Code] ....
but at a point I got this error: "Too many lines continuations".
I wanna make something that looks a bit like this: p69pxC8.jpg
But way simpler, with my text, a scroll bar to roll up and down to read and an ok button at the end. I don't need special text with hyperlinks or anything at all, plain text does the job.
It just now crossed my mind, would it be viable to also add a "Print" button next to the "Ok" button in the pop up windows with the tutorial, so when the "Print" button is clicked, the tutorial is printed?
I am trying to create a "Master Sheet" where I enter in the column data and after I have entered my data for each row, I can select the button which toggles the macro to run. I have it built to build new sheets as new clients are obtained. My problem is after I have a sheet that has client's data I cannot get new data to add itself below the data that is already there. I want each client's sheet to keep adding rows as more data comes in. My current macro is :
But when i click in the cell to edit the formula the {} (at the beginning and end) disapear and the formula no longer works. If i add them back manually the formula still does not work.
How can i edit these formulas without stopping them working.
I have a formula in C5 = IF(C$1=$A$2,($J$3-B$4)/COUNTA(C$1:$J$1),"") the problem is, when I will copy the formula in C5 and paste it to D5, E5, F5, G5, H5, I5 & J5 respectively, the value will disappear. What should be my formula in order not to disappear the value?
ABCDEFGHIJ108-Mar-0915-Mar-0922-Mar-0929-Mar-0905-Apr-0912-Apr-0919-Apr-0926-Apr-0903-May-09208-Mar-0914-Mar-0921-Mar-0928-Mar-0904-Apr-0911-Apr-0918-Apr-0925-Apr-0902-May-0909-May-093Planned Cumulative1204Actual Cumulative15Remaining Qty. per Wk14.88
The database that I'm working on divides patient names into three separate columns: lastName, firstName, midInit. My department has several old spreadsheets that have data my boss suddenly wants included in my database. The trouble is, these old spreadsheets have the patient's last name, first name, and middle initial entered into the same column.
There are at least 200 hundred names in these spreadsheets. I absolutely do not want to go back and separate the names into separate columns by hand.
Is there any way to get Excel to take the names entered into one cell and split them into three cells?
I've attached a spreadsheet example that shows what I need to do.
I'd like to lock some cells depending on what is put in a particular cell. As shown by the file attached, if the first column (Amendments) has a "no" in A4, I'd like to lock out cells B4:D4. (The sheet will be protected). If it's a "yes" then the cells are unlocked. I'd like to then apply this to all subsequent rows (i.e. lock B5:D5 if a "no" in A5 etc.)
I have an excel document that looks all nice and pretty except for the little white grids all over it with unused cells. Is there anyway to hide the lines? i dont care that the cells are there just the lines make the form look kinda crappy.