Workbook With Several Tabs
Dec 9, 2005
I have a workbook with several tabs. The top tab is the main spreadsheet
were I enter all my gathered data. The other tabs are the same spreadsheet,
the same data, but broken out by specific building.
Right now, I enter the data (alpha and numeric) into the main spreadsheet,
then manually copy/paste it to the respective sub-level spreadsheet.
I can specify the "IF" part of the line item that would identify which sheet
to copy it to, but is it possible to have a "THEN copy and paste [these
cells]" to the other spreadsheets?
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Sep 22, 2012
I have been trying to get Excel (2007) to change the colour of tabs to match other tabs in the workbook
Using this code I get the colour code of the current tab
x = ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex
But when I use this value in a procedure like this:
ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = x
The tab is a different colour!
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Feb 5, 2010
I have 3 workbooks with multiple spreadsheets (tabs) in each workbook. I want to open a blank workbook and copy various sheet tabs from the other workbooks into my new workbook. I need to keep the formatting etc when these are copied over. There are text boxes in some of the existing workbooks and macro's.
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Jan 21, 2010
I have a workbook that pulls in data from other sources and contains 15 linked sheets. The data changes when different criteria is selected in the first sheet. The first 2 sheets are summary sheets and the tabs are named correctly.
I would like to be able to rename the remaining 13 tabs using labels found in the cells in the first sheet. These tabs should update or change when the first sheet is manually recalculated (F9).
I have used ActiveSheet.Name=Range("A1") but it doesn't apply in this case. Is there a macro that could run with something like Sheet1.Name=Range("A1"), Sheet2.Name=Range("A2"), Sheet3.Name=Range("A3"), etc.... or maybe something in each sheet that would change the name of the tab to a specific name off sheet 1 when the whole workbook is recalculated?
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Jan 4, 2012
Just wondering if there's a "codeless" way to print en entire workbook (i.e. all tabs) without moving from tab to tab and hitting print?
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Jan 12, 2012
I have to prepare files of over 100 tabs in each. I have a list of numbers on a spreadsheet that must be entered on each tab. Am I making myself clear because I tried to do it manually and it's no joke?
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Feb 19, 2013
Is there a way to Sort all the Tabs in a Workbook by the Tab name?
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Jan 10, 2014
I have a program that takes a templete, copies it, fills in some information and then renames the tab based on text in a cell on that sheet. The code loops so I end up with about ten tabs that are created from the Template.
I want to move these newly created tabs to a new Workbook.
is there a way (code) that will move all the tabs except ones delineated in the code - like the tab named "Template"?
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Mar 7, 2008
Is there any way to arrange the tab easily instead of move back and forth and drag? I have a work book with 50 tabs and if I like to arrange it, I have to move the cursor pointer zillions time and than find and drag the right tab at the right place. Is there any easir way? Like you do in power point?
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Oct 21, 2008
I made a workbook with several linking tabs and then moved the tabs to various folders. Why can I view the updated info on my cpu but others can not?
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Jan 11, 2008
I have a workbook with a list of names of up to 15 people in each of 5 rows. Each row then populates a row in a separate workbook with those names. Each person is identified by a number and each person then has their own worksheet in that workbook.
Is it possible in some way to auto-name the tab for each worksheet from the number in the name cell?
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Dec 31, 2008
I need to extract two coulms (AQ,AR) from a workbook with 31 tabs, I want colated the same colums from each one and copy into a new workbook. I have been searching for hours but have failed.
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Jan 18, 2012
I have created a Hlookup to read a workbook that has several tabs. How do I write the formula to read every tab. So if my tabs are labelled like this... FY 2012, FY 2012-2, FY 2012-3 - each spreadsheet is formatted the same, same number of rows and columns but I need the formula to look on every sheet and then bring back the information.
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Aug 11, 2013
how to insert multiple tabs in the workbook?
i try this
Option Explicit
Sub Add_Multiple_Tabs()
Dim Tabs As Variant
Dim I As Byte
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Jan 31, 2007
I have a workbook with 5 or more tabs. One of the tabs is a CONSOLIDATION of all the tabs put together. I have columns on the consolidation tab with the names of the individual tabs. To the left of these columns is a list of general ledger numbers with their respective names. For example:
East West NE South
6103256 –sales
6540000 -salary
I want a excel to look at the individual tabs, for this specific gl number and name and, if applicable, return a value. What formula would do this?
My columns are not showing up correctly. East,West etc are the columns. 6103256 - are the rows
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Oct 19, 2007
I have been recording different sets of commands then copying/pasteing them together to complete what I want. I have tried to clean it up as best I can but im sure it does things it does not need to. Is there a way to tell it to select all sheets in "Book2.xls" then remove the formatting (font color,comments,shading) rather than using the Array and naming each and every sheet?
What this will end up doing is openeing about 12 files, copying specific tabs from each of those files and pasteing them all to the same workbook (in this example it would be Book2). Then removing the formatting.
Workbooks.Open Filename:="F:123Book2.xls"
Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3")).Select
Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3")).Copy Before:=Workbooks("Book2.xls").Sheets(1)
Sheets(Array("Sheet1", "Sheet2", "Sheet3")).Select
Selection.Interior.ColorIndex = xlNone
Selection.Font.ColorIndex = 0
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Mar 18, 2009
I'm trying to see if the same numbers exists in two different spreasheets on the same workbook. Both "asset tags" columns are sorted ascending. If the number appears on both table I would like my formula to add a "Y" (for yes) on the proper cell. Not sure if I should use Vlookup, sumproduct or sumif formula. Here is the main table where I want that "Y" to appear in Column D .....
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Dec 28, 2006
I know this is probably an easy one, but can anyone help, I have a spreadsheet with aboout 8 worksheet tabs, for some reason they have disappeared I have emailed the spreadsheet to my work email and everything is fine, does anyone out there know what I have done. I have checked the tools options and view tab as informed and the sheet tabs are definately checked, also I have ensured that the tabs are not hidden.
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Jan 18, 2009
I have an Excel 2007 workbook that's been used for 5 months or so now. Recently, people I email it to say they can only see one worksheet in the workbook when they open it, and are unable to switch to any other worksheets in the workbook (they can't even see the tabs). They are in the "normal" view, and I have no idea what else could be wrong. Did I mess something up with the protection? Any other ideas to check?
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Jun 10, 2014
I have tabs within my workbook that are pulling from other tabs in the same workbook. There are 30-40 tabs, and only 10-15 are used at a time. Is there a way to hide tabs that are not being used? If I do a calculation in A1 and it's greater than 0, I'd like the tab that is pulling from A1 to be visible. If A1 is 0, then I'd like to hide it.
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Jul 28, 2014
I have about 30 Excel files, each with multiple tabs. Each file has a tab called "Invoice." I would like to create one workbook with all 30 Invoice tabs. As of not I am manually copying and pasting, which takes a while. There has to be an easier way, and I found this VB script to combine entire workbooks.
Is there any way I can run this and get just that Invoice tab and not all tabs on all files?
Sub GetSheets()
Path = "C:UsersdtDesktopdt kte"
Filename = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
Do While Filename <> ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & Filename, ReadOnly:=True
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Sheet.Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Next Sheet
Filename = Dir()
End Sub
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Oct 17, 2008
I hope I can explain what I am trying to accomplish properly. Many years ago (5+), I had this exact workbook setup, but am having a lot of difficulty remembering VB & Excel and making this again from scratch.
I am looking to create an Excel Workbook. The workbook will contain numerous tabs, each tab will essentially be a template, and contain basic formulas.
On tab 1(Sheet1), I would like to have a listbox. The individual items in the listbox, should have the same name of, and be linked to all tabs in the workbook.
There will also be three buttons.
Button1 - Generates the names in the listbox based on existing tabs within the workbook
Button2 - Opens a new workbook, and copies over the selected tabs (AKA - creates a working copy of the workbook)
Button3 - Clears the selection and resets the listbox.
The number of tabs, and contents of tabs, within the workbook will be changing. So the listbox should know to look for all tabs, be it 5, or 50.
The end result would allow someone, who knows nothing of Excel, to open this workbook, as a read-only file. Generate a list of available tabs, select the tabs they need, generate a new workbook containing these tabs, that they can then edit to suit their needs.
In my line of work (and I am sure everyones) there is a huge problem with consistancy. This leads to a snowball effect of problems carrying over, and being copied from one project to the next. As I mentioned earler, I once already had this workbook setup, and it solved all our consistancy problems. I am hoping to do the same.
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Dec 11, 2008
I use a workbook where new worksheet tabs are added and removed daily. Every day I use the second-to-last tab (2nd from the right) and the last tab (far right). What code would enable me to activate and reference both of these tabs individually? I believe it would be something like the code below but I can't figure it out...
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Apr 11, 2012
I have produced a table of contents using the following suggested code:- [URL] .....
Is there a way of getting the contents page to exclude the first three tabs of the work book.
At the moment my table of contents is including the cover sheet and table of contents.
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Apr 12, 2013
I have timesheets in work, where i created basic formulas to display times & worked hours etc. I also have named ranges on 4 of the sheet.
The sheets are named as the department (area 1, stock control etc.). All the sheets are identical in terms of layout, only the names of staff and hours worked are different.
When i created them, i tried to be pro-active and created flippin loads, through to October this year. Problem being i created a Summary sheet for each workbook, which in short takes all names from all areas and collates them on the last tab, puts Mon-Sun across the top, enters the hours into the relevant days, merges hours worked in different areas and also splits the hours worked over each day.
Everything is working flawlessly.
Except, the above evolution of the sheet was done after i mass created the timesheet, and as such i need to manually open each sheet, set the ranges and name them, add a summary sheet, add the macro, save and close.
Is it possible to create a macro on book1, that when i open however many other workbooks (the actual timesheets) the code would set and name the ranges for me?
The time sheets are all named according to the week -> 'W.C - 08.04.2013', 'W.C - 15.04.2013' etc.
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Apr 24, 2014
I need to create a formula using 2 different tabs within an excel workbook. I need to search column A on the first tab and column A on the second tab and if they match I need to compare column F on the first tab to column F on the second tab. (This column contains my staff names but the problem I am running into is on the first tab their names are listed first name last name and on the second tab they are listed last name, first name). If column A and F match I need to search column H on the first tab to column H on the second tab. If all columns match up to this point I need to take the data in column Q on the second tab and in put it into column K on the first tab. Is this even possible?
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Jul 16, 2014
I have a worksheet that contains about six different tabs. When this form is completed some users might want to have certain tabs copied into a different workbook. Unfortunately each user might want to copy different tabs. I was wondering if there was a Macro that I could write that would ask the users which tabs they want to copy into a new workbook.
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Apr 28, 2009
the maximum number of tabs/worksheets 1 workbook hold? I am using Excel 2003.
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Jan 25, 2014
I have a workbook with multiple tabs, each tab is representative of a person and their ongoing project list. What I am trying to do is to be able to pull rows from each tab identifying the persons active projects based on an assigned due date.
Details: Tabs for Tom/Susan/Phil/Jerry each person will be updating their own sheet with project completion details. Each tab has similar headers with a corresponding due date or completion date. On the master sheet I would like to pull those rows that correspond to the specific dates for all persons.
Example - give me all rows that reflect projects due on 1/21/2014.
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Nov 21, 2013
I have a workbook with multiple sheets. I would like to protect both the structure and window, but when I do this the sheet tabs are no longer visible when I reopen the workbook.
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