Combine Certain Tabs From Multiple Worksheets Into One Workbook
Jul 28, 2014
I have about 30 Excel files, each with multiple tabs. Each file has a tab called "Invoice." I would like to create one workbook with all 30 Invoice tabs. As of not I am manually copying and pasting, which takes a while. There has to be an easier way, and I found this VB script to combine entire workbooks.
Is there any way I can run this and get just that Invoice tab and not all tabs on all files?
Sub GetSheets()
Path = "C:UsersdtDesktopdt kte"
Filename = Dir(Path & "*.xls")
Do While Filename <> ""
Workbooks.Open Filename:=Path & Filename, ReadOnly:=True
For Each Sheet In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets
Sheet.Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(1)
Next Sheet
Filename = Dir()
End Sub
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Jun 14, 2014
I have groups of folders that I need to extract "Sheet2" from each workbook and assemble them into one workbook. Along the way I want to rename the sheets to the file name (-xls). I have assembled this code so far but it is broken
Sub CombineSheets()
Dim sPath As String
Dim sFname As String
Dim wBk As Workbook
Dim wSht As Variant
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Feb 5, 2010
I have 3 workbooks with multiple spreadsheets (tabs) in each workbook. I want to open a blank workbook and copy various sheet tabs from the other workbooks into my new workbook. I need to keep the formatting etc when these are copied over. There are text boxes in some of the existing workbooks and macro's.
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Apr 28, 2009
the maximum number of tabs/worksheets 1 workbook hold? I am using Excel 2003.
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Aug 14, 2006
I need to transfer a lot of data from many worksheets into one worksheet. The columns are all uniform, but the rows are not. I’d like some VBA code that would look at worksheet A(1) and copy the first entire row where column A is not blank and paste it to the first blank row in another worksheet titled “A(Combined)”. The code would then copy the second blank row in A(1) and paste it into the next blank row of “A(Combined)”. The code would continue until all rows with data in column A are transferred to “A(Combined)” and then proceed to worksheet A(2), etc. and do the same. See the attached workbook
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May 23, 2014
I have data in multiple worksheets and I want it all combined in 1 excel sheet. The 1st worksheet is named as A and all the data in column labled "date" as well as column labled "name" should be copied to master sheet. The range is not specific as vary every month. 2nd worksheet is named as B and all the data in column labled "date" as well as column labled "name" should be copied to master sheet. The range is not specific as vary every month. and there are some more worksheets like that. The start point of data will always be same but can end till any row. Can I get a code for collating all together in one sheet,
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Nov 13, 2006
I have 5 worksheets (all formatted the same) with data inputs from row 19 to 119 and columns A to BA. After row 119 I have several sums based on the data that is being entered on rows 19 to 119, I don't want this data being copied over. In most cases all rows from 19 to 119 will not be used, so I would only like to copy the rows that have data. To complicate matters, there are times when there will be blank rows within rows that have data. For example rows 19 to 25 will have data and 26 will be blank but rows 27 to 38 will have data. The blank rows are identified by column A (Job Number) being blank. This occurs because a job is dropped from the schedule and is no longer necessary.
In the end, I would like to have a button using VBA that will first clear the data in the new sheet (the sheet that is being populated with the information) and then re-populate it with updated data from the 5 worksheets.
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Dec 27, 2013
Code to merge worksheets from different workbooks stored in different location.
I have a sheet called "Master" in all the workbook I want to combine.
I have a unique password for all the workbook as well.
All the workbooks are stored in different folder location.
I would like to do a paste special values when the consolidation takes place.
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Sep 7, 2006
I'm trying to combine data from several worksheets (one sheet per workbook) into a single, consolidated master worksheet for reporting purposes (filters and pivot tables). We do not need to keep formulas for the master worksheet, only values and formats. Individual worksheets are used by different users to capture case data in a Human Services field. Column headings are identical, but rows contain data on individual cases. I'm trying to find a relatively easy way to combine multiple worksheets into a single master. After I establish the worksheets and technique, it will be operated by extremely basic users so I've been reluctant to use extensive macros.
Because of complex reporting needs, the exact combination of worksheets being combined for reporting may vary. For example, one time I may combine Tom, Dick and Harry, another time Tom, Dick and Bob, and yet another time Tom, Dick, Bob and Harry. Obviously, one method is to cut and paste the rows into a single worksheet. Are there more elegant solutions that could easily be handled by very basic users? Worksheets are stored in a single folder along with a separate worksheet used for validation rules (as you can guess, this would ideally be a database application but for various economic and political reasons we are using Excel). One possibility, if straightforward, is to use Access to consolidate data then export it back to Excel for analysis. I've scoured the various threads but have not found a situation mirroring mine. The number of rows for each worksheet is generally less than one hundred, but there will be a few exceeding several hundred. Total numer of rows of the resultant master worksheet will not exceed 10,000.
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Jun 28, 2014
I have multiple files in a folder.
The files are named:
....and so on; the number of files varies. I am trying to write a macro, to combine all *.xls files in one workbook having each file as a separate worksheet.
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Aug 13, 2009
I have four worksheets that all contain the same header row in row 1, but different data in the data rows. I would like to combine all the data from each of the 4 worksheets into a new (created by code) worksheet named "WS Combine". The worksheet named "Result I want 01" simulates exactly what I want the "WS Combine" worksheet to look like. Can this be done?
The header row, however, only needs to be brought over once (with all formatting intact; ie header pane frozen, yellow, centered & bold).
The Worksheet named "Result I want 02" simulates the second thing I would like to do. This worksheet basically looks at "Result I want 01" and copies ONLY the rows that are RED and BOLD and pastes these rows (along with the header row). This worksheet could be named "Red Totals"
A couple of nuances...
1. The rows that are RED and BOLD in the four original worksheets are not always in the same position. That's because they don't currently populate that way so I wanted to make this as real as possible. Therefore, ideally, code that says "just copy all data from four worksheets" would not be sufficient.
If it's not possible or too involved to have the worksheet named "Result I want 01" reorder the rows this way when copying them over, then having them in any order is fine.
2. I need to keep the font formatting of ALL the rows intact as future code will not work without this formatting retained on the two new worksheets.
3. It is possible that duplicate rows can be created (two worksheets have the same exact data) when combining these four worksheets into one. If this is the case, then either allow that to happen or simply delete the duplicate row, whichever is easier.
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Jan 30, 2014
I have one workbook with 6 worksheets, each sheet has a table with the same headings, different data, each sheet is named south, east,erie central south & west, how can i pull them all into one summary sheet? and have it constantly update? using the = and referencing each sheet won't work as they will grow and overlap each other?
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Feb 26, 2014
adapt the code write by TURBO at [URL]....
I'm trying to add more sheets to consolidate the data from different worksheets
What I want it to do is to consolidate each worksheet in every excel file into one workbook that will have the same worksheet structures as the child files
If every excel file has {Sheet1,Sheet2,Sheet3} structure The Master Consolidated workbook should have the same structure but with all the date copied from the child excel files.
Attache it's also an example
Test xls
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Feb 15, 2013
I wanted to see if it were possible to combine multiple worksheets into one new worksheet, but without duplicating columns with the same heading, enabling the data to fall into the correct column if it's shared in multiple worksheets, and adding columns if their unique. Furthermore, if there are a few "leading" columns, i.e. ones that are shared in every sheet and never move from where they are, to include those as the leading columns in the new sheet. I'm unable to post an attachment, but I'll try to paint a picture. This is on a much smaller scale than intended, but I want to combine Sheet 1 and Sheet 2 to form Sheet 3 (which I've manually copied to look how I would want it to look if the formula/code works properly). Columns A, B, and C are the "leading" columns I was referencing, whereas any of the following columns may or may not be shared in the various worksheets, but should still be included and combined if they're the same. There also might be a different number of columns depending on the sheet. I consider myself somewhat of an intermediate user, and I am familiar with using VBA codes for formulas should that be the proper remedy.
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Sep 20, 2009
I am trying to combine sorted data from 2 worksheets to a new work sheet to process further. I have one worksheet with order number, part number, order qty but with different delivery dates. On another worksheet, I have the order number too, part number, the qty delivered. The qty delivered is not always the same each delivery.
My aim is to find out how many are already delivered under a certain purchase order and the balance of undelivered parts.
I used pivot tables to sort out the data but I am stuck here not knowing how to extra the sorted data from the pivot tables to the 3rd worksheet. I will need to match the order number and the part number.
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Feb 22, 2014
I have a master workbook that has been set up to mirror the structure of a single worksheet in various other workbooks saved in different directory locations. I need some VBA code to retreive specific data from a specified worksheet in multiple workbooks which are saved in different directories and then copy the data to the master workbook, listing each data set one after another. I do not want to open any of the source workbooks to acheive this.
I attach two example workbooks to better explain:
The code has to look in various sub directories to find the relevant workbooks, (Source1) then find the specified worksheet, (Stock) and copy only rows that have data from column B to O. The data needs to be copied to the master workbook, (master) from all the source workbooks as a list with no space.
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Mar 16, 2008
I have about 20 workbooks with different file names for different projects all saved in the same folder. Each workbook has about 10 worksheets and each worksheet is named in a similar fashion in each of the 20 workbooks (eg. revenue, cost, variance etc.). I want to pull out a worksheet named ' forecast' from each workbook into a master workbook so that the master workbook would contain the 20 forecast worksheets.
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May 14, 2012
I have 2 nearly identical workbooks and I need to update historical data from the old workbook into the newer one.
My current Coding Snippets that I want to use look like the following:
Sub UpdateWorkbook()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim r1 As String
Dim r2 As String
Dim r3 As String
Dim r4 As String
Dim r5 As String
Dim r6 As String
Now, this code isn't working I suspect because the Copy and PasteSpecial Functions don't work the way I wish to.
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May 31, 2013
I have this master file with a list of workbook names in column A on a tab called, conveniently, List. I have saved the master file in the same folder as a number of workbooks where their names match the names on the List.
What I want to do is open the files on the List and copy and move the worksheets to a new workboook. The catch for this is the following (I will use an example):
1. I have 2 workbooks called DS-100 Medicine Admin and DS-101 Medicine Wards
2. I want to take the worksheets from DS-100 and add them in a new workbook
3. Then I want to take the worksheets from DS-101 and add them to the same workbook but AFTER the DS-100 worksheets that were added in step 2
4. Then save this workbook to a folder within the original folder where the files are saved
I have the below code thus far, which opens the DS-100 workbook and copies and moves the worksheets to a new workbook. It doesn't open the DS-101 workbook though. It also saves the new workbook in My Documents rather then the SavePath.
Sub CombineMedicine()
Dim Path As String 'string variable to hold path to look through
Dim FileName As String 'temporary file name variable
Dim Master As Workbook 'this workbook
Dim rng As Range
[Code] ...........
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Aug 11, 2013
how to insert multiple tabs in the workbook?
i try this
Option Explicit
Sub Add_Multiple_Tabs()
Dim Tabs As Variant
Dim I As Byte
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Feb 21, 2010
I am trying to combine ~300 workbooks into one single workbook. All 300 workbooks have the exact same header. I tried using the code from thread but nothing is being copied over. The only difference between my example and the other is I only need to take data from the first sheet in each data workbook. All the workbooks are located in following directory .....
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Apr 12, 2013
I have timesheets in work, where i created basic formulas to display times & worked hours etc. I also have named ranges on 4 of the sheet.
The sheets are named as the department (area 1, stock control etc.). All the sheets are identical in terms of layout, only the names of staff and hours worked are different.
When i created them, i tried to be pro-active and created flippin loads, through to October this year. Problem being i created a Summary sheet for each workbook, which in short takes all names from all areas and collates them on the last tab, puts Mon-Sun across the top, enters the hours into the relevant days, merges hours worked in different areas and also splits the hours worked over each day.
Everything is working flawlessly.
Except, the above evolution of the sheet was done after i mass created the timesheet, and as such i need to manually open each sheet, set the ranges and name them, add a summary sheet, add the macro, save and close.
Is it possible to create a macro on book1, that when i open however many other workbooks (the actual timesheets) the code would set and name the ranges for me?
The time sheets are all named according to the week -> 'W.C - 08.04.2013', 'W.C - 15.04.2013' etc.
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Jan 9, 2014
I have three workbooks. Every workbook has 50 persons IT information. Those are CPU list, Monitor list, UPS list. I would like to create another workbook. Where all user's IT information will be available. Like X user's information required, under x information his CPU, monitor and UPS information link will be available. How to create link of the CPU, UPS monitor sheets with new workbook?
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Apr 12, 2007
I've pieced together code from a number of solutions on the forum and figured out how to find the files I need to process, but can't seem to figure out the code to actually combine/append each worksheet into a single one. I've searched the "sea of options" on this forum and managed to do one thing well. Pardon all my notes embedded in the code below, but if I don't do it that way, I'll only confuse myself further (which is easily accomplished) ... or lose my notes!
I’m going to run this code from an add-in menu, which is already created and working (yeaah!) … so (I think) I need to have the code either create a file named "Master (Combined).xls" in the target folder ... or ... have a file already created in MYFOLDER and have this code delete all but the header row when the file is opened(???) The "Master (Combined).xls" workbook needs to consist of one worksheet named "Master". I want it to open the current workbook (.foundfiles(i)), select all the data, and append it to the master workbook on the "Master" worksheet (sheet 1). The Master Worksheet in the Master Workbook needs to start out as a blank sheet ... except for the header row. I can add code to put the headers in at the start, if necessary
Sub g_CombineMultWB_AllXLSFiles()
' This Will combine all XLS files located in the
' S:DMSMSPOMSMaster POMS NIIN DataMaster EMALL Data FilesEMALL Excel Folder
' into a single worksheet in a newly created (or previously existing) workbook
' S:DMSMSPOMSMaster POMS NIIN DataMaster EMALL Data FilesEMALL Excel Folder
Dim i As Integer
Dim wbResults As Workbook
Dim wbCodeBook As Workbook
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
' Application.CutCopyMode = False ' DO I HAVE THIS HERE FOR A REASON???
On Error Resume Next
Set wbCodeBook = ThisWorkbook
Const MYFOLDER = "S:DMSMSPOMSMaster POMS NIIN DataMaster EMALL Data FilesEMALL Excel Folder"
With Application.FileSearch
' Change path To suit.............................
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Feb 21, 2014
I have 2 workbooks. The workbooks have 36 tabs for each department. Workbook 1 are current charges for the departments and workbook 2 is the revenue for each department. I would like to take the top 2 rows from workbook 2 and add them to workbook 1 at the bottom of each tab. I was able to get it to work to a specific row but the workbook 1 has variable rows for each tab.
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Apr 9, 2014
I am trying to combine several workbooks containing data in multiple sheets into a master workbook. All the workbooks have the same number of worksheets. I would like to combine all data in Sheet1 into a new Sheet1, all data from Sheet2 into a new Sheet2, etc.
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Sep 22, 2012
I have been trying to get Excel (2007) to change the colour of tabs to match other tabs in the workbook
Using this code I get the colour code of the current tab
x = ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex
But when I use this value in a procedure like this:
ActiveSheet.Tab.ColorIndex = x
The tab is a different colour!
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Feb 18, 2008
I'm new to Macros and need your help. I've read online but can't find instructions on completing what I want.
I have a workbook with about 60 tabs that has various numbers of rows. I want a macro that will combine all the rows from each tab onto a new tab.
Is there an easy marco that i can do to acommplish this?
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Mar 26, 2009
I am trying to combine data from multiple worksheets and make a chart. I have about 200 keywords in every worksheet (about 50), and some of them repeat themselves through worksheets and some don't. For every keyword, I have an associated value in the next column that I want to portray over time (each worksheet is for a different period).
So what I need to figure out is how to be able to pick any 10 keywords from the worksheets and put them in a line chart where I can see the associated value for each period for every worksheet so I can compare my keywords' efficiency. The tricky part is that some worksheets do not contain the keyword and other worksheets contain the keyword in a different cell than the previous wsheet.
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Apr 23, 2012
I have faced a need to update several worksheets with the same format at once, like with copy paper, when i enter data in the first worksheet.
I have pre made worksheets that are identical by format.
There are probably many way to achieve what i want, but i need to find the easiest, less memory consuming method to do it.
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