Add Icon To Macro Button Using VBA

Jul 25, 2006

The following code is for a macro button I have setup, but it is in text only form. I want to add an icon to the text. Also, are there other icons to use than the lame ones from Microsoft?

Dim myButton As CommandBarButton
Set myButton = Application. CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls.Add
myButton.Caption = "Hours Entry"
myButton.Style = msoButtonCaption
myButton.BeginGroup = True
myButton.OnAction = "Show_"

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Button Icon Folder Location

Oct 10, 2007

I am running WinNT and need to find the folder containing the default icons available for use on buttons in the toolbar window. I can copy the image but it saves as a picture (device independent bitmap). I want to be able to send the icon to other people so they can put it in their directory and choose to select it.

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Insert An Icon Relative To The Button Location

Jul 30, 2009

I was wondering if i could get a hand with inserting a file. Is there a way to insert the file and have it placed a relative distance from the insert button without using cell references?

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Email Icon In Spreadsheet As Per Email Icon In Quick Access Toolbar

Aug 20, 2014

I need to send out an order form (spreadsheet) to 100's of people that need to complete the form and email back to me as an attachment. If I was completing the order form myself I would use the "email" icon that I have pinned to my Quick Access Toolbar (QAT). However, most of the recipients don't even know the Toolbar exists.

Is there a way I can insert an icon / hyperlink in the spreadsheet that does the same thing as the QAT icon. I can insert text to say "click here to email your order" (or similar).

I need to keep it in an excel format and an icon is so much better that asking them to save to their hard-drive and attach to an email, etc.

The QAT icon is exactly what is needed but I need to provide a spreadsheet that works for folk who haven't got the icon.

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Disable Macro Icon In Menu Bar

Mar 9, 2009

i have 2 macro icons.

i want to disable the icons after its clicked once.

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How To Use Camera Icon Tool Using Macro

Jul 9, 2012

How to use the Camera Icon Tool using a Macro?

I want to copy the First Row which is the Column heading of one Sheet to a different Sheet
Example : From Col A till Col G First Row is to be copied as an Image. Normally I do it using the Camera Icon, however when I tried recording a Macro for the same it did not work..

So how do I that if I provide the Start Column and End Column Alphabet as a Variable is that possible.. I want this Image to not remain Volatile which is the case using the Camera Tool..

So, how do i get the picture of only the first row or any row and store it is an Image in a different sheet as static picture so that even when the sheet is moved to a different location it does not make a difference to the Image.

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Assigning Macro To Each Button To Zip Files Dependent On Button Name?

Jan 28, 2014

Context: I have a spreadsheet that contains a list of employee names and their certifications. I want to be able to assign a button to each employee in column B with a macro that is able to zip files from a folder that contains that employees name.

The following code assigns buttons to each employee in column B. At the moment the code I have is able to assign the macro "Zip" to each button.

[Code] .....

Now, this Zip macro is able to zip the file for the employee "Anthony Tran". However I need it to be able to recognise which employee's button I've clicked and search the same files as above except with that employees name instead of "Anthony Tran".

If it makes things easier, the code for creating buttons for each employee is able to name that button as the employees name that it represents.

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Macro Works With Form Button But Not Command Button

Oct 5, 2006

This is probably really straight forward but cant see why it happens, the following macro works fine when called by a button created by the form toolbar but doesnt when called by a command button, get the runtime error 1004, "select method of range class failed"


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Macro To Button To Zip Files Dependent On Button Name

Jan 29, 2014

Context: I have a spreadsheet that contains a list of employee names and their certifications. I want to be able to assign a button to each employee in column B with a macro that is able to zip files from a folder that contains that employees name.

The following code assigns buttons to each employee in column B. At the moment the code I have is able to assign the macro "Zip" to each button.


[COLOR=#333333]Dim Btn As Button[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim rng As Range[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]For I = 2 To RowCount + 1[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]With Worksheets("Sheet1")[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Set rng = .Range("B" & I)[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Set Btn = .Buttons.Add(rng.Left, rng.Top, rng.Width, rng.Height)[/COLOR]


The following code is my Zip macro:


[COLOR=#333333]Sub Zip()[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim strDate As String, SavePath As String, sFName As String[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim oApp As Object, iCtr As Long, I As Integer[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim vArr, FileNameZip[/COLOR]
[COLOR=#333333]Dim FName() As Variant[/COLOR]


Now, this Zip macro is able to zip the file for the employee "Anthony Tran". However I need it to be able to recognise which employee's button I've clicked and search the same files as above except with that employees name instead of "Anthony Tran".

If it makes things easier, the code for creating buttons for each employee is able to name that button as the employees name that it represents.

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New Command Icon

Oct 15, 2008

I'm looking to have a doc where people time stamp their start and stop times. I have found that Control(apple) - Shift -semi colon works. The problem i'm having is that I want people to be able to use a command icon in their toolbars for this task as opposed to people have to use the keyboard. I can use a button with a macro but this is not possible as our excel corrupts when there are too many macro's

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Changing Icon

Oct 24, 2007

I'm using the bellow code which I think Igot from this site, to change the excell icon to my own, Only thing is that in the top left hand side of the workbook still says: "Microsoft Excel - My File Name". Does any of you fine people know how to get rid of the Microsoft Excel and show only "My File Name"?

Declare Function FindWindow Lib "user32" Alias "FindWindowA" (ByVal lpClassName As String, ByVal lpWindowName As String) As Long
Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal wMsg As Long, ByVal wParam As Integer, ByVal lParam As Long) As Long
Declare Function ExtractIcon Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ExtractIconA" (ByVal hInst As Long, ByVal lpszExeFileName As String, ByVal nIconIndex As Long) As Long

Const WM_SETICON = &H80

Sub setExcelIcon()
Dim lngXLHwnd As Long, lngIcon As Long, strIconPath As String

strIconPath = "My Path:MyIcon.ico"
lngXLHwnd = FindWindow("XLMAIN", Application.Caption)

lngIcon = ExtractIcon(0, strIconPath, 0)

SendMessage lngXLHwnd, WM_SETICON, False, lngIcon

End Sub

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Put An Icon In The Title Bar Of Workbook

Nov 19, 2008

Excel 2003. How can I put an icon in the title bar of an Excel Workbook? And can it be a .jpg or does it need to be a .icon. How can I put a title and NOT see " Microsoft Excel" in the title bar.

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Change Desktop Icon

Dec 4, 2008

I was wondering how I could change my desktop icon for one specific workbook to something other than the excel icon. I saw the below link (2nd tip) but that changes the icon for every file of a specific file type. I just want to change one specific file's icon on my desktop to something custom, like a clipart picture of my choosing. I also know that this can be done with shortcuts, but I need it to be changed on the original file. I tried using the IconChanger program, but the icon stayed with the file name so if I did a "save as" or emailed the file, it disappeared. I want it to stick with that file for good, or any file I duplicate from the original, and work on other computers as well.

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VBA Editor Menu And Icon Bar

Feb 21, 2013

Sometimes I inadvertently remove/hide the menu bar and Icon bar from the VBA Editor. Not sure what I've done and not sure how I get it back.

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Change Shortcut Icon

May 31, 2007

How can I change an excel document's icon so it's not obvious until you click on it that the file is an excel one? I don't want to do the create shortcut business.

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Macro Doesn't Work On Button, But Fine From Macro Menu!

Dec 15, 2008

I've recorded a macro that copies an entire tab into a new spreadsheet then goes on the copy and paste information from one tab to another.

When I run the macro from the Tools>Macros menu it works perfectly.
But when I copy the code and add it to that of a button it fails and posts the following error: Run-time error '1001': Select method of Range class failed.

The first attachement shows the code for the macro as it is alone, and the second shows how I simply copied and pasted it into the 'view code' window of the button.

Needless to say I'm a beginner at macros and only every record them, I can usually make stuff work that way but this has me stumped!

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Run Macro From Command Button In Userform - Display Msgbox At The End Of Macro

Apr 17, 2014

I have a userform with a command button which fires a macro.

everything works fine so far.

my problem is:

I would like to add a msgbox at the end of the macro which confirmes "successfully completed".

I cannnot simply add the msgbox at the end of the macro. don't know what I'm doing wrong.

(see below)

Private Sub CommandButtonOK_Click().
If Me.OptionButton1.Value = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PropertyWorksheet").Range("A1").Value = "Government Securities"
ElseIf Me.OptionButton2.Value = True Then
ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("PropertyWorksheet").Range("A1").Value = "Corporate Bonds"


Unload Me

Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
'run macro
MyMacro1 (adds, hides and deletes various sheets)


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Change Color Of Comment Icon

Apr 22, 2014

I want to know if we can change the color of the comment icon (when we add comment for a cell it gives a triangle form in red) can we change the color.

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Change Desktop Excel Icon

Dec 1, 2008

I was wondering how I could change my desktop icon for one specific workbook to something other than the excel icon. I saw the below link (2nd tip) but that changes the icon for any file of a specific file type.

I just want to change one specific file's icon on my desktop to something custom, like a clipart picture of my choosing. I've seen it done with certain companies changing the internet explorer shortcut icon linked to their webmail, changing it to their logo.


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Adding Icon Of Gain Or Loss

Dec 4, 2012

I have the data in

A1=30 and B1=40
A2=60 and B2=20

And I also 2 small Pictures ie picture1 and picture 2 which i insert in same excel sheet. I wanted to lookup C1 cell , if A1 is greater than B1 then Picture1 or vice versa.

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CF Icon Set Based On Text Not Values

Nov 17, 2013

I want to put in place a CF icon set of either a green tick or a red cross in cells A1:A20 but when I get to "Manage Rules option box" It is only showing me that I can use "values". Is there a formula that i can use to make it choose the icon set based on text of either "y" or "n" in cells A1:A20 .

I have tried to just change the font to "wingdings2" but other need to use the worksheet and they wont know to use the corresponding text of "O" & "P" .

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Userform In Taskbar With Custom Icon?

Apr 15, 2012

I was wondering if this code is supposed to make the icon on the taskbar change to the custom icon as well?

If not, what would need to be added or changed to make it so?

It changes the Userform Icon without issue and adds the userform to the taskbar, but it is not updating the icon on the taskbar.

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Lost Relative Reference Icon

Aug 11, 2006

I went to record a macro but I can't seem to get the relative reference button anywhere. I am using Excel 97 - does anyone know why this might be or how I can get it back?

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User Programable Icon On Toolbar

Mar 24, 2009

I have an application macro which displays a Userform which lists and lets me select/load my favorite XL WBs. It also lets me add and/or delete favorites.

At present, I have to activate it with a Ctrl+Key combination.

Is there anyway I can assign it to an icon on the toolbar.

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Managed To Change The Icon On The Title Bar

Nov 28, 2006

I have managed to change the icon on the title bar but is it possible to change the "MICROSOFT EXCEL" wording next to the icon on the title bar

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ActiveX Comboboxes Change To Icon

Jun 20, 2007

I have one sheet with about 100 activex controls (and another few 100 on the other sheets in the file), most combobox, but some checkbox as well. There are 30 of them lined up, one in each row. One at a time, one control will basically change to an icon only. If you select it in design mode, the name shows in the range name area of the toolbar, but when you select properties you get the properties for the sheet. Effectively I have an icon with nothing linked to it anymore.

For a while, it seemed to be somewhat random. But for the last few days, it is now cascading down. First combobox #6, then #7, etc. I'm now on #11 or so. Seems to happen when you save then reopen the file, not if you just keep working in the file without closing it.

The macros behind the boxes are still there and run once I recreate the missing box (normally with an Alt-D, and editing the properties; but I've also created from scratch from the toolbar, and used alt-C, alt-V) they work fine. I've run a compile, with no change. Any thoughts on finding the root cause? I thought it might be from blowing up a macro, but I've tried it without even editing a macro and it has the issue.

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Add Icon To Custom Toolbar Menu

Mar 4, 2008

how to manage a custom faceid. Though, I am not too sure as to how to assign an actual icon to a custom toolbar. I can try the pasteface method; though as the source file is a .png; the picture might be too small.

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Create Macro Button And Assigning Macro Code

Aug 10, 2014

Refer to attached file.

I have below code which successfully create a macro button and assign the macro correctly.

This is only doing for one sheet and i need to modify the code so that it does for all sheets of the workbook.

[Code] ....

Test Macro_Botton.xlsm‎

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Creating A Macro, That Creates A New Button, Which Itself Runs A Macro..

Dec 15, 2009

I have a long complicated macro that processes a ton of data and gives the output in a new sheet. I then want to create new buttons (or some sort of user clickable triggers) on this new sheet that runs another macro.

I have got the actual adding of buttons in the sheet working, but I can't find a way to automatically assign macros to newly generated buttons during runtime. Is this even possible (or are there any clever tricks I could use to get around this?)

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Conditional Formatting - Icon Sets According To Value % Does Not Execute?

May 9, 2014

I'm trying to insert a simple conditional formatting rule - icon sets according to rule percentages I've selected (Green > 90%; Yellow < 90% but > 80%; < 80% red). The conditional formatting does not work once i select okay. For example. The data set shows 95% as red, 83% as red, it's just not working for me. I've tried opening a new workbook, new worksheet and nothing seems to work. I've been able to do insert this rule based on "number" setting but unsuccessful with percentages.

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