Adding Formula To Macro Based On Moving Cell?
Jan 14, 2013
I am having difficulty expressing a formula so that if a cell is greater than zero, it adds the value of that cell to a String figure. I have got as far as the following, the 'problem' area is in red.
Sub Share_Sales3()
Dim Prompt As String
Dim Caption As String
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Jan 27, 2014
I was given a spread sheet with a number of payments on it, I was asked to take the "four" potential payments and only show one total payment. There are 2900 lines in my file and as you can see from the example the scenario repeats it self with the "four" payments all the way to the bottom. I would like to be able to add H2 to H5, total that number in J2 and delete row 3,4 and 5. This then has to be continued all the way down to line 2878 where I could then run a macro I have to delete blank rows cleaning my spreadsheet up. I would take a looping or user controlled macro (ctrl +) so I don't have to do this manually.
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Jun 16, 2008
Will excel allow text to be permanently be positioned in a specific cell even if rows or columns are added?
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Apr 9, 2009
Basically a cell might have a number with 3 decimal places
For Example 90.554, and i will format the cell two 2 decimal places. But when i use those cells which are formated to 2 decimal places in a formula it produces results based of all the decimal places in that cell.
Is there a way for the formula to only calculate the results based off of what is shown in the cell? . This is messing up our accounting area by alot of dollars since we sell many items.
I included an example of what i mean in this excel file which should clear up any confusion.
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Apr 17, 2008
The loop is putting the correct formula into the cell - but THEN... - I wish to (within the loop and before it moves on) check if the value is equal to OR greater than 1 - if it is, make it a value of 1 (this '1' is then used at the bottom of the column of data to give a total). I need to do this before it moves onto the next cell. What am I doing wrong? Is it because once it puts formula in the cell, it then moves down - do I need to select the cell again first? As I had originally posted on this site - link: url][/url]
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Nov 30, 2012
I would like to make a macro that will move rows from one worksheet to another worksheet.
I have an excel spreadsheet with multiple columns and rows, within one of the columns there is some text that refers to SOS or County, I need to move everything that has SOS to another worksheet title UCC SOS and everything that has county to be moved to another worksheet title UCC County. Here is a sampling of the worksheet
Primary Borrower
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Apr 23, 2007
What I need to do is have the macro move down a cell each time the data is pasted -
Sub saleschartnew()
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 3
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 2
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 1
Sheets("Monthly Sales Chart").Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Operation:=xlNone, SkipBlanks _
:=False, Transpose:=False
Sheets("Entry form").Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False...............
I did search and found this: activesheet.cells(row,Col).offset(0,1).value = " Properties"
However, my knowledge of VBA is basically zero so I am not sure how this would be implemented into the macro.
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Jul 22, 2009
I have a row C1 - AN1 that has percentages in, these are named per month, ie C1 = Jan, C2 = feb etc.
In another cell M88 I take the average of the next 9 months so that in feb I need from Feb - Oct, in Mar in need Mar - Nov etc, can I get this to change automatically on the 1st of ervery month?
At the moment I have to do this manually but I have a lot of sheets that this is for.
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May 14, 2008
I have an IF formula on one worksheet that refers to another worksheet (ex: =IF(Page1!$A13="";"";Page1!$A13). The problem is when I move data from one cell to another the formula becomes #REF. (ex: =IF(Page1!#REF="";"";Page1!#REF)).
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Feb 14, 2012
I use this macro to open a hyperlink in "column B" of the next row. However, it only works if I begin the macro from "column N" on the line above. (the hyperlink is always located in column B)
I want to be able to run this macro from any cell on the line above. How to modify it?
Sub Open_Hyperlink()
' Open_Hyperlink Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+o
HTML Code:
1ActiveURLWhatDateFirst NameLast NameOtherOther2Other3Street1CityStateZip
2XLinkData112/21/2011BobSmithData2Data3Data4123 MainMooresvilleNC28117
3XLinkData112/22/2011LarryJonesData2bData3Data4456 MainMooresvilleNC28117
4XLinkData112/23/2011MaryAkinData2Data3Data4789 MainMooresvilleNC28117
An example would be to run it while Cell "I2", "J2", or "K2" is selected and have it open "B3"
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Sep 14, 2006
how to run a macro from an IF function, if the function is true macro 1 runs if the function is false macro 2 runs.
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Jan 10, 2007
Im trying to autimatically insert a RTD formula in a cell but it is failing trowing the error 1004 : 'runtime 1004: application-defined or object-defined error'
Here is the ....
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Jan 28, 2014
I need to build a macro which copies 3 rows every day and pastes the row data into an identical sheet. The three rows will have column "D" as =today(). As the days progress the three rows will change accordingly ( tag to the today's date)
e.g. 28/1/2014
I need the macro to recognize the date when pressed and copy the corresponding rows of data and paste them into an identical sheet with the same date. The second sheet is an archive sheet. The date will tick over as per the calendar.
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Mar 31, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with data populated down column B. This size will vary from day to day so is there a macro I can run that will populate Column C with a formula based on their being data in the adjacent cell.
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Apr 28, 2014
I have values in a number of cells. Next to them, if there was a value, regardless of what the value is, except blank or zero, i would like the cell to turn blue and if possible have a 1 in the cell.
I've used the conditional formatting, however, among the options, 'less than' is the closest to to getting the color right. The issue is that if the cell has nothing in it, it still colors the corresponding cell blue; because it is not less than the already blank cell. If it is blank, I don't want it to color the cell.
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Apr 2, 2014
I am looking for a formula in D7
In col E I have a range of numbers
In Col AA I have yes or no
I would like to add all of the col E amounts from line 18-72 where the answer in AA of the same line is no or blank
18 2.00 Yes
19 3.00 Yes
20 5.00 No
21 7.00
D7 = 12.00
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Apr 2, 2014
I've managed to get coding that allows me to insert single rows dynamically based on a cell value. Example is if I enter a value in cell C3 the coding inserts the same number of rows below.
I've also created a simple macro that inserts a multiple row block under the active cell, complete with formatting, text and some merged cells. Example is I run the macro and it will insert a block of 3 rows, complete with formatting, borders, text and merged cells.
My challenge is to bring these two elements together. So enter a number in a single cell which will then insert the same number of row blocks, complete with formatting etc. I've added a file to sample what it is I'm trying to achieve. I can add the coding I already have as well.
Dynamic list sample.xlsx
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Dec 11, 2009
I have an excel 2008 sheet and want to add cells in an odd way. Here is the best way I can describe it.
I want a formula to add cells based off a number value in another cell.
So it would be something like
IF M3= 1 add C5 to SUM ; If not then go to next step
IF M3= 2 add F5 to SUM ; If not then go to next step
IF M3= 3 add I5 to SUM ; If not then go to next step
IF N3= 1 add C5 to SUM ; If not then go to next step
IF N3= 2 add F5 to SUM ; If not then go to next step
IF N3= 3 add I5 to SUM ; If not then go to next step....................
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Aug 4, 2006
I would like one column (column A) to be an "indentifier" column. Column B is the customer name, column C is the customer city and state, column D is the customer phone number, and column E is the customer email.
By calling column A an "identifier" column, what I mean is that I would like to be able to go down the list and put an "x" next to each customer I would like to include in that particular workbook. I would then like to be able to run a macro which would take each of the customers with an "x" in the column A, create a copy of the template comfirmation call sheet, and fill in the identifying information from columns B through E into the copied template. Each worksheet would also need to be renamed the same as the customer name. It would need to perform this same procedure for each row that has an "x," making sure that all worksheets (confirmation call sheets) are grouped into one new workbook.
Sheet 1 is called "main"
Sheet 1 contains 5 columns
A = Blank
B = Customer Name
C = Customer City and State
D = Customer Phone
E = Customer email
Sheet 2 is called "template"
"x"'s are placed into "main" sheet, column A to identify which customer will be affected by macro...................
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Jan 6, 2009
I have a list of numbers in column A (i.e.: 1234)and I need them to show up in column B in with an "*" asterisk on each side on the number (i.e.: *1234*). So I was using "=a1" in cell B1, is there away to add the asterisk to the formula as text?
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Mar 31, 2013
I want to do a basic formula for a poker account to work out my P/L.
I have two sheets. The first sheet will record my P/L and the second sheet records deposits and withdrawals.
When I input a figure into Sheet 1, Cell A1, I want it to then be able to add to this figure the total that is in Sheet 2, Cell A1. Is this possible? This way the figure that I input into Sheet1, Cell A1 will give me the profit/loss after taking into account any deposits/withdrawals.
ie If in Sheet2, Cell A1 I have a deposit of -500. When I type into Sheet1, Cell A1, a figure of 800, it will then change to 300. It will add 800 less 500 = 300.
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Mar 10, 2009
I've built (but not completed) a spreadsheet used to organize multiple Bill of Material lists. This list is a row-by row list of products with information relating to a specific part number including: Mfg, Part#, Qty Used, Cost Ea, Vendor, among many more.
Here's what I'm trying to accomplish first. As this list grows, my intension is the be able to recall a row of data (or control what columns of the row are recalled) from this list and be able to easily add them to the list. I would like to be able to do this by typing in data in one cell in the row (like the Part#), and then have a macro or VB code that will automatically fill in a defined number of columns with the descriptive data like: Mfg, Cost Ea, Vendor, etc.
Currently, the data for the rows (if it already exists) would reside higher up in the list on the same worksheet but could also potentially be on another tab in the workbook.
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May 30, 2007
Been trying to work this one out and have ended up banging my head against the wall.
Basically I have a spreadsheet, in the first column is the person's name, in the secon which team they are in and following this a cell for each day of the month with their availability.
The team name is a selection from a list, the availability is 1-6 (different levels of availability)
I'm trying to do subtotals at the bottom for each separate team, so the very last row each of the cells for each is added up:
Name Team 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th 7th etc.
Mr X ___1st___1______2__1
Mr Y ___2nd_______2________5__5__5
Mr Z ___1st___1____________3__3__3
Total 1st: 2 2 1 3 3 3
Total 2nd: 2 5 5 5
So basically the formula in the last row goes along the lines of:
Add each cell in the column IF the team name = 1st
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Jan 9, 2012
Using Excel from Office 2007, and WinXP Pro OS
I have a spreadsheet which contains 2 drop down pick lists in Field1 and Field2.
In Cell A2, I have this set in Data > Data Validation:
Allow: List
Source: =CatList
If the user selects a value from the CatList range, then the drop-down options in Field2 are updated accordingly.
In Cell B2, I have this set in Data > Data Validation:
Allow: List
Source: =INDIRECT(A2)
The Ranges are as follows:
Cat1 | Cat2 | Cat3
Cheese | Hat | Square
Trees | Cat | Circle
Bees | Sat | Triangle
Knees | Mat | Rectangle
Apologies | Bat | Octagon
I'd really like to be able to add a message into FIELD3, which is based on the value in Cat2
e.g. using pseudocode, something like:
If Field2 value = "Apologies" then put this message in Field3: "This requires approval from A"
elseif Field2 value = "Triangle" then put this message in Field3: "This requires approval from XYZ"
elseif Feidl2 value = "Bat" then put this message in Field3: "This does not require approval"
Basically this is for an access form, and I need to be able to add a feedback message to field3 based on what's in Field2.
I thought about using the INDIRECT option to add messages but I can't see how I'd do it. Maybe VB would do it, but I don't know it well enough.
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Jun 24, 2012
I'm currently doing a new worksheet for work
Cell's A1: Commission Per Sale Cell B1 Running total of commission
I would like the running total to continuously incorporate all of the above commissions and this has to be in the column next to the new sales commission.
Commission $5 $7 $9
Running Total $5 $12 $21
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Feb 14, 2013
Im trying to develop a formula that sequentially numbers in column a depending on if there is a value in column B
We have documents at work that have alot of text with random spacing between that needs a sequential reference number so would like the formula to be able to look at the value in column b and if its not blank add a number . I would like this number to be the previous cell above + 1
the formula ive started looks something like =if(B10""), ???????,""
can not get excel to reference cell the last cell above with data.
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Dec 9, 2008
I had a working macro before i added an extra row for another entry (No. of Hours spent). The entire data collection calculates the total price of a project (called PSR) in another cell underneath. The macro is suppose to move the entire data into another sheet to keep a history (in Sheet2). I've attached the file containing the workbook.
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Apr 24, 2012
I'm trying to make a macro in Excel 2003 to create x amount of named worksheets that are a copy of a different worksheet.
1. I have a main worksheet that will have a number manually entered into a cell (lets say A1);
2. I have a 'template' worksheet;
3. I'll assign the macro to a button on the main worksheet
If I enter '10' into cell A1 of the main worksheet, I'd like to click the button and have Excel create 10 copies of the template worksheet. These new worksheets should all share the same name with a number after them (ex: banana 1, banana 2..... banana 10).
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May 31, 2013
I'm using Excel 2007. I would prefer to stay away from the scripting side of the house if possible. This is basically a 3 day forcast weather chart. The top is the actual weather data, the bottom portion is a color coded reflection of how the weather affects various things.
This product is created in excel, but will be embedded into a powerpoint. It will be updated daily. Here is what I would like. I want the color chart at the bottom to update automatically based on the data I enter above. I have a grasp that I can update the color through conditional formatting, although im not exactly sure what that will look like with all of those cells.
I also figured out that I can insert the letters in those lower cells with something similar to " =IF(C6>90, "T", "") " which would put in a 'T' for Temperature when the temperature got above a certain degree.
I run into a problem when I have multiple factors affecting a single cell. For instance on the example in day 2 of my image. Personnel are affected by Temperate AND UV Index. How would I set up that cell to pull that information from both of those cells and display it accordingly? I would prefer the letters to stay separated by the comma, but I could live without that. The default cell color will be green, with the potential to be yellow or red. I left a few examples of possible situations on day 2 and 3.
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Nov 20, 2008
I have data as follows:
id | name
0 | axe
1 | sword
3 | pencil
4 | fist
5 | hammer
7 | gun
9 | rifle
Is it possible to move the rows to the row# shown in the ID?
- e.g. pencil gets moved from row#2 to row#3
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