After Unhiding Array Of Sheets How To Automatically Take User To Lead Sheet
Jun 27, 2013
I have the below VBA code associated with a sheet called "Select View". When the workbook opens there is another code that displays only "Select View", all the other sheets are hidden. In "Select View" there is a data validation list. Based on the selection the user gets to see only certain sheets. For example, if the user selects "Region 1" they see only the sheets "Region 1", "Panama City" and "Pensacola".
As you can see some of the names in the "Target.Value" are the same as sheets in an array. The ones that do are lead schedules, that is information from other sheets in an array roll into it. That is values from "Pensacola" and "Panama City" flow into "Region 1", the lead sheet.
What I am trying to do is finish the code where based on the "Target.Value" selected it automatically takes the user to the lead sheet. For example, when the user selects "Region 1" in the data validation it takes the user directly to the sheet "Region 1". The user of course can also see the other sheets in the array, that is "Pensacola" and "Panama City" and can manually select the tab to view or go into one of the later
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim sh As Worksheet
If Not Application.Intersect(Range("B10"), Target) Is Nothing Then
For Each sh In Sheets(Array("Panama City", "Pensacola", "Region 1"))
sh.Visible = Target.Value = "Region 1"
Next sh
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Sep 27, 2011
I have 25 sheets in the workbook and a combobox on the main page, The combobox references a range of 1-25 that represents the 25 hidden pages. right now i can get the sheets to unhide one at a time based on the selection e.g. combobox option 1 will unhide sheet 1 but the sheet are representing sites in a design so i need to have the option to select multiple sites in the combobox option so for example if i select 5 then sheets 1-5 should unhide. I hope I've explained that clearly.
The other question or option would be to just duplicate sheet 1 based on the combobox selection e.g. selection 5 duplicates sheet 1 5 times.
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Sep 11, 2013
I have a question on how to organize cells from lead sheets that I load inside excel, when it loads it shows as is:
Name, Last, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone #
I need it to be organized so when I print they read:
City, State
Instead Of them All together in a landscape view.
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Jun 19, 2013
I have a database that has been created in Excel.
It has columns such as Permit #, Permit Date, Project Name, Contact Name.
I have to call on each of these projects, and I am trying to create a Lead Sheet that will make it much easier as opposed to having to go to the database, and handwrite the information into a lead sheet.
Such as there being one lead sheet per project. That way, I can just use the lead sheets as opposed to using the excel database.
I've seen it done with excel and word used together where each heading (permit #, permit date, etc.) was copied into a lead sheet essentially doing all of the writing for me automatically.
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Feb 24, 2009
My database has what I call the 'cover page'. On the sheet is a command button that will take the user to the next page. Basically what I want to do is upon opening the workbook, the user is taken to the cover page, and all the rest of the sheets remain hidden until they click a command button to 'enter' the workbook. P.S. I have some sheets that need to remain hidden though...
Of course the other way is just to have a userform that opens when the book is opened to do the same thing. Where would I put the code for the userform, in ThisWorkbook or a separate module?
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Apr 27, 2012
I would like to be able to hide the tab i am in and unhide another tab at the click of the button,
I have tried recording the macro myself and it works up to a point,
I want it to finish on the tab i have just unhidden but for some reason it doesn't seem to do that (even though that's the way i recorded it)
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Jul 20, 2009
Regarding the age old problem of trying to ensure macros are enabled in a workbook, using the process of hiding all sheets bar one:
Automatically Close Workbook If Macros Are Disabled
Reafid inserts some excellent code so that worksheets are hidden BOTH before closing AND on a normal Save event (I have also attached Reafid's zip file with the workbook that includes his/her code).
Having done much searching it seems to be the best solution out there, however I can still break it fairly easily and I'm worndering if anybody can stop me doing the following to break it:
Open the file in its restricted state (i.e. only Warning tab shown, all other sheets very hidden) and NOT enabling macros on opening. I'm therefore at the position Reafid intended; macros are disabled so all sheets are very hidden. Then to break it, in my personal macro workbook I have a simple macro that unhides all worksheets in ThisWorkbook, I run that personal macro and everything in Reafid's file is unhidden.
Reafid's file therefore has been opened with macros DISABLED and now all worksheets are visible.
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Nov 20, 2008
I'm trying to create a dynamic array so that when a user enters the first sheet name via an input box, excel will know to select the other sheets with ending (2), (3), (4) etc.
Currently this code works only if there are 4 sheets present (as I set this way), anything lower/higher is out of range.
How do I make it so that it will select sheets if there are less than 4 sheets present?
I tried nesting, but I pretty sure this array needs redimming or something. Is ubound a better option?
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May 5, 2006
I have groups of data in A5:AW200 with various blank rows in between, and would like to be able to automatically hide and unhide (toggle) the blank rows, but only for those rows where cells in column A are blank.
I'd also like to hide those same groups of blank rows on Sheets 2-5, which are laid out exactly the same as Sheet 1, but since they contain cell references to and are mirrors of Sheet 1, certain rows on those sheets may appear blank, but in fact are not. (I should probably have separate buttons on each sheet, but not sure). I know Sheet 1 can be used to test for conditions (blanks rows) and translate the results to Sheets 2-5, but I'm not sure how to do it.
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Jan 13, 2009
I created a user defined function and using Application.Volatile to update sheet automatically.
But this slowing down my sheet execution alot.
When i remove that it doesnt take much time but no automatic update.
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Jan 4, 2013
I am trying to find code that will allow me to hide a set number of rows based on the value of a specific cell which I need to work for two worksheets in the same workbook. Is that even possible?
For example: when i enter 5 into cell D1, I need five rows to be visible on both sheets.
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Jan 29, 2014
I am looking for a solution, where is able to take certain cell info from the same template (used on different sheets) and record that in a single row on a summary sheet. E.g.
On each sheet, we have a customer name, contract number, quantity ,sales foreign value, sales local value, charge description, charge rate. These sheets are per customer.
1. I would like to create a record sheet and by using VBA macros, record the information off each sheet
2. Each time a new sheet is create the record sheet is automatically updated with the new information
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Nov 30, 2007
I have recently used the following code to name a sheet from a cell within that sheet:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target = Range("D1") Then ActiveSheet.Name = Target
End Sub
What do I need to add to this bit of code to allow me to name the sheet from another sheet's cell i.e Sheet1 gets named from say Sheet2 Cell A2
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Feb 3, 2010
How can I make this macro easier (smaller)? The same action is performed on an array of sheets (not all sheets).
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Aug 24, 2013
I currently have an excel work book with multiple sheets per year. What I want to happen is that whenever I input data in one of the Year sheets, it will automatically go to the Master sheet.
See attached file for sample
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May 16, 2014
So, I'm setting up an accounting book. There's a master sheet that needs to pull from the other sheets that are made. The problem is, with each new sheet that is made, I have to update the formulas on the master. I would like that if I made a new sheet, the master would automatically pull from it.
Master pulls renter fee info from May 3rd, May 7th
I create sheet (May 15th)
Master pulls renter info from May 3rd, May 7th, May 15th
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Oct 2, 2008
I have a class module with several private variables, including one that is an array of a user-defined type. I am trying to set the values of a single element of this array with "Property Let ..." from a string array:
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Jun 16, 2006
find attached zip file . if you open the file then you can understand the problem.
I need to change cells color and text color as per user choice in Password protected sheet : (user is useing excl2000)
Kindly open attahced file i putted the note inside the file.
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Aug 3, 2009
I'm pasting data from an external source into Excel. The data is in hh:mm:ss format. However, when the source data has zero hours it only displays minutes and seconds preceded by a colon. For example, 5 cells of data in a column might look like this:
I need to run simple calculations on these times, but the cells without an hours value paste into Excel as text format. What are some ways to add a zero before the colon in Excel?
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Jul 15, 2014
excel formula to keep leading 0's in a cell. ex: "0069" to 0069, "000123" to 000123 and so on.. Attached file for the same.
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Nov 23, 2012
In C3 i have a number (1 for this example)
I want this number to dictate that the cells in row 8 return the number up and 1 (c3) over.
What formula could I use to do this?
Excel 2010
[Code] ...........
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Jun 11, 2013
I am trying to make an "Occurrence Selector" for our documents, because we want to import some data from HTML files we recieve and fill in a CSV Template. The problem is, the HTML files we receive contains a lot of information, and about half of the information is usefull for us. Therefor we want to select some occurrences and not all of them.
All i want is the user to input the occurrence number in the inputbox, and then the macro simply search for "Occurrence #(firstinput)",does its job, then "Occurrence #(secondinput)",does its job again, and so on until all of the required occurences have been transplanted into the CSV file.
This is what i currently have
Dim jobtodo As Variant
Set jobtodo = Application.InputBox(Prompt:="Type in each occurences that need to be inserted in the upcomming CSV file. Please seperate them all with a COMMA (,) between them.", Title:="Occurence Selector", Default:="1,2,3,4,...", Left:=150, Top:=150, Type:=64)
MsgBox (jobtodo)
Type is 64 because i want an Array, (i guess?)
When i input anything, i get an error message stating my formula has an error.
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Jun 19, 2013
I have a form created using the instructions here [URL] ..... however I only have two boxes that I need completing. What I need to do is combine both inputs from the form into one cell. The code below shows this working but I am unable to get the array to work.
Essentially I need to get the array to drop in the old number and new number into the new cell so it looks something like this:
Old Number - 1234
New Number - 6543
Value in cell 1234 6543
The code I am using is set out below:
Private Sub submitmeterswap_Click()
Dim iRow As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim myarray As Variant
Set ws = Worksheets("x")
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Oct 1, 2009
I have a function in VBA of the type. Function MyFunc(Indx As Integer, k As Long, Rho As Range, A As Range) As Variant .... End Function
which is called as a user-defined function from within the Excel worksheet. When called with the last two arguments being a range (i.e. Result = MyFunc(1,98,A1:A2, B1:B2)) it works fine. However, when I try to directly use an array constant instead of a range (i.e. Result = MyFunc(1,98,{10,11}, {20,30}), it returns a #VALUE error.
I thought I could fix it by redefining the last two arguments as arrays of type double, but this didn't work either (i.e. Function MyFunc(Indx As Integer, k As Long, Rho() As Double, A() As Double) As Variant .... End Function ).
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Feb 22, 2007
This is what i want to do: SEE ATTACHEMENT
•Write codes to pop up an InputBox to ask the user for a customer name.
•The program uses the user’s input to check whether the name is on the list. If it is, display an msgbox saying that the customer name is on the list, and the corresponding cell will be indicated in boldface and in blue. Otherwise, an msgbox will be displayed saying that the customer name is not on the list.
Dim the customer list as an array (string var. type) and Dim Found as Boolean. You will need the If-Then construction and For-Next or Do-While/Until loop too). Create a button to run and another to restore the formatting to its original style.
This is what i did so far and still having problems with it:
Option Explicit
Sub customers()
Dim Arr()
Dim R As Integer
Dim C As Integer
Dim ReturnColumn As Boolean
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Jun 18, 2007
I have dates & times in column A1:A20. In B1:B20 I have the corresponding temperatures for each date. I have set up the following dynamic ranges to refer to these ranges.
DateRange refers to A1:A20
TempRange refers to B1:B20
I have also made a user defined function that will determine if a date/time is between two times. Eg., If 21/05/06 07:30 is between "07:00" and "17:00". This function isn't concerned with the date, just if the time falls between the start and end times.
Function BetweenTimes(dDate As String, dStartTime As String, dEndTime As String) As Boolean
dDate = CDate(dDate)
dStartTime = CDate(dStartTime)
dEndTime = CDate(dEndTime)
BetweenTimes = False
'If the end time is before the start time, see if date/time falls between start and end..........
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Nov 20, 2009
is there any way a macro can be automatically run when a user clicks unto a cell?
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Jun 2, 2008
how do i create a sheetsarray to include all sheets between First and Last? I plan to loop through each sheet in this array to copy data to a summary page, as per [url]
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Feb 22, 2013
I am trying to find a value in an array based on partial input from a user.
The user will enter the last four digits of a number.
Then the formula should find the number in a list and return that complete number
I will explain using example.
Here is the list of numbers (array):
User input= 3233
formula output = 3003283233
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Nov 13, 2008
We have one shared excel workbook and it is used by many people (more than 20 simultaneously), is there any way to auto save & close the workbook (session) if a user is inactive for specified time.
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