Keeping Lead Zeros In Excel Cells?

Jul 15, 2014

excel formula to keep leading 0's in a cell. ex: "0069" to 0069, "000123" to 000123 and so on.. Attached file for the same.

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Adding Lead Zeros To Time

Aug 3, 2009

I'm pasting data from an external source into Excel. The data is in hh:mm:ss format. However, when the source data has zero hours it only displays minutes and seconds preceded by a colon. For example, 5 cells of data in a column might look like this:


I need to run simple calculations on these times, but the cells without an hours value paste into Excel as text format. What are some ways to add a zero before the colon in Excel?

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Keeping Ending Zeros In Cells Formatted For Text Or General?

Nov 14, 2012

Is it possible to keep ending zeros in cells that are formatted for Text or General?

I have a column with numbers like the following: 264400

I need to format this number for three decimals so it will look like the following: 264.400

I need the column to be formatted for either Text or General. Currency breaks a system.

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Excel 2010 :: Lead Time Dictates How Many Cells Over

Nov 23, 2012

In C3 i have a number (1 for this example)

I want this number to dictate that the cells in row 8 return the number up and 1 (c3) over.

What formula could I use to do this?

Excel 2010

[Code] ...........

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Organizing Cells From Lead Sheets

Sep 11, 2013

I have a question on how to organize cells from lead sheets that I load inside excel, when it loads it shows as is:

Name, Last, Address, City, State, Zip, Phone #

I need it to be organized so when I print they read:

City, State

Instead Of them All together in a landscape view.

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Excel 2003 :: Average Only If All Cells Contain Number Higher Than Zeros

May 29, 2013

I am trying to do the following.


Thursday=0 (I have got a value return of 7.5)
Saturday=0 (I have got a value return of 5)
Sunday=0 (I have got a value return of 5)

I need to work out averages for cells higher than zeros, in other words, I need to ignore those.

Also say I have got an average of 5 by Tuesday and no number yet for the rest of the week, I still get an average of 5 for all days left which I do not want.

I am using excel 2003 and formula =SUM(RANGE)/COUNTIF(RANGE,">=0").

I would also like to hide the annoying #DIV/0! error.

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Excel 2010 :: Switching Sheets While Keeping Cell The Same

Feb 12, 2014

I am using microsoft excel 2010. I currently have workbooks for various things with 46 worksheets in each one (each worksheet is a store). I usually go into the worksheets daily and dump numbers into each sheet. I was wondering if there was a way to switch worksheets but keep the cell the same when i switch to a different sheet to make it much easier to dump the numbers in.

For example: Say in worksheet1 i am in cell A34 to dump in a number. When i switch to worksheet2 i want to be in the same cell to dump the next number for the next store and so on and so forth for the next 44 sheets.

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Unmerging Cells - Keeping Content

Dec 5, 2013

I have two columns, the left of which consists of merged cells. I got the document in this format, but to work with it, I need to unmerge the cells in the left column - simple enough.

However, when I do so, only the top cell in the group contains any actual data. What I get is this:




And I would like it to look this way:




Is there a simple way to get this result automatically when unmerging the cells? And if not, what is the fastest solution to avoid tons of manual copying?

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Keeping Links Between Cells From Changing

Jan 31, 2013

In spreadsheet 1 I have a bunch of data, no formulas or anything, but data I need. I created spreadsheet 2 to take parts of S1 and have set links to cells in S1 so that when the data there is changed S2 gets updated automatically for me.

My problem is that when I add or delete rows or columns to S1 it's messing up my links in S2, not showing the right data. Issue with my linking that will tie the cells together when rows or columns are added or deleted.

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Excel 2013 :: Filter Pivot Table Keeping The Row Total

Jun 5, 2014

I have a pivot table like the one below.

What I would like to do is filter the drill down keeping the total of the products (in bold) and showing just one of the name (just ENTA for Example).

Basically I would like to add a filter that Hide some of the data keeping the row total.

I'm Using Excel 2013.

Sell out 4 weeks
Stock Units
Avg 4 weeks
Wks of stock



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Excel 2010 :: Keeping Manually Entered Table Data Associated With Correct Row?

Jan 14, 2014

I have a table created in Excel 2010 by a SQL query. the query pulls 3 columns of data - Resource Name, Contract Company, Labor Category. I then add a column called "KEY". KEY is derived using VLOOKUP. VLOOKUP is matching the Contract Company from the table created with SQL to a table called "Rate Key" in another worksheet in the spreadsheet based on the matching the Contract Company. That all works fine. If the table changes due to changes in data coming from the SQL db, the column I've added using VLOOKUP recalculates correctly. Then I add 2 more columns. One is called RATE - which is a number that I manually type in. The last column is called RCode and is calculated by the RATE times the KEY. Whenever I refresh the SQL query, all of the the calculated rows work fine; however, the data in the RATE column that I manually enter does not move - it stays with the row regardless of whether or not the name changes when the new SQL data comes over. How do I get the values manually entered in the RATE column to move with the correct row when the rows change?

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Excel 2013 :: Convert Xlsx Files Into CSV Keeping Foreign Characters?

Mar 26, 2014

I need to convert some xlsx files into CSV, but they contain the following foreign languages -


When saving these files as CSV many of the unique characters get changed to a ?

I have tried a few things like using Open Office and saving it as a text CSV and then adjusting the formatting to unicode 8 but it hasn't worked. i am using Excel 2013?

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Keeping Cells Locked And Protected When Copying And Pasting?

Jun 19, 2006

So i have sheet 1 with some cells locked and protected (but open to copying) as a template and sheet two will be where people paste one or more of the template formula on an ongoing basis. How do i mantain the locked and protected cells after they have been pasted? I have unlocked sheet two pasted the first template and had to choose protect cells after pasting, and further pasting of locked cells are not protected.

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Keeping Cells Waiting For New Data To Not Be Read As Zero Or Be Ranked

Aug 7, 2013

I am trying to rank a series of data. I have most of this figured out. However, the data that is being ranked is based on a sum of a range of cells. I have lines that are waiting for new information to be put in related to the values to be ranked and the value is reference a sum of blank cells currently since there is no data there and it is showing up as zero and therefore being ranked number 1 in my list. I basically want the ranking to rank the values 1-11 while putting all values that are zero to be put at the bottom of the ranking. Any way to do this without macros. I have been using the VLOOKUP and RANK functions for my ranking purposes.

I have tried using an if statement that made the cells #N/A if they were zero, however they remained at the top of my ranking.

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Ignore Blank Cells Zeros And Error Cells From MIN Function?

Oct 24, 2013

I have a spreadsheet for which I have to set up a formula to get the minimum value from a range of cells, but that range can include blank cells, errors (#DIV/0) and zeros, all of which I want to be ignored. I can work out how to ignore EITHER the zeros


or the error cells


How to exclude both. If I try to combine both of these exclusion criteria it doesn't work and I end up with the answer #DIV/0, which is one of the values I want it to ignore.

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Transferring Database To Lead Sheet?

Jun 19, 2013

I have a database that has been created in Excel.

It has columns such as Permit #, Permit Date, Project Name, Contact Name.

I have to call on each of these projects, and I am trying to create a Lead Sheet that will make it much easier as opposed to having to go to the database, and handwrite the information into a lead sheet.

Such as there being one lead sheet per project. That way, I can just use the lead sheets as opposed to using the excel database.

I've seen it done with excel and word used together where each heading (permit #, permit date, etc.) was copied into a lead sheet essentially doing all of the writing for me automatically.

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Clear Cells That Have Numeric Data. Keeping Text And Formulas?

Apr 14, 2009

I have a series of worksheets that are formatted for data imported from various scripts.

What I want to do is parse through each worksheet and cell, when the cell has numeric data, I want to clear the cell.

I do not want to clear the cells on the following conditions:
Cell has Text
Cell has Formula
Cell has date, month or time

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Suppress Zeros In A Pivot Table (search Out Any Zeros And Replace With A Blank Cell)

Oct 12, 2009

with the data in the attached sheet, I create several different pivot tables that need show the count of the information in the columns M:DU. My issue is that the data is sent to me from a third party and the columns contain zeros that cause the counts to inflate.

What I would like to be able to do is run a macro that will search out any zeros in M:DU and replace them with a blank cell.

Unfortunately the number of rows increases with every monthly reporting cycle so the macro would need to be able to accommodate for that.

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Keeping Cells With Formula And Conditional Formatting Blank Until Data Entered?

Feb 22, 2013

I have a spreadsheet filled with formulas that depend on a value being entered into A2, A3, A4, etc... So column A starting at A2 is where I will manually input a number and the formulas I have in columns B, C, and D will import information from another sheet based off what is put in column A. In column D the formula I have to import data

is =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(A2,Master!C:M,11,0),"").

This will import another number. Additionally in column D, I have conditional formatting that will return a red, yellow or green light based off the rule I have in place. Everything works fine, the only problem is that column D has a green light all the way down even without a value being placed in column A. I would like to find out a way to keep the cells in column D blank until a value is entered in column A. Also, if I go back and delete the value in column A, I would like the corresponding cell in column D to go back to blank as well.

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Keeping Line Breaks From Inside Cells When Exporting Data To Outlook

Jun 26, 2014

I'm trying to generate an email out of my spreadsheet and use cell values to populate the email.

The issue I'm having is once of the cells (D17) has multiple lines in it, created by using Alt + Enter; and this formatting doesn't appear in the html body of the email.

[Code] .....

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Reference Cells Keeping Columns The Same But Change Row Number Based On User Input

Dec 10, 2012



With that said, I want to put the row number of a user in (I have a few thousand on this spreadsheet, and all the = data be automatically pulled based on the row number I put in cell B1. So I'm hoping to write in cell B1 the following - "143" (without the quotes), and the remaining cells in column B automatically pull that data based on that, so it would look like the following

Row #
=C143&" , "&D143&" "&E143


How do I write the functions to keep the columns the same, but change the row number based on the number I input?

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After Unhiding Array Of Sheets How To Automatically Take User To Lead Sheet

Jun 27, 2013

I have the below VBA code associated with a sheet called "Select View". When the workbook opens there is another code that displays only "Select View", all the other sheets are hidden. In "Select View" there is a data validation list. Based on the selection the user gets to see only certain sheets. For example, if the user selects "Region 1" they see only the sheets "Region 1", "Panama City" and "Pensacola".

As you can see some of the names in the "Target.Value" are the same as sheets in an array. The ones that do are lead schedules, that is information from other sheets in an array roll into it. That is values from "Pensacola" and "Panama City" flow into "Region 1", the lead sheet.

What I am trying to do is finish the code where based on the "Target.Value" selected it automatically takes the user to the lead sheet. For example, when the user selects "Region 1" in the data validation it takes the user directly to the sheet "Region 1". The user of course can also see the other sheets in the array, that is "Pensacola" and "Panama City" and can manually select the tab to view or go into one of the later

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim sh As Worksheet
If Not Application.Intersect(Range("B10"), Target) Is Nothing Then
For Each sh In Sheets(Array("Panama City", "Pensacola", "Region 1"))
sh.Visible = Target.Value = "Region 1"
Next sh


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Calculating Lead Time Between Two Dates / Times - Excluding Holidays And Weekend

Apr 18, 2013

Calculating Lead time (in hours) between two dates/times, excluding holidays and weekend

Start Time
End Time
Lead Time

12/26/2012 15:50
1/2/2013 12:38:00

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Imaginary Zeros In Formulas Vs. Real Zeros

Nov 7, 2009

I’ve created a formula for this statistic and I’m happy with the results. Because I’m working with formulas, my only problem is the unwanted zeros. How do I hide zeros that show up automatically (i.e. #3 [blank] and Nov 09-June 10)? I can hide the numbers, but if I enter a zero to one of my future statistics it will not appear and I don’t want that to happen. Is there a way to hide those automatic zeros without affecting my real zeros?

Vendor’s Name

Jul 09

Aug 09

Sep 09

Oct 09

Nov 09

Dec 09

Jan 10

Feb 10

Mar 10

Apr 10

May 10

June 10











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Average Of Cells With Zeros

Aug 8, 2007

I want to take an average of only non-zero numbers in a range of cells containing a few zeros. I know there is a function to do this, but I haven't been able to find it. With the normal average() function, the denominator is too large as cells with 0 are included.

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Hide Zeros In Cells

Nov 28, 2007

I am basically making a sheet that counts attendance, everytime an X is placed in a particular cell another cell counts that x. So if there are 25 x’s in one row, another cell will automatically add those x’s to show 25. That isn’t my problem. My Problem is the cell that contains the countif formula that adds the x’s are all 0 if there is no data for it to add. I want to make it blank because right now I have a whole bunch of 0’s going down one column and can’t figure how to get rid of it.
Right now I am using: =COUNTIF(C20:X20,"x"). I normally would take the time to research and look through your forums however I do not have the time at the moment and was hoping for a fast answer.

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CSV Data Has Leading Zeros - How To Open In Excel To Preserve Them

Jan 29, 2013

I will be receiving a regular .csv file with data I need to manipulate in Excel. There will be a column of data, some of which has leading zeros. These are critical text data - in Excel it's easy enough to format a cell as text - but when I OPEN a new CSV, it assumes numbers and doesn't save them. When I change the format to text, it does not re-populate that column correctly - I'm going to have to catch it on the "open in Excel" command .

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Excel 2007 :: How To Remove Leading Zeros Of Number

May 6, 2011

I have a lot of record that contain number like shown below:


I want to remove all 0 in front of this number in excel.. I use excel 2007..

I already try using formula

=IF( LEFT(A1) = "0" , RIGHT(A1, LEN(A1)-5), A1)

but it only remove 5 character in front what about the number that have 6 '0'......

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Calculating Ratios With Zeros In Some Cells?

Jun 30, 2014

I am calculating ratios to show as 1:0 or 3:2 etc using this formula: =IFERROR(CONCATENATE((K2/GCD(K2,N2)),":",((N2/GCD(K2,N2)))),"Nil")... I have a lot of columns that have zeros in them and the formula i am using doesn't seem to work for those...


3 6 should equal: 1:2 works OK
2 0 should equal: 2:0 my current result: 1:0
3 0 should equal: 3:0 my current result: 1:0
0 1 should equal: 0:1 works OK
0 0 should equal: Nil works OK
4 1 should equal: 4:1 works OK

Anything with a zero in the first column comes up as 1:0

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Leave Cells Blank Without Zeros

Sep 19, 2009

i have a mock up football issue here i want to enter scores in sheet 1 and they automatically fill sheet 2 etc i know i can just =and copy sheet 1 A5 and so so but that leaves zeros which will start allmy formulas with 1 point i need a formula that will leave sheet 2 3 etc blank untill any score is entered

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